PODCAST EXCLUSIVE: The French Olympic swim trials are currently on and a young swimmer has just had the worst thing ever happen to him!
Ali, I want to think about the happiest moment of your life, but something that you've spent years trying to achieve, maybe for your children.
Yeah, having babies, babyless you pretty good.
Yeah, that's a fantastic moment.
I mean, you know, lady, you go happy, sad, happy, sad, so happy.
Just in the initial moment you're happy. There is. The Olympics are coming up shortly. They're about a month out from the Paris Games, and at the moment, the Olympic trials for a whole bunch of sports are on over in France. They are having their Olympic swim trials. Yeah right, So these athletes have put in hours and hours, and swimming is a.
Pain, going up and down, up and down the.
Black line, hearing the black line. You're waking up early, You're doing stupid hours.
You're always wish and I used to be a swimmer, and I thoroughly.
Believe you are always well.
I do know, but I thorough believe. That is why when I have a shower, I can't get my face wet. What you know, when you have a shower, they've been under the shower.
I can't I can never clean your face.
No, I do, but I don't do it with direct spray from the shower. I just can't copy it.
Break that this down at another moment in time, we digress. Sorry, you also get paid like crap as a swimming There's nothing good about it. Really, That's not where I'm going. So this the French Olympic trials are on at the moment, and there is a swimmer over there. His name is Rafae font Ded.
Of course he's never going to be John Smith, was it.
No, it wasn't. He swims in one hundred meter freestyle. He's only young. So when I say he's put the whole whole life into it, it's seventeen years.
Yeah, but that is it's still a long.
Commitment of this French swimmer has just touched second in one hundred meter freestyle trials, which means bang, I'm going. I mean, so the Olympics.
Seventeen is still finishing school the Olympics. That's awesome, how exciting.
And the home games too. Get the swim at home in front of all your family, all your friends. You want to celebrate that, right and in that moment you touch the wall, you turn around, you look at the clock and you go I'm going, I'm in. You throw your arms up in the air and you smash the water.
Sit on the lane rope, smash the water. Yep.
You do it so quickly that you dislocate your left shoulder. It pops out. Oh it didn't right there.
This is what happened to him.
This is what happened to our friend Rafael. Oh, No, four weeks out from a game, dessliccated shoulder.
He's not going to be able to swim, is he? Because you shoulders to swim.
Yeah, pretty intenal. Now I haven't swum as much as you, but I reckon it's a pretty intenal.
But I don't think they do just kicking in the Olympic Games. I think you've got to use your arms.
Has put seventeen years of his life into succeeding and then literally four and a half seconds later, ruining his Olympic dream.
Oh and do you know who's going to be the most upset?
His mum and dad. Because I had to get up every morning and drive the little bugget and train.
She just needed to add in some celebration training. You little rat man.