POTUS to the Dept of Ed "You're FIRED" plus the 'Trump' Card

Published Mar 20, 2025, 8:00 AM
  1. Department of Education:

    • Trump announced plans to shut down the Department of Education, criticizing its performance and advocating for education to be managed by individual states.
    • He emphasized that this move would not disrupt public schooling but would allow states to tailor education to their needs.
    • The speech highlighted poor performance rankings of the U.S. in education compared to other countries and suggested that states could manage education more effectively.
    • Trump is a strong advocate for school choice, allowing parents to choose the best educational options for their children.
    • The order directs the Education Secretary to facilitate the closure of the Department of Education and ensure that remaining funds do not support DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) or gender ideology programs.
  2. Economic Measures:

    • We mention a significant drop in egg prices, attributed to efforts by the Trump administration to combat avian influenza and manage agricultural issues.
    • Gasoline prices have also decreased, with the administration promoting domestic drilling to reduce dependence on foreign oil.
  3. Golden Visa Program:

    • Trump proposed a "Golden Visa" program, where foreign investors could obtain U.S. residency by investing $5 million.
    • He argued that this would bring substantial revenue to the U.S. and attract job creators.

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Well, the only thing I totally admired about sleepy Joe Biden is the following. He'd go to a beach, he'd lay down in a cut barely able to get his feet through the sand, and within minutes he's sleeping and you have cameras watching him. I could never do that. I would never be able to slip like that.

You're listening to the forty seven Morning Update with Ben Ferguson.

Good Thursday morning.

Ben Ferguson with it's nice to have you on the forty seven Morning Update, and there's three major stories we're dealing with. First up, Donald Trump to sign a major order shutting down the Department of Education. I have the details in just a moment. Also, a major win for American consumers with gas and egg prices coming down quickly. What caused it and will this have an effect on other products that in a moment. And finally, Donald Trump moves to get rid of well major debt issues in this country with the introduction of golden visas, and he explains exactly how to work. It's the forty seven Morning Update and it starts right now.

Story number one is another promise.

That Donald Trump made to the American people, We're going to get rid of the Department of Education because they're doing a terrible job and they're not actually educating our kids. In fact, we are the lowest ranking in many categories of industrialized nations. And that is why Donald Trump today is going to sign an order to shut down the Department of Education. Now, to be clear, as the left is already fear mongering over this, this doesn't mean that any child in a public school is not going to be able to go to a school. He's made it clear it is time to hand this responsibility back over to the states so the states can do what is right for the students in their state. The President also said that many of the people that are working at the Department of Education, well they're not even showing up for work or doing their job at all.

Take a listen.

The Department of Educations may be more so than any other place, has a lot of people. They can be cut the number one not showing up to work. Number two, they're not doing a good job. And if you take a look at take a look at our education process, and if you look at the charts, because they have numerous charts where they do the top forty. We're at number thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, and forty. And recently they hit during Biden's last few days. They hit last, so they were number forty, and yet we're number one in costs per pupil. So it's pretty bad. But we have a dream, and you know what the dream is. We're gonna move the Department of Education. We're gonna move education into the states so that the states instead of bureaucrats working in Washington, so that the states can run education. And you have Norway, you have Denmark of Sweden, you have various Finland, you have various countries that do very well. You also have China that does very well in education, which is a pretty big tribute to China. I must say one point four billion, and they're in the top ten. Pretty amazing. So we can't blame size anymore. You know, normally you'd blame size. It's too big, how can you do it? But China does it. So we think when you move it back to Iowa and Indiana and all the states that run so well, there's so many I could name thirty, maybe almost forty, those will be as good as Denmark. Those will be as good as Norway, and they'll be as good as any of these. I believe they'll be as good as any Now then you're gonna have ten that won't be so great. You're gonna have five that will not be good at all. But we'll work with them and we'll get them to be good. But what we want to do is always school choice. But we're gonna do school choice, and we're doing it. But we want education to be moved back where the states run education, where the parents of the children will be running education, where governors that are doing a very good job, we'll be running education, not run I drive through the city and I see like so many buildings, Department of Education, Department of big buildings, the department and by the way, they're empty. Nobody shows up to work.

Nobody shows up to work.

This is why the President is saying it is time to overhaul the system and save Americans a ton of money and give it back to the states where they can run the system better and have better test scores and test results. Now you also heard the President talk about school choice. It is something that he is a huge advocate for. Now, the order I'm being told from the White House directs the Education Secretary, Linda McMahon to quote, take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure of the Department of Education and return education authority to the States, while continuing to ensure the effective and uninterrupted delivery of services, programs, and benefits on which Americans rely. It also mandates that any program or activities receiving remaining Department of Education fund should not advance DEI or gender ideology. The President making it clear, this is about educating our kids. Now, get ready to watch many states move like never before to advocate for school choice. And if you're in favor of school choice, now is the time to go to work on your elected officials in your state, because this could totally transform education for countless kids all over America.

Now story number two, Donald.

Trump promised when he was elected that he was going to do everything he could to bring prices that had gotten out of control back down for American consumers.

For American families.

Two of the big things that American families need is gas for their cars and eggs to feed their family. Well, we now have some very big news. The average host sale price per dozen eggs has dropped to three dollars and ten cents. How significant is that it is down forty seven percent from six fifty five per dozen from January the twenty first of this year. The White House is now stated The White House on March the seventeenth, announced this drop in egg and gasoline prices, calling it a win for not only the Trump Administration's economic agenda, but for the American people that have been hurting for.

So long now.

Egg prices had soared in recent months, reaching an average high of four dollars and ninety five cents per dozen in January that according to the Department of Labor, and then from January of twenty twenty four to January twenty twenty five, egg prices increased by fifty four percent. My primary reason for the skyrocking prices is the avian influenza avian flu, which has led to the calling of tens of millions of egg laying hens in recent months. This is something that was actually talked about by the USDA Secretary Kay Rowlands in a recent interview, but saying that it was time for someone to take charge since the Biden administration refused to do it.

A long way to go listen. Combating the av and bird flu is not something that we can do overnight. It is a long term effort. But the Biden administration, this was a major problem that they had two years ago. They talked about it, they wrote some plans about it, and then nothing ever happened. So I think that it is really important to know and for your viewers that we are on it. We have a major plan we've rolled out. As you mentioned, it's got five different points, but the really piece of at least right now today good news is that the price of eggs seemed to be coming down, and dollar eighty five per carton is not insignificant, but we've got a long way to go now.

The US Department of Agriculture said last month that more than twenty three million birds were cold in January to contain the virus, and that followed more than eighteen million in December of twenty twenty four that were put down as well. Several weeks ago, the USDA also warned that egg prices could jump by more than.

Forty percent this year.

But as you just heard there from the Agricultural Secretary, nothing is going to stand in the way of doing everything they can for the prices to continue to come down. So Let's move to the other big issue, and that is dealing with a nationwide average for gas, and that has declined for four straight weeks and down forty two cents from one year ago. The White House pointed to data is showing that the average for a gallon of gas is now under three dollars at two ninety nine or less at more than two thirds of all gas stations. The Trump administration has faced some blowback in recent days over its economic policies. The left continues to attack, particularly their tariffs and the declines in the Dall Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq. But the White House saying, we are staying the course, understanding that there is going to be tough days for America to have a major recorrect on price, and tariffs are going to help us get that done. When it comes to the issue of gasoline, the President is saying, drill, baby, drill, making it clear that we're not going to be held hostage by the Middle East or any other nation, that America has more than enough resources to take care of itself and to lower prices for all Americans. Yet again, another promise from the President that egg prices would come down and the gasoline prices will come down, paying off in the first two months in office.

And here is story number three.

One of the core issues the President of the United States of America said he believes is his job now is to cut government waste, fraud, and abuse, and to deal with our out of control federal deficit, which is in the trillions of dollars. Donald Trump is also looking at ways to bring more money into the country and one way he says we can do it is by having a five million dollar payment to our government for a golden visa. Believes that this is a major opportunity for America to pay down our debt. Now, he was talking with Laura Ingram on Fox News Channel about these visas, and this is what he wanted the American people to know.

The Golden visa, which you also you're obviously backing, probably is going to have to go through Congress. We'll see if they actually do that. But five million dollar investment from a foreigner coming into the United States, why should our citizenship be purchased for any amount of money, especially given the fact that you're America first, Given the types of people who have five million dollars to throw down for a visa, or for a permanent residency.

That's why, because I'm America first. Because at five million dollars, you're getting a lot of things, but you're getting five million dollars. Let's say we sell a million of them. That's five trillion dollars. We are now a unbelievably successful country paying down tremendous amounts of debt. All going to pay down debt. We're going to have very little debt.


But if you did think of it, if you did five million dollars. Now, generally people that can pay five million dollars are going to be job producers. Okay, they're going to be successful. They're going to produce jobs. But here's another thing. Apple comes to me. A lot of companies come to me. They say, sir, we just made a deal to hire the number one student at the Wharton School of Finance or at Harvard Business School or anything else, or MIT or Stanford or anything. But they're going to throw them out of the country the day after graduation.

They'll buy these.

Why should any American kid become a company?

And by the way, they're going to call it either the gold card. The problem is is mini gold cards? Well, I will tell you what my people want to call it. It'll drive you crazy. It'll drive the left crazy. They want to call it the Trump card because the Trump card sells much better than the Gold card. Everybody has a you're.

Not worried about any unsavory people coming in and take me.

I'm worried about unsavory, in which case we'll get it, given the money back, and they get out.

They'll be properly vetted.

Are they going to be properly vetted? But you know what you're talking about a lot of people. I think it's going to be very successful. If somebody's wrong, we get we actually very very nice because it makes it a lot easier legally. We give them that money back and we send them.

Out one thanks for sure.

The President United States of America is looking for new ways to bring actual cash into the United States of America from people overseas. In other words, he's looking at them as customers instead of all the money coming from the American taxpayer. As for the program and the fear mongering, many in the media are doing this, they're saying, what if an unsavory.

Person comes in.

You just heard the President make it very clear we'll kick him out. Maybe we'll give them a refund and we'll move on.

Thank you for listening to the forty seven Morning Update with Ben Ferguson. Please make sure you hit subscribe wherever you're listening to this podcast right now and for more in depth news, also subscribe to the Ben Ferguson podcast and we will see you back here tomorrow