Charlamange unpacks the slap heard around the world and calls on fusing violence with black culture in this episode of Tha God's Honest Truth.
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You're listening to Comedy Central. Piece of the planet. I go by the name of Leno mckelvy, a k a. Charlomagne the God. In this summer, I'll be back on Comedy Central serving up another season of the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Gods on his Truth. But in the meantime, there are things going on in this world, and you need me to call bullshit so you don't step in it. Well, can't nobody say that the oscars didn't slide this year? Okay? Last Sunday at the Annual Source Awards, I mean the Academy Awards, Will Smith walked on stage like he was a badass lying way down in the jungle deep about to step on the signified monkey's feet as he proceeded to smack the sign of rings out of Chris Rock for making a g I Jane joke referring to Jada Pinkett Smith's hair. Now, I want to send healing energy to all the parties involved, Will, Jada and Chris's cheek. Okay, this smack fest has caused more division than a vegan at a Black Thanksgiving, So let's try to put this in perspective. Shall we every man's job is a protecting provide, So if he's gonna lose his cool, it's gonna be over his family. Only Will knows how to scrat Jada is over the fact that she suffers from alopecia, which is an autoimmune disease that many women have, causing them to lose their hair. However, it must be said that Chris Rock told me personally that he had no idea about her condition. Not to mention that y'all have been clowning Will and his family for years about entanglements, even though most of you would not have the testicular fortitude northern vaginal for the law to say any of these things to his face. Will wrote in his memoir that he's always felt like a coward for not being able to protect his mom from domestic violence, and has been fighting those demons ever since. So after carrying all of that weight hidden behind that million dollar smile, Will has been harboring and I wish I nigga would spirit. Okay, let's not get it sucked up. He he walked in there with I wish and nigga wood spirit and on his biggest night, a nigga did okay. I just hate that they had to be Chris Rock. Chris looked stunned. He looked confused. I thought they were about to cut to a commercial break while playing that Everybody Hates Chris Themes song. Chris got the receiving end of a hand that's been carrying emotional baggage for fifty plus years. Will ended up bleeding on somebody that didn't even cut him. There were a bunch of ways that Will could have checked Chris at that moment, yell at him from the audience, like he eventually did check him off camera. Hell, he could have run on stage, grabbed him mike and said, if any of you motherfucker's make another Jada joke tonight, I'm gonna put my foot so far up your ass the water from my knee will quench your thirst. Then dropped the mike, look at Chris dead in his eyes, just to let him know that he meant business. But he didn't. Okay, Will woke up and literally chose violence and let it me know that Will knew who the pounce on. Or maybe he didn't. He ran up on Chris Rock, not the Rock. Would Will have done that to a white comedian. I don't know, but I do know that if he had done that to a white comic, the Oscars would have thrown his ass out like he was Jazzy Jeff on the original Fresh Prince's Bells series. All Right, Laverne Cox made an entanglement joke right to his face recently and SOLDI Regina hard during the Oscars, but he didn't fast on them. And yes, maybe he and Jada aren't tripping off entanglement jokes, but jokes about her illnesses the line you can't cross. Well for comedians, sometimes you don't know where the line is until you've crossed it. Who knew that the g I j A reference would be the hair that broke the camel's back, even though there was no hair there. Now, you can't control someone's reaction when you crossed that line, but you also can't control the reaction to the reaction. If Chris wanted to, he would have been well within his rights to press charges and sue. And please believe me, if Willard slapped me on stage at the Oscars on international television in front of a billion people, my ass would still be on the ground as we speak. Okay, my Lloyd's would be the only people that could peel me off that floor. I'm suing everybody and everything the network, the Smith family, and that red table. ABC would stand for the Angry Black Charlemagne Network. Okay, the Oscars would be simply called the Charlots. I'm a Pinkett Smith went for you, those carter But if Willard slapped me, I'd be the new proud owner of Overbrook Entertainment. Okay. Bell Air would be the story of a young kid from Monks Corner, South Carolina who goes to live with his rich and uncle. Oh, I'd be screaming about concussion, but I wouldn't be talking about will Smith's movie Now. Will has since apologize to Chris Rock, which was the right thing to do. All you can do when you make a mistake is apologize and change your behavior. And hey, I'm no comedian, but I'm friends is with enough of him, and I've seen enough comedy to note. If you hear a joke that you don't like, the best thing to do is simply not laugh. Okay. Nothing hurts the comedian soul worst than not getting the laugh on a joke. In fact, watching a comedian bomb is one of my favorite pastimes. Trust me, they will be slapping themselves the entire ride home. So salute to Christophers standing professional and keeping his composure. I'm sure if that were not the Oscars and just the regular comedy show, things might have went differently. Chris has been doing comedy for thirty years. It's probably not the first time, and the audience members wanted to smack him for something he said. And if I must call bullshit, it's on all the people saying that this was the blackest Oscars ever. Okay, black is not synonymous with ignorance. We're so used to seeing black people in media responding to trauma like a love and hip hop reunion that we think violence is normal behavior and it's not about looking bad in front of white people. I could give zero funks about what white folks think about us. And besides, violence is like breathing to them. It's about us building a strong foundation for our next generation, the same way our ancestors did for us. I pray that we stopped the riding dysfunction. I pray for healing and safe spaces for men to express themselves and process their emotions. And I pray for peace in both the smith and rock houses. I mean, when you talk about somebody like Chris Rock, you talk about a man who has talked about the fact, you know, he was bullied, you know, as a youth, and you know someone into his adulthood. He made a TV show about it. Everybody hates Chris, So imagine the trauma that he's experiencing right now, all because Will Smith projected his pain and his hurt on him. Man, well, we are such a broken people who really need some healing. Man, for real, Call your therapist today, Call your sacred purpose coach today, call your spiritual leader to day. Please, Man, we as a people have to stop bleeding on folks that did not cut us. That is the conversation that I feel like we should be having around all of this. Okay, but I also do hope that from no one the Oscars, in any other award show which sin Will Smith on stage to handle anybody who goes longer they except his speech. Alrighty damn, I'll be wanting this like you know what. Never mind. Now, there's plenty more bullshit out there, and I'll be right here again next week to call it out so that you don't step in it. I'm gonna McKelvie and this is the God's honest truth. Peace. This has been a Comedy Central podcast