Published Sep 10, 2024, 11:52 PM



Adelaide's Fun Breakfast Show Max Andale in the Morning.

Social media, you have a little one, little girl's three, so you have got this ahead of you. And I'm hoping for your sake and so many others with very small babies that will be sorted out by the time you guys get to it.

Yeah. Same. And because the friends that I've got with kids of the nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen year old age, I'm dreading it. I hear the horror stories.

It's a lot. So the government and obviously Peter Malanowskis has been leading this year in South Australia and so they were starting to seriously talk and they will be putting age limits on social media. Now at the moment, you are not allowed to get on social media if you're under thirteen. Now, that number was picked just because of US data laws. Right, we're Facebook and all that started. Okay, it wasn't done for any reason that it's better for your brain or it's harmful and everything else. But obviously, now that we have been living with this stuff and we've seen the rise of eating disorders and anxiety and depression in young kids who have been on this crap, people have gone, WHOA, we need to do something about it. So Anthony alben easy the Prime Minister, as the fedial opposition leader, he's also said that he's going to do it. So this will be coming in. This will absolutely be coming in. Now tell me how they're going to police it, Bergio.

This is what I don't understand. They're still going to find a way to be on social media. They're gonna be a little bit more secretive about it, and I think it's going to cause more bullying and divie because you're going to have a group of kids where the parents are going to just help them. You know, those parents are like you can have a cheeky drink at fourteen. They're the ones that are going to help their kids find a way to be on social media. Then there'll be a group of parents like yourself and myself who'll take it really seriously. And who are the kids that are going to get bullied at school for not having such.

Yeah, but it's not only they won't need parents to help them get on social media. I guarantee I've got really really good children. They're pretty good. We run a very tight ship. But I know if they needed to, they could get on the school bus and be loaded up on their own little Facebook, TikTok whatever they're on, and then play with it and then have it gone by the time they come home.

So the way you set up, say an Instagram account now and you put your user amen, and then it goes what's your date, and it's just still a scrolling wheel, so you can go back a few more years.


Is this going to need to be like proof of age or ID cards? You've got to.

Upload your Verify or Mate. I very much doubt that they're going to be able to do that. And then also, what are you going to do? Are you going to have the social media cops come knock on your door because you've posted something on Facebook marketplace when you're fourteen? And let's not forget, let's not forget that they're actually seriously considered considering sixteen being the age that's going to be hard sixteen. Like, I'm with you, like fourteen, I think I've got some level of control, and I say no more than a lot of other parents I know, and so do well, No, Matt just follows my leap. But I just don't know how you're going to be able to take charge that for a sixteen year old, I think the.

Most effective thing would be mirroring. So imagine if you had your kids Instagram count logged in on your phone and you could see all the activity. Yeah, so you still have it, but you just have total view of it.

So my daughter has Instagram because she's fourteen now. She only got it once she was I think she was thirteen and a half and she certainly was, by no means the first in her group to have it. And I am her friend and she is mine, so I can see it, but it still does not stop her going and setting up x y Z fake accounts. It takes me, as an involved, slash nosy slash annoying parent to go and insist on seeing what it is that you're doing and actually taking the phone off her. And that has opened up all sorts of conversations about trust. And I haven't had to do that yet, but my kids if they get a phone, which you know, I've now got two that are traveling across the city to get school, it is about trust. And you can have this device, but at any time Mummy or Daddy will be coming to have a look at what's on that phone. So if you're not proud of what you're doing.

Mean if a dog in a night, Yeah, yeah.

Let's not get the mayor before sixteen?

Are we going to talk about this the morning? So feel free to jump on the phone thirty one oh two three at any point and way in the rental controls work on mobile phones? Do you use them? How's it work in your house?

And more importantly, if you have a sixteen year old and you went to them and said, I'm sorry, but now you've got to get off social media, what would they say?

Yeah, you have a donut in place of it.

Yes, do you know what I've worked out this week? Number one? I am not a freak because in the bath we worked that out yesterday. But I might be a lame o because I've never really used a dodge excuse to get out of work. I'm always the idiot that keeps turning up.

You are like the goody that the prime example of the goody two shoes. You're there early, you're there first, you get all the research done, you do everything.

I read emails.

You actually do, which for a breakfast radio presenter is a very rare trait.

We're asking you thirteen one oh, two, three, Come on, what's the latest excuse you used to get out of work?

Naomi in Murraybridge? What is it for you?

I was brushing my teeth and I pulled them up my neck.

Is it at that moment you just went, oh God, I'm old.

Literally I was like, oh my goodness.

So and my husband would't not laughing.

That was the worst part.

Alley, How hard do you brush your teeth? Literally?

I just started and I was like, oh.

Yeah, how many days off did you have?

I had three?

Oh wow?

Deter from Gaula So Friday, having a meeting, one of the staffers walks in says, look, my girlfriend's here. I've got to go home. My ox A Lottel's got a fungus needs to be put in the fridge.

Did we let her or this person get away with it and go yeah, sure, no worries, go for it.

At the end of the day, when you got your entire family there and you've told everybody that you work with that this is what's going on, you've got to let him go.

And I just like the detail. My exttles got fungus with you.

I think my favorite is a relative passing. But you need to keep track of which relatives you're using. You can only use them once. Obviously, my nana past fifteen years ago, but I brought it back up to get a day out of work, saying that she passed overnight. Need a day off grieving, but make sure you only.

Do it one or once every fifteen years.

Exactly, Christer Zelie, He's a voice that a lot of us know and love.

Years ago, I worked in public service in Canberra, as everyone in Canberra does, and two of my mates and I came up with a cunning plan to chuck asiki and drive down to Sydney and see the one day International between West Indies and Australia the SDG. So we called in sick, We jumped in the car, we went, had a fantastic day, drove back that night, went to work the next day. Boss called us in and he said, how are you feeling? And we told him and then he said did you enjoy the cricket? And we went what? And he said, we saw it on the telly. The camera went to you about four or five times bitten on the hill having been watching the cricket.

Yeah, were you that idiot who knew the cameras on.

You're like, yeah, who had no idea?

You're unbelievable. Yes, that's right. If you've got a story that sounds totally unbelievable but it's one hundred percent true, to hit us up at mix one of two to three dot com dot AU. Right now, we're joined by Paul. All right, Paul, tell us your unbelievable story.

Yeah, I need an all mail over forties dance crew In the UK. We advocate and.

Promote mental health awareness combined with joys, fun dad dancing, and our content on social media now reaches close to two million accounts every month get including I believe Ali's favorite celeb.

Not Hugh Jackman. Absolutely, you should have just said that, Paul. You should have said Hugh Jackman follows me on socials will be all over you now. So, all male over forties dance crew, should I possibly work out clothes on? I'm presuming.

Well yeah most of the time for sure. Yeah, we hadn't clothed on yet.

Yeah, how did this all come about?

So we were originally taking our kids to street dance classes and they were performing at an annual showcase every year, and we figured, why should they have all the fun. So we put a crew together. This was back in twenty twelve and it's just grown and grown and grown. We performed every year, and then about four years ago we entered the world of social media, and that's when it totally blew up.

All of this sounds great, but if I was to dance in front of my children, let alone dance in public in front of my children, they would disown me. How's everybody's kids gone with all of this?

There was a bit of an anticipation interpretation at first, for sure, but we rehearsed really hard. We do our absolute best, and I think what you'll find is, you know, when you look at our routines, our joy and our love for what we do just uses out for our performances. And so when our kids saw that, even though at first they might have been watching through their finger tips, soon they're kind of like, this is just great, and you guys are having the best time. And then combined with the fact that we were just getting millions of hits on socials, it kind of suddenly became very cool very quickly.

I've been checking you out on Insta and everybody else should do that as well, And that's outer, underscored puff, underscored Daddy's which is great, thank you. I guess for anybody struggling maybe a little bit at the moment, what would be your message for them?

Well, there's kind of three main points to our messaging, and that is one around just breaking the stigma around the subject of mental health. And the more people that just talk openly about it, the more we normalize those conversations. The stigma still causes so much damage. But encourage everyone to engage in regular positive activities that poor and underpin their ongo mental health. And within that, if that can include some kind of group activity with like minded people, then what happens is you create a positive social network around you that you then know you can talk openly too. So, you know, talking openly is great, but if you don't have the people you know you can talk openly too, then it becomes a challenge. So join a group. It could be dancing, it could be walking, running, gardening.

Whatever it is. But just just.

Build a social network around you, build your wellness tribe.

Well, I tell you what, anything that would get the attention of Hugh Jackman in I'm Up for So is you know, can you hook a girl? Up and maybe just get him, you know, can I sort of get his attention via you? How will that work for me?

Get you dancing shoes on verations shapes. So we've got a crew. We all have crew names, and one of our crew is called Wolverine, and that's kind of how it caught you Appman's attention. So maybe you just need to grow some side.

But hey, look, some mornings it might look like I've already there. I'm a Paul. Well done, really really well done. Congratulations and a massive shout out to the kids who have obviously been so supportive of it. It's a hell of a lot of fun. So yeah, get to Insta and find out of puff. Daddy's really appreciate your unbelievable.

Thank you very much for the opportunity.

Thank you Max Andally. In the morning, Max on the Sicklist saw back Ala Clarke with it he news now it's coming on.

Wow e. I just couldn't believe it. You know, when you just love and adore somebody from afar so much that you think that they could never do anything wrong, even though they are the biggest rock star in the world. Yes, Dave Grohl from The Food Fighters as in the last hour, made an omission off his own back and posted to his own instant the following statement, I've I've recently become the father of a new baby daughter born outside of my marriage. That was our sound effect that that bit wasn't on his instact, but I planned to be a loving and supportive parent to her. I love my wife and my children. I am doing everything I can to regain their trust and earn their forgiveness. We're grateful for your consideration towards all the children in Bold as we move forward together.

A couple of things. Yep, if you're married to Dave Grohl, you're not going to dump him for cheating, right because he's a multimillionaire, so you're hanging around for that.

It's more how he looks in those leather pants from me, but anyway, you can take a million. Sure.

But also I know, I know, I.

Know they'd be married. So he and his wife Jordan, have been married in two thousand and three. They have three daughters, Violet, Harper and Aphelia, and they go on tour a lot with them. And he's been described as well, I mean, he is a family man. He talks about the importance of family and his interviews throughout the years, and apparently his first marriage broke.

Down because of cheating. Yeah, does it ruin him a bit for you?

No? No, I still love his music. I mean, gosh, if I was going to ignore everybody that cheated on someone, I would not be listening to anyone.

Do you think, yeah, okay? Do you think because he's rock star it's permissible. Yeah?

I think like everybody goes out. It's the rock and roll lifestyle. Now it's up to you with it or not. You think that's okay? But I'm just finding out. The Food Fighters were last in Australia in early December at Cooper Stadium. That's nine months ago. I'm going to go and have a look at the Womens and Children's Hospital just guest list.

And see, well, Ali, you were off for a couple of weeks from breast cancer surgery. Did you pop out a kid in that time?

Are you joking right there? All right, let's go to another family music relationship and what about Beyonce. Now, Cowboy Carter was one of the biggest albums, and of course everybody freaked out because Beyonce went off and did country and then kicked everyone's button doing and she was the first black woman to hold a number one single in Hot country charts for this one, which is textas hold him It is.

A good song? Did a Joline cover a dollar by?

Yeah? Now, whatever you think of her and her move to country, you cannot escape the fact that she topped all of the billboards. However, she was not nominated for a single award Country Music Award.

I'm saying that the kind of people, especially in America that listen to country music would not be okay with Beyonce being nominated for these awards. Maybe that's why, Well, you.

Don't have to say it, because her dad, Matthew Knowles, he used to be a manager, came out and said, there is more, there's more white people in America, and unfortunately they don't vote based on ability and achievements. Is still sometimes a white and black thing. Yeah, so yeah, they go, all right, let's finish with this, and this is bringing it home. Now it's a little bit of football e music course, the Hawks coming over to take on Port Adelaide Friday night at Adelaide Oval, and everybody's concentrating on Hawk star Jack Genevan. Have you heard about him.

I saw something about him back in Adelaide.

Yeah yeah, yeah. So let's go back a week and he was snapped in Melbourne walking through a pub holding a beer the night before he had to.

Play against legendary stuff.

Well not all the football people thought anyway, So it's set off an absolute firestorm, as you can imagine. So he's been taking the pitle really, like he said out on his Twitter the other day, I'm going for a walk just over on nose, you know, all that sort of stuff. And then when he actually kicked winning goal against the Western Bulldogs, he then mined by cracking over and open a drink and pouring it over his kads. So he is not backwards in coming forwards, that's for sure. So he has just said number one. He's commented on Sydney Swan's on their Insta page saying when they won a c in fourteen days, so he's just written off Port Adelaide. He thinks it's going to be an easy win, so you can imagine how grumpy everyone's getting. But then he said, can you suggest anything in Adelaide for me? There isn't much to do there for me.

How dare you? Mate?

So thirteen one O two three on a Thursday night, What can Jack Jitiven do in Adelaide?

What's your hot tip?


I can take him late night grocery shopping at Castle Plaza. That's basically my Thursday old.

Sc a barg I recommend maybe the Palace of the Firm. And on Thursday hour they're always less busier than a weekend night. You know what I mean? Just sit there, have a quiet drink.

No, I don't know what you mean. Okay, And I call it the equestrian Cafe. That's my favorite. Hello, crazy horse. Now this is the rule change that everybody is talking about, and this is the social media band for kids that both our premiere and the Prime Minister is now promising before the election. How in the hell are they going to enforce it? Travel long, our tech expert, you legend tell us.

I don't think they know. No, I certainly don't. I mean the fact is that fourteen fifteen, sixteen year olds don't have ID many don't have passports. And I don't know about you, but when I go to my twelve year old son's baseball games, I look at the kids in his team and I go this kid looks twelve, but he's sixteen. This kid looks sixteen, but he's twelve. If I can't work out how old they are, how can a compute up. So it's untried, it's untested. And look, I have no problem with the government putting money behind trying to look into this, but the very idea that you can enforce a ban of any sort also begins to take away parental responsibility. And look, I'm a parent of the three kids twelve, fourteen, and eighteen turning eighteen, and I've got to tell you, I don't think that the government is the one that should be, you know, restricting this. I think parents are the ones that need to tell their kids when and what they can do. And that's what we're losing sight of.

And that's just it, right, Trevor. I mean, I think it's great. I don't think we need to have an argument that perhaps social media is something that has been put upon our kids and we haven't really worked out the full ramifications of it and we're only just getting it now. So I'm not arguing that there needs to be more control, but making a government legislaate just seems bizarre to me, because what are you going to do send the cops around and not on a fifteen year old a store like it just doesn't. I just don't see it working.

It's so emotive this issue for very good reason. There are absolutely tragic circumstances where children have been bullied in social media circumstances. But let me be clear. You take Instagram, TikTok and Facebook and everything else at snapchat out of a child's life, and those kids will still have phones. They will still have SMS and WhatsApp and discord and many other platforms for which they can communicate with their mates, and therefore they can be bullied excluded, and we will still have issues with kids who suffer at the hands of other kids through technology mobile phones, but social media's not involved. So we've got to have a wider conversation about helping parents. Parents need help. I'm a lucky parent that I'm a digitally savvy parent.

Many aren't.

And let me tell you, I've had problems with social media and my kids. I've had to change schools for one of my children because of social media, So trust me, I get it. But I think parents need support as much as kids need a bed.

So Trevor I've been to the meetings that school puts on. Like you know, I'm trying, because I am. I still use a freaking street director to get around, all right. So I'm coming from a long way back here and I've been to those meetings. But can you, for everybody like me, what did you do and how did you handle it? Given that you're so tech savvy that you had a problem going on with your babies.

I want to be clear, I don't have the silver bullet, but you know, the advice I give to people is conversations and rules. Conversations are critical. You can't just give a kid a phone and hope that they're going to work it out. You've got to talk about it. You've got to talk regularly about it. What was the good things you saw on the internet today? What was something bad you saw? How did it make you feel? Talk about it around the dinner table. But most importantly, when my twelve year old turns thirteen this month, and he's been waiting for two years again, he will be given the two page digital contract. And now that contract says you've got to behave well. You can't use your phone in the bedroom. You've got to treat people, Well, it talks about how to act online, and he signed it with his signature, and then we don't punish him through you know, you know, the end of the world. But we come back to that contract every time something happens and we say, is this was that the right thing to do? Did you say the right thing? Should you have handled that better? So we've got a kind of mechanism for that conversation. But if you're not talking to your kids about it, if you're not being real with your kids about the dangers of the internet, and you know, stranger to Angel, when I was a kid with a thing, it's still a thing. Bullying was a thing when I was a kid. It's still a thing. It's just happening differently. So please just talk. That's the most important thing. Talk, establish rules, and get everyone to agree so that we're all on the same page, in the same households.

Maye, I think mirroring would be the best way to go here. I know you're saying the government really can't police their parents have to do their job. I know that there's parental locks and controls and things like that you can access remotely, but I would just love to have, for example, my daughter's Instagram account on my phone. I've got the password. It's also open on my phone. I see the DMS, I see the messages, I see all the activity. That would be the only way to fully across it.

Right Look, I can tell you right now that TikTok and Instagram have parental tools. So my daughter's account on Instagram and TikTok are managed by me. So essentially, I'm literally TikTok knows me as the parent. So if my daughter wants more screen time, she has to come to me. I can look at things that happen on her account. I cannot read everything. I don't see everything, but I can see on Instagram, I get an alert, a profile kind of update when she's added X number of friends and who they are, so I can have that conversation. Because I've got this alert, I can say, oh, who's this person?


Oh I meet them at school to day whatever. You know, there are those, those tools exist, We've just got to use them. And this is what I point. You've got to educate parents on this. We need education that shows that these platforms actually do try and help. They're not the favorite companies in the world, and I'm not big fans of them broadly, but they are trying. They're trying, and there are some tools parents need to embrace them, do.

You evor just really quickly, if you went to your well eighteen year old and went to them when they were sixteen and said, hey, by the way, it's illegal now we're going to take it off you, what would they have said?

It would have been a pretty bad day for me and the family.

Was a good month to recover from.

By poor thirteen year old if he gets to prove in the next couple of years. So yeah, that's the challenge we've all got.

Trevor Loong, thank you so very very much, my pleasure. That's Trevor Loong, tech expert. You can see him on Today in a Current Affair and he's a tech commentator at e FtM dot com. Now Max is off c Ick and Bergie. I feel that you're going to have more input into this than Max, because Max is a bit of a goody two shoes, pretty clean nose, You not so much.


I was catching up with some friends over the weekend and one of their little sons went on a bit of a triple date. So three little boys and three little girls.

Old we're talking when you say little like five year olds going.

No, no, no, no, like fourteen, okay, you know thirteen, fourteen, like smart enough to know not what to do, but then dumb enough to do it anyway. Right, So they've gone off for a little day and they went to the movies, and they all went back to your parents house, blah blah blah blah. And then of course you do what you do on any good date, throw some eggs.

Oh that's not how I am.

I'm presume they're trying to impress the.

Girls, fertilize them.

Oh my god. Anyway, so they threw some eggs, and I don't think they'll throw them at cars, but a car certainly stopped and a bloke wound down the window. And you know, that's how I presume it went.

Any Harold Bishop from and I presume.

These kids like well, these kids are then just taken off like absolutely scamp it. So then they've gone in the house and then they've done what little kids do. They've then gone did he follow us? Is he in the house?

Oh my god?

The TV wasn't on before, but now it is. He must be here, And they rang the police yes, the police come over. Police, the police come over. Clearly, no person is in the car, like in the house, there's nothing going on. But then they had to explain what they did. And so then they got in trouble from the police for throwing eggs.

I mean, I've been there with as a kid. You do that, I'm going to be really cool and do this thing. And then as soon as you do it, like, oh my god, I shouldn't have done that.

I know, right, I know. And so they were sitting there and the police are giving them a talking to. And then as I said to my girlfriend, I said, I hope you go talking to because eggs are expensive these days. Were they throwing them around? But I remember my brother. Now, my brother has an intellectual disability, and he used to love sitting on our front porch and he had a big thing for police officers and he used to love giving people the middle finger like not really.

Understand same brou.

And Dad got this knock on the door and there was a police officer there and then they said, oh, look, you know, ma'am, is this your son? Yes, dahlahlahlah. Well, he was being disrespectful to the police, and that's why we're here, and Mum just looked at them and said, Nick, just just do what you did before. Now he doesn't actually give the middle finger properly. He just holds up his pointy finger. I think as a kid, and this is what I said to my girlfriend, that is a perfect way to have an interaction with the police, because sometimes I think kids are so scared of them, they don't actually understand that the cops are there to do a job and to.

Keep us on after you.

So, thirteen one oh two three, when did you call the cops?

Stupid reasons? Yeah? Yeah, reasons where they came out and they were like, you know what, you didn't need us for this.

And if you're an officer listening to this, you can absolutely come on and be incognito. We won't tell Grant Stephens you on. We've actually got tickets to David Williams Up for Grabs. He's playing a couple of Saturday nights time, So if you want a really fun night out, give us a call. When we're the cops calls, we're asking you though, I'm thirteen one oh two three, when were the cops call? We've got tickets to go see David Williams, a very funny man up for grabs for a caller of the Day. And this is after a girlfriend told me that her young teenage boy were mucking around. They were throwing eggs and then they got scared because someone actually said, oh, he stopped throwing eggs, and so they rang the cops on that bloke. But then the cops gave him a good old dressing down.

So honestly, so dumb. Emma in stephen Meadows when with the cops.

Called morning, I had to call the police. I was dropping my partner off at the train station and I said to him, like, don't worry about locking the door. And it was about nine o'clock at night. Was the five minute drive down the road. I got home about half an hour later.

I got it.

Distracted front door, wide open.

Lights on.

Yeah, I had to call the cops. They made me go in and search my house to make sure that no one was in there. And it was just a miscommunication. I meant don't lock the door. He thought I meant don't even bother shutting the door.

Oh my god, every that reminds me so clearly my absent mind husband a little bit maybe like yours went a way to play against Freemantle in Perse and I've come home and the door was wide open too, and I, oh, my lord, I know what are they doing.

Look, I mean, I'll give my benefit of the doubts. English is not his first language, but still it's pretty common practice to shut your doors.

A crocodile, That's what I'm thinking of. That's what I'm thinking, all right, bluster of Salisbury noise. When were the cops called?

Well, a few years ago, I was sitting on my front porch enjoying the evening and I heard this faint calling for help. And I walked around the neighborhood to see where it was coming from, and I couldn't really quite tell because it wasn't a constant cry for help. So I thought, I call the cops and get them to check it out. And they came out and we were sort of standing at the front listening out for it, and after a while they heard it as well, so they said, look, we'll go and check it out and we'll come back and let you know. And they came back and they were kind of laughing, like, what's so funny. I said, yeah, we found the source of the cry for help. It was a go tied up to a post in the backyard.

How did it sound?

I felt like afore and they said, yeah, it was sitting there, going help.

Keep the calls coming. On thirteen one oh two three.

Speaking of footy sold out Port tickets, it's.

Going to be massive if you can get there.

And lazy gentlemen, you're now entering.

We've got Cort Court.

Yes, we have set up the Port Court to go on the hunt for the biggest Port Adelaide fans. So you can plead your case for these sold out Fort v. Hawks semi final tickets.

Yeah, we're food stories of massive Port fans. People that have got tattoos, would get more tattoos, people that would sell children in order to get sold out tickets.

I know they named their third born Bok or something like. They are the sort of people we want, the people who still don't have the tickets. So here's what we're going to do. The number is thirteen one oh two three, So you can get on that and you can start by pleading your case to our producers and then after eight o'clock at eight twenty in fact, you can become a plaintiff in the Port Court I.

Love it, and make no mistake. Only get on that phone and call thirteen one oh two three.

If you're a yeah, it's got to be good. Yeah, it's got to be good.

Won't have a chance to win it.

It's not did you grandmother get something tattooed? I mean that's kind of cool thing.


Preferably support things like a cupcake, what.

A random grainy tramps, damp? What big Port fans just like these people who would do anything to get their hands on tickets.

The question is what question?

Already books work off, So ready to pack the car and just head over this.

There's not much we wouldn't do. It's just passion and belief.

It's just tradition.

Put Adelaide is just the loudest, proudest fan base in the entire country.

I am feeling absolutely on edge. I am so ready for this game. I think it's going to be full on, a reckon. It's going to be a bit of bit of bit of bash, but record Port Adelaides in for a good runner recond but Nana's boy, I'll be following the team.

Nana ned pos I bear it for them for fifty one years.

Extremely excited.

I think we can get the job done, but always nervous about these stove bloody power.

All right, you do it for yourself, all right. So if you're a mad Port fan, just pick up the phone thirteen one oh two three and you can please your case in our court. Now. I want to point out it's not a real court, so if you've done anything in your former life, it's fine. We won't bring it up, okay, and it's on a real judge as well. Just do a some Port supporter start jokes.

We've got you sold out Port tickets. If you want to call us now, mix one or two point three maximally in the morning, maximally ten thousand dollars.

Get down straight lee from Gola. We want to give them money to you. You're gonna have to earn it, though, and get those ten questions right in the sixty seconds. Do you think you're up for it?

I'll give it a good go.

Excellent, okay. So if you give it a good go and it works out beautifully, what are you going to spend the ten grand on?


You would love to.

Take my daughter to Africa?

Oh yeah, a Safari? Yeah yeah, unbelievable.

Africa is one of those places that every time I try to get my head around going just blows me away, like the incredible wildlife and all sorts.

Yes, be amazing.

Hey, Lee, I get love. There's people that work in this office that will text me and go, I've got nine today. What's the best you've ever done on this? How close have you come to winning? While you play along?

Actually at home, maybe I've got about eight? I think.

All right, all right, well that's pretty good. Okay, So here we go, Lee. Let's see if you can get the ten and get the ten thousand dollars all right, and take it out to Gaula and then off to Africa. That'll be exciting, all right, Lee? From Gaula, Your time starts now. Which South Australian suburb was Magic Mountain in Elk. The distance from the center of a circle to its edge is called what the radio which form a Disney star turn singer became a billionaire this week as Selina, Madagascar is off the coast of which continent.

The yeah African?


Just pass strong strongbow Hills and Boomers are brands of what drink in Friends, which main character gave birth to triplets. Phoebe ginger baritis is a disease in which part of the body the gum. Which state's postcode begins with two, New Packwell Darren Hayes and Daniel Jones, Or in which bands playing at Adelaide Oval Friday night.

A yellow.

Oh, I tell you what that one you needed the Hawks for? Yeah, but that's okay because unfortunately I think there's one you're really going to kick yourself over. But in the meantime, Yes, Magic Mountain was in Glendel the eights. Is that distance from the center of the circle. Did you have to go all the way back to primary school maths for that?



Selena Gomez, yeah, became a billionaire this week, not because of her singing or acting, but because of do you know why.

Make Yeah?

Yeah, we said we'd give you an extra two bucks now friends, Phoebe gave birth to the triplets. Ginger Bitis is a disease of the gums in a deeper mouth. New South Wales post code begins with two and Savage Garden has Darren Hayes and yeah, yeah, that's all good. So I tell you what Strongbow Hills and Boomers or all brands of ciderider and this is the one I reckon. You'll kick yourself over a little bit. Madagascar is off the coast of which continent? Africa?

I know? I know? Yeah, he's going to lock it in.


Well, the good news is you've got sixty sixty dollars plus an extra two for knowing that Selena go mess made of money out of so sixty two bucks.

Okay, awesome, thank you, and if the producers fight you on that, we'll give it you out of our own generous pocket.

Thank you, gir enjoy d, thank you, thank you.

You're going to be a part of it. We'll do it again. Your chance ten grand tomorrow and advantages question and answer every thirty minutes from six thirty.

Yeah, so get on that because that will just get you off to an absolute flyer.

Yeah. Hey, courus, if you want port tickets thirteen one O two three.

Ladies and gentlemen, you've got Yeah.

In fact, do you know how he absolutely test as to whether or not Max is just chucking sickis or if he us in pain?


If he's in so much honey can't come to work, surely he wouldn't have been able to get himself port tickets.

Ah, yeah he goes to that game.

Oh we're under you, Berthord. But hey, so many of you are dying to go to this sold out semi final and we're doing our level best to get you there. In fact, we have some tickets to give away.

And so yeah, we're in the Port court right now. The semis are, the finals are semi the tickets are sold out, whatever that whatever. The judge is Ali Clark, and you are a harsh, harsh adjudicator.

I'm actually not, and this is going to be really really hard because I can't pick. I hate. I want everyone to go anyway. Okay, all right, so everybody can come in and plead their cases to if they are the biggest sports support.

A plaintiff or a defendant a plaintiff. So plaintiff number one, enter the courtroom, Lorraine from Royal Park. You're ahead of the judge right now, please your case.

No, Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Firstly, i'd like to say that I have my own chief and I have a pocket sort of class. Therefore, I am not a port supporter, but due to bad parenting, I have a child who is a port supporter, and I would really like to take her to the finals. She's never been to a finals, because I'd like to see her choke and cry.

Lorain, who do you support?


Listen to you now? How old is your daughter La Raene.

She's in the early thirties and.

She hasn't been a port final yet. No, no, okay.

All right, we've heard your case. Larin stand by.

I am taking that under advisement.

Thanks for all right. Rachel and Brompton. You're in the Port court. You are before the judge, plead your case, Judge.

Allie, Judge Burgo. I too, like Lorraine, I am not a port supporter. I am a Hawthorne girls through and through. I bleed brown and gold. However, I do have concerns again about my parenting style as my eight year old daughter is starting to sway. She's getting she's getting encouraged by too many port supporters to wear different colors to brown and gold, and it's costing me a fortune trying to change her color of her wardrobe. So I feel like I need them.

Are you honestly trying to take these port tickets so you can turn up as a Hawk supporter? And she loudly on our home deck here in South Australia.

Oh Ellie, I know you're not a Port supporter. I'm there to support you.

I know you need my support.

You need my support, and I too have all of my teeth and then full of cloth.

I'll be there for you.


This may not be one for the judge, Elliot, maybe one for the jury. And I've got it. I'm voting no on that.

We hang on, Rachel. The good news is it's the judge's decision is final.

I love you, Ellie.

Hold there, let's go to be yankea in old no longer. You are in the Port corps and you are before the judge. Please your case.

Hi, how are you?


I actually get married next week and my bridesmaids and my grooms made are all wearing Port Adelaide's colors.

We've got the song going.

It's going to be the biggest year.

So yeah.

So my daughter absolutely loves port.

She's seven years old, she's never been to a game, so I just thought this would be the great opportunity to take her before the.

Wedding anchor, Bianca. How would one get invited to an all port wedding? That's what I want to know.

Be a Port supporter.

My bridesmaid goes for Crows.

I don't know how I'm going to sway her until like playing the port some of them going through it. It was all for I'll get there, I'll try it.

All right. All I love is you've got a little seven year old that also hasn't been to the footy. Okay, So we've got Lorraine who just basically wants to inflict pain on her Port loving daughter. We have Rachel who's a Hawk supporter, but just really, I mean she did kind of tug at my judge strings, youh e.

But imagine the vitriol that's going to come our way when we give port to get to a Hawk supporter. It is the ultimate traitor as treason.

And then there's Bianca who is inflicting a Port flavored wedding on everybody, celebrating, celebrating, celebrating love and all things for that great football club. Max Burfort, this is why you should come to work every day because I will have the judge's decision after the news. Ladies and gentlemen, you're now entering that's right. We're getting people to plead their cases. Show us that you are the largest Port fan around to get these tickets to the sold out Port Hawk semi final on Friday night at Adelaide Oval. And it's better say if they've had a good crack.

Firstly, I'd like to say that I have my own chief and I have a post full of class. But due to bad parenting, I have a child who is a Port supporter and I would really like to take her. She's never been to a final because I'd like to see her choke and crime.

I am a.

Horseorn girls doing through. I bleed brown and gold.

Are you honestly trying to take these Ports tickets so you can turn up as a Hawk supporter and cheer loudly on our home deck here in South Australia.

Oh, Ellie, I know you're not a Port supporter.

I'm there to support you.

You need my support.

So I actually get married next week and my bridesmaids and my grooms men are all wearing Port Adelaide's colors. We've got the song going. It's going to be the biggest fear.

So will it be Lorraine from Ryal Park or Rachel from Brompton who's the Hawk supporter? Of Bianco from Old Nor Longer? While I am ready to discharge my duty as I preside over these legal matters before the Port Court. I have considered all evidence. There were some concerns late over a deep fake, but I am prepared to rule and I must admit whilst I as a judge and beyond all bus I am itching to give it to the pork supporter. I really am, although I believe we've got some last minute submissions.

Yes, one more. Hello, Carla, who is it. It's Max Burford.

It's Max bluddy Burford. And you're giving you Ay tickets to someone who's not a Port Adelaide supporter.

Excuse me, excuse me. I will only be referred to as your honor.

You have no honor.

You have got this beautiful duty of handing out tickets to a sold out game where we need every single Port Adelaide person possible, because God knows, after last.

Week we need all the help we can get, and you're considering giving them to someone who is a Hawthorn supporters. No one else, no one else, who's a Crows fan, who is a batman admittedly a bad parent that said it themselves.

Oh if only you weren't on your sick fared Max and you're here in person.

I am literally laying on the floor in on my bedroom right now, trying to straighten my back out as much as I can because I need to come back to work tomorrow, because clearly it's got.

The ship without.

All right, all, yes, it is time to hand down your verdict.

Okay. So it was Lorraine who wanted to make her Port daughter cry and choke? It was Rachel. No, it was the Hawks supporter. No or, it was Biancher from Old no longer who's having a Port themed wedding. The decision is final. No correspondence will be ended into banker from Old no longer. You're having the Port team. Ready, you gotta go to the game. All right?

Oh my god?

Okay, enjoy it, bi Anchor, all right, thank you so much. I really wanted to send Rachel.

You Rachel.

Hey, the good news is Rachel and everybody else that is not the end of the Port tickets. Tomorrow morning. Every person that gets on the show will get themselves a double pass.

Yes, every caller gets a pair of Port tickets a Friday semi final against the Hawks and Max Purfect. That'll make you happy, mate. They should go to true Port fans. I'm coming in. I've had enough of this.

I've clearly seen where this show is going without me.

I will I will return tomorrow, no matter what, no matter how I wake up tomorrow, I will put a back brace on, put some crutches on, will chair me in.

I'm gonna be there.

We're going to make sure that all these tigets go to some port people.

All right, So Rachel hawks reporter ring tomorrow, I might be able to get you on. We've got your number now, Rachel, you tur Lorraine make important daughter choke all right, Hey, Max, get better. I hope we will see tomorrow.

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All right, that's today's order. But what about tomorrow morning?


Again, yeah tomorrow. This is what's happening. Port fans and Hawk fans, Port fans and Putty fans, everybody else.

Port fans, it's going to be back, and he is going to spew it you.

Every single person though that gets on the show will pick themselves up a double for this sold out game on Friday night. I mean, I have absolutely no reason for going, but even I'm being caught up into the excitement in the finals.

This is a semi final.

Do you have a team that you followed?

My dad played for Collingwood, so there's a family loyalty there.

Well, you can't and go for pork.

You can do whatever I want. I'm an adult at times.

Alright, So just their heads up, get all your pork fans around the radio and see if you can get on the air. That's what's happening tomorrow.

Don't see that.

In the meantime, let's get out of here. We'll see you back here, just up six tomorrow morning.

Hayley & Max in the Morning

Hayley and Max in the Morning is your daily escape from adulting — a vibrant mix of fun, laughter, a 
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