Almost Famous OG: The Original Pilot with Jake Pavelka

Published Oct 24, 2024, 10:00 PM

Our Bachelor Nation OGs Bob Guiney and Trista Sutter are hanging out with season 14 Bachelor Jake Pavelka! 

We hear all about his journey from flying the friendly skies to becoming an entrepreneur, and of course we get an update on his dating life!

Jake shares it all with our OGs and we find out if his new love interests have ever watched him on The Bachelor!

This is the almost famous podcast with iHeartRadio. Hi Jake, Hi Bob.

It's Turtha and Bob from the almost Famous OG podcast, and we decided to extend our episode with Jake. We kept him around for a little longer after our Dancing with the Stars chat, and now we're going to get into what Jake is doing these days and a little more about about him and not really Dancing with the Stars focus.

So thanks for sticking around.

Yeah, thanks Jake, Thank you for having me.

Of course, Now, last time America was checking in with you, right, this is right after your Bachelor season of course, and then of course the Dancing of the Stars time frame. You were a pilot, right and you were flying it was south last Southwest?

Why do I think? But I thought it was Delta who were No?

Actually so so I was flying at the time with a with a regional airline that was wholly owned by Delta, so we kind of inclue Delta Colors, but it was a subsidiary of Delta.

That's what I thought. Okay, So, yeah, you were flying for Delta.

I mean that was your career, right, you were in your career path already as actually yeah, and then you just shifted gears. Tell us about it.

You know, Bob, honestly, I have not talked about this with anybody. Uh, you know what I what I've been doing, and so you know, as a as a kid, I've always been I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit, love love business.

You know.

It's so I was flying, flying with the airline, and you know, one day, I just I was thinking about what Sully Sullenberger, you know, did you know miracle on the Hudson when he landed that airbus in the water, and the scrutiny that he was under. You know, I was just thinking about that going you know what, this this doesn't pay enough money, you know, for the amount of risk, because he could have very easily gone to jail for what he did answer to Congress. That's scary. Yeah, And I'm just you know, hey, look, I don't think what you're paying me is worth the amount of risk that I'm taking moving people around the country at five hundred miles an hour, you know, at thirty five thousand feet. So see, yeah, I was out, wow, And so you know, I was looking for something to do, and I always you know, I bought, ran, sold, bankrupt you name it a bunch of small little businesses, you know. But I was looking for something that the average person didn't want to do. And there are a couple of industries. Like most people don't want to work on toilets and be a plumber industry. I can tell you most people don't want to want to climb on a roof in the summertime and work on HVAC systems. They just don't want to do it. They would rather work on creating games or building soft for something like that. That sounds sexy. Well, I to tell you this stuff from a millionaire is to go open up an HVAC company. If you want to be a millionaire, quickly, go open up an HVAC company.

I just read an article about that the other day.

They said that new that's the new thing that people are going into and they're able to scale it really quickly.

They are. I don't know anything about HVAC systems. You have to be licensed. So what I did here in Dallas is I started looking at the waist tauling industry and it is nothing. It is what it sounds like. I bought a truck in twenty seventeen. I crewed it and I started started selling waste contracts in what they call open market areas. So if you're just outside of the city, you know, like your cable, your phone and everything, you have to contract with the third party because the city's not providing it. And so I started selling subscription trash contracts and it started working. I quickly realized that the solid waste industry, is the garbage industry, was fifteen twenty years behind on technology. So I started looking for technologies that I could inject and bolt onto my business to make it more efficient. And so I raised a bunch of private equity money, uh several several million dollars, and we launched here in Dallas and twenty seventeen. And we scaled that company for six years, and in January of this year, a publicly traded company came in and bought us. It was just an incredible journey.

That's awesome.

So I've been a garbage man for six years.

That's amazing.


You know, it's so funny whenever I think of like waste management and this is such a disservice I'm sure to that entire industry, but I think of the sopranos, right, like I'm always like, oh, yeah, yeah, you know that's.

Yeah, I've been on your door.

Yeah exactly.

But you know, good for you, man, Good for you to like like just sort of completely reboot and start your whole life over after I mean an incredible first chapter, right. I mean a lot of people grow up wanting to be a pilot and that would be and you did that and then you know, television success and all that other good stuff, and then you just were like, you know what, I'm gonna scrap this and start fresh. I think that's pretty remarkable.

I need to walk the garbage truck and throw trash.

Yeah, amazing. So are you still involved since you sold the company?

I helped out for about the first six months, but you know, we set up a really good company where you know, it transitioned into a much larger companies platform. So organically, my deal was, I would, you know, I'd remain available for a year whatever they needed, you know, solidifying contracts, going out and selling for them. And they just said, you know, you've you're you're leaving your company in great hands, all of your you know, we had about one hundred employees. They all got jobs. Let me tell you one of the coolest things that I've ever gotten to do in my entire life. When we sold the company, probably tear up talking about this because it was so meaningful to me. We sold the company. The buyer came in very rapidly, uh, you know, wanting to make a deal. When they made the offer, I didn't think they were going to close, you know, I thought, this is more zero than I've ever seen in my life. And we had about one hundred employees and we were able to share that profit with everybody from the top, very meaningful thank you bonuses on the very last day and getting to hand people those checks and everything was that was the coolest thing. The people that helped me, they're they're smarter, Yeah, you know, I mean, it was just such an incredible way to say I can't tell you how much I appreciate. Let me show you I loved that you.

Paid it forward, buddy, That's the dream.

Right calls. You know they've they've they're they're still working for the buyer, or you know, they've they've moved on to other companies around the United States that are doing the same thing. And I get text messages all the time, Hey, when are we starting up again?

That's so cool.

I feel like that would be I've always thought about, you know, you play that game. If I win the lottery, what would I do with the money? And gosh, I would love to do that. That was actually a really cool part of Bachelorette for me and the wedding is being able. I know they made it like dramatic on the show, but being able to just kind of give that to like fly all my friends and family over to this island for the Bachelor Bachelorette party and then over to Palm Springs and like take over an entire resort. Like it's just so much fun to share that with the people that you know, you've worked hard with and that you love.

So good for.

You, true, thank you, That is true, trist I mean, I think that's that's one of the nicest things that I mean, Jake, I love that you said that because I think about my experience. Obviously it wasn't you know, I didn't have the wedding and all that like you did, Trista. But I think about all my friends that I brought along for the ride with me, and how much fun that was for all of us to share in those moments and to be able to look back on well and the friendships. You know, that's one thing that I think people don't realize.

They hear about, you.

Know, everyone going on the show the Bachelor and the Bachelrett and all that, and they think, oh, these people, you know, it becomes this incestuous community or whatever it actually becomes. You really do make some genuine friendships out of it. I mean, Tristan and I've been friends for over twenty years. It's crazy, yeah, you know.

And and Jake, I mean, man, you and.

I've been buddies for a very long time too, you know, since since your season of the Bachelor. So you know, a lot of those friendships you would never have had without having gone through this experience, and to pay it forward to others like you did with your business is pretty amazing too.

I mean, that's just one of those things.

Where it's it's always about the people you come in contact with, right, and how you can spread that love.

Yeah, I couldn't have said that better myself. I'll tell you what I appreciate about both of you is, you know, it's it's probably been three years since I've talked to you, Trus It's been longer than that with you, Bob, and every time I talk to you, it's just like there's no times past. You know. I really appreciate uh timeless relationships.

Yeah, same me too.

Yeah, you don't need to have a bunch of explanations. It's just let's hog it. Let's get back at it. You know what are we doing this time?

Right? Okay, now we're going to get to the good stuff. Are you dating?

No, I am not dating. I'm not dating. There's a good reason.

For it, because you're married, not married, engaged, not yet.

What are you doing?

Her name is? Her name is Amy?


We met on bumble Oh my god in January and I was I was actually actually flew an airplane from Dallas to UH to Santa Barbara, and I turned my bumble on because I was talking to somebody else in Dallas and we matched in like the fifteen minutes that I turned it on when I was in California and I'm not looking for a long distance relationship, you know. Yeah, said something kind of kind of fun like, well you couldn't handle it anyway. So I was like, oh, this is probably the girl. I mean, nice, beautiful, so wonderful.

How old are what's the age difference. Are you guys at the same age.

Six years apart? Okay, yeah, very close?

Are you younger? Are you? Are you cougar? Is she a cougar?

I'm forty six, she's forty.

Okay, okay, the cougar.

So I can say it.

Right, you can say you're kog. You know, I like it.

That's awesome.

Good for you, buddy, Yeah, really good stuff.

Did she watch the show?

She did not?

She did that.

I swear everyone who meets somebody afterwards, I feel like they didn't watch the show.

I feel like, right, isn't.

That jan didn't watch Danya didn't watch the show either, so you know she's watched it.

But she was you know, she was a This is a little embarrassing, Jesus.

She was you know, she was in preschool, so why would she have watched the show. She was a senior in high school for the record, so I mean she was still in diapers. I mean, yeah, she watched it, but she doesn't retain that. You know, God say, people.

So good.

It's actually kind of fun, probably for her because I know Kenyon actually finds it to be a lot of fun, Like we'll be out and people will you know, recognize me from the show or whatever. And she's always like, like, my kids now, and you know, trust has heard.

This a bunch.

But my son go, oh, daddy, is that your girlfriend about my mom?

About his mom? And I'll go, I'll go, yeah, buddy, it is.

And he'll go, Daddy used to have lots of girl friends when he was the Bachelor, and he'll say it to like anyone, you know, just like, oh, buddy, you know, so.

That is you, buddy, I've seen eighteen years later, people still come up and they're you know, they still recognize us from the show.

That is oh believing that's something actually. So this morning I took Blakesley to.

A physical therapy appointment and the lady who was checking us in, she was like, okay, what's your name, and you know, I told her my name and then she's like, oh, that.

Seems to be a very well known name.

And she's like, you know, like she's in a medical facility, so she probably is like I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm going to anyway, and Blake, you know, blake Sley's with me, my daughter, and we walk away and.

She's like, you know, has every has anyone ever been mean or not nice when they like say hello or recognize you or whatever. And I'm like, no, I feel like everyone is just so nice and friendly, and you know they you know, they say all that stuff online or whatever, but not.

My face in the chat room, the chat room, they're complete jerks.


No, no, no, most of my people are are great, and they're so supportive and so loving and so sweet.

But you know, they're all those people.

But the people that I meet on in person, I'm sure it's the same with you guys. Everyone is so kind and friendly and.

Just just sweet.

That's I love that too, that I've been able to connect with so many people, you know, over the years.

Yeah, I think it's what you put out, you know, it's what it's what you get, the vibe you've given off. Just thankfully, I think I got edited well enough too that it's always been my experience, you know as well.

Everyone's always been super nice. And I'm sure for you too.

Jake, Yeah, one hundred percent. You know, So it happened more or it does? Uh uh, you know. Since selling the Since selling the company, I went back to work. Uh so, I fly for a big legacy airline that kind of looks like the American flag without naming any names. When I'm walking through the airport, I get recognized when I'm in my uniform. Yeah, yeah, they know as pilot Jake with with Pete Weber pilot Pete. Yeah. Oh yeah, great guy.

You fly with him right now?

No, he flies for my competitor.

How funny.

That's funny as long as I don't The airlines don't like us to say the name, but I think I can say he flies for United, understand. Yeah, he flies seven eighty seven for United, the great guy.

Yeah, that's awesome. That's awesome.

Hey, Jay, I got a question for you when you were out, you know, out selling subscriptions for your company, Like you would you roll up to a door and they'd be like, why is the bachelor here selling me a garbage pickup?

You know that's a good question. So the way that I was able to leverage this and Chris, this is the best advice you and I talked about it the other day. The best advice Chris Harrison gave me. He said, Hey, after the show, things change for quite some time, you know, dega and don't quit your day job. Let this enhance what you're already doing. Yeah, when I hear of somebody going on the show and they change their profession to go into entertainment, you know, it's just like, oh yeah, every time, Yeah do that. Anyway, although I.

Did a little bit of that. I mean I was a physical therapist. But it was hard for me because you know, I asked for a second leave of absence to go shoot Bachelorette, and when my boss didn't give it to me, I moved out to California. And then after the show, I was like, I don't know that I can actually pass that exam again because it's been you know, a couple years or a year or whatever, and I would have had to take my licensure exam again and I don't know if I would have passed it. So I was like, I love the energy like I had never been around. I had been around you know, the professional sports stuff and you know, dancing that way, but the energy of production and just all of the producers, the crew, the cameraman, the audio people like I felt I loved that energy and that's why I kind of changed gears and went towards like hosting and everything. But then when I met Ryan, I was like, Okay, bye, everybody, I'm just going to focus on my relationship.

Yeah. Well, yeah, to that end, I did a ton of hosting. I mean, I still do.

Yeah, But I was fortunate, like what you said, Trista, I didn't have to choose one or the other. Like I wasn't put in that spot. So I was able to kind of keep my big gig in finance and insurance and things like that because the company supported me, you know, and I but I also did my best not to make it a conflict.

You know what I mean.

Like I would when I was offered something, I go to my people I was working with and be like, Okay, if I take this period of time off to do this, are you cool with that?

They'd be like, of course, you know.

They didn't want it to get in the way because they knew it would probably be helpful.

For what I did as well. So I mean, you know, from that perspective, I mean, but Jake, you went right back to flying right.

I did, Yeah, because you know, a huge passion of mine. I'm gonna I'm gonna answer your first question. So where I really leveraged the power of being on the show is when we started approaching cities for city contracts, and then I would stand in address council, you know, mayor, and and then and then and then the entire council. Somebody typically would say, hey, I know now I know where I know you've.

Yeah, yeah, how did that guy from that thing?

Yes, yeah, that's that's that's honestly, where it really helped was when I was addressing cities, and then there was kind of that familiarity. They're like, well, we kind of already know you. I'm like, yeah, you do. You should give me your trash con track. Looking to your point, you know, the dynamics of the show have changed so dramatically with you know, the all the shift in streaming platforms. Like when you were on the show, I think Mike Fleiss told me you had maybe thirty two million watching your shows.

One million million.

Yeah, you know. I was on a couple of years later and they were even you know, there were even more more options.

You know.

Now I think that the show they're lucky if they get three to five million.

Yeah right, yeah, tons more engagement online and stuff than we ever had, right because we didn't.

Even have to have it.

Yeah, totally. I just you're right, it's it's shifted completely.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, familiar to you know, thirty one million people you know, watched your finale and did that journey with you. So being able to transition into a host role was probably very comfortable for you know, America to to to accepts like, hey, we we love Trista, we love you, Bob, you know, we want to see more of you. And so it was really easy for platforms to go, okay, this makes sense.

Yeah, yeah, for sure, Yeah it was. It was easy, and it was a nice transition too. Like Trista said, is such a fun energy and such a fun and viron that why wouldn't you when given the opportunity, I would say, you know, absolutely take it, you know, because it's so much fun and what a great learning experience. And I mean, Jake, you did some acting too. I mean you did a couple of soaps. I remember you did some stuff.

That's right, Holden the Beautiful arm.

I played a pilot.

I had to be a stretch. I had to be a stretch for you. You're like this character.

I don't know how to do this.

It pays more to play a pilot than to be a pilot.

Yeah, yeah, that's probably. I know, that's got to be true.

Yeah, I wish they would hire Ryan to be a firefighter on a soap because there you go.

Yeah, you could definitely do it, man, you can definitely do it.

I cannot believe this many years I've not I've not bumped into you and Ryan.

You haven't met Ryan ever.

Such a great guy.


You would love him, Jake, you would absolutely love him.

That's crazy. Yeah, he's good, peeps, he is, right.

Yeah, we just moved to Denver like last year at the start of the school year, from Vale. We lived in Vail for twenty years, but Brian has been working for Denver Fire for I think four years now, and he was commuting for three years two hours, which is.

Like, you know a lot.

So yeah, we did that, and then, you know, for a variate of other reasons, we made the move.

But still love it. Love our colorad a life, that's for sure.

Got you so beautiful, so beautiful.

Where are You're still in Dallas?

You're still in Dallas?



Yeah, yeah, I'm actually in a skyscraper in Dallas right now.

Very nice. I know, with a blurred out background, I couldn't tell.

Yeah, is this a bachelor pad, and you're going to be maybe moving or I don't know, finding a place with a certain somebody soon.

Amy is here in Dallas, Dallas with me.


Actually, so when I sold my company, a great friend of mine who's who's built a nice little five million dollar company called me and said, hey, I want would you come in and do the same thing you did with Rhino Removal your company?


So we explored, you know, the relationship for a while, and then I came in as his interim chief operating officer and then eventually took the role. And so we're we're setting this business called the Destination Channel and they sell travel content to typically airs on CBS, but it's it's a show called Staycation and then another platform that's more business to business called Destination How fun. Yeah, we're just getting the company ready for scale and raising money and that's awesome.

If you need any hosts, you know, you've got to right here.

We're here for you, Bud.

We're here for you, and we're a really knockout one two punch too, So you throw us in there in tand and we can deliver.

I think that is actually a great idea that's a great idea.

So all three of us on there, Buddy.

Go on to Pluto and type in staycation and will I will. It's something that's you know, that that you that you think it's interesting. Rob Rob Beletta, the creator. He is, uh, he is all about his host See that's kind of I work with the sales team and the finance department. Rob is a great guy, but yeah, he's always like, oh my gosh, we need more hosts.

I love it.

Yep, you got our numbers, buddy, you got our numbers. We'll give you the We'll give you the Bachelor Nation family discounts. So just make sure you keep us posting. There you go, there you go. Well, buddy, thank you for joining us. What a great time catching.

Up with you.

So excited to hear everything going on.

Not to put two things put things too far in front of you. But I'm much older than you and I and I have to tell you I've got a five year old to three year old kicking around downstairs right now, So it's it's, uh, you know, you're kind of at the prime of that that parenting window too, so you know, just keep that in mind.

It would be fun to have kids with Amy.

You know what, dude, can I tell you something?

So I was I was pretty much set that I was going to remain you know, I got married and divorce. I was like, Okay, I think I'm done. And then I met Kenyon and I was like, I want to have a family with this person.

Like that was that was really what drove things for me.

Was it was it was still fun, and it was still you know whatever, but it was like, oh my god, she'd be such an amazing mom, and I feel like I would just be so you know, I just felt like it would be such a complimentary relationship to be a parent with her and be able to share that with her, and and it was, you know, so far, so good.

I'll put it that way. So you know, we feel really blessed to have what we have.

Yeah, if we get engaged, I've been thinking about you know, it's like, golly, do I do I keep it really really really quiet? Do I just tell a couple of people because it's gonna I think it'll get out there. I don't know why anybody would care anymore, but I have a feeling it would get out there. What do I do? You know, how do I be respectful of her. What are her thoughts on it? Yeah, I mean, do you think that would get pick up buddy?

There's no way to keep a lid on it. I mean at the end of the day, you know, if.

You tell anybody, if you put it on social media, which you know that's what Kenyon and I did when we got engaged. Is she's very of that of that mindset, so she like posted a picture of her ring and everything.

The next thing, you know, it's like, you know, then it just unfolds.

But I think people, you know, I think you've you know, the fact that you feel like it might not is a great reason why it probably would, you know what I mean, because you're not.

You just never know. I mean I said, who knows?

Because I feel like most of the time, people don't really care about what's going on in our lives. I mean they care, but they don't care, like they're like, uh whatever, they're old.

News or whatever.

And then like, you know, something happened recently or this year where people were like.

Oh my god, is she dead or did they get a divorce or whatever, So.

You never know what they're actually going to like pick up on and care about.

You know.

Yeah, so true, Yeah, so true.

But you know what, at the end of the day, as long as you're happy, then that's all that matters.

And it will radiate to all the right people.

That's true.

That's right, And I will tell you this, Jake. A side note, Trista knows this to be true. Every single Bachelor related wedding that I've been invited to.

Still here. It's still going strong, Trista.

I'll let you speak to that. Yeah, yeah, he likes to have that claim to fame, so but he hasn't been invited to all of them.

So that's true.

That is true.

I have it.

So that's why it came up in the first place, because I was like, man if I get snubbed anymore, so I'm like, you know, when I am there, it's like a gold mine, guys, it's like success unlimited. So Tsa lately has been she'll she'll step in and go, you know, like the Joe and the Golden Bash Rush good Joe. And I think it would be really great if if there is a wedding, if Bob's invited, thank you, Tristan, because without Tristing, man, I'm not going.

So she knows that's so funny. Well, thank you Jake so much.

It was great catching up with the pilot turned crash man turned pilot turned something.

Else and says something else. I love it.

I love revolution and I just love that you're happy. So good luck with all of the fun that you have in your future.

And thanks for.

Thank you buddy.

Great catch up with you.

That was fun, that was awesome. That is crazy.

I mean, that's something.

It's crazy and it's funny because gosh, years ago, one of Ryan's firefiver buddies did the same thing because they can have side jobs because they you know, they're flexible schedule when they're not working. And Ryan was like, I want to go buy a tow truck, Like he wanted to start like a tow truck business. So maybe that's something in the future, am I will say. Thinking about colleges for the kids. I was sitting next to one of Max's teammate hockey teammates' parents and talking to her about her son, he's a senior this year and she's I said, so, what is he thinking he wants to do? And she was like, well, we don't really push college in our family, Like whatever he wants to do and or maybe take over the business. And her husband has a like plumbing business, Like he was just saying plumbing, I think an age back and he in like seven different states.

Or something, and so it's like, gosh, you don't have to.

I mean, please, it's not like we're going to tell our kids don't go to college. But because I do feel like the education and the experience of college is so valuable. But yes, it really kind of opened my eyes to being like, you know what, whatever they want to do, I want to be supportive of.

So yeah, yeah, I agree with you. And the trades are big too.

I mean, you know, the trades of like being a plumber or being an hvac or being you know, someone who's skilled in those crafts. That stuff's never going to go away. And so at the end of the day, I agree with you. I mean, there's so much, there's so much out.

There, and you know, I mean, you know, yeah, I got to tell you.

I met this kid yesterday who came who was just he was putting up Christmas tree lights in my neighborhood and so I was driving by and I was like, hey, if you want another job, I'm right around the corner.

You know, I need some help because I do it all by myself.


He shows up.

Last night and much a well mannered and well spoken young man help me with my lights.

I'm like, what can I pay it. He's like, you know what, you don't have to pay me. It's okay. I really enjoyed getting to meet you, and you know, and I'm like, hold on a second.

I'm like, you got this is of course I paid him, but the point was I was just like, you know, I didn't think they made kids like this anymore. And I asked him, I'm like, you know, what year are you And he's like, well, I should be technically a freshman in college, but I chose not to go to college. And he's like, right now I want he goes. I know, I want to be a teacher, but I think I want to teach English internationally. And so he's like, I'm going to go to a junior college here in town. I decided just recently I'm going to do this, and you know, in the next year, I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna do my degree, and then over the next two years and then I'm gonna and I'm like, good for you man, I mean totally outside of the box of how everyone thinks.

And he's getting real world experience and his.

Real he has a real job right now, and but he's been doing the Christmas tree light stuff to save extra money for college.

And yeah, and then he was like, you don't have to pay me. I'm like, no, dude, I will be paying you.

But right right, I was like, that's not how you get to college, buddy. College is expensive. So but yeah, I thought, I think you're right. There's so many different avenues, it's pretty remarkable.


I love that Jake took that and ran with it. So happy for him. It was really great to talk to him and hear about his exciting plans. It's always fun to talk to our ogs.

He doesn't have one of them, and he's a legit one.

What season was he I want to.

Say he was season seven, That's what I'm gonna guess.

Who was after jefse then Grant, Jason Vesnik.

No, because I feel like once Jason hit, it was like bam bam dam the people after him.

Yeah, and so I don't well.

Okay, so Ali was on Jake's season. Oh, I can't see it. Alan, what does it say Jake.

Season fourteen of the eighty C Reality to the Bachelor in twenty ten. Yes, and then in the oh, I like this a little extra because we talking about this earlier in the season finale, Pavelka proposed the contestant proposed a contestant in Vienna, gi already, but they broke up in June of twenty ten.

Man, that's interesting. So it was twenty ten. God, I thought it was so much earlier than that.

Wow, I mean yeah, I feel like I'm so old every time we talk about you know, O, geez.

Well he was so think of this this way, he was fourteen years ago, right, You and I were twenty one years ago. Your season was in twenty two thousand and two, right, yeah? In mine, mine was in two thousand and two, two thousand and three. Yeah, And so yeah, isn't that something crazy?


But I feel you don't want though.

I feel like we all look pretty damn Goody's going to say it.

I think we all looked pretty young.

I think you're right. Yeah, collect I'm not gonna lie.

I'm Susan and I talked to Susan and Kathy when you weren't you couldn't be here. I think you were working and there they both got many facelifts, and I'm like, I kind.

Of want a little a.

Little Minnie, a little mini. You don't need it. You look so spectacular. Are you kidding me?

Thank you?

You never aged Trista Son.

Oh that is not true, but thank you.

Appreciate it well. I love you, my friend. Thanks for making the time for the show today. Thanks for everyone for listening and tuning in. We appreciate it.

And thanks to Jake Pavalka from season fourteen of the ABC reality show The Bachelor, So.

Fun, awesome. Thanks Bob, Bye, bye bye everybody.


The Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast

Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious c 
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