First was The Golden Wedding… then came The Golden Divorce, but Theresa Nist is ready to share everything that happened.
Theresa is here with Ben and Ashley to take us through her split with Gerry Turner, what their relationship was like after the Golden Wedding, and what REALLY went down after she was confronted by Kathy Swarts.
Plus, we find out who Theresa would date from Joan’s cast on The Golden Bachelorette!
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast with iHeartRadio.
Hey guys, welcome to the Almost Famous Podcast. Today we have somebody who've never had here before, which is wild, but we were so grateful to have her. It is Teresa Nice.
Hello Teresa, Hello Ashlam so happy to be here.
Hello Teresa, Well, then, so happy to be here, Theresa.
I got to start out by saying that, like, I feel guilty, guilty for being at your wedding is because like, how did it feel to have so many people there, the vast majority of people there that you had never met before.
Yeah, I know that was strange.
You know, I was expecting it, but I had no idea who was going to be there. It made it more exciting because I knew you from watching The Bachelor, and so I was awestruck that so many wonderful people were there, and people that I had, like I actually had watched The Bachelor with my husband who passed away, and so it was exciting.
But you know, you're right, so very different.
But Nice, I didn't even get to meet you that day because I said high and we met Gary and then I was like, this man doesn't even want why does he want why would you want to waste his time with people that he's never met before meeting them on their wedding day. So I saw you covered with people. Oh, you know, like, no, we get a chance. We'll get a chance. I don't want to like, yeah, he'sel my way and take time away from people. She actually knows.
I watched it back and I saw you and it was so much fun to watch it back because it was a really, really good party. It was so nice, So thank you for being there.
I would actually say it was probably within Bachelor Nation, the biggest event since I would actually I mean Jadan Tanner's wedding. Yeah, it would be since Jadent Tanner's wedding. I mean, yeah, it's been many years since we did something like that, that they agreed to do something like that. That's where I want to start this conversation.
Sure that sounds good.
We're going to dive into all the details and all the ups and downs and all the good and the badge of this experience. But in general, if you could give us kind of a summary of your experience on The Golden Bachelor, should you look back on it now?
Okay? Sure, So you know, in the beginning it's just a fluke.
You fill out an application, you don't think anything's ever going to come of it, and when you get that first call, you don't even believe it, and you know that it's a very long process.
So when I first found out.
That it was Gary, my first reaction, and my daughter was there, I said, oh, I don't know if I could move. I don't know that I could do that, and she said, give it a chance. She said, just try go. It was an open mind, and I said, yeah, I do have an open mind. So I went there, and I'll tell you that when I was introdu when I was interviewing with the producers, they said that it was going to start on August third, and I said, oh, my birthday's August fourth, and they said, and so he said you could come in with a birthday cake, and in my head I said, or I could come.
In in my birthday, which was just a joke. And I said, dare I say that out loud?
And I said it out loud and he goes, you're hired, which wasn't true at the time, and then they loved that idea so much.
I couldn't get out of it. And I said, I couldn't get out of it. They don't know you're sticking with it.
And when I saw Gary, I thought, oh my god, he has the same story as me. He was married to his childhood sweetheart. She passed away unexpectedly. They were married about the same number of years. I said, I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to do it.
I want to just.
Talk to him heart to heart and show him who I am. And they said no, and I said okay, and we did it. And I was so nervous, I mean, coming out of the limo, so excited to meet these other women, couldn't wait to meet the women. And when I walked out and I went next to Gary, I was immediately attracted. And I was in my head saying, oh my god, I'm really attracted to him.
How is this, you know?
And I just looked at him and I spontaneously kissed him, like is so to say, oh, welcome home, darling. At the end of the day, it was it just I felt very comfortable with him immediately. And so that night I would say that the two times that I was really myself because after a certain incident, I wasn't able to be myself was that night when I sat on the bench and she said, if I eat this.
Cupcake, will you lick the icing off my lips? And I said, yeah, do it, do it? And that was me, like that was real.
I was really I went into this really trying to be myself. And my daughter had written me this beautiful letter and it makes me cry every time I read it, and I tried to read it to him, but it was like four o'clock in the morning, my contact lenses were glued to my eyes and I could only see like a part of it. So I kind of made up the rest. But one thing that she said was just think the whole world was going to get to know you, and I just, you know, gonna cry. And so I wanted that to be my experience. And then and then I get the first date, and I honestly didn't want the first date. I just felt like there were all eyes on me then and maybe a target on my back, and I'm going, there's sixteen women here, like how many dates are there? Because the filming was only in four weeks, I think there might have been nine episodes, but it was only four weeks, so it was accelerated because they didn't know if this was going to be good or not, if it was going to be popular. So the next morning, and this is on the show. So it's nothing I'm telling you that I haven't said, but you may have missed it because I said it really quickly.
Kathy came up to me and.
Said, you're the one's It's not me, it's you. And I said, why are you saying that, Kathy? You know there's sixteen women here. It could be anyone. I never thought I was the one. And she said, you're his type. I'm not his type. And then she became pretty much my best friend. And so when you're in an environment like that and you're used to having so many women in your life to talk to. I have my daughter, I've got two sisters, I have a daughter in law.
I've got so many friends. And the next morning I come back from the date.
Gary had said on the date, I'm sick of the lake. I'm sick of getting that boat in and out of the water. I want to move to Charleston, North Carolina. I said, no, Charleston's in South Carolina, And in my head, I'm going, oh, my God, like, what are the chances my son lives in South Carolina? You really, I'm going, okay, now, I'm really open to the possibility.
Let me pause you there, though, real quick, did he know your son lived there?
No, you have no idea he didn't know.
And so I, you know, I'm excited the next morning, and so I think I can confide in Kathy. And that was naive and my party shouldn't have done it. And I'm excited. I'm want to tell someone. And I just said the date was really great, and I forget exactly what I said, but he said even moved, do you want to move to South Carolina? And I guess it was misinterpreted as Teresa things she's got this, And I never though I had it. I never thought that. I just thought, Okay, now I can really think about maybe this could work.
So this is the incident that you're saying, that was the fact you weren't able to ever feel yourself myself.
I just couldn't.
I was mortified, Like I was telling me producers, I want to talk to Kathy. She's my good friend and God bless her. I love Kathy. You know this was just the mechanics of the show. I forgot I was in a competitive environment, and so I said I was forcing it, saying I want to talk to Kathy.
I really want to talk to Kathy.
And then when I sat on those steps and she accused me of being dismissive, I was absolutely mortified.
I wanted to melt into the floor. I wanted to just leave right then. And I said, oh my.
God, it's too late, this is filmed. People are going to see this. My face turns completely red. This is complete anguish I was going through. And I ran up to the bedroom and Faith comforted me, and my intention was to leave.
I really, I just really couldn't.
I didn't think I wanted to stay there, and they convinced me to stay. But from that point on, I censored everything I said. I just you know, I couldn't really be myself.
So you'll see me.
I was really genuinely happy for everybody who got a chance to be with Gary.
I mean, Leslie and I were just such great friends. On the show.
Gook dinner for her, She taught me dances. I was great friends with Faith and with Ellen and Edith and everyone, and except that the people that were in Kathy's room, I felt a coldness. So I felt I was being judged and that's just me, so you know, I take that as my responsibility. But Trista had come on the show and someone had asked her, were you okay with Ryan going out with other women? And she said, oh no, I wanted to see him be with other women. And I said to her, oh my god, justin that's exactly how I feel. I wanted Gary to explore it with every single person, so he was sure he was with the right person. And then when we had the second confrontation on the tennis court and Kathy said, what you said, I said, that's fine, Like, if you were meant to be with him, just you should be with him. So I never ever thought that I was the one that wasn't the case.
There's a few things there that stand out to me. One is, I think you pointed to it at the beginning, was you had the first date, so there's a target on your back, and so this was you were kind of the one that the eyes were going to be glued to, going what is her next move? That makes sense. It happens all the time. You knew it was going to happen. We knew it was going to happen. I want to talk a little bit about what you're when you said you censored yourself, because it obviously worked like your censorship led you to end up with Gary, So you kind of holding back of who you were. Oh, and so I want to get clarity on how you like how you censored it with Gary or if you still felt like you didn't have to with him. But only when you existed in the mansion.
Yeah, that's a really good question. It was only when I existed in the mansion. And how I censored myself was I'm usually talkative and outgoing and and joyful, and I would have said so much more, but I just I held back. I didn't say anything. I just kind of like, if you look through the whole season, I'm probably just nodding and.
Smiling and I'm not saying much.
I was just so terrified that I was going to say the wrong thing again and do the wrong thing.
And so, yeah, it changed my entire experience.
But Okay, I could have just said to myself, Okay, it doesn't matter, and I thought I could do that, but I couldn't, which, you know, it's on me.
It's totally on me that that happened.
Are you sensitive about this because of the way that perhaps people just saw your character throughout the show, or your friendships with the ladies because you won, Like normally we would be concentrating on that, and yeah, you had with Gary, but for you, this seems to be the thing that stands out the most.
Yeah, no, I'm it did.
I was able to be myself when I was with Gary, you know, but during that time I was on one one on one date and then two group dates, so not that much time with him.
And I'm going to tell you my grandson said it best.
I was in my room with my daughter and my grandson, Henry, and we were waiting for me to go out to get married.
And Henry Pipes. Do you know Henry.
I don't know if you've seen him, but he speaks his mind. He's the one on the show that said, I know you could be the new pop up.
And he said, yeah, he goes just st of this. You had one date and you're getting married.
Oh my god, I said, imagine if they like they let put that on a big screen.
I'm waiting to go out there and get married.
So yeah, so I would say that people wouldn't have known that I censored myself. But when I was on the tennis court with I don't know if you remember that scene with Kathy and she said, oh, guess what like last night I was with Gary and you're out, no man, And I truly felt like, okay, if that's the truth thing, yes, he should be with you. And I don't think that that got across that. I'm an extremely open minded person. I would never want to force anybody to be with me. I wouldn't want that. And when we were together, yeah, we had conversations. You know, you've been on the show that didn't you didn't see. We had some conversations you didn't see. So yes, I felt that. I thought before I went on the show that I could just truly be myself and I was going to pretend the cameras weren't there, and then I became very self conscious.
Those relationships obviously were around a lot of the golden you know, contestants. Those relationships have been healed. I think there is a clarity and understanding now and that all kind of yes comes through, and a lot of them came to your wedding. This leads up to a question. I think a lot of fans are one. Obviously, you know, your experience on the show had its ups and downs. You know, you did have the runs in with Kathy and you did have, you know, these these high and low moments, and then you end up with Gary at the end, and you had been on one date with him, and you had kind of been opened to the idea of him dating other people, and if he chose you, awesome, and you guys could celebrate that. But then you decide to say yes to this wedding that was, as we said at the beginning, one of the biggest things to happen in Bachelor Nations since you know, Jaden Tanner's wedding. But you said yes to it with confidence. I'm assuming yeah, or maybe not. But what made you at that point feel like, yes, this is something I want to do now like this, I am so good moving forward in this relationship to the point of marriage after you know, even your grandson said, you've only been on one date.
Yeah, So you know, so I went into the really looking to fall in love and I did. And we said, Okay, they're offering this to us now. They weren't offering it later, it was now, and we said, if we really are going to get married. We should do it because we're going to get the wedding of our dreams and we are older, and why waste any time do it now. So if there was a time constraint on the offer, it wasn't like, Okay, you could do it this month, or you could do it next year, or you could do it in six months. That wasn't the offer. And so we did it because with the faith and hope that we were eventually really going to get married, and so let's do it now they're offering this to us. We'll have our friends and family there, it will be whatever you.
Know, and we did.
I'll tell you, Mindy Weiss did a spectacular job, like the flowers of the dance floor, the band, everything was just absolutely gorgeous.
The interesting part for the viewers and you, in all clarity, you got upset with me because on a podcast I had said, I don't know if you ever listened to the whole episode, because we've always been very supportive. Yes, So that was my comment to you is you have to listen to the whole thing because we've always been very supportive of you. Here. We're big fans of you. We thought you and Gary match very well together. But on the podcast, we had heard or I had heard, I guess I should, you know, take the blame here that one of the big factors to your to the two of you then deciding to get a divorce was a couple things. And I think if we spoke about it outside of the Bachelor world, we would say that the two of you didn't see eye to eye on geographic location. The two of you didn't see eye to eye on the two spots that you two were living. The rumors were that there was a big argument about Indiana, the place that I'm from, that there's a lot of farmland in Indiana, there is a lot of places of open space in India. There ain't a lot going on in Indiana. I and we all know that you've been there. I'm sure you've visited for you know, the lake a few times.
And I'm a Jersey girl, and I understand that Jersey's got everything right around the corner.
I'm going to tell you exactly what happened.
So I wanted to be clear and say that you got upset with me, and that the intention was to never try to throw you under the bus. The intention was never to do that, because that's not what we would want to do to you here. However, the idea was that both I guess at the time when we talked about this on the show, was I have I see it from one lens where I'm like, I grew up there. I get it. There's a lot of open space. Ashley sees it from another lens, which would be, how in the world do you exist in a place that has so much open space. There's two types of people in the world. Both exist, both are you know, there's no right or wrong necessarily. So that's what we said, and I want to get clarity from you now on what exactly happened. Okay, good to lead to this moment where you said, we can't do this any longer.
Okay, So I'm going to clarify that moment when I tell you exactly what I said. So we're driving from the airport and it was like three hours and we're getting closer to Gary's house.
She's not wrong, by the way, it is, I know where he lived. It's three hours close to any airport. It sucks. Yeah.
So I see this open land. I don't see crops.
I just think it's flat land and I go, oh, wow, you could build town homes there, That's all I said. And Gary said, oh, so you want to take the farmer's land away from him. I go, note to sell, don't say that again. I said, oh no, I didn't know that was farmland. He said, there's a thing in the Midwest. I'd rather give you one acre of my I'd rather give you one of my daughters and give you one of my acre of land.
And I said, don't ever say it again. But the quote was, Oh, look at this land. You can build.
You can build villages and streams and resorts and shopping centers. And it went on and on, and not one word in that whole paragraph of like ten sentences came out of my mouth. All I said was, oh, look at this you could build townhomes. And then I shut up immediately.
That was it.
And then what happened was the plan was to move to the area of Charleston, South Carolina, and we were looking at homes like virtually we're looking at home.
So I wasn't ready to you know, I'm still working.
Full time, I have a home. I wasn't ready to sell my home until we found a home. And we never got to the point where we found a home. And by the time we didn't find a home, Gary came up with the idea of doing six weeks there and six weeks here. And I truly wanted to have our home together. I was willing to move. I wanted to have our big home where our family could come visit us.
You know, I didn't want to go back and forth to our homes.
I wanted to have an established base with a beautiful home together with Gary and then go visit our children, and go visit his children, go visit my children, invite them there. And that was my idea because that's what we agreed upon. And then I guess he you know, he loves his house, and I don't blame him. He loves where he lives, and he and if that's what he decided to do, then then do it.
And I want you to.
I want to be happy. So it did change, and it wasn't what we had discussed. We had never discussed six weeks here, six weeks there.
We've talked to so many Bachelor Nation couples who have broken up, a lot of them because of distance, most notably like Joe and Kendall. You know, it was all that. That was the big blame on the breakup was distance because he wanted to live in Chicago, and ironically he's now married and he lives in New York. And then she wanted to stay in California, but now she's married and she lived in Germany and now she's moving back to California.
You know. Wow.
So I we've always been like, is that really the crux of a breakup?
Or is there more?
And that's like a good not alibi, but just like the public reason for why did it end up?
Both First, I want to say kudos to Joan for addressing that issue immediately, and she said she wasn't going to move. But you can't get you really can't know somebody in four weeks. I'll just say that. That's all I can say. I'm not I don't want to say any more than that four.
TV weeks or four weeks because you guys literally were like only a couple in the month of December, oh, you know, like an outward couple.
True. True. So what I'm saying is the right. You're absolutely right.
You know thing, you get to know each other better, and it's not something I want.
To discuss at this night.
But yeah, yeah, so it's not just the location thing.
Okay, that's awesome.
That's all we I think. I think that's very fair of you to say, you know, I've been through something not you know, different, but similar in some ways publicly, and you know, if the public was needing every single thing that happened to lead up to this final decision, it would make both parties probably look or feel be up right. You've both had failures within this relationship to lead up to this moment. You're like, you're not the right person. Location is a very easy issue. But I think what happened and I'm curious, So what happened when you and Gary came out and said location is one of the big issues or the biggest issue to why we broke up. People went, that makes sense. A lot of people said that makes sense. Now, for the right person, they would have been willing to move. So we let's assume that they weren't right for each other. Also location was an issue. They're done. So now we see Jones season happening, and I think the fans, with the knowledge of what they are gaining from the relationship you had on this show and the marriage that you had on this show. Are now saying, here's an idea. How about they start casting the Golden Show regionally. How about they start doing the casting so that if you live in New Jersey, the men that you will be dating at least live within a driving distance of New Jersey. Is this an idea that you would back and say, that's a good idea. And do you think if that was the case, if you did live a little closer, that your relationship with Geary could have worked.
I think that that's an outstanding idea. I think that's what they should do. I mean, it's for all ages, but especially for people who are older, who have grandchildren and are established in their communities and their homes. It's really a very difficult to ask. And yeah, they probably would have been a better chance. And that's why I say I really applaud Joan for addressing that issue immediately. I wasn't the Golden Bachelorette. I didn't really have the right to say anything like that. And you just think the world wants a loves to and they want you to move, and it's you know, you don't know how you're going to feel until you were really faced.
With that decision.
It's very difficult, and you know, it's you do. I do want to be in love. I do want to be with someone. I think that that's I think love is for me the most important thing, and it's love of family, and it's you know, to have a partner in life.
Is that I want?
So I wanted that so badly. It's not something I gave up very easily.
I hate to keep bringing up, you know, yeah, the split. But I think lots of people are curious about the fact that you did had to. I won't say had that. You did it on Good Morning America. You announced it on Good Morning America. And it was so soon after the wedding, about three months. So why why announce it that soon after? Why didn't you just like milk it for a little while.
I know, why didn't we do that? Oh you could ask Gary, why.
Did I want to I don't know, to milk it a little while. I know I got out of this so quickly, I I, you know, to be in that world and then all of a sudden, you just drop everything because we were offered things that we couldn't then pursue some really great things, really big things. But I think I think that's I don't know. I do know the answer to it, I don't know. Yeah, I can dedulte it.
It's more I don't know.
I would have never milt something that wasn't honest. I would not have done that, but I probably would have waited longer because of the Golden Bachelorette. I was willing to wait longer to and because I didn't want to put a damper on her season. I wanted her. I wanted to wait until kind of that was.
Over, because like the audience kind of has this perception now like could this work?
Yeah, I didn't want to disappoint people.
I felt so badly about people who were so disappointed because I was disappointed, and I, you know, I didn't want to hurt people because it was it was such, you know, a fairy tale. It was beautiful and it really was real and we really believed it. And I also feel bad, like I really want him to be with his person. I want him to be with the person he should be with, and you know that wasn't me, And if there was someone else on the show that he really wanted to be with, I wish, you know that that could happen. If there was any possibility that that could happen, because I want him to be happy.
Theresa, I also like want to get cocktails with you and like fill your guts to me and.
Give me really drunk.
Yeah, I think what we're hearing is a lot of the real reason. I think what we're actually hearing is a lot of the real reason. With you being respectful to Gary into the environment that existed, a few rapid fire questions here kind of to get maybe some clarity without divulging too much to make it an issue. How much of that period of life with kind of going on Good Morning America and maybe even the wedding that you look back now and it could be it could be blamed on the excitement of the time, the celebrity, the euphoria. I feel it. I've been there, I get it and I feel it. Yeah, we both have been there. To where we go. This is exciting. I'm doing more new things than I've ever done before. I have opportunities that never existed before. How much of that time could be blamed on just the new and the excitement?
Well, yeah, you're right.
Well, first of all, starts in the mansion, where you present with someone in their best possible life, and then afterwards you're always in an exciting situation, so you're both at your best. You're both excited by the experience that you're in, so that's exciting, and you're not in your regular, mundane life. So yes, that not too prolong that that wasn't the reason, But say, being in Times Square, Yeah, and the excitement. I've never done that before and that was absolutely wonderful. And then yeah, to be on the Kelly and Mark Show and all of that.
Yes, we were enjoying that ride.
Together and very happy then and very excited about it. So if you look back on it, yes, part of the excitement and the happiness probably had to do with those external factors that you're in this whirlwind.
I think the question that so many fans though, also want to know from your perspective now, because the Golden Show did a lot for a lot of people. You're right when you said people were cheering for the two of you. We're living vicariously through the two of you. We're finding hope in the two of you. Could this show work now that you've been through it and that, Yes, your experience is kind of one that people look back on be like, gosh, dang, it didn't do what I thought it was going to do. It ended poorly, and it ended in a way that now makes me question, is this Golden Show can end up just like the other Bachelor shows where you know five percent of the people end up getting together. Teresa? Do you think this Golden Show has legs where it will help people like you find love?
Yes? Absolutely.
I think that everyone with every season, they're going to learn different things. Just like Joan did to say, stipulate right up front. I'm not moving, So they'll learn and it will morph into something that really really works. And you know, if you've first of all, if you had two people who were older and didn't have grandchildren, that's one factor where you really feel like you could leave.
But just imagine yourselves. You've got your families, your family, You've got your.
Children, You're going to have your children, your child Ben, and then you have grandchildren, and you're so ingrained in your life. It gets the more the years pass, the further ingrained you get into that life. So I think that it's the family that stops you, that prevents you from fully embracing it. I don't know, I was just so happy to be a mom, to be a young mom. I'm all about that. I'm all about family. So it's very hard for me to think about moving away unless it was to move to South Carolina and be near my son.
So that's it. Like that would have worked for me.
And like a light bulb went off and I said, oh, okay, but he really wants to do this, this is great. And I didn't and I did say we were in the car stopped and we weren't being filmed.
I don't, Yeah, we weren't.
That was on was not on camera, and I said, oh, my son lives there, and I don't think I don't know if he heard it, but maybe he heard it, but it's that was a huge factor. So I think the show absolutely could work. I look forward to many, many iterations of this show. I'm glued, absolutely glued to Joe's season. I'm so I'm going to be so upset when it's over. I'm just sit there with my popcorn and you know, you moved to the set.
Yeah, I love it. I love it so much.
She's doing such a great job and I love and just to digress a little, I love what all the women have been doing and that they've the opportunities that they've embraced.
And I honestly have not accepted anything.
I haven't done any sponsorship yet because it's I didn't know this about myself, but I I feel I can't do it unless it's something that I either use or I truly believe in.
So just sell your soul and it happens.
I know people are just saying, that's crazy. What are you doing? Why did you turn that down?
I'm not good at it. I'm not good at either.
You gotta find products that you love to do it regularly.
We'll have to figure that out for you.
But yeah, before you leave, we do want to ask, like what are you doing, Like what what's your current day to day look like?
And like yeah, and what excites you, like what's pumping you up for the future here?
No, so my day to day is I oh, I used to day trade stocks. I want me day to day as being with my family. My daughter just had a baby August Edward gradually, thank.
You very much, seventh grandchild.
Right, yeah, it's very good. I couldn't. I can't believe that.
I mean, that's if you had told me, you know, I was eighteen years old, was going to have seven grandsons.
It's crazy seven grandsons. You don't have one granddaughter, no.
Long and there's no home now, there's no hope, no daughter. I have two children and they produce seven children.
So that gets me going. And I still do work. But it's in the back of my mind to do something different. I really, I really, I'm so curious about people, and maybe I'd like to interview people.
I am sort of like a writer.
I am. I've been into health and longevity my entire life. I've been into eating well, the Mediterranean diet, and maybe I know books don't really pay much, but maybe I'll do something like that. I mean, people do ask me, and I haven't had surgery yet, but I do do things like facial massage, a microcurrent, and I don't know.
If I should get a facelot. I don't know if I should do it.
There's not much to live there. Yeah, well some of your friends are doing it.
Oh yeah, I know, I know, and kudos to them. That's awesome. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe one day. I'm not doing it yet, but so there's there's so much.
Maybe I'm just going to key in on all the things that I'm interested in, Like, I have so many interests, gardening and the stock market. And I went from being a day trader to being a Bussian trader. So the stock market really gets me excited. I mean, the stock market to me is like this giant puzzle that you have to figure out. There's so many different bits of information you need to put together to make a decision, and you have to it's almost I'm also like a game of chess where you have to be like ten steps ahead of your opponent.
So that gets me going. And I don't trade during the day.
Because I have a job, but i'll you know, put in limit buys and limit cells and you know, and go And I'm a techno fundamentalist.
That's what I do.
So I can't believe that I got interested in that's so late in life. My husband was a market maker, but we never talked about it.
You should write a book called like the Golden Girls Guide to the stock Market.
Ooh right, that make people as Let's give you a little encouragement here. I mean, we're, yes, obviously younger, but we've been a part of this franchise for a while. There is a season and a time, and I'm not saying you're in it. You're You're still you know, you had a different journey than most. You ended up with the the Bachelor, which isolates you kind of on you know, from hanging out with all the friends all the time, and you're kind of focused on that, and then you guys break up, and then you're kind of sitting there going, you know, what have I missed? You haven't missed anything. You're in a great season of life. You're a grandmother to seven grandchildren, you have, you're still actively working, You're still thinking about health and beauty and longevity and dating and love. This all. If you were like a friend of mine laying all this out on the table in front of me, I'd be like, you got a really good thing going. And yes, it seems like everybody else is doing so much more, and it seems like everybody else is doing so many cooler things. It ain't true. What you got here is what everybody else wants. They just don't know how to get it yet. So I hope for you love comes, because that's obviously a wish that does not exist yet, a romantic love in your life, but also have a lot of fun in this season. Be where your feet are, be present because this is a really fun time for you.
So getting thank you so much and that's beautiful. That was so nice.
Well, I mean it's true.
The only thing is the only men that want like a seventy one year old or ninety.
Year olds, So.
Well, younger women, Let's let's let that be a personal choice that you can make at some point in your life if that's something that interests you.
No, I like to end on a fun question. If you're watching Jones season with Popcorn, you're so into it, we have to know which guy are you looking at? Thinking can say no to a date with him?
That's a good question.
I thought about this. I'm going to be evasive.
No, you have to answer you can.
We've let you a.
Lot Like if I was single and interested, I would be like, you know what, Pablo would have been my guy? Or Pascal, sorry, Pascal would have been my guy?
Yeah, okay, so here's here's my first part of the answer. I really have to get to know them more. I'd really love to meet them all that.
I mean, having been through this experience, I don't know that I could take it a face value.
But physically is there's your time.
Oh, physically the kids.
Physically, I'm just going to generally tell you that it's someone taller and someone tall and you know, Gary's actually my type.
So that's the physical tide.
Like somebody like a chalk. He seems pretty tall. We just don't know where he ends up in this whole thing. He's still in there.
Then Mark, Jonathan and Mark.
Okay, all right, yeah neither Yeah, they all seem great, but.
She's just smitten. She's like, I like them all, Like, don't make me choose.
Yeah, that's right, I like them all. I'm enjoying every one of them. I think they're great. I don't know if I'll ever meet any of them, but you never know.
We're still pushing for twenty twenty five Golden Paradise where everybody shows up, he meets each other. Teresa. We hope that's in your future. We'd love to see you again. We love to watch you try to find love again. Thank you for coming on the show. Don't be a stranger. Thanks for walking through a conversation that I know just probably sucks to walk through a thousand times, but you're doing it, and you're doing it well and come back sometime to break down maybe future seasons of the Golden Show.
Thank you so much. You guys are wonderful. I loved every moment of this.
Oh thank you.
I'm i gotta regret what I said.
No, you're not gonna regret anything. But if anybody's listening, message Teresa for any products that you think she'll appreciate, use and enjoy. She would love to share about them on all her social media platforms. It brings her so much joy and so much fun fun. Teresa will talk to you soon. Thank you.
Thank you guy.
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