With an impressive intergenerational passion for cattle breeding with both the Red & Black South Devon's, the van Asch's Aschwood & Burtegill stud are renowned for the evolution of the breed in New Zealand.
As a minority breed but with one of the longest history of British cattle, the South Devon's have great docility, IMF and milking ability as well as having lowered their birth weight are ideal for cross-breeding both in dairy beef and hill country cattle.
Guests include:
The stud began in 1976 with Richard's father after putting a South Devon bull over his Angus cows and fell in love with their temperament. Richard went home to the Marlborough stud in 2005 before introducing Aschwood to introduce the Black South Devon originally to compete with Angus.
They learnt from the American's that the Black South Devon has lower birth rate and faster growth rate than the Red South Devon.
Jo Scott discusses with Richard & Denise about the challenges of selling a less common breeder group, and the advantages of having the most robust data for buyers. Data is the heart of Aschwood & Burtergill South Devons with a focus on EBVs and genomic data.
2024 Burtergill South Devon bull sale: 17th June 2024
More information on Burtergill South Devons can be found here.
BEEF Country is an annual journal packed with New Zealand's inspirational and technical information in the aim to breed and finish ultimately the world’s best beef. The journal is distributed early May 2024 free to all Beef + Lamb New Zealand levy payers.
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