AGRI-BIZ March 23, 2025: National Ag Week, International Sugar Beet Institute, discussion on HB 1318 with the Modern Ag Alliance
In this week’s episode of AGRI-BIZ, Sarah Heinrich and Rusty Halvorson were on the road to cover several events for National Ag Week, and the International Sugar Beet Institute. Audio with Mike Lundberg and Michael Anderson of Amity Technology, Dr. Tom Peters, sugarbeet agronomist with NDSU/UMN E…
Afternoon Ag News, March 21, 2025: How long will food last in a fridge or freezer during a power outage?
USDA food safety expert Meredith Carothers discusses how long food can be kept safety in a refrigerator or freezer in the event of a power outage, and what items may need to be discarded in a prolonged outage.
Farm Talk: Corn grower encourages other farmers to get involved with the council
This Farm Talk segment is brought to you by North Dakota Corn. Justin Quandt represents District 6 on the North Dakota Corn Utilization Council. Quandt discusses the election process for the council and encourages other corn growers to get involved.
Mid-morning Ag News, March 21, 2025: Australia’s beef production and exports set records
Beef output and exports from Australia, the world’s second-largest meat shipper, are expected to set records this year amid increased slaughter rates for female animals.
Morning Ag News, March 21, 2025: NCBA thanks USDA-NASS for reinstating July Cattle Report
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) thanked the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Services’ (USDA-NASS) for reinstating the July Cattle Report and the County Estimates for Crops and Livestock.
Afternoon Ag News, March 20, 2025: A look at where steer prices are headed next
World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski provides this month's USDA forecasts for beef production and steer prices for 2025.
Mid-morning Ag News, March 20, 2025: Canadian farmers expected to plant fewer sunflower acres
According to Statistics Canada data, Canadian farmers intend to plant 58,500 acres of sunflowers this spring, which is down 3 percent from 2024.
Morning Ag News, March 20, 2025: North Dakota Beef Commission is exploring new ways to encourage more consumers to put beef on their plates
The North Dakota Beef Commission is hard at work promoting beef across the state.
Afternoon Ag News, March 19, 2025: Latest export and import numbers
Agriculture Department economist Bart Kenner takes a look at the latest export and import projections from October to January
Mid-morning Ag News, March 19, 2025: Wheat midge numbers in North Dakota
NDSU Extension entomologist Janet Knodel says for the fifth year in a row, low populations of wheat midge were present.