On this special edition of the The 85 South Show, the entire original squad connect at FAMU for a homecoming comedy show like no other! Clayton English - a FAMU alumn - pops the show off with stand up comedy and karlous milller rips the crowd and educates. Plus, B Simone stops through to play a game of FIND MY BOO - because she's looking for a boyfriend! DC Young Fly was on the set of a movie earlier in the day but somehow made it to the show and piped it up. The school shut the lights and microphones off right before DC started the BBW twerk off! The 85 South Show literally shut it down and had your momma twerking! FOLLOW THE CREW KARLOUS MILLER - https://www.facebook.com/karlousm/ DCYOUNGFLY - https://www.facebook.com/DcYoungFly1/ CHICO BEAN - https://www.facebook.com/OldSchoolFool/ CLAYTON ENGLISH - http://www.claytonenglish.com/ JOE T. NEWMAN - http://www.joetoscano.tumblr.com CHAD OUBRE - https://www.instagram.com/chadoubre/ LANCE CRAYTON - https://www.instagram.com/cat_queso/ J.O.N - https://www.instagram.com/heeeyj_o_n/ CRIAG GRAVES - https://www.instagram.com/craigshoots23/
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Tell the African people that all the Nigerian people makes a noise. You gotta Nigerian English teacher. How are you supposed to take notes? You'm Nigerian people. You can't never hear the end of what they're saying. All their words start on big. The longer the sentence goals, the smaller the words get. You know, he'd being glad and this is the first time that I show you right now what I had to do with me. You can shoot you. You think something wrong with you're hearing, You're like, what the fuck? You'll be asking what did you say that? Yeah? I told you when you can me right now that I do right? See less and financial wage y'all. Niggas can kiss a dick too, mo fucker nigga, how long do it take for my paperwork to get right? I need my refund check? What's your fast? I ain't stop acting like you don't know my fucking name on that list? What the Mexican do with no hat wins? Where you're fucking hat that bro? I don't trust this thing. Bro. Y'all watch him. You're gonna be stilling all the black girls. Oh yeah, what we might have to jump him? Be stilling now, women, where are you from? Bro? You Palestinian? Let me quick fucking with you for you blow this bit up? Then called his uncle what the fund? Did he say? What did he say? He doesn't didn't beat my family? And what do he said? Blood evagelation on good trial. I'm twenty five for the master's degree that's coming and nine am man when nigga, I'm thirty and I'm rich. Congratulations my fucker in DC. Appreciate you, uh all five of y'all. Uh. But whenever I come to an hbc U, man, I always like to let it be known. And I'm a product of an HBCU. And I know everybody that's sitting there here got some type of goal or some type of dream or some type of vision. Let me tell you something. I come from nothing. I grew up with nothing, and everything that I got I made myself. But I made it right out of a building just like this one. Y'all sitting there right now, and everybody that's sitting here, we got a special type of power. Man. It ain't usually that black people get to get together like this and build. Man, we got the greatest energy on this planet. So y'all utilize that energy while y'all here and make the best out of this ship and get out in the world and be great, my nigga, because they try to play us like we ain't ship, but we're the greatest of We're the greatest, period. So know that you know that I got our contestants, and I think we're ready to shot the show off. This be some okay, now you can't see him, all right, So this right here is find you a boo, fam you all right, find you a boo? The family a home coming eighteen everybody. Everybody's say it's home coming your finder, SAME's it's stand girl for the princess in the front and you a e money, Hi, dear Cooper, be one hundreds. Mrs mor here are you you look? God? Din't pick it up? Whoa you just said that ship and you are? Don't sit down? Who are you? Mars Mills? The nineteenth Mr Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. Time out, time out, time out? Everybody? This niken forgot who he is? He said, the nineteenth Florida Agricultural and Technical University. You're the nineteenth What Nike? What do you Ninete r you shout out to the good brothers. Oh six, shout out to the gay bros. Is that means that hunt? How are you beautiful? You got the money? Damn? Did she just hear you say you was rich? She said, dude, I got the money, so I wanted taking some money to get that buzzing for real. Wow, wish your cash, Apop, I'm gonna see you the money, I said, hold on, if that's all they take is a couple of dollars for you to come to my place and pay body on my third let me hit take all right, they can sit the body. Let him here. Home coming family HBCU home coming. They want it out. I can't clapt to job. I got my girl pay some morning and really tonight job and I've got to say say it's good stories in the puling tonight. Did you guys back? Happy? Good time were off? Let me here one time with my happing day. I John need you to do one name for me before we start this show. I want to make everybody for coming out this and he hights out to marry. I need you to post on your tunes and stop trying today myself show Bunny, because this name starting your lady's well, let's where you are? You ready? This man I'm bringing out right here. You see him on whiling now. He is the winner of Sea fans, Kobe Sandy's most deport player. He is sam you a love time yo. Makes the boys n clapping right now. He'll give it up for sleep. Ain't glad you up? Good shot that damn let's go fucking dog. Cut that ship. Cut that ship, man, God damn, fam you fare you where we're doing? Man, we're in here. Everybody good, All my Florida people, with all the Florida people representing right, goddamn now, right out there, do what you do. Shout your county out. You know how you're doing. Shout your county out. I ain't know what the funk I was talking about when I first came down here. Dude, Oh I thought that was a person. It was like he everywhere shot him out every time mid West people make some noise, all the mid West people that saying here all right, Chicago people, yeah, security, pack them down, pat them down right goddamn now, man, they're shooting everybody they go to school to. Steady guns. Sit your lass now, Detroit people, Detroit, Yeah, okay, all right, Detroit got houses with no house, they just got porches. They'd be on the porch. Wait, like if the house is gonna show up later on shout lass yeah, ah my Atlanta people, Georgia. Oh oh, let's do it. Let's do it now. I like it. I'm probably missing people. We're the god damn Paddy Foot people at Yeah, don't nobody believe y'all leave it in school. You show them pictures, They're like, you locked up? An't you? What is this to be posible? The room? This goddamn big you. You gotta help your roommate getting the bed. Oh kind of ship is? Oh? Man? No family? The only place where people go to school change closed three times a day, and the ship be fresher than before. He's motherfucker guy Beyonce wardrobe changes in the middle of the day. Look, I'm trying to let them know, man, for real, it's good to be out of here. Man, we got a new president. I ain't who I'm rocking with. I'm this Obama. Man. Let's get Obama rounds applause, just for them showing me how to live my life the right way. For real. Obama, talk to me how to talk to women for real. Fellas you get in trouble, you to answer questions to goddamn fast. That's why you're get in trouble. You come home late, your girls started to ask you questions, where were you, who are you with? Do you know what time it is? And you just started making all Me and Charles we went to the zoo, and then we got stuck at the zool. Now, don't slow that ship down. I talked to my girl like I'm the president of the United States. I put it on my pace. She asked me the questions, where were you? Who are you? If you know what time it is, I can show up, hold on, hold on first of all, before ever there like the start guys saying, uh, play the bills in this motherfucker. All right, no, no, nstand. I don't understand any god questions. I want to get you some answers, it seems to me. Or you want to know where I was. That's a good question. I can see why you want to know the answer. I just want to make sure we clear on the same page. So what you're trying to figure out is where what was I? Well, I'll have you know I was out now I'm back, no further questions. Then you walk off, walk the funk off. Don't think of some old lines. You ain't gotta do your press conference immediately? Did I shout out of uh oh, Miami? I'm sorry, man, guy, damn man, God, damn how I forgot y'all. I don't even know what you a Miami. When y'all started playing them songs, y'all be playing too, I just leave because I don't know what another stick, Steve, Steve whatever. I ain't know what that man. I'm like, hey, hold on, I don't want to see those sticks. Don't want to stick out on me? Future has stick? Talk? What snick? We're talking about? All right with y'all? Who else I'm missing? You? Gotta say it. I can't hear you. Got a hold on? Hold on New York? I heard New York up dawn, Yeah, yeah, Get y'all the ass out of here. Man, y'all ain't never drove before. I want to come down here and get a license. Show ass off. The road ain't be speeding because they got on the heavy ass Timperle and ship Son. I gotta get where I'm calling people. She is twice as son motherfucker's put boat blakers on. I could go either way. Son, she just twice soft helpful pop sign. I'm just playing. I'll just playing New York people. Make sure you know where they're from. Hold on, you said browner, Okay, there you go with a little crowd. I should have known. Well, ain't that way code that from? Yeah? I was at the Little Black party last night. They played kolde that they started shooting. I thought it was part of the song I'm too old to be out. I couldn't even get low. Everybody dropped down. I was like, well, they could just go after hitting me that ships put the walks in the car. Can't be running and jumping over ship the ship out of head? All right? Any oversees people, anybody from the other country? Where are my African people at all? The Nigerian people makes a noise. You've got a Nigerian English teacher. How are you supposed to take notes? I'm not Jerry people. You can't never hear the end of what they're saying. All their words start on big. The longer the sentence goals, the smaller the words get. You know, he'd being glad and this is the best time that I show you right now what I had to do with you. You should you think something wrong with you're hearing, You're like, what the fuck? You'll be asking what did you say that? Yeah, I told you when you kid me right now that I do right now. You don't know what to write on the notes, how your nose end dot dot dot home on what the ship is. That's a little sign of it to figure out what he said at the end. But I don't just play look man, family with the places very special and super awesome because not only is it no no for real, not only is that people that's gonna leave the future, and it's it's people here see talent to other people. And that's what it helped me. Everybody told me I needed to do comedy, understand, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to go about doing that. But people here believe me before I even believe to me. So this place always got a special place if my heart. Man, I just wanted to god damn eighty five South Show to see how dope this ship actually was because I don't think they actually believe me, and I think y'all feel show them right now if you can make a lot of noise right now, more noise than you have made all goddamn not. Make a lot of noise right now. Let him feel the energy, all the way in the back, all the way in the back. Let him feel the energy. Who I'm bringing up? Is it all right? Okay? Yeah? See what do that means? It's a dance of some ship to go with there. Y'all gotta show me man, y'all gotta show me man. That's just your little call. I don't know what y'all doing. Do it one more time? Is it? WHOA? I can't do it. You see how deep my voice is. I smoke too much weed for that shot. Hold on, like, hey, I didn't say that. I don't smoke weed. I don't keep more weed on meet than I could eat. Let's do this right now. You're all ready very far the dude coming to the stage, y'all make all the noise. You have seen this man everywhere. You've seen him on MTV, you've seen him on Wilding Out, probably one of the dopest motherfucker's that I know. And you got him in the building right now, show your love. Make a lot of goddamn noise, and make a lot of noise right now, right goddamn now. But my dog cheat got damn rounds and put fetch you mama house and put some rousing the block and wash them trown could get don't win. I'm start ship, ship murder. What's up? Ship? Cut it off? Cut it off? Cut it off? That it's home coming? Fam you what's up? Look at all y'all niggas in here, boy, this ship is though. I love you too, baby, how you knowing with the crown on in the front, Man, I funk with fam you man. Listen, man, this's my second time here. I came in like two years ago, but every time I come, this ship makes me realize it's how dope this hbc U is. Man, So it makes you no, it's for yourself. I went to an h b c U, so I know how tough it is to make it in one of these motherfucker's. Man. First of all, I went to Winston Salem State in North Carolina, And I don't know if y'all noticed, if you've ever been to any other hbc U, don't feel bad, Fami. You all all HBCUs is in the hood, nigga, every last one you go to but this one right here, Nigga, I fucked around and was on Holding Street at that gas station. Oh my god, how the fund do you niggas learned at this motherfucker? It was crackheads everywhere. I'm like, nigga, do they go to school here or do they just live in the community? What the fund is going on? I don't know why they set us up like that and put all the HBCUs in the middle to ghetto and expect us to be safe. You can't be safe with crackheads all on cabins, locals and ship. Don't nothing be worse than the local niggas that be? Oh my god, Well, ladies, ladies, don't make too much noise. One of y'all that got caught by one of them niggas, you didn't suck the local one of y'all that gave some locals and pussy one of y'all tore you mad. The motherfucker you did too. You thought that nigga really was a ball or nope, that nigga work on Holding Street at the gas station. You your pussy away for nothing? Ship is crazy, man, All the pressure they put us on that these HBCU they give you a little bit of money to get real food at the beginning of the semester. You use all that ship the first week. Now you gotta eat them calf eggs and ship on yourself every third hour of the day. What the fund are they putting in the eggs and the calf for HBCUs Nigga. First of all, them ship be chunky like motherfucking don't nut. She'd be like, nigga, what kind of eggs is these? This ship thick like pound cake? Nigga, I don't know what. Then they got the motherfucker's that worked in the calf. Oh my god, their motherucker's looked like they're supposed to be at the waffle house and Nigga, I swear to God them calf workers. Boy, they could be missing teeth and all that ship like Nigga. No, I don't scoop my eggs toothless man. I don't want you to slob on my baking Nigga. Get your loose my fans away from my train. Nick HBCU problems and no disrespect. I respect what y'all do, but I say this, you know, with all due respect to all of y'all, to see I appreciate you doing your job with fun Campus police. I'm sorry, I gotta say. I gotta say, why the fund do y'all take y'all job so seriously? They don't even let y'all in the real jail. Nigger. You got to drop me off at the front if you lock me up, keep taking me that goo fas holding the sale on Cambins, nigger, This ain't no holding sale. And Parker is supposed to be free. Why the fund do they keep doing this ship? Parker is supposed to be free and they gotta pay a million dollars a year ago to this bitch. And you mean tell me I can't leave my car? No, well, that ship like hey, that a ship like God's playing with different words, nick Wise, campus police always fucking with me. I paid my two wish in Wise park and not free for real man. Ship is ridiculous and financial wage. You'll niggas can kiss a dick too, motherfucker. Nigga, How long do it take for my paperwork to get right? I need my refund check with your good fast, all right. Stop acting like you don't know my fucking name on that list, bitch. You're acting like you gotta attitude with me. Motherfucker's my money. Get my god damn money. Got me standing all in line all long, and Ship acting like you don't know what the funk I'm here fun. Can I help you, sir? Yeah, bitch, you can help me give me my money. Ship is ridiculous. Man. Let you know, family, I feel your pain. Going to od hbc U is tough. Man. They act like they don't know why we need that fucking money. We need that money, and I feel so if you ain't got your refund check yet by homecoming, the it's gonna be a long week. You ain't gonna know what to do at the door, at the party, and to all you niggas that go here that's throwing the parties this week. Uh, bitch, ass nigga stopped acting like you don't go to class for me. Every first and second Thursday, nigga. Motherfucker get to the door and act like he don't know you, but like, what's good? Bro? Yeah? Thirty five, Bro, it's gonna be thirty five. I've been chass nigga week because people don't understand the pressure of being an HBCU student. Man, I do like HBCU broke is a different type of broke. It ain't white college broke. They got regular ship like chick fil A's and all types of ship on campus. Y'all got a Chick fil A work, Oh, nigga, y'all turned up about this motherfucker. Then I was. I didn't never think I would see a Chick fil A on an hbc U campus. You know why, because it's niggas here. And if I was in school and there was a Chick fil A on my campus, bit, you wouldn't have been able to tell me it was closed on Sunday. I've been at motherfucker frying the ship out chicken on Sunday and they gonna lock the door, ain't gonna catch us, and they can get some of them patties. But college broke a different broke because even if y'all do got a Chick fil A on campus, you just swiped all your money away in a week and a half, so you can't buy nothing. And that's the thing. College broke is a different type of bro especially HBCU bro Like HBCU broke, Hey, you ask me God for ship, you know you're not supposed to asking for You're being a calf like, God, my Lord, save you. God, Please don't let them see me put this chicken breast in my pocket. God, please don't let degrease soaked through my jeans when I'm chalking back to my dorm room. God, you be in the bookstore, like God, my Lord, save you. God, Please don't let them see me ripped these three pages I need for this Queen is out this book for them all, because I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna pay six hundred fitted all the four book I'm gonna use one time. Then when I take that motherfucker back, they're gonna givet me thirty eight sit for it. Suck my dick bit. The worst part people when you call home though, that places you thought you wanted to get away from. It seemed like your people be happy as hell. You ain't there no more? Don't there that ship crazy? I used to hate calling home, Like First of all, my mother never cooked when I was in Like, never when I was at home, she never cooked. As soon as I go to college, she didn't want to turn in the fucking Gordon Ramsey and started cooking every day. I used to hate calling home because I was in college struggling like a lot of y'all, like most of us is. I used to call home, like, Mam, what's you're doing? Oh nothing, baby, just baking some turkey wings and some macaroni and cheese and some hunted by the biscuits. I'm like, Mama, put the phone in the oven. Please, the sundown here, struggling ship is important, man. The dorm rooms be fucked up, and there ain't nothing like standing in a freshman dorm. I remember the freshman dorms my freshman year. And then, first of all, I don't know how we man to get bathroom so nasty, nigga, But I don't know if it's like this in family. Let me see how real this ship is down here, nigga. Do y'all had a shower curtains with the molded ship on the bottom. Oh my god, I'm in my freshman year. True story. I was taking a shower with one of the moldy shower curtains and the nigga walked past too fast and that bit snuck to my leg. My legs down, nigga, I gotta cut my leg scrub the ship out of my leg, trying to get that mold and you would think that it would just be the boys dorms that be nasty, But hell no, the ladies y'all. Who I heard y'all got one here called Patty foot nigga. That's real fucked up. I don't know what y'll be doing. You go to that freshman dorm. It looked like bit does be slinging. Puts me on the wall like Spider Man, just that it is time, puts it you on the wall. Yeah, sigh, you'd be like that gains that a strength of pussy juice? Did I see? How did she manage to get it in a straight line like that? She must be a professional. One thing I will say about family is that y'all got some of the most beautiful women in Like I would have been the HBCUs all over the country. I'd have been all, I'm damn there and I mean this. I I'm not saying it just because I'm here. I think, Fami, you got the baddest ones out of all of them. Yeah, like you sweet, look at you? How you doing? Damn you're so pretty? I beat my thick to your student. I depicture like, uh ship, Oh I bet you get a good grades? Oh yeah, you got a three point nine, don't you. Oh you look like you ran from Miss something and one with your pretty ass. I'm grery, not all on your face on this car. Pretty as small. Fuck this type of nigga, I'm is. But ladies, I'm gonna tell y'all something, specially all y'all beautiful black women in this building to now you man, let me tell y'all something. Listen, ladies, learn to love yourself first, all right. Stop waiting on niggers the validate who and what you are. Learned to love yourself first. That's the best thing you can do. And stop letting Instagram shape your idea what a beautiful woman is. That ship ain't real. It's still successful men like myself that like real women. I pay I love a real woman. Look, can I pay attention to detail to like? For example, bitch, if you're bro and panties match every day and you ain't a bit for me, I'm sorry. That means you ain't never rushing the class or nothing you mean to tell me you ain't never got no Victoria's secret bro, and don't hangs panties on a bitch. Oh no, you ain't the type of you ain't the type of girl I needs. You don't work hard enough for you too worried about who see your underclothed bitch. Wrong with you. I'm telling you, ladies, that ship y'all see on Instagram ain't real. I'm famous. I'm around all the bitches. You see it, all them followers. There's not living like that. I went over this bitch house. She got six men your followers. This's been sleeping on the pallet. Do you know where the pallette is? Family, that's when you laid the sheets on the floor. You gotta sit down three times to get on this bitch bed. It's like, all right, I'm down here now, bitch, we gotta funk. I can't believe you made me tell my a c L to come over here and get this poor ass pussy here. Wrong with you? I thought you had follows. You'd be posting tea and ship bit you need to post a bed frame hope making y'all think y'all gotta do dumb ship ladies like your as shots. You don't need know ass shots. You gotta pussy you win. God has given you all the tunes you need to succeed, and I don't think it's fair, ladies, I'm gonna speak on it. I don't think it's fair on my half, all the fellers, I don't think it's fair. And y'all get to go add fourteen fifteen inches to your ass and expect us to still give you pleasure with the dick God gave us. That ain't fair. My dick was big as a motherfucker last week. Now you're talking about I can't feel it. I bet you caant you to put a love seat between me and the pussy. I can't get to it now. And you don't know what the long term affects of them big asses is. Fellas and she just look good now, But these holes got an all types of ship in their ass. Nigga, submit yellow calf eggs and nigger. It's all types of ship in these buses. Are look good now, but in ten years that whole as is gonna drop like a mix tape, and you're gonna be mad as a motherfucker. She's gonna need a brother for her breast and her as. She's gonna be cursing around around the house. Bitch, put your ass bur on so we can go to the movie. It's like a real couple. Stop dragging that motherfucker around the house. I just got the copye cleaves and I'm just saying, ladies, everything for everybody's home coming week. Man, it's gonna be a lot of ship going on this week. But if you learn the love what's for you, you won't get caught up in a lot of bullshit, like, for example, if you can't handle your lick at this week, Ladies, just be careful, all right. I don't nobody want to see your pretty ass in the club with your shoes off, tampon string hanging out and you fucking nobody want to see that ship. Ladies, learn learn what was for you. Everything ain't for everybody. Everybody ain't gotta be drunk. And I'm gonna say some ship that I know might offend some of y'all are staying here, but funcker, they've gotta be said that going natural ship is not for everybody, Ladies. I'm sorry, no disrespect. Some of y'all look good with it. Some of y'all look good with it, but shoot some of y'all. Who some of y'all be looking like you got holding street grass on your head. Bet you, I'm just saying ladies, at least consult your man before you do this ship. You've been getting terms and she was in the third grades. You don't know what your real text. Your heir looked like no more. And you can't come to my house one day looking like your doctor Marable box and then come back the next day with the motherfucking Kodak black and just expect me to let you in. Hell. Now, hell you did, and we've ain't for everybody, even ladies. We're gonna get you some weave, get you some bundles, some of that Malaysian Asian Complaian ship. Don't get that pack here that ship for a little girl box braids and that's it. And be honest about the fact that you've got we've don't just get comfortable with a nigg and fucking come out the bad from the skin of ship out of the whole house. That ain't fair. I had this girl do that ship to me one time. She took her we've aver came out and nigger, a real ponytail looked like a zip drive. I was like, damn, bitch, you got a jolly ranch. You're sitting on top of your ship. You need to cut the Home's wrong with you. All I'm saying is his home coming. Don't get tricked out your COUCHI this week, ladies, don't a lot of these niggas just looked like they got money. These niggas got ball of costumes on. It's not real true story. You fuck him if you want to, because he got on the thousand all the outfit in the bottle of Moet in the club. You're gonna be mad as hell come Monday morning when you check that nigga Instagram and sim and that waffle house uniform will work flow under the picture. You're gonna be like, oh my god, you're gonna be on the phone with your homegirl. Kish If I tell you something, you gotta swear to Gods you ain't gonna tell nobody else. Remember that they got sucked out to the club, girl. This nigga work at the waffle House. You know one of them eggs he made was so good. This niggas a professional and fellas piece of advice I can get to y'all. Man, If anything, this is a negg that then went to an h B c U and live through what y'all to live through. Listen, man, learn to be honest, keep it one hunted man's the best thing you can do. Like watch this, Watch this, ladies, make some noise if you just want to neig to be a hunted with you and keep it on high. All right, well, let me ask you all the question, the ladies, why the funk y'all get so mad when the they can tell you the truth? Then if that's what you want, I don't understand. I don't understand. Ladies. If you want the truth, you gotta be able to take it. You gotta be able to take it. What you say, you gotta start with the truth. I agree, you gotta start with the truth. But listen, fellas, the reason why I'm telling y'all this is because these ladies it's slicked in the motherfucker. It's not that they don't like lies, they just don't like getting told them. Because these motherfucker's lie better than we ever could niggas guaranteed. Ladies, y'allre so good you'll start lying to a nigger right now by some ship you're gonna do next home coming. That's how good y'all live. Is all your friends know the plan and everything. Ship don't make no sense. And I'm telling you fellas like women are way more slicker than you can ever think. Like if if you heard that new call to five Wayne, tell you on Mona Lisa, just how slick these bitches can be, especially if you're talking about what you're gonna do to the pussy and then don't do that. We it get ugly. And then the crazy thing is, ladies, we tell stupid lies. Y'all tell wicked lies. This is a type of lot of nigga tail. Where the funk with you at last night? Did? Yeah, I died and I've seen I missed your car and came back to life because we was going to the show them on my mama died. Well, just hay some ship like that, Ladies, y'all tell on wicked lies. Either type of lines, y'all tell oh, yes, oh daddy, Oh it feels so boodh Oh ship, this's your plussy. Oh that's your plussy. Yes, oh ship, it's in my stomach. Oh my god, it's in my stomach. Know the funck's not fellas you're being there believing that ship too? Yeah, sid her stomach, nigger, I got an appetite, dick, No you don't. The stomach is up here, young nigga, you do not have enough dick to reach up here. And if you was hitting her to which she felt like it was in her stomach, she would not be able to tell you in the complete sentence, Nigga, you're sucking a bitch like that. She's gonna be like, oh, sure, you ain't never heard that, fellas, your bitch is a liar. And then they keep the lock go. They keep it going. They'd be like, oh my god, oh Ship, Oh oh, I'm so sleepy, Oh my god, I might miss my eight o'clock. And the more they fucking with you, big Man and Niken still be believing that ship. Yeah, how to funk the education out this bit. She don't even want to work no more because of this dick. She hits you with the text me when you get back to your room. As soon as you walk out the door, first thing she do was pick that phone up and getting that group chat. We're all our home girls, nigga, and tell all your business girl, you ain't gonna believe this. Nigga came over here talking about he was gonna do to my pussy. Poor this dick out and look like a salt and pepper shaker pitch. I was like, oh, what you ain't doing with that little man? What she's gonna seize in the pussy? Get your little dick ass out of here, A little short dick ass, nicky. That's how they talk about you fellas. But ladies, I'm gonna tell y'all something you This is not gonna be popular opinion, But it's y'all fault. We lie. It's y'all fault because y'all lie to us about us and then act like you man when the nigga stopped believing a lot of you. Tell ll think about it, like, I'll give you a perfect example how y'all live, ladies, and how funked up this is that y'all do this and get mad at us because we're fulling ship when y'all full us up with the ship that we full up. Watch this real quick experiment on behalf of Cheeko being a family home coming all my niggers in the build. That makes some noise? All right, now, I need all my niggers in the building their family. You then't got a little dick to make some noise. Yep, that's what I thought. Now watch this, ladies, make some noise if it's some little dick niggas at fami, you one of your business about to get beat the funk up? Who what the funk you're talking about? You said it was in your stomach. Now who falls it that we lyne? I ain't no nigga make no noise, but all y'all main noise. So either y'all ain't telling niggas they ship a little Oh you're lying, so ladies, which one isn't exactly? So shut the funk up. I'll getting lied to, God damn it. But I'm about to get out of here because we got a dope show on deck for y'all. But I want to leave y'all with something that's very very important to me during home coming. You know what I'm saying. This is very important to me. Like I'm from Washington, d C. Born to raise in DC. Appreciate you uh all five of y'all. Uh. But whenever I come to an hbc U, man, I always like to let it be known. And I'm a product of an hbc U. And I know everybody that's sitting there here got some type of goal or some type of dream or some type of vision. Let me tell you something. I come from nothing. I grew up with nothing, and everything that I got I made myself, but I made it right out of a building just like this one. Y'all sitting there right now, and everybody that's sitting here, we got a special type of power. Man. It ain't usually that black people get to get together like this and build. Man, we got the greatest energy on this planning. So y'all utilize that energy while y'all here and make the best out of this ship and get out in the world and be great, my nigga, because they try to play us like we ain't ship, but we're the greatest of We're the greatest, period. So know that, you know that you know what I'm saying. Whatever you wanna do, Like, I did a lot of ship in college. I adn't think I was gonna do. I joined the fraternity. I ain't think I would ever do no ship like that. I'm a street nigger. I didn't think I could be able to do no ship like that, but I did it. I'm a Alpha. I'm a Alpha. For those who want to know, salute to all the alpha's. Uh is the alpha's cool on campus cool? That's what it is y'all. Niggas be a little too cool sometimes though, Bro, like you, niggas cannot dress up sometimes, Nigga, You niggas will with hard bottoms to play basketball like bro. Chill with the fund ship, don't make no sense. Capitals in the capitals in the building. They're gonna fun with you. Why don't let you sit by yourself? Nigga with the fun Damn Yeah, you're the only one in here. Niggnops fun with nups. Nigga. You niggas love up to wear flip flops, don't you? Boy? You you put your regular shoes on the day, but you love him rainbow flip flops, don't your nigga? That move is so sensitive name. I think it's a breakout with that ship. Oh, this is nigga. It's twerking in the club. Sigmas and these sigmas in here. Uh no signals. Nigga, you came with us, Put your fucking hands down. You're gonna go here. They're wrong with you. Them niggas be too aggressive with that. They call and ship. They called its fucking ridiculous blue fuck you No, No, the guy don't know wh Why the fun are you yelling at me. Cues h, I love y'all, ship, my nigger. Sounds like you give your dick suck that you're doing it good. He who who? What I old? Is that all right? Doubts she don't funk with job? He ks. Yeah, y'all don't even realize that the case is saying skeep and they name the Every time I used to run up on the KPF last baby, I was wondering if you would make me skip sat us. Yeah, all right, you've been waiting to do that all day. Having you as g rose, she said, sound like you eat pussy with that tongue. Man, just playing, just playing. But I called all them organizations out and say all of this man to just say again, man, family, I love y'all. My name is Chico Bean, and listen, man, this is the dopest ship in the world. Being at the HBCU and attended one and graduating from one and going to one and party and then living. This is the best ship ever, y'all. Part of that man, Saluta, y'all have me home coming family. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on y'all thought I was leaving psych bitch this ship about to be lit lit, they get fuss you talking about. Now, I'm about to bring my partner up to the stage. Man, my motherfucking brother man, the coldest nigga doing this ship. Right now, You're about to see him. You know what I mean. If you watch Wilding Out, you know we do the old school battle. If you watch the eighty five South Show, you know the niggas the motherfucking ain't got the team. But if you're in this building right now at family at home coming, you're about to see him right your live on this stage. So family, I need y'all to stop making some noise. Stop making some noise, start making some noise. I'm about up bring my nigger to the stage right now. So I need all of y'all niggas in here to get out. But they're gonna come up here and rather damn stage and now already think y'all niggas, no always damn name. He gotta listen, sip me and he'd be fucking with me. My nigger got them jokes, and I swear you're gonna be giglets. So with no fur the dude, I bring to you the motherfucker Andy five South Show prove it takes some doing for loo. Hey, that's it. Hold on wait wait wait wait wait, that's all the claps that get y'all clapped, Like I wrote to this my fucking with y'all? What what uh? That's as some bullshit. I thought we was better than that fam you damn. I thought we was better than that ship. No love, y'all don't know what I've been through to get here. I drove all the way down here from Atlanta with the weeds stuff in my shoe and get here in these niggas. Don't clap. Why y'all got so many police officers at the show? God damn, they backed there, threatening me and ship colos. Where the weed and in my body? What the fuck? I do not have none on me? Miss The officers shut out, and they wanted miss Overs, the lady with the biggest bull I might do something just so you can search me. God damn, ma'am. You ever seen an ass so big you have to say it two times like that's a big ass ass. She got one too. I like it down heah. Bro, this is a strange little place, man, Yeah, this place strange as hell because everybody got a little attitude. Bro Brown went to subway and got into it with the look gay dude people behind the counter making the standards. You're gonna ask you want the extra meat. I don't even want the soundwards brom he's trying to start some ship. I don't usually talk about gay people. Almost got jumped by some gay dudes after one show. I came out, said they was laying on my car. Later they was mad as here as soon as they stopped me like that, what you say? Yeah, say what you're saying. Say the joke that you're saying. Say what the fuck you said? The only thing that scared me with this little hand, say what you said? How they're gonna put the school right in the middle of the hood, thinking craig heads walking around. I was out saying smoking, wasn't. Later walked up to me, young man, you want to buy some sexual activities? Him? No, what are you doing out here? Miss dirty hands? Later, I like this ship, bro. I can tell y'all been smoking too. I can tell who happened. I see you in here just doing the Highland. It ain't stoopy heill she fun with buddy. Y'all. If you're in college, smoke weeds, smoking weed make you smart. You never get hand gets smart? Figure out some smart dump ship? Like, hey, can you wear house shoes in apartment? The people you're smoking with? Justice as you? Yeah, because even though this is an apartment, this is your house. You can because home is where your heart is. I'd like to get half figured out ship, bron, That's what I do. You ever get half figured out some ship? Like? What color is a mirror? Y'all have that? Nigger? Why y'all got these crowds? On? What y'all win? What the fund is? The whooa homecoming court, the royal court? For? What all you need is a hat? Tell y'all like some sick y'all like about to win some ships? On y'all already? What the Mexican do with no hat? Win? Where y'are fucking hat at? Bro? I don't trust this thing. Bro, y'all watch him. You're gonna be still all the black girls? Oh yeah, what we might have to jump him? Be stilling that women? Where are you from? Bro? You Palestinian? Let me quick fucking with you for you blow this bit up? Then called his uncle. What the funk did he say? What did he say? No? He doesn't didn't my family, and what do he said blooded me? I don't take the all. I know the Palestinians thing. I know, y'all. They could be working in the mall, my friend coming with for you. What do you want to pay me? And you'd make dealing. I'm just fucking with your dog. Please don't blow me up. Bro. This ship is so funny because I see some women in here can't even laugh at this ship because they got the waste train of phone. They adn't help your giggling. He's stupid, a little freaky gass. Fellas, Make sure you eat pussy, lay down, don't put your asks in the hell, don't do that. What if somebody break in, He're gonna shoot your freaking says your booted out my name? Real niggas, don't eat busy with the ass in there, lay down. Just a lot advice I wanted to give y'all for homecoming. Where does white girl come from? You go to school here? Man? White girl scared a ship out of me. I did not expect to see no white ladies said that because y'all do backwards saying ship like you'll be walking down the street and you see a white lady coming towards you, and she clutched her purse. That is the most offensive ship ever because this big thing. She's stronger than me. Alison, you're figging you're not stronger than a real nigger. Give me that ship. See how easy that was. Let me stop. It's too real for y'all. She go over and I'm telling y'all, stupid ship, like, tell these women the truth. Pray you will never get a woman telling her the truth. See the question that that's the real. They're not telling us the truth. That's not her real hand. Think of that old ship. Come on, shout out to all the women who got their homecoming lace front on right now. That ship looked like a real hostyle. We don't even know that's the late front. It's about three weeks from now, and they got their forehead. Edge just started telling off. It ain't even on her head no more. She said, win that bitch like a fitted head. I'm talking to the girl best stage. She scratched her head. The whole hastyle came out, Oh you're the dude, and they said, I was coming you stupid his head. I guess she got hot. She was like, when it's gonna be back on because yeah, where your ship? Bro talking about natural hang for everybody? Yes, it is where your ship? Where your ship? Your funk? What do it looked like? Even if your pony tail looked like the nl A blunt? Where your ship? I'll tell you what you can stop doing though, y'all gotta stop wearing the fake eyelashes. That ship is ridiculous. Yeah, because y'all really believe that we believe your eyelashes this loan, she gotta stop. I let this girl spend the night over my house. She's gonna get up early and take her fake eutelashes off and try to sneak and throw him away, but forgot him and left him on the bar from counter. I go in the bar from the paint. I think we got fucking tarrntulas and what kind of roaches that? Okay, I don't have about a few minutes left. I gotta get who is that lengting like a nigga funer. I don't like this a guy? How's home coming and going so far? Y'all enjoying this ship? I heard y'all had to shoot out last night. That be little already shoot out on the fir night. Nigga stopped playing. Is everybody out right? What somebody saying? Yell? Somebody's that Hey man, y'all avoid all that bullshit. It's so much bullshit to get into this weekend. Make sure you do the right thing, bro. Look out for you people. You don't want you people to come up missing, you get shot. Watch out for your home girl. Now, make sure you don't nobody funk with her cup. It's a lot of weird ship going on, bro. And especially make sure you have safe sex this weekend, especially if you're a young black person, because they try to make it seem like we're the only ones who get AIGs. Have you ever noticed that he'll be watching TV and then wrap it up commercial? Come on, scare everybody in the house. Say some ship, like one in three black people have aged and like ship it's two people on the couch. That means somebody in this house sick and won't say nothing. What kind of ship. It's funny, but it's real, okay because when you read it, brut because we got a whole lot of show going on. The name Bro. I don't know if these people even watch the eighty five self show. Oh you do watch the eighty five self show. So you already know who this podcast is for. This podcast is the real hood niggas that go to college then know how to fry chicken on the George Farming grill. This podcast that we're doing right now, that's gonna be for all the chicks at family that keeps snacks under their bed. Much love to all these camera people right here who're gonna be taking pictures that. Ain't nobody ever gonna see white niggas to be still in pictures. Uh, I ain't calls meant that nigga mc grolma church. Were the seniors that the people who bound to graduating ship. Okay, what the juniors are? Damn we got any sophomores there, we got any freshmen. I don't want nobody to feel left out? Is it somebody who just go to school? You don't really know what your class is. You're a few creatives away from claiming a class. You're a grand student. Shout out to the grass through this in their bitch and all the alumni. A man, I don't know if y'all know, but this's not just a comedy show right here. This is the eighty five South show. This is a podcast right here, bro, we got some special guests in the house with y'all. Tonight to all the ladies in the place. Let the ladies make some noise one time. Are y'all at him? Well? Look, I bought one of my home girls out here with me to name. And I know you may have seen on Instagram talking ship real loud, looking for her long lost boyfriend. She's sitting over here. I want you all this shows a little welcome to the stage my home girl. MS be simone? What does city cross? And you know how? Fuck you? So? Kid on my face? Be touch do how don't you know? Case you want to see? If you funk with me, I'll take your man. I'll take your out home. Don't hold on, hold on tell us some ship to the ladies. I look, I ain't taking nobody's man. I cannot find many, lady. I love you first time out here, y'all pring the f I represented the lady. Don't be lady one day. I'm looking at me like I was just letting him know you was in here? What the rest of the game yet? Because we got the little game that we wanted. Y'all want to play a game? Let me get the rest of the eight South Show cast members out here shout out the cheeko being a k a young Guchi back then they got on Guchi everything. What Clayton that he's not over there? Yeah, turn that microphone. We're out here. Y'all still having a good time. Fail you and don't sound like that I said you're having a good time. Yeah, okay, so you ready for this part. We're about to play a game right here because all of y'all that no be Simone knows that she's looking for what you y'all better say your bitch, I'm looking for one. Okay. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna play a dating game here, family, and we're gonna find one of your good fellas here. Families. Don't CHECKO before we do this, ladies, do y'all thank you some good men here and all, because I'm scared. Hell, stop, Hayden, you gotta be one out of the niggas. You don't think it's one. Let me see turn the lights up. Oh it's one in here. Nigga, don't come up here if you got a bit. I cannot fight. I'm not fighting a bitch. Okay, hey man, man, sit down, bro you got too many holes in your jays, niggas. But we need we need some volunteers. We need about how many thing dudes if the three dude, we need three dudes that would love to get an opportunity to date. They're going on a date with y'all already got him on, We already got him. Sit your gass down, my bad little man, my bad little ooz divert body go ahead, so down my paint. That's you built like you better lead them niggas alone. The campus are already gonna beat your ass. I know they're gonna come up and be like this, what you say, You're gonna get beat up by the nigger with chef stick? Go? They ain't go right there? All right? So where are fellas? That so, Carlos, you kicked the show. I'm gonna be there. I'm gonna be the host that's over here on the side with the fellas. Let me go with me to tell us. They're gonna sit next to you. No, I don't. I don't want to listen next to me. I don't know what he is here. Okay, So you're just gonna send them back over real, Yeah, y'all stay next to me. You don't trust these bro You got some days some dating game music over here? Come on dating game? Yeah, the glasses. I can see them busses from here, and they have some big glasses and they can see germs. He's gonna take them off. Now. Who you got over there? Cheek? Oh, I got all contestants and I think we're ready to shot the show off this beat. Some mon can't see him now, you can't see him? All right? So this right here is find you a boo? Fam you all right? Find you a bull? The Family Homecoming? Do we got in the game? Show music? Oh? He sh it ain't on? Turn my man? Sht on? Fucking just place man? Who in charge? They play something? Play something? Checko? We got a David show going on. Welcome Back to Family You Homecoming Edition to Find your Boot. If you're lonely and need a friend, come to the show and we'll put ship in. We know some dudes who don't have jobs. They go to college so they don't see in. Rob In introduced. Let's bring him up, Cheaco. Can we get him over here? All right? Let's uh, let's ring our three contestants up first of all, before we bring you up my name is Chico By and um your second host here for find you a bull family. Your name, sir? Your ale set like that for real? Mr Pierre, Mr p oh wow, Oh it looks like you want to meet him. You put a lot of base in your voice there, sir, Good job. Who do we have here? Oh? Wait a minute, everybody quiet down, everybody quiet down. Wait a second, it look all gone. No, I don't got all that base all right. You don't even speak English? What your name is? What? Jordan's silly? Jordan's okay? And then last, but not least, we have Presley Camal Pressley. And these are our three contestants. These are our three contestants that are going to be attempting to find love for miss beat someone. Let's get guys up here, make some noise for your contestants. This is gonna be ghettoes hell. Stand behind this curtain of fellas. Got behind the curtain, all right? You gotta be behind the curtain to lose. Got a shot right? All right? So Carlos, we have miss be someone here and you've got the first contestant of their Shuffle them up so we could just ask them some random you guys, you guys, shuffle a little, shuffle them all right, shuffle them up. Okay, man whoever's on the camera stuff shooting? Now? I can am I supposed to see him? Can'traman this nigger doing the ship out his job. You're like my check up everybody getting shown. I knew he was gonna be serious because he had the leper con shoes on the Oh yeah, them make a ball cranes and you got on them. Frederick Douglas is they don't get your goddamn farm for to carry me. When you take them shoes off, you gotta put them in your pocket. All right, Let's get to the first question. First question, do you have any um if we were to go on our first date? Where will we go? Alright, first we have John correct Jordan's my bad. Don't tell me the names she supposed to know this time. You can their names. It's your free gass. I don't want to know his name. I just want to keep this the spens up, all right, So tell miss be Simone where you would take on your first date. It depends where I met her in Nigga, you met her in Fami. You ship to do with it, but behind a curtain. That's where you met a Now what's your answer? It depends on where I met that. It depends on where I meant that kind of depend Now that you know where you met her and where the fun y'all going? You met her her family? Jordan's okay, So let's just say this. You you met her here and fucking Patty's foot. I don't know you met her here? All right? Yeah? Hey, if I met you in front of patty Foot, No, no, no, you met her here? What would you take her on the first date? You already talked too much. You're sucking it up, chopped yourself out the pussy at Hey, I'm taking you to the calf. First on, baby, he to the cam. You're going to the calf. I'm gonna swipe you in here. Talking about the CAFETERII all right, he said, he's gonna take you to the cafeteria. Hey man, y'all this color. That's a day. Ye love him? Chico. Second, So we got one cafeteria. One is going to take you on a day to the calf. And how about you, sir on the museum probably ground the museum. What museum is in Tallahassee that you would be taking her. He was calling me sad like they should going to the back across cool Okay, the Black Archives Museum soon, Okay, the Black Archive. He would take it to the Black Archive. Whatever, ladies, hold on, let me you've ben let through George Washington carverage. Ladies, what that work? Everything? Contakut you to the Black Archives? Yeah? They like it alright? Different that ship said, I didn't. I didn't know how you can transition from that year. They ain't had to do rosa like that ship. What's up? All right? And last but Latne's uh, what would you take Ms Besam on the first day? Well, I know, I go to shaying you I'm hasty, so I love to eat, and I would take her to Chick fil A. Spent a couple of flex bucks. You know what I'm saying, work more than all the flexbucks in the world, asked back, sneaker rich and college your money first of all to take her down the Chick fil A. Extra Polynesian so big limit needs flex dollars, all that algebra homework, okay, and uh, and then I have to Chick fil A. There's a little walkway between FSU and fair so I can take on the walkway and sure when we could go it could be you know, and then take off from that. Okay, all right, hey man, stop hating out my future, all right? And another another quick note that must have been a good answer the white girl when and sat down. I'm my fucking guy. I cannot he's so cool. I love hikes. I love hikes. And uh, all right, and just to let you guys know, the winner of this composition, we'll get a hundred dollars. They get a date, but they're gonna get a hundred dollars to take you out, so you don't just be in the cafeteria, get bananas in turkis sandwich exactly. So, miss b smone, you got your first You got your first answer. Okay, we're gonna give them three questions and then we're gonna do our first elimination. So second question, Second question? What should I ask? Oh? I don't know. It's important to you what you care about? Um? I got a question to the contestants. It's be Simon told you and told you she might be pregnant. First response? What was your be? Your first response? Let's go that's why I see? What is your credit for put him on the clock, put him on the cut him on the class. This before or after we've met you? Pregnant? Howat pregnant? You? This is why you don't have a boyfriend? Right here, just before after Donna. That's about chronological order. First answer, right be sa Moon. What is your credit school? He said, what is your credit school? What does that have to do with the baby? Does that have to do with anything? But you're sucking the wrong you goofy man. You gotta strap it up. The second answer, second answer, he just proved what you can't just be out here fucking anybody. Second answer, what would your response be by who okay? If they okay? And last for a lot of least, what would your response? Mab say? You know what, I'm hasten So, hey man, you can't start everything with that ship my father? Let him answer, Let him answer, I will you know, will be growing up about the situation. I have to evaluate her again. Because we have to evaluate the situation. A wise man told me, are you looking when you looking to a woman's eyes? Can you see a future? Will her? And if I see the future with you? Someone? Hey do we do? So? What you did? You fun with your ass clothes? You fun with your ass clothes the whole time. I'm not gonna look. You're just not looking in the ass. Okay, okay, all right, So we got our second answer. Now final question before our first elimination final questions. You got one more? One more? She said, what are your goals? You don't care about it. I'm trying to get down the aisle um. You don't care about it, but obviously got goals here in college. That don't mean okay, some of these motherfucker's out here still taking reading classes, sucking around. All right. Third question, she said, what the bank account? A little like flex dollars to pig bank, take a little bank. I don't know how many kids? Do you want the kids? Alright? You got one? Yes, Actually I'll ask, I'll ask the third and final questions. All right now, I am gonna be nice, but I want to see what these guys are going to do if they get the opportunity to take you on a date. A lot of people give bad men, I mean black men, excuse me, a bad rap, and they say that black men aren't faithful, black men don't cheat. So what what what would you tell be simone about your ability to be faithful if you were with her, that's so beautiful. Yeah, make it good. What do you saying? You don't have nothing to say? Gets your cool fans. You're trying to get me in trouble. That's what I'm trying to do. You have a girlfriend, You already have a girlfriend. What the funk are you doing up in the nigga you're talking about? Somebody get you gotta scrap? What is wrong with this nigga broking? I can't speaking English anyway. Our friend's not knowing. I asked him about being faithful. Didn't he want to be faithful? You reminded that Nick, He was like, bro speaking up being faithful? My girl local all right, so fucking here, you gonna chap? What's the like? I mean, I'm gonna be faithful? So I mean, man, all right, let's go to this guy right here. We already know you Haitian, so Jeff friend him around. You know what I mean. I'm Hasten, so you know, at the end of the day, you know what they say, haste men are the most faithful men in the world. So she already knew from the job who she was dealing with. Diesemon, I'm your man. Let's do that. You like him, I can't go back. Bring around. I'm sorry. She's was my man right here. So I need y'all to make some noise for the winter there. Yeah, that is definitely. I didn't see the shoes go back. Ah god, nay man, I didn't even see those. Man, you got on the every uber drivers right there. Put the fun with that, okay, never have it all. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. If you thive me off my shoes, I don't know if I can be with you because at the end of the day. Wait, wait, I don't know if I could be reto. We all know why you were behind that curtain. Yes, ma'am, let's keep it cute. Yes, but um, we're don't have to work on that before our first date. Of course, that's as okay. Do you have other options? Of course? Be someone? Can you tap dance? When he started tap at the end of the day, I'm hastening. My name is Pierre, said, and I proved this message. Shut out. Wait wait, wait, before you go, time out. Before you go, you have been telling us that you Haitian and given the reason for why you do what you're doing, saying you Haitian, So could you please tell us why you pick those wallets? The weather, the motherfucking show them, not them the same ship. Little the King got shot in yeah with the cuff on that. Listen, listen, listen. I want to go. I want to roll up, like I said, say it's auntie man what Yeah? And they got the living single jeens on boy, we are living single when the ninety got the world. I'm glad I got comes up? What role he comes up? That's right, all right? So please tell your your counterparts here family, why you decided to wear the Jesse Jackson's the campus today. Well, any classication man all owns the parents of these is that then the day I know every hasting student here knows that their dad owns one of these and he works with no socks on property because hey man, sometimes we don't wear loose, you know what I'm saying, because we we got good ankles and we're trying to show how we can support her throughout our journey in life. So your ankles off, brothers, sow your ankles off. Shout out, shout out to all the Haitians who got church shoes on. Hell yeah, we funk with y'all the long boy, you look like the nigger that came to fight to Challa and UH are telling you no, no, who So now that you would one a hundred dollars and a date with beat Samon, where are you really officially gonna take her to on your first day? Oh, we got a hundred dollars, You got a hundred dollars. We're gonna drop about two hours to go to the beach, you know at night. Yeah, and then I'm gonna bring the speaker in the the lights and he's gonna run on the sand with his pants rolled though. But no, I mean, honestly, I'm not really a guy that really focuses on the big things. You know what I'm saying, He's about to funk it up. That's what happened. Every time you be this close to get something, fellas you say something else, you get too deep and funk it up. Well, basically, what I want everybody to know is how thought the nigger was gonna say? Well, you know, I'm Haitian, so I'm keeping they got THEMN money. But ladies and gentlemen, look, man makes some noise while I winning and your fami, you find you a boot winner. All right, thanks, brother Pierre, that's his name, Pierre, Yeah yeah, Pierre St. Claude. Betch hey, both of y'all niggas got on old nigga shoes. Y'all need to hang out together. Get us whoa y'all gonna turn into the nigga Ranges if y'all put two more players, and then these things are gonna start dancing. Che Chico, you were supposed to catch that before he walked around. Hey, I don't know what you like. You might like niggas and old shoes. I don't know what you're into. Trying to sell us on the ankles And that was that strong game, Clay. Didn't you used to go to school here? Bah man? What type of ship y'all used to get into? That? Did nobody to do that when I was here? But now it's something to do every night if you don't want to focus on school. But like, what, like what is that? To get into everything? All these little clubs, y'all be going to the top flight. That's for the that's for the old people. That's where you're gonna get you a cougar. Get to a cougar, a top flight. You can meet a bitch name Faverly, two names ship. The last time we came to Tallahassee then that's at this club called play tell us about it, nigger, I thought, I thought that was playing too true story. Family. These motherfucker's had our food in the girl's bathroom, uncovered chicken, women walking in there, pissing and everything. I'm like, you think I'm going to eat some pussy wings? You crazy is hem? That was a true story. They had the food set up in the grand room, in the bathroom. I was like, I'm not eating that, no, man, that's I hope you see FAM treat you a little bit better. They got more money now this ship. Somebody somebody daddy sold me a fish plate. Yeah yeah right outside. He didn't need man for the money. Go here and you straight. I know what I'm about to do. I'm about to go out here and see who the funk we got in here? Right let's go. You need the spot life got here? Yeah, ought my lad man. See who we got in with, dud, I am what it? Dude? See we out here all right? All right, that's right, we got we got the royal court right here. Y'all make the noise for I'm in royal court. That's still all right? All right? So what's your name? And what is your position on the royal court? A larger case of rural escort. You are royal escort, man, So you just got voted to walk motherfucker's around the parane. Huh, all right, that's what it is. Well, royal escort. Okay, and you are beautiful. My name is Christal, hey getting I'm fresh attending. Yeah, they're fucking with you, Crystal, all right, Christal, Christal like the Christale, like the wine. Your mamma has been sucking a dope deal when she named you. I'm a name my baby, chris Stal, not Christal. Now what is your what is your position? Until you're the freshman? What freshman attending? So you attend to the freshman Yeah, y'all? Oh okay, bro bamn you twenty two but that's like seven hundred people. Did that mean I was born in Like? Don't do that, man, bro chick o. So you're saying, these are the back that asks up children? Yes, yes, wow God, and you are champ Adrian fun a escort your new Okay. He thought they was gonna be louder than that. He did he didn't know they were sitting at the time. All right, Uh so uh okay you yo yo all right? Um so uh what is your position? What do you do? Escort my attended combined? Okay, you're an escort, okay, and you are all the all the fellas right here escorts. Yeah, don't talk to them if they got no crown on, just not serious. They're just a male gold digger. They just you would let me escort you, let me you and you are beautiful. I'm commined milliner um, miss junior sudallar juniors in the building, and you are beautiful, Miss senior attending. Senior attending shout out to the dude from Pakistan. That's what's up at about to blow up? And you all, I'm a schema, he little schemer. That how you say that ship? What is hey? Mother? Schema? This you know who he is? This isn that being the mall trying to get you to put that shoot on your skin when you walk pasto kiosk. Please please, man, please come here, please please please did you watch your hand to that? Please? Please don't walk away? Man, please come please let me, please please please? What do you do your skin please please let me please stop this ship? All right? And you are beautiful graduate attendant? Okay, Dominique box, look like you don't play no games ms, not any of them. Look at you? You got a boyfriend, Dominique? You do? When is he here? No? Well funk him? Then? All right? That shouldn't let you come out here by yourself? What you're looking? All good? Like that? What's up with you? What's your name? Jamp? What the fun? What do you say? I had to like that stupid ship? Don't you better talk about yourself? Yeah? Ain't nobody understand none? You said? Slim Jesus? What the fund is? Alwing with you? Man? All right? And you are you have a big crown on big ground. Stand girl, put the process in the front and you are e money. Hi dear Cooper be one h. Mr Morda, here are you you go? Godick it up? Whoa? You just said that ship and you are? Don't sit down? Who are you? Mars Missa? The nineteenth Mr. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. Time out, Time out, time out? Everybody. This niken forgot who he is? He said, The nineteenth Florida Agricultural and Technical University. You're the nineteenth what Nike, what do you shout out to the good brothers? Oh six? Shout out to the gay Brols? Is that that? What that means is that he I don't know, it sounds like he said that, shout out to the gay Brols. We salute to the what the g but what the gas? They'd like, yeah, yeah, yeah, Ice, all right, and uh I know you ain't nobody. You're just sitting here. All right, all right, we'll come on applying. That's what's up with it. They don't get you. You are my rock rock rock rock rock rock like a block block block block block blocks block nigga give bop blocks blocks block the top top copy. All right, now who are you? Who are you? Fucking shooter on my own ship? My name is Percy Henry the Third, Percy Henry the third from Brooklyn, New York crib all right, and I'm the student of person out of ball spot. You see it, look right, scre baby man person per yeahs. But wait a minute, I don't know you're talking about person with persy with the car to sack Percy Percy, y'all stop talking about person here, pastor y'all shouldn't do that. Man, person, I have a question. Did you say from Brooklyn, New York? Crib? All right? So this is how it goes, right, Who from New York in the building? So you say? Right? So if I was from my YAMBI I say I'm from the Old Soul Live three or five. But since I'm from Brooklyn, I'm gonna say I'm from Brooklyn. Time out. That's what's wrong with niggas. Y'all heard me. Fam You asked this nigga that he say crib, and this nigga answered every question but the one I answered, you said the crib from the crib? I thought you said crib like the game person person person person? Man, your forehead too big for you to be so stupid? Man, all right, forehead wide, man, Chicko Lee Percy alone, he got a spot on his mind. Okay, that play alone? Man, you're right? All right? What's up? Man? We got my man right here. Biggie Smalls and the motherfucking Bill then small something, all right? What's your name? Big Home Christopher dors Sullis, Oh, it's Christopher too. What do you do Big Chris? All right? So I'm a brother the baggy new chapter up alf a file from Turning Incorporated. Shout out to the club bras. All right, big boy, all right, so uh what do you do that got you sitting right here? Big gass nigger? Who's gonna move? I'm just chilling. I'm the body guard man him. You're the body guard with a coat like that on boy you hey, man, you're supposed to blend in. He do blease in. That's what the nigger dress like bushes. But I'm clean, dude as a motherfucker. Don't never let nobody tell you that you ain't. Makes him noise with my big home and right here who we got right here? Hey, I'm DeAndre Peoples and on the third year political science student from sacking On, Michigan, now starting to r escort. Damn, DeAndre, you look like the old Diddy. Take that take how about you? Chance Toron Henderton, And I served as a escort for this beautiful sophomore attended. He's get your sexy want to be. He's a really nice guy. She doing better than him. He trying to hold on there with everything he got. All right, and you are beautiful, greedy Morty Thomas. I your Sophmore attended nineteen school. Yeah, gay there you go. How like her because she's small a hood She was like, yeah, gang ga like that type of ship. Yeah, like she's gonna do her homework, but she will fight a bit when she finished, and she stood up the pot. Oh. I love hood women so much, and you are you are you are? First of all, before I speaking, I just want to let everybody know something. There's only one real crib and now's dad kind of anybody to say, yo, whoa, whoa? Let me get two cops in the start. I markin Nicholas King of Range Green from Miami floor to get it right. Ain't no chair in the building, Dad kind of already, ain't no chair, Let's get right, Sun of the d C. I went to mcgilly Technic. Yeah, that nigga plugged in on s Did you see how that was? Like a man, I don't know what the funk everybody else kind of going on, but that nigga know the people to do this. Yeah, jump in. He plugged. They even made the hissing samp. That's it, staright, that's that rattler. He yall make me wish I would have stayed in com and you are beautiful. Hi, I am Erica Marie Tyler, your eighteen nineteen Queen of Orange and the gree Let me get two clips in the street. Yeah, and you are beautiful. I'm Jolisa Dimitria Plumber, eight third year theater performance scholar from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and I currently served. That's what it is, y'all. Make some noise for y'all Royal Court family. Now let's go ahead and address the elephant in the room. My nigga, think up on the elephant? What's popping? What I don't I don't land home and I don't know. I don't know. You're like that? All right? We don't know each other. All right? What's your name? Big hum? I don't even got my name? But if you want to follow me on Instagram, Mr Underscorpion doo yo. At this point, I'm gonna block it. Bro That nigga said, I don't got my name, but if you want to follow me on direction, I said, I don't got no name. There you go, Well, that means that nigga don't go to school here, ain't no nine am correction Alright, what they're gonna call something? What they're gonna do, just say, come get your degree out of here. They're gonna say, Mr Underscorpion, don't come and get your master's degree in sportsministrations. Come down, Come on, well you're gonna get that degree online if it's at Mr Underscore any goddamn thing, they're gonna send that ship to you. He don't go here. He gonna your graduated with Suma komla. That's all that matter. What they got to say your name and then they ain't gonna come through as Mr Underscore fan. Don't act dr price in that office right there, right, my nigger, he st Louis and there matyo summer kom lady. That sounds like some good right there. Man, she had that went to graduate graduate school or no, understand that we understanding your chance. True, But that goddamn cheap as aristocrat. You've been drinking and kicked in or something. Man. Listen, man, yeah, he on that cocaine. Leave it alone, goddamnit longer. No one's right and six ft little ass nigga it hold on, hold on, hold on all that up, Hold up, oh ship, it's so back and forth like I've never seen before. That was a good when I am a little ass nigger. Bro, I'm a little ass nigger. But I gotta ask you a question about your jeans though. So you've got a lot of holes in your jeans. You let your thighs out and ship like that, right, So I just want to know, uh, what made you, um pick those? Actually I picked those because it was coming to bed. But I can't say too much because I only got a few more years in this her lining and it's her receiving myself, So I can't speak on there. But jeans flu I don't know, but I'm I picked these jeans. Goddamnit. It was a fluke. He got his thighs out. He want to win the Stagsmand Trophy. You don't shut your grass up, but your jersey, biggest farm. Get the funk out of here. I know you ain't talking wearing the last act section over there, your ship button down to your neighbor. You want to see somebody big, try around, walk around along, walk along the rod. What you're saying knock alone? Shut up and maybe you spirits. Hey, I'm gonna leave his nigga alone now. When he started talking about Clayton, he went first of all, bit you need to shut your motherfucking mouth like that's why my jeans like this. They're gonna watch yourself, big dog in here. I'm a big man, not a little lass nigger. I'll passed on all that. I'm good. I'm good, love enjoy. Let's go alright, ladies and gen real. Tell the people your name, man, they need to know you. Man, No, but all jokes side. If you've been going here or didn't here is two things fitnahy I've been I've been supposed to have been in line man's nigga. But everybody already know me. If you've been going here, Patrick, motherfucking big dog, that's me. This nigga said he's been in his twenty thirteen. This nigga is a super duper senior. My name God, the old oh he oh old, That nigga oh old is a mother. This nigga been going here for years. You thirty years old? How you thirty years old sitting with the freshman nigga? What's wrong with you? Congratulations? Um good trial. I'm twenty six with a master's degree. That's coming, you said, befo fourteen and nine A m man, when nigga, I'm thirty and I'm rich. Congratulations, my fucker. What you mean? Whoa that goes up? Thirty and a fresh bitch? Hold up? I hugging you, biggs her all right, never we go all right now, I ain't tell about go over here me some of these beautiful family ladies. And it's just because they got crayon. They don't mean go see we Happy birthday, baby, Yes, your birthday? What's your name? It's my birthday. I'm a riot Wiggs for those who can't see her, don't know. And I turned nineteen today. You turned nineteen. I have a birthday. Stand up, let me see it. Who you got out there? Brot? Oh your ass fat basketball shorts? Good tight? Come in, baby, come in, Come in sis big booty. Look at the booty hitting the hit then look at it hit the chair. Come on through, come on, bring that bigger, old motherfucker through. What's your name? Come on? She got the girl with the big booty ponytail. I believe you every girl on campus with the fat ass got the same pony tail. Hey, what's your name? Baby? What you do? Miss James? Member lout? I played basketball here, y'all, squad, y'all good we're good this year. Okay, you got a boyfriend. She's looking for a boyfriend. Uh, somebody just said, y'all, she just said, pull that dick out. Let us see what she's working. What is wrong with this man? Jack at your little freaky an, I'm gonna ask about you next. Pull a dick out, all right. So it's a lot of you're gonna get the basketball girls in trouble. That's what the coach gonna name to play run pulled the dick out. Since y'all, let the comedy show you, stid, what you're looking for? The man? What these family niggers gotta do to get right with you? I'm not really looking right now. Well, since your big but not sharing that big old booty with nobody but nobody but booty, get out of here, all right. We don't want to looking for some in. Bring your dick blunk now all you talk. Come in, come in, come in, come in, Come in, come in, bro, we're not show. Yeah, all right, come in. Oh damn, she looked like the old Chile Where your fine hunt? How are you beautiful? You got the money? Damn? Did she just hear you say you was rich? She said, dude, I got the money, so I wanted taking some money to get that buzzy for real. Wow, what's your cash? Shop, Harry that I ain't said that's all it takes. What's your cash? Op? What he go? All right? What is uh? Hold up? Let me, I'm gonna seeing the cash. I'm gonna see where's the cash. I'm gonna see you the murder? What's the cash? Af I'm gonna see you the money. What's she cast shot? I'm gonna see you the running? What's she cast shot? I'm gonna see you the money. Cash. I'm gonna see you the money. What's she cans shout? I'm gonna see you the money? I said. Hold up, if that's all they take, it's a couple of dollars for you to come to my place and footy on my third. Let me hit that all right, ain't gonna send the money? And let him hitting that. The girl with the curling hair and big booty, she need some money so she can get to it. My thin Chico be. He said that he was rich. He said in the cab, app now you gotta send the six Sitting in your chair talking all that ship, you didn't hear me when I told the old crowd I'm rich. So I sent you one fifty and now you gotta know you with my hold hold come on, one ain't another one just to tighten up up and I don't even want it. Hey, I want my nigger to hit Hey, Chico, send me the cash shot. I sent her some ship. Yeah, we got a hundred and fifty. You already know that that pussy come in with me. You play on the basketball team, and I ain't wrong. That just mean your pussy hole on, I'm right in. You already know you got a new boyfriend. So now that I sent you that cash, your hands about. Hey, I'm trying to get that. Okay, we don't say what's your cash? Say you the funny? Hey, what's your cash? Out? I say you. Then I said, what's your cash? I see you. I'm saying what I seen you? One I start, what's your cash? Shout, baby girl, where your booty? If you give it to me, I promise I'm gonna send it back. She and she go, you know how I feel. I'm gonna send two hundred dollars because her hair looked real and you show that on Dascy. I got another two fifty. If she won't it, come and get it, because we're up here at the FAMI you show. She go being Clayton, be Simon and Carlos so so so so so. Time out, y'all hold up my question for my little girl. Question called my net girl. Now, so now that you got the cash that you ask for? Uh so uh? She ain't playing on her face? What wasn't that to hold out? Time out? Time about y'all. We got the two older ladies right here, They said, bitch, that wasn't enough. You better ask for some more. Well, ma'am how much she had asked for? Fat grand? You little ain't talk about ma'am you ain't get the price. And nobody else pussing. She said she wanted one fifth and that's what she got. You can't running the price up. No, five thousand dollars. And and mama, how much would you? She say? Five thousand? What you joab? Well, I'm ready it's a nurse. I make playing the money. So ten granma happen ten grand grand goodness gracious? Oh all right, mama, Oh my god, I ain't hold on. Let me let me send show over budgets. Man's note. I was tiring the ass. I'm saying you to glass and the bed. That's so big a promise I ain't gonna pass. She's gotten the big old but I'm trying to get me as nothing. And you say you were nurse. That that mean you can take me up for anything I got going. I know that you ain't holding, but you're as so big. I'm just trying to be the one that's showing you a little. Hey, Mama opened up for some of this young dick. She gonna free get your ass up. No, I fuck with mama. Mama sucked this sh out here and make your poundcake. When it's over there. You get them their look at them, look at them lips on mam too. Oh yes, yes, get the root. I told her, mama, ship ship Mama just put her whole and her Fama didn't hold this. Had change your lift. Then Mama says she's gonna swallow your hole. Mee hello, oh my god, she really just did that. Oh my god. Oh Mama just went like, oh shit, Mama, I didn't call feelings. Mama. Probably Mama get that head that go like this, Oh Mama, don't throw up there, olive god, Mama, that's what it is? She go, you stupid love, that's why we don't take you nowhere. Hey all, we got this side over here. Yeah, niggas really don't funk with. They don't really funk with this side. Nigga, y'all be chilling? All right? Who my niggas right here? Let me go out here and meet some of these niggas up here. Ship, nigga, this is the NY five. I ain't working with you. You look straight down when I walked past it. You good big homie up going up here to funk with my homeboys up here? She go, Hello, If all you do that, you ain't gonna believe this ship? Bro? Why you're not about to believe this ship? Why go ahead, I'll tell you in a minute. All right, hold out real quick, all right, what's up? Let me now y'all. Nigga, y'all, nigga, y'all. My man with the doe rag on come in real quick. White dude, rag come in, White dude, rag on him nagging ship and they got the white dude rag on you. What's your name? My name, Brian? Brian? Where you from running North Carolina? Are you from your North Carolina? Nigga? All right, I live in North Carolina. That's what's up. Now. You ain't seen you over here turning up with your white dude rag on and all. Let you got way. I need a haircut, ship, Alicia. Honestly, you goddamn wave cap look like a hotel sheet. That ship crazy's him? But now tho you got? You got girl friends, a lot of beautiful women. Family, you got girl? Now, I ain't got a girlfriend. Right now? What's you about to pull your dig out and the gonna move? I'll never mind that. Ain't about the police Johnson out. Yeah, I ain't gonna believe this ship. What I ain't gonna believe. I guess who you pulled up? Who they pulled up? Who this pulled up? Who this pulled down? Ain't gonna believe this ship just pulled up? You're not wanting to believe this? Who is pulling up? Who pulled up? Man? He on the puppet to deal. I want to him, like, m what you doing? Hey? You know what? I come out with a book? All right? Hold on, I'll go sh up. Just t your ship d find me a little fun. I forgota have to playing. Hold on, I need anybody in this mother puppet, Hold on, hold on the chain a three d anders and bring out he ain't got her? Don't we go by owa? What you fucking on? Uh? Who was she's working on this? Why? Who cook root water? Who on? What? Do? What? Do you bet? Wrong time? What are you talking to? Push you say your phone was the past? By name? He got a tide of the bitchess. I were sucking in the crown. I won't be on this whole time. And they ain't got no lesses all land front of what she might. She's a little quick bring his head down. Please want to see it a bit by that jump eating eating up a rib whole way? Yeah, let you and he didn't. It's home talk about holding a tell ye home coming in the whole land. Let me see your word a chat. If you got the little tone coming year, I'll never see your right down, I said I it's home too. You can't give everybody it's home toping and he can't give everybody same. It's home comings, dvery foy the same. It's whole covering in and it's all time and it kicks say well it's homecoming. Its Jesus up. When no, don't, Oh, what's the name so friend. Oh lad, time I hold you to get some of this old pay to get some of this old pound. Cover a friend to know about the Pope company show like this is ohl she and this she be careful? What say what like we on this boy's pound. I'm talking about this girl say this girl ship, I going to rut to the farm right when I ask my right happen? I'm goo hey. I thought this girl that right now was a the answer and ran. She found a bastball. She go way passion, I said, on the take us a fast to get out of Listen. She's right here, so I said her hand opinion dollar Yeah yeah, she's send buddy, I hold up to get here, get right here, to get right here. We got little table for a three days here on old too didn't work. I can't up n wait stop clear see no definitely great? Oh yeah right, who had a meeting up and up? I want time you go okay, I can read your own see no ut she want to go. I want to keep what she wan you had more you want we that they like yet so so bad we can playing on the blind. We died again by repay. We then baby hold on his money on the prom shop. We all can't attet me where you're going to fuck? Say on, y'all get see it. We got more. I don't see it over the sho Are you a bigger I won't oh oh big ohig so fill say yeah yeah fun. You don't care to rest something that ain't talk my can reason streaming brag about think I'm li want you can all easy? I don't know used to I'm about to get wait ye who yeah, they're gonna profile it's easy. I so we gotta said. We got some plants up here. It's gonna that's gonna show with the busy. Come on we want you got a show one of you go? I come on for my thing? Yeah, hold up the ladys up he hold out. We seas the boat without lever you got you got the really world man doing the world. See who we do? They want ye? Who wanted you all? The baby? Oh god? Another yard lady does and we got another one else as fare running. Please you can't come up here, lad Come on, you can't go on. You can't come up. This ship is crazy. You can't come up? Are playing you seven? Where baby got come up? Ain't talking about I won't playing the game. How doing up here? Okay? We got to hold on. Okay, that's it. That's all you brought up there? Tell him, don't give me wenna. We're gonna win team during the freeze. They gotta be bet me happy. Ain't that's too come on you? They say, want to shake their hands. Oh man, we've been to turn up in this bitch out of tame allway down the funk that funk whatch'll talk about? They got check off the flank to that head. Bit's good, frit ass. That's it fo o oh yes, yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, sat the day. She doesn't want to say that. Come on, I ain't gonna stop you from checking that? Ask fam you? Is that ship crazy? Is? Fuck? Man? Motherfucker? You're so crazy? I got another one. We're not speaking another one? Hey, flying contest, we got passing up. Okay, we go. We're good. We're good, We're good, We're good. Okay, we're good. Okay, we got one to three folks, can't you no? Bb okay pom pom okay, Oh yeah, this is that shakes something that's that. We're gonna see what family really about. If y'all gonna turn out for home coming from real land. Hey, y'all got a book too, It's been it's gonna pool up here where we started this ship kicking by. We are at a school. Don't do a little crazy, he stops. This is an historically black college and university. Wait, damn, we see now one white person. Y'all know who the funding to happen? Okay who? You don't want her to get close to your stupids, so we ain't pick this thing on. It's just when your life is the home con turn up, spread them out, drama. You can't do it. We need this drama to give myself that. Yeah that damn Laddy's right here, ain't no yeah nine, you want you want to call represent for your culture. If you want to call represent come on, a white girl, we're gonna get your chance. Ain't gonna get your chan Come on white? Oh oh ship ship got everybody else? Yeah, fam you look all these niggas. All right, Oh this is beautiful. All right, Here we go, fold it fail, here we go. Hey, Hey, I'm fortunate to live. M fortun any family muty that they see them begin to go? All right. They're trying to color competition, give it to us. Hold on, hold on, he say you gotta go man, listen all right, about to pick you all that money? Say hey, oh what a stop he did keep eyes pey, hey we didn't buy so to see m to a s to keep me stay stay please. I don't say say say did I say it was good fun? I said it into the gap and said it to get pay. I haven't see. Let's get a minute. I got you appreciate and taking out day. I was like, oh, they can't do it like that. Get anybody out for it would be like, can I get everybody that's not part of the show out before just for a few minutes. He said, I don't need anyone cover You're not get for second if you're not part of the group. Get nigga that crazy shot when you look real ship this ship crazy man, he's stun we were taking those balls. I laid down. Take a picture back. You know I ain't ain't. I didn't get a lot of home come of comed shows the h b c U S. I hadn't been a part of a lot of home coming comedy shows at HBCUs. What's just happening? Then? I know? Then or seen a ship like mr right, like fam you fam you fam god damn you alright, alright, alright, come on man, you know and she rapping, she's been running around the hills out now. She brought a case of water up, six flights of Skelton, got the heels on, man, and this is our funk. I don't fit today because grays your fans swapping up what you up? Man? I already know. I don't know. People don't know. It's a necessity that as you just sweated one outfit out like that, I'm telling that they standing behind you because you had a little brave course, you won't get the company those cool to do a home on the show like that. I mean what I'm saying. I was like, you're getting the perfect ship, Like what you did was perfect when you Yeah, and everybody was just like, as we already had did that ship five times for our show because said her better. Yeah, we had already had that cheek. I wanted to be there for the five times I need to be there. No, but if you would have been there, you wouldn't have got that space. Yeah yeah, and we would not had in visual from rock Star ship and everybody media and everything on Cavin created ship. You where you came out. It's not tell us look any corps out there. You said, you want to talk so bad? Can't this my man? This is first of all, it's a brotherhood. You know what I'm saying. It ain't really no show. This is a couple of brothers who got together, you know what I'm saying, and started talking ship you know what I mean, and together. I was just telling my people the other day we started for a brain of salt, you know what I mean. When nobody were just tracking it out, really just talking. She didn't look like what we are now with sometimes people like families is gonna say, y'all showing us a lot of love you man, it's still welcome. Made us feel like this was familiar. Said man. Everybody took care of us. Dudes, do man, you know everybody came out and well, I'm to the home coming, come to show. Yeah, I just you know, like just to pick it back off what they said, like, I've done a lot of comedy shows, home coming comedy shows before, but then the King come home like this what we did tonight, I've never seen anything like, man, and I've never seen an energy like this. I've never seen a response like this, and that kind of just you know, you know, just basically speaks to what we have here with eighty five South show, Like it's not you've never seen guys who would each individually hold their own anyway, they go come together and be able to put that type of energy on stage like that. So that's basically what the foundation of this is. Just like you said, this brother is getting together talking ship, but us getting together, Jamie, You're talking ship and turned into seven thousand people running around with their phones out streaming. So it's like, yeah, no, I just it's don't like I went to school here, so I don't even know you like, it's just historically black, we're coming all shames that look so the family doing everything, we gotta every feel them people to win the government thing we got like this, it just read excellent. So I'm glad y'all got to see what I've been but I've been knowing and y'all got to see it first him and I hope it actually felt like y'all phone coming because that's how they treated. Yeah. I'm just glad to be here and represent for the ladies, you know, um here with my brothers. They always invite me. The eight Fixtur Show has so shown me so much love from the beginning of my career. So I love these guys. Man, I look up to them. These see you know, I get your brick gass on. Thank you you and we're back. You. Oh god, you gotta climb my hole in clearly