Wounded Tiger is the compelling true story of Mitsuo Fuchida, the Japanese pilot who led the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in World War II. Fuming with a hatred for Americans and a strong sense of national and racial pride, Fuchida uses his intense passion and determination to rise through the ranks of the Japanese Navy to reach the leadership position he believed he would achieve.
Jake DeShazer joins the U.S. Army as a bombardier, seething with vengeance after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He is captured and becomes a POW, battling insanity after years in solitary confinement, until he discovers the secret for change
The Covells, an American family of teachers and missionaries in Japan, flee to the Philippines as Japan ramps up for war, sending their children to the U.S. for safekeeping. Years later, their oldest daughter, Peggy, unknowingly makes an indelible impact on the course of Fuchida’s life.
Three seemingly unrelated narratives come together in this thoroughly researched and compelling historical account of the events leading to the attack on Pearl Harbor and the surprising aftermath.