Charlamagne Tha God explores the difficulty of interacting with relatives whom you don't particularly enjoy during the holidays, singer/actress Chlöe Bailey stops by, comedians Karlous Miller, Rosebud Baker and therapist Nedra Glover Tawwab join in on the conversation.
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You're listening to Comedy Central tonight. We're talking about Vice President Kamala Harris being a break of souls six hundred thousand, getting flushed down the toilet, and how to deal with your toxic as family during the holidays. Plus singer actress Chloe is here, Nip talk to him. Even met Charlet magn And like Charlotte spect Charlotte and and you know what I mean, ruffling feathers and I know his stand. You know what I mean, Charlot Mayge, known for being honest. Oh Lord just made another one. Hey, think to the planet. I go by the name of Charlemagne and Goblin. My kid folk called me Leonard mclby. What was happening out there? Come on, give me all that energy. I got us a little, my DJ and my niece Queen Nila Somone Jack Nyla. Now you know what it is. It's time to call bullshit so you don't step in it. First up, the Department of Justice has closed the second investigation into the nineteen fifty killing of Emmett Till after failing to prove his accused of Carolyn Dunham, lied, I called bullshit when she thought there would be no repercussions and could clear her conscience. She was happy to tell a researcher she had lied, or when the FBI came knocking at that door, she was back to her old story. This crack gass cracker is more scared of going to prison than she is a going to hell when she actually belongs in both. Okay, listen, white privilege is so deeply rooted into the foundation of this country that a white woman can instigate a lie leading to a fourteen year old boy being murdered, then commit perjury, then admit that she lied, then lied about admitting she lied, and then the FEDS are like, fuck it, that's that bullshit. Uh no point line, that's really just that bullshit. Uh. Next up, CNN faces called the fire Don Lemon over Justice Smollett's court testimony. Apparently Donson detected just the one of them about the police, I call bullshit. Who wouldn't try to warner friend that cops are under them? Does news journalism means you can't be human? From Chris Kwona to Don Lemon, why do they expect people to not give their folks the heads up? That's what friends and family a fall see murder. Ain't the only one that's down for their niggers. All right, Don Lemon will clearly look out for him too. And y'all love saying Donn isn't black enough. But what's blacker than trying to keep your mands out of jail? Come on? I know Don got a Warner Brothers shirt under that suit. Come on now. In holy news, a plumber found six hundred thousand dollars in cash at Joe Old steeves Mega church behind the toiler. A man, thank, I call bullshit? Though six hundred thousand mysteriously hidden behind a wall sounds like they pushing more than just Bible scriptures. All right, this story makes less sense than gay tupox current testimony. Now, Joe Old Steeves says that they're grateful to a plumber and had no idea that the money was hidden behind the toilet. Well, I mean, look, it might be a blessing. Okay, this could this could be a miracle. This could be like a passage in the Lebron James version of the Bible. All Right, he that find off six hundred thousand hiding behind the toilet, find it a good thing? Now, go forth be fruitful and pay off your student loans. Okay. And also this week, Fox News tried to call out Vice President Kamala Harris for meeting with activist Cora and Mastus Barry, who said, and I quote, fuck white women. Well, you're mad that Kamala met with someone because she said fuck white women on a zoom once. Well, I gotta call bullshit simply because I need more contexts. You gotta hear both sides. What white women are we talking about? Here? Are we talking about Carolinn Dunham who got a Mattil killed? The context matters. It's because of Karen's The phrase fuck white women historically has never been wrong. Okay, fun white women is what most people scream when they're watching Fox News and what a lot of brothers doing their free time. Politics is just one of the many things that can ruin the family gathering. But sometimes nothing ruins the family gathering more so than family. Okay. Triple A predicts that fifty three million people will be traveling over the holiday season. Some will be flying Delta, others will be infected with it. The point is that for many, traveling home to spend time with your family can be stressful, especially if your family is more toxic than a lick Christmas tree outside of Fox News. So what do you do when you just don't relate to your relatives? Well, as my therapist says, let's unpack this. Who have you ever spent a significant amount of time trying to reach your best self? Do in the work, going to therapy? You on your ailing journey? And then you come around family members of childhood friends who want you to stay exactly the same worship They refused to see the new youth, They say, goofy ship, like, look at you, acting brand new all ball. You didn't change? Why would I not change? Okay? And the words of the Brooklyn philosopher s. Dot Carter, people look at you strange, say you changed, like you worked that hard to stay the same? Come on, man, why would you want me to stay the same person I was ten years ago? Twenty years ago? Mohammad Ali once said, the man who viewsed the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years in his life. Well, now that we're in the middle of the holiday season, many people will be going back to a dangerous place that may or may not be good for our mental health. In that place is home, truly, no place like alright, the place that can make you feel like all the work you've been doing on yourself was for nothing. Study show that we are more likely now than ever to cut ties with family members if they are toxic, especially in the US, and sec of Americans admitted they need to escape during the holidays. And I believe that even if the study was sponsored by Motel six, that's actually their new slogan, by the way, Motel six a place to escape your family. Not a good place, not a nice place, but just the place all right. For many, spending time at home is stressful. In fact, doctors have found that death from heart failure increases during the holidays. My heart hurting a little bit right now, which which means when the grinches heart grows seven sizes, it also seizes almost immediately. Okay. The bottom line is if the people who helped you grow up are no longer helping you grow, then it's okay to create some boundaries. And Uncle Sharla brother Lenard is here to help, because I'm all about creating boundaries. You know those fireplace videos you put on TV to make your fake holiday even faker, Well, we've created a really special one. It looks like any other fireplace video, but we've actually added some like subtle messaging, you know, ever so often to help you get through even the most stressful holiday situations. As soon as you get the Nanas's house, just turn it on and let it do the work. Someone in here is gay, and that's totally fine. Whether or not someone is planning on having kids, it's none of your business, absolutely none. Don't talk about vaccines. Don't talk about vaccines. Don't talk about vaccines. You might need those friendly remind us. Okay. A twenty ten study found that maintaining close relationships with people outside of your actual family can even help the relationship you have with your immediate family. Sure, I know this is the same logic men used to justify cheating on their wasts. Okay, no, my relationship with your sister is actually helping ours. But perhaps keep a few she said, what, Well, listen, perhaps keeping a few eggs outside of your basket can prevent your basket from calling your sister to faceline slight in front of your grandparents. Okay, they say that blood is thicking in water, but who came up with that ship, all right, a bougie vampire. And who thinks the most important quality of a liquid is this thickness. If if someone described the wine to me is particularly thick, I would think that person is trying to sunk that wine. Okay, Hey, you can't help but think of somebody when they're digging a glass of wine anyway. Uh, but I digress. You owe it to yourself to keep evolving even if some members of your family literally don't believe in evolution, okay, because you can't hold someone back and you can't freeze someone in time where human beings who are all growing and changing. And when we come back, we're gonna talk family evolution and growth with my guests Carlos Miller, Rose Bud Baker, and Nedra Glove with ta right here on the God's Honest Truth. We'll be right back. Welcome back to the God's on the Truth. Now we're talking about family growth, change and whether or not you can ever really go home again. I'm honored to be joined by some great people. New York Times bestselling author relationship therapists Nedra Glove with Twave is here, Hey, my guy comedian. In one third of the eighty five South show to sit sat Carlos Miller, right, hello, and writer and stand up comedian Rose bud Baker. Thank you all for joining us. Now, Carlos, we've been talking about, you know, family, what's what's your experience been like when it comes to going home for the holidays. All that money you're getting out here, they believe that. And when people think you have money that you haven't shared with them, they look at you there. That's right. Like Mo pulled me to the side and he went on the Celebrity Network. He's like, you mean to tell me you've got six million dollars and they give me, what are you talking about? Let network is at But you've got several Republicans in your family. Yeah, and you're not real. Yeah, she's been the nicest white lady. I did that create awkward moments? They treat me like I'm gay in the fifties, you know, like we don't talk about it, but I'm out of the will. Yeah. Yeah, Nadrew, what's your people prioritize over holiday season when it comes to going back home, how they want to spend the holiday. We all get the same Christmas, the same New Year's and we don't have to share it with people who don't want to spend it in a way that we do. Your holiday is your holiday and their holiday is their holiday. You can change traditions or you can stick with them. If you want peace, you may need to change them at home there, you know they always talk about you know, people get killed when they when they go back home, Right, Like, when did you realize home may not be a safe space for you? Once? I realized that people don't want to see you grow, They don't want to see you change. They want you to stay the person that they thought you were or as they see you. And it's like, sometimes your success can real people the wrong way, and people hate you for the way other people love you. Exactly, your love can make people uncomfortable. Man, some people hate you for the way other people look. Right, Andrew, you talk about material boundaries, What did that mean? It's your money, it's your possessions, it's your stuff, like Carlos was saying, sometimes people want what you have because they were there and they feel like they should be a part of it financially, So your worth is now they're worth and you don't have to share, like you get to decide if you want to help people or not. But random question, you have brought a black dude home just to make everybody uncomfortable? Um, yeah, I have. I have. I brought a black dude home and you know they're gonna say something inappropriate. You know they're gonna say something vaguely racist, but you just hope that it's like not on purpose. Like the worst thing as a white woman is hearing your white dad go like you know what, I'm just gonna say it. You're like like, no, please, don't you know. Low's random question. I never brought a white woman home for the holidays. I will say home. They okay, oh my god. I've been a white woman who's gone home with a black dude for the holidays too. That's that's that's a whole other thing. That's like yeah, because well, white dad's will try to hide their disappointment, but black women will not try to hide it. They won't. They'll be They'll look at you, they will look at their so and like they just got socks for Christmas. This is a question for all of you. You go first, what are what are strategies for setting boundaries? Because you did write the book um to be clear and concise. Sometimes we say way too much. We speak in paragraphs, we give people a lot of information. We start with I'm sorry, I have to tell you this, or I hope you understand I have something really heavy to say. We say all of this stuff, and we don't really clearly state what the boundary is. We never say I will not loan you money, I am not coming home for Christmas, but we say all this other stuff, like you know, I might be busy, I have to think about it. I don't know all of this stuff, and people don't get it, which leads them feeling disappointed and let down. And we need to just be very clear and say, in one sentence, if possible, this is the thing that I want to need. This is what I can and cannot do. Yeah, you gotta be able to say no without explaining yourself something. As I slowly walked him in the note like I'll walk him around the nore it like you know, I hear what you're saying. But at the end of the day, the day over with, right, don't explain nothing, just right there. Hey, I want to thank my good brother Carlos Miller. Go down low the new eighty five South app okay, Andrew Blover to wi his book, The Set Boundaries workbook is available to Sember four teen, and rosebud Baker's new special Whiskey, Fist and Screaming on Comedy Central's YouTube channel. Right now, don't move because we'll be back with my cousin Chloe. This is the God's on his Truth. Welcome back in the Gods on his Proof. Now. When I found out we were having an actress, a singer, a songwriter, and a producer in the studio, I thought we were gonna need more chairs, but I turns out we don't. Who's welcome to multi Talented, the one and only Chloe to see you the whole show. You know, I mentioned how annoying I find it when my family members tell me things like don't ever change? But is it just me? Or did that happen to you too? It happens, But I think instead of me being annoyed, I'm just like, Okay, that's sweet. There will be parts of me that will be the same. But it's so natural for us to have a evolution of who we are, and we're constantly evolving. But I never think it comes from a bad place. Are hitting you up for money already. Well, to me, if I'm gonna be honest with money, I hate money because I feel like that causes so many problems. That's gonna say it will give me something? Yeah, Yeah, honestly, I would like. I feel like we're all here to kind of like give back. And I'm so grateful to God that I am able to make music and have that be my career. And it's great making money, and it's great being able to buy things and stunt and floss or whatever, but I want to give that back as well. Clue, you just set yourself up for the holloway right, everybody for saying Stephens gonna be getting you a check? Now? Have you ever had to set an explicit boundary with a family member. I'm twenty three, and I am learning that I have to be full before I can give myself to others, and I am finding it very important. My mental health is very important. And when you constantly feel like you have to please people and put others before you, you will start to feel very insecure. So I'm learning that it's okay to put myself first sometimes and I will only give out love and only share love and then just keep it at that. You know, you can't you can't pull from it in stuff exactly now. You say you have insecurities. People can't tell by the way you move, So so do the reactions to your post, like the lollipop video that you deleted, do they affect you? You know? Honestly in the beginning, it didn't affect to me. I'm human. Of course it affects me sometimes. But the reason why I deleted it wasn't because of what people were saying. It's just I didn't want people to just go to my page and just see that. You know, social media is whatever, and I think it's so cool how we can find ourselves. And I'm finding myself right now and figuring out what serves me best. I'm just doing it under a microscope while all of you all get to do it without everyone. Watch. That's right, that's right. Do you read the comments I stopped? I just deleted Twitter like a week ago? Really? Yeah? Yeah? Because Twitter is literally like comments just all in your face the whole time. And I have my burner Twitter that I still go on to watch funny videos and I love Instagram, but Twitter, I was like, let me just take a break from Twitter. Really yeah, yep, wow, and you release the snippet of the song. I noticed the song's out right flex. Okay, when you talk about stunting on your ex, is that with all of that post about you're really trying to make some my jealous business one? That's really funny. Know when I post, I'm not trying to make an ex jealous. If that happens in the process, then so be it. But but but I'm really just doing it for myself. You know, how do you know when it worked? And how do you know when he's jealous? Does he like? I mean, it's always the d M or like you just know, ladies and guys. You just know when you on somebody's mind. But that's not why I do it. I'm like on word and upwards. That's a lot. That's where we got social media fall. We got social media to stunt on people. Sometimes I go on Facebook just to check it people still doing bad. Yeah, no, that's true. When the transition from Chloe Bailey to just Chloe with the two dots over the name start, you know, I'm still Chloe Bailey and I'm still Chloe with the two dots over the oh. I was being extra. When I did that, I just wanted it to look different like on the DSPs, you know, and I like how it looks um But yeah, I'm Chloe Elizabeth Bailey. I'm like still myself, So nothing changes. But whatever you're doing is working, because right now Chloe has the number one song on Rhythm and Urban radio. Okay, even know it, But what does that feel like if people always say, oh, you know, you're just your Instagram videos or everything. Now you've got a number one record. I'm so grateful to God. I am just so excited and shocked. Honestly, I hope to make music of people like but I didn't expect it to become mainstream and people actually like it on the radio and have it to become the number one most added. So that's very surreal. And it's just my first song. I'm technically a brand new artist, and that's really just the tip of the iceberg. Really, no one has heard what my music truly sounds like. Have Mercy is just like one little slither. I heard a sneak songna be what what I want to hear that? I want to hear that I lied, I made that all the light. I want to thank my special guest Chloe. Alright, make sure y'all keep listening to it, will be back for more. To God is true. Almost got you. I want you to go grab some milk and cookies. It's time for the God's final work. We are living in some critical times and we all got to decide how and with whom we want to navigate this life. Think past the holidays and ask yourself, do you want to be part of a family that matters? Are a family that feuds? A real family will make you feel seen during your deepest times of need. They won't alienate you just because you came out the closet while Grandpa was carving the turkey. I mean, what else you're supposed to do it? All right? Family is more than a three syllable word. It's unconditional love, support and healthy boundaries wrapped in one. And don't feel guilty. It is absolutely okay to escape and seek refuge when you start feeling the weight of everybody else's world on your shoulders. Because usually when they say let me hold something, they ain't talking about your trauma. Notice you don't have to grow in the same tree to be family. As long as your intentions and relationships are rooted and loving, some sarity, and that's the God's honest truth. If you're blind to broke for Cable, I just can't get enough of my beautiful voice. This is the perfect way to take into sermons I'm delivering each week. The doors of the church are open. Listen to the Gods on his truth on the Black Effect. I Heart Radio podcast network, the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. This has been a Comedy Central podcast