Charlamagne Tha God debates the week's top stories with political commentator Angela Rye, Comedian Roy Wood Jr., and author Malcolm Gladwell.
You're listening to Comedy Central. Thank you, Trevor. I'm sorry your queen died. Now. Look, it's been a hell of a week. Okay, there's a scandal brewing in the world of high stakes chess with a player being accused of getting moves electronically signal to him through the use of vibrating anal beachs. I can't make this ship up. I don't know whether the yell checkmate are a queen. No, let's get it. Hey, welcome to Hell of a Week. Please say hello to our panel. He's one of the world's most famous khaki colored intellectuals. In this podcast, Revisionist History is backstept Timber fifteen Malcolm glad Well. He's a comedian, a daily show correspondent, and all around bad motherfucker. Roy Would Jr. Right, And she's an advocate and political analyst and also a bad motherfucker. Angelias Hell and we got the O G Fat Joe stopping by later in the show. It has been a hell of a week. King Starr, who prosecuted Bill Clinton for the Monica Lewinsky scandal, has died at the age of seventy six. Yes, and Louis flowers. The family has asked that you leave a donation on the blue dress of your choice. What But here's what I want to talk about. The night topping one last Thursday, after seventy years on the throne, Queen Elizabeth of England died. Y'all don't really care and the nation lined up the show's brief. But not everyone was so sad. Irish sports fans danced with Joy and Argentine anchorman Pop Champagne on air and Black Twitter, who are known to stiffe with air feelings. They went all in, like Carnegie Mellon University professor uju Anya, who tweeted, I heard the chief monarch of a thieving, raping, genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be extruciating. Clearly she's a fan, okay uh, I personally don't see why anyone cares about a monarch in two just ain't frozen or not to mention, the royal family has a lot to answer for when it comes to the slave trade. Yeah, so I want to ask the panel Malcolm, the start with you, why do we care so much about the royal family in America? If you want me to disc toc Queen you've come to the wrong place. I've I'm a Commonwealth, I'm born and bred in a come. My mom, my ninety one year old Jamaican mom, was very, very sad when the Queen died. Queen represented something to us. You know, she's a she was a woman of extraordinary grace and dignity, and in a world that needs a lot of a lot more role models of grace and dignity. And you know, there's there are some things that are country did that um are unspeakable, but that doesn't set England aside from different from any other country in the world. Before her first, I want to start by saying, I know you know, I adore you, I adore your books. I could not disagree with you more on this, And I think the issue here is there are people who have power that is largely symbolic. She is certainly one of them, but we should not ignore the power of that symbolism. I also think it's important for us to understand that in her role of symbolic power, they colonized. British colonized thirty percent of Africa. So even when we talk about your mother who adored the Queen, we have to understand black people's infatuation with systems of power that have also abused. You cannot do every bad deed done by Great Britain. One time she spoke out against them. She speak out against the injustice that she didn't cause. Anyway, if you the new super eyes of a company that's been doing stuff, isn't it your job as new supervisor to undo some of the fun stuff? And I got respect, don't ignore them talk about she's not the supervisor, she's never any power. She just she cuts ribbons. And why do we call it a queen if she ain't got noding about? Basically, she's there to get tourists to come to England, y'all just get a mascot. Wasn't like I don't like to speak a little bit either, So I'll just let the queen rest in peace. The only queens I recognize the Latifa Aretha and Billy Porter. Okay, comic to for much. Republican governors have sent bus loads of illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities like New York, d C. And Chicago, with the message of if you like them so much, they're yours. Okay, Well, just in time for Hispanic heritage Mom Florida Governor Ron de Santis up the game by sending two plain folds of immigrants to the East Coast elite's favorite vacation Island Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. I personally think it's genius, but I wish that governor is like Ron De Santis and Greg Abbott would give Democratic governors and mayors more of the heads up, because then that would expose the hypocrisy of the Democrats, which is they don't want immigrants here either. What say you, Panel Angela Ry? First of all, um, I want to just dig deeper into the fact that these folks who are priding themselves on sending not just bus loads but also now planeloads of immigrants to um immigrants to country or to states that are have not and are not expecting them. It doesn't matter when you haven't talked to these folks about what your plans are and you're dropping it. It is a political game for them. And how are you gonna like tout the Bible. You're the like Bible beating Christian governors. I'm just curious about what kind of Christianity their practice. You want to talk about Democrats hypocrisy, I want to call the Republicans. I'm bluff too. What do you think about it? I'm with Angela. This is now you with Angela. Fact we have more in common. I'm not a feeling, you know, we're How are we in a situation or a country when we're treating people who want to come here, who think highly enough of America that they want to they want to risk their lives to come here, and we're treating them like, you know, props in some kind of political stunt. What I hate is the fact that a lot of these a lot of these immigrants are being sent to these cities, and these are the same cities that ship out their homeless people to the outside county. So a lot of these Democratic cities that are, oh, we love people, and we love people a homeless make it away or something like, they they deliberately hide people already. So a lot of these Democrats that are complaining about the Republicans are running something similar within their own within their own counties. Wouldn't y'all rather have them be shipped to Sanksuary cities at the polls in the states they don't want him anyway, though. I just I think that we have got to have some humanity and compassion about this conversation. What we know is that policy wise, the country has failed immigration for a very long time. Immigration reform proposals don't do enough. I also think that in the backdrop of what's happened in Ukraine and the billions of dollars that this country is sent to Ukraine, why can't we use those same resources to figure out what to do with immigrant populations here. The difference is that most of them are of a browner hue, And the truth is that Rhonda Santists, uh, Greg Abbott and others are terrified about what happens when there is a browning of their states. I'm clear. I'm very clear about that. So I don't think that, yeah, knowing what we know about Texas, if you're giving people a free trip out of Texas, got some come up. Yeah. I think the questions brought her. One of the best books I've had this name is a book called one Billion Americans, which asked the question how many Americans do we want? Right book at this country, and he argues very the guy made Glaciers wrote it argues very persuasively that this country would work really well with a billion people. Well, we're at three eighty million, so we got what six hundred? So I think we should we should be welcoming people, We should be opening the borders. I I don't understand why people are so upset about, right, Rich it's Charlottegne you that's a useful Yes, that would be very and I'm sure you'll do your part. But everybody got to fury. By the way, that's still sending busses where immigrants here in New York. I think that's the post to scare in New Yorkers. Okay, bustones Field with immigrants in New York CITYO just called busses. Okay. Now, when we come back, my panel is going to predict the end of democracy as we know it. Plus Patie was in the building. Hell of a wee can it welcome back to Hell of a week? What's the point of having a brilliant panel like this if I can't use the super brains to look into the future. So it's time for a game of North You're dumbass. Now, if you've been paying attention, then you know there's one thing Democrats and Republicans agree on, and that is that American democracy as we know it is about to be over. Okay, why are we the people aren't understanding the urgency at the moment. I don't know, but I'm gonna ask some questions. Okay, whoever gets you right not only gets my respect, they also get a treat and y L where you got? Okay? Today we have gore make cupcakes from Beatcake, New York. It is a bakery out in Brooklyn and it's rented operated by black women. Okay, okay, okay, and hold on, we got a salute Queen Nila too. She's nominated for a BT Award for Best People. Okay, but vot vote for her BT dot com and can I shout out BT? On Comedy Central? Question one? Is this the most important mid term election in American history? The answers are A yes, B no. See they say every election is the most important election in American history. R D. I don't care about any of this. I just want to talk about raj go Angela, right, you got a tell me Angelo y A, because every election where we can participate is the most important one. Okay, that's black. Mr Gladwell, you said no? Why? I don't know. I can think of fun top of my head ten other elections where they were bigger stakes sixty eight, nineteen sixty four. I mean, I think we sometimes forget that American history is pretty dark place, and there are a lot of times worse than this. The point is made, the point of this you said yes, because every election they keep tightening the vices of injustice on us. As you look, every two years they put up another wall, or another hurdle, or another juryman. Do you can't even bring water to somebody that's waiting in line? I can't bring your snack? My answer is we're fucked. Okay, But I do agree with Mr Gladwell's answer because I think the question was too broad. I should have said, in our lifetime, the pol history same democracy survives this election. Are we going to have the same conversation in two years for the presidential election? If every election is maybe the last election, doesn't that mean democracy is already over? The answers are a hell yes, be hell double yes, or c hell triple yes. Let's go. I'm the only optim I'm mildly optimistic. I'm the only mildly optimistic angel. When you say hell, triple yes, you know what's so amazing about our letter formation though, is this actually looks like the Congressional Black Caucus? Maybe the answer. So I just want to shout out my former bosses who are the conscious of the Congress and who hold it down for us and don't always get the respect they deserve. Some of y'all know Queen Maxine. When folks are not looking, she's working, she's protecting our interests in so many of them continue to do that. So I want to be careful about how we continue to tent the Democratic Party, which is a very big tent, and there are some people in there who are fighting for us when we're looking and when we're not. Well, you say, be hell double yes, why are you optimistic? Well, I'm only optimistic now because I feel like i'm the things were so much worse two generations ago. If you don't think it was worse than nine eight until they changed that it is now, then I don't. I think you don't. You don't understand history. I don't saying what's going on right now is great. I'm just saying it was dark. Let see, Okay, Yeah, Because we live in a time where the politicians are getting slick and knowing how to pray on fears of voters politics. Yeah, because it's a it's an opportunity now over the next two years to really manipulate the voting pool. And once you look up and if you get Trump back, or you get anybody that's co signing with that, man, I just think it's a it's a it's a recipe for something terrible. Hey man, my answer is I'm black. Tell me when democracy starts. Let's see some cupcakes. Okay. I'd like to thank Malcolm, Angela and Roy for playing and the sweet sweet people at Bcake New York for making up fat and happy. Stay tuned for my interview with Fat Joe, who probably wants a cupcake. There you go, Welcome back to hell of a week's down. My next guest is a straight up legend, all right. He's a hip hop icon, a philanthropis an entrepreneur, and at the end of the month you can catch him hosting the Hip Hop Awards on B and T. Please walcome, Fat Joe. I'm glad to have you here this week. O gee, know we just had a major tragedy earlier in the week with pnb Rock. Rest in peace to him. You happen to be an expert in the hip hop and hood at the kitchen. Okay, So, so most rappers consider themselves real when they stay in the hood after achieving a certain level of success. Is that real or is it just dangerous? I think it's real, and it's also real dangerous. And so like me, I have businesses in the community. We built schools in our stores and the But then Fat Joe's dumb if he gets killed in front of one of his stores because he's still in the hood and he ain't got to be in the hood, right, And oh, the young brother with supporting black owned businesses going to the Roscoats chicken with his wife and his kid, and so we get all these deflections of oh, but his wife posted the chicken. Oh, he's not supposed to wear Jerry, how about we not supposed to kill each other. What you're saying is absolutely true, and that's how it should be. But that's not the way it is. No, we shouldn't kill each other. And so what should happen is I used to stick people up. I used to rob people. Now I'm being honest, I'm not trying to front of y'all. I'm not against him robbing them called him roblem. Why you gotta kill him? Why you gotta kill him? And that's what bothers me. And not only destroy that family, this ain't nothing to laugh about, y'all. Not only destroy that family, but what about the other families that are sitting in roscoats and they see somebody get their blames blown out in front of them. You're destroyed the old village with one shot. So my thing is, when you go to l A, they got a rule called check in them, right, Why don't the checkings checking ahead of time? You know, when you go in your hotel, your keys already ready. Why don't the o g s tell them, hey, rob them, don't kill him, don't kill him? And why do we hate us? Right? Why are we not happy about people that come from where we come from, being successful? Why we want to kill them? So so, in your opinion, what's the best way for rappers to still stay in the hood after becoming successful without getting home? Right now, you need security, the bottom line, and legit security, not your man the whole of hammer. So you be on seeing that rappers are the endangered species. We're getting hit up by the police, hit up by the Feds, and we're getting hit up by our own for being in our hood trying to show love. So it's so dangerous to be a rapper these days. It's the hardest job out there right now. It's trying with you in jail or these your own people trying to kill you. And so what happens is people get mad at themselves. They get mad that they didn't accomplish stuff in life. They look at themselves they say, damn, I'm forty years old, fifty years old, I ain't got nothing. Here comes this brother who got a beautiful wife, a beautiful family. He's doing good for himself. He's talented. I might as well just kill him. It's disgusting this. This is O. G. Fajel having this conversation because young Joe. Most rappers used to clown other rappers for having security back in the day. Oh no, no, no, no, Joe. You know, my management is Rock Nation, And I was having a conversation with all brother Brian, who manages me and manages the locks. He said, well, the locks they have. Their whole thing is no security. They put out mixtapes. It's trying to do the remix and get puff Daddy on it and go get yourself sec right. Absolutely. Do you think it was easier to, like, you know, in the hood back in the day when you were coming up without social media and technology because people know you're every move though. You want to know, what's the saddest part about it is they kill Big Eil in this block, they kill jam Master Jay, and this block they kill Nipsey Hustle trying to do something good for this hood. Nine times that to attend, they kill you in your own neighborhood because they're jealous of you. And we gotta stop being jealous, especially brothers who do what we accused people not doing. So what happens is these artists they become successful and they run away from the hood and we never see him again. Now they might be the smart ones, because now the ones that staying there and invest in their community and support black owned businesses and Latino owned businesses, they getting killed there. Let me tell you about blacks and Latinos. There's no difference with blacks and Latinos. You see the same messed up schools, the same hospitals. The biggest power is people power, and if you come together out separating the two, you will see that the power in numbers will get us exactly what we need in the hood. Don't fight your brothers and your sisters. We won no matter how you look at this thing. Joe cracks from mayor give it up from side Joe and check them out. Hosting the Hippop Awards on be a team on Step Timber thirty year. Thanks for coming through, Joe. When we come back more Hell of a Week. Hey, welcome back to Hell of a Week. Now, before we go, let's talk about cousins and namely, if it's okay to fuck them. Now. I'm from the country Monks Corner, South Carolina, to be exact, so I know some cousin fuckers, all right. Some people feel it is perfectly acceptable to have sex with cousins as long as they aren't your cousin cousins, okay, and Dr oz seems to feel the same way, all right, he said, that's a fact. An old clip just resurfaced from a show you might be familiar with called The Breakfast Club, where the Good Doctor says, if you're more than the first cousin a way, it's not a big problem. I guess. Dr oz Is version of tender is ancestry dot Com all right. And I know some of you are sitting on the couch with your cousins right now, and ship just got very uncomfortable our sexy okay. And I know what you're thinking. Dr Os sounds really mentally deficient. Okay, And that's exactly what your baby is gonna be if you impregnate your cousin. All right, I'll go by the name of Charlemagne to God. It's been a hell of a week. Come back next Thursday. Now, stay tuned so we run to the office. So be sure to listen to Hell of a Week with Charlemagne to God wherever you get your podcast. This has been a Comedy Central podcast.