🔉 Mix 102.3's $50,000 Noise - The Wrong Guesses

Published May 3, 2023, 4:14 AM

What is Mix 102.3's $50,000 Noise? Okay, you know that we can't tell you that! But what we can do is give you all the wrong guesses so far.

Take a listen (but only if you want to be that one step closer to $50,000...up to you)

The mix one O two point three Noise's Al Clark and Max Burford and Shane Low. Yeah, he's right across Adelaide. Everyone's trying to name the noise and win fifty thousand dollars cash. You can name the noise every morning at seven and eight am with us, and then every hour across your work day with Michelle Murphy, and to get you closer to all that cash. Here's everything we know it isn't It does sound like it to me a stapler When you push down on the stapler, I think it's a can of guinness popping the latch on a briefcase. I think it might be the sound of crackling popcorse a. I think it could be cracking a glow stick to activate it. Is it like biting into an apple? I think it might be when you open a fresh tupe of butter and you peel the paper off the top of the board game Trouble, when you push the dice in, Yeah, you know the little bubble. I think it's you find the clicking to the next imagin in the real I think it's like breaking a cracker, like a flar. Is it pushing out a tablet? Out of a sheet of tablets, like medical doublets cracking an egg. I think it's pair the whole punch shaft. I think it's a little plastic going in the middle of the board game that has the dice in it that when you press it it rolls the dice. I think it's one of those wafers being broken, you know those biscuit wafer things. I think it's a chocolate bar being open. Is it activating the handbrake with a button? I think it's dropping a pen onto a table. My guess is the compression and release of the center button on the trouble board game. I think it's opening a new packet of tick tacks and then closing it again. I think it's sort of like a whole punch but used when you laminate a page to pick the edges off to make round at and it's pushing a release and the key on a keyboard. I think it's a little clicker when they go around counting their heads on the plane. I would say it's some sort of a stamp, like it's maybe a plastic stamp. Well, my some thinks it's twigs crackling. Oh. I think it's one of those handheld nutcrackers, like when you put your almonds in there and you squeeze it and cracks it for you. I think it's the old stroke of the key on the typewriter when it hits the paper and comes back. I think it is biting into a toffee apple. I think it's a floor lamp. Get pressed their foot and take your foot off and the lamp comes on and it makes that noise. Tomato sauce sachets like the square one. You push it together, it makes the cracky sounds and then the source coming out. I think it is the arm of the typewriter, so when you press the key down, the arm hits up and then prints the letter on the paper. It is a children's stamp when you push down on it, or it clicks down the cable that click into the famet flash into that port on the wall. Is it someone pressing the button on the computer mouse. I think it's the cost lily that you get in the booster packs. I think it's unclicking a seatbelt. It's got to be a locking mechanism on the suitcases when you put your code in and click the buttons unlock it. I think it might be putting darlic in a g crosh it crossing it's a cutting stamp. I think it's one of the kids yoga or custard pouches that you unscrew the lid. Is it clicking in a pen? Is it dropping a needle on a vinyl record? Is it putting a cup into a cardboard cup holder or a cup tray the ones they give you at fast food restaurants. I think it is pressing the button on like a cassette player. I think it is the on Scotch finger biscuit being broken in half, the clicking of the button of the old fashioned answering machine, the reels taken off. I reckon it's ripping off the lid on a square yogurt, pulling out a phone charge or a cord out of a power socket. I think it's opening your tray table on an aeroplane, a Philadelphia cream whether there's four tousand, then you crack it open, a put on a sewing machine, lowering down into the material. YEP. So take all those incorrect guesses off your list. Play every morning in the Alica Breakfast Show at seven and again at eight class all day while you were good luck

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