Charlamagne Tha God challenges America's support for its veterans as rates of homelessness and police brutality against Black service members rise, singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran discusses his album "=," and rapper Soulja Boy stops by.
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You're listening to Comedy Central tonight. President Biden left the Duchess flabbergast and Kyle rittenhouse, which is he kept his dumb mass in the house. Also a couple of guys you may know at Sharing the soldier boy coming through. You know what time it is. It's time for the God's God is truth. King Nip talked to him. He's gonna meet Charlemagne and Light Charlotte, respect Sharlet and and you know what I mean, ruffling feathers and I know his stand. You know what I mean. Charlet Magne, known for being honest. Oh look, just and made another one. Yeah, hey, pleas to the planet. I go by the name of Charlemagne and Goblin. My kinfolk called me Leonard mcclviy. I'll give me all that energy. Let me get it, okay yo, I gotta salute to my niece dj Nil samon Nila over there looking fresh. Now. You know I'm here to call bullshit, so you don't step in it now for the first story, I'm not just calling bullshit. I'm smelling it all right. President Biden greeted the Duchess of Cornwall with a salute out his trouser trumpet. I think this antal audio air raid on the Royal family might be the loudest statement Biden's made since taking office. See unlike that infrastructure bill. Reports suggest the president's butt cheek screech was neither watered down nor difficult for him to pass. Okay, Honestly, if our commanding and cracks fliter don't get his party in line, the stain on his record gonna be bigger than the one in his drawers. Next up, Kyle rittenhouse Lord, have mercy. He took the stand this week, and it's clear he was going for Oscar Gold right there. He was really throwing his back into that performance, Okay, trying real hard to think of something to get those in ducks going. Probably the emancipation proclamation are imagining interest els double O seven. I don't know now, I'm gonna be honest, I almost believe he was actually upset at this point, right because he got himself so worked up he couldn't even throw up his full Heil Hitler like he was. He was trying, he couldn't get it up, all right. I know he wants the goose step right right out of that witness stand it's obvious the judge certainly seems to be betting on crackodial Kyle. Alright. He seems so confident in the outcome that the man was literally catching up on cookie recipes during the trial, crack his baking cookies. All right, you heready here first, folks, I think the fixes in and don nothing get more sympathy in America than crackodial tiss Now, just in time for Veterans Day, Veterans Affairs is rejecting the use of medical marijuana for retired servicemen, despite the research proving its benefits for the community. I called bullshit on this, all right. America is with America is with all the smoke until it's used to put someone at ease. All right. Veterans can't get an ounce of respect our weed in this country, all right. These aren't people who just use weed to get high. These are people who are in serious need of pain management and stress relief because they have PTSD from fighting for our right to smoke on their freedom pack. All right. Besides, most of America's workforce, in half of this audience is high, right now, Okay, exactly how else would you explain Taco Bell like this thing about it. What do we put a soft taco on the outside of a hard taco? That's just we're talking, all right. We can't be a country that claims to love our vets while they suffer in silent So, in honor of Veterans Day and the patriots who have bravely served this country, I call bullshit on American fake triatism, all right? What's that might you ask? Well? Is my therapist would say, let's on this fake treatism defined by the gods on his dictionary as a disease where Americans play patriotic but fail to actually address or acknowledge the real issues that affect our veterans. Okay, while fake treats and their former faith president are still you know, mad about Kaepernick, the true outrage should be the homeless veteran numbers that keep going up and down like my blood pressure when I wake up and check black Twitter. All right. Due to the COVID nineteen pandemic, the government is scrambling to keep over thirties seven thousand veterans off the screens. And by the way, one third of those homeless veterans are black. All right. Also, the veterans administration may not have enough case manages to help vets find housing, and some of these landhords, I mean lords, don't make the process any easier. When it's time to rent to a veteran. They're going straight a wall because they don't want to deal with vets suffering from mental health issues. I swear you fake treats are a major pain in the ass. So late night humor, please the white people in the control room. Now, all right? If housing wasn't unethical, their healthcare are lack thereof is okay? In two thousand twenty one, around thirty of US veterans said they feel like veterans affairs healthcare is worse than the healthcare that civilians receive. That's saying a lot, because civilian healthcare shit either, Alright, anybody elthside of drinking to ginger when you get sick, It does work, though, Okay. I called for a zero tolerance policy in this so called patriotic country for allowing veterans to suffer from treatable conditions like PTSD, anger anxiety, substance abuse, and poverty. Okay. The fact that soldiers are surviving deadly wars but returning home and taking their lives due to disregard and neglect is fake triotism at its best. Okay, we as a collective cannot let this ship continue on our watch at any time. Not Eastern Pacific Central Military Hammer, none of it, all right? Who better? Who better to come to the rescue than the historically abused and misused. At the same time, black military veterans suffering the worst from police brutality in the US, the nation's first black Defense Secretary, General Lloyd Austin, has pledged to combat extremism in the military by fighting hard to rid our ranks of racist And they're better because black soldiers have fought and died in every American war going all the way back to the American Revolution. Black people have been defending a country that has historically not defended them, and their memory lived with us. All right. There's too many of the name, but I must slude a few right now, like Cathay Williams, a former slave who at the age of seventeen, became the first African American woman to enlist in the U. S. Army during the Civil War. If about that life was a person, it would be her because she's served, all right, Mulan style the Skies, there's a man under the pseudonym Williams Cathae. And even after they found out and honorably discharged her, she suited and booted back up to become the only known female Buffalo soldier the iconic African American regime. That's right, who served on the Western frontier following the Civil War. She was about all that action. And what about Private Henry Johnson, who was a part of the Harlem Health Fighters and All African American unit in World War One? This brother's single handedly fought off more than twenty Germans and saved the fellow soldier from capture, all while injured and armed only with a bolo knife. All right, this man, this man was a real life superhero. Luke Cage and Blade ain't got nothing on Private Johnson. Okay, side note, Private Johnson is a great porn name, all right. And and then they saw First Class all wind Sea Cash, who served in Iraq al right back in two thousand five. Sergeant Cash ran into a burning vehicle three times while under enemy fire just so he could rescue trap soldiers. He refused to be put on a medical evacuation helicopter. Until all of his wounded men had been flown to safety. Later in the hospital, before he succumbed to his injuries, his first words were, how are my boys come for all man? But he has yet to be awarded the Medal of Honor, despite the fact that it's been signed off by everybody, all right. In fact, it was supposed to be awarded to him earlier this year on this date, y'all may know, January six. Okay, Yeah, President Biden gives Sergeant Cash the medal that he deserves. If not, you're full of ship and you probably already are. That's why your thoughts smell like that. Now here's what I think you should get if you have faught for this country. Number One, you deserve free room and board. Okay. You deserve a monthly stipend so you can eat and pay your bills. You deserve free healthcare for your physical and mental health. And free weed, lots and lots of free weed. Now when we come back, I'm joined by veteran of the rap game, Soldier Boy, and I'm gonna chop it up with my guy at Sharon. Don't go anywhere. It's the God's on his truth. Hey, welcome back to the gods on his truth. Tonight, we are introducing a new segment in my next guest. This is inside the Rapper Studio. He was just raided by. Kanye West is one of the top five most influential rappers, and tonight we celebrate some of his greatest contributions to the coaching Please welcome DeAndre Cortes. Way, Hey, k sold your boy sick Drake Hope, how do you do think I was doing good? Evening? Mr? Tell him? You know, I'm gonna show some of your most iconic moments, and I want you to tell me your motivation. Okay, Now, first up, here's a clipper, you discussing one of the rappers, one of your one of your little homies you may or may have not influenced. Look, the biggest rapper in the world, Drake Dre. What was your motivation in that moment? It was all about Drizzy. They caught me off God with that question. You know how was it an off guard question? What you mean, Day, It's me Charlotte. You caught me off guard with that statement. Now, now next up, get some commentary about your upbringing. I was in the streets of Atlanta pushing the whites. You know what I'm saying. Yes, but look, I went from selling weed in the hood to now selling weed and dispensaries. I'm a legal tapper. Hey, hey, legal tapper. Now, finally, you recently responded to uh the Drink chaince podcast Smooth Noise with a question all black parents have asked their sons at least once, who cut your hair? Who cut your hair? What was your motivation in that moment? I mean, Kanye West posted a picture and he just had like scabs all over and I'm like, who cut your hair? Valid question? Man, y'all made up? Don't he apologize that? Now We're good? Okay? Would you work with him again? If you asked you after us talking? At first, I was like, man, yo, if Kanye called me again, I'm never gonna do a song where I'm like, because it's wasting my time. You know, I'm working on the album at the same time that you're working on the album. So I'm taking away from my album to put work on your album and for not to be released, you know what I mean. But now since we're talk and we spoke and stuff like that, it's cool. I understand, Like everybody creative process is in the same and every human is in the same. Now I'm more understandable what what happened? And if you still got the hedcut, you can bring the one in the Gucci bandanas, the cover of the head. He need a Gucci, he need a Gucci do rag. He gotta cover the hood. You gotta cover the whole thing up now before you go, I got three final questions for you, right These are real quick and to the point. What sound of noise do you hate? The noise that I hate is complaint. I can't do this. I can't do that. Why Why it's not working out for me? Why that's not working around for me? You gotta change how you speak, how you think about things. Don't say that you can't do this, why it's not happening for me? Say I can do this. This is going to happen for me. That's right, that's right, that's right. Uh. If you could get a feature from any artists, dead or alive, who would it be, Big Draco? I only can pick one. H Michael Jackson, our showrunner. Rachel is losing her mind right now? Why Michael Jackson? Why not? It's the best of all time? Yeah, so I don't even need to ask you who's bigger drake of Michael Jackson right now? My final question, what would you like to hear God say to you when you meet him of her? Welcome home, big drake over, He's look at my guy, big drake over pulling up man, Thank you brother, the first rapper on inside the Rapper Studio. When we come back, I'm a bill with my guy at sharing because don't go anywhere. It's the God's done, is true? Welcome back to the Gods. That's true. Now, my brother Ed Shearon came to town, so we had a chin wag and my very young club reparations. Check it out. How does it feel to be a white man being the first person interviewed in a place called club reparations. I'm not going to touch that. Good answer. Congrats on the new album equals man, you know what I'm saying. We got to talk about the records, ties on the new first ball, the first balls that I have grown up. I am a father now, but then you say everything has changed, but I am the same somehow, well, you you'll know this, man, because you're a dad. I remember holding Liar for the first time and being like you know, you haven't slept, You've you've just seen the person you love most in the world, but in the most amount of amount of pain. And yeah, it just took a while to switch. And I remember just feeling exactly the same for a long time and being like, when do I become a dad? Like I know I am a dad, but when do I feel like that? And it just gradually so it changes over time. Do you feel love differently now, because they always say you don't really know would love me until you have children. It's definitely love, But I think it's worry that you feel more. I worry, like I say in the song, like, I've never been afraid of death. I never, like ever, I've just been like, Okay, what whatever happens, happens if I die tomorrow. I've I've had a good life, but I'm terrified of it now, not for me dying, but the fact that Lyra would grow up without a parent. There's a song on the album called Leave Your Life that came about my friend had passed away and his funeral had happened, and I spoke to his daughter and she said, look, he said at the end of every single conversation I love you. So the last thing he ever said to me was I love you. Yeah, and I was like fun. So I started doing it my parents and started doing with Cherry, and then I suddenly realized my daughter six months old, she doesn't know. So the song was basically me trying to create physical evidence that you know, if something happened tomorrow, she would know eighteen years old, as this song exists, and that I did. You know you're thinking about death too much? Now that you said you said you had some same dream every night, a bullet through rain, the moment that I calls my eyes, I think I've never But I do think I've never really thought about death that much because I've never really had anyone die around me. I've had my grand I've had my grandparents passed away. But when you were young, everyone's grandparents die, so that's just part of life and you just go, Okay, my grandparents will die one day. But honestly, like when when Michael died in March, it really hit home how final life can be. And I've never I've never ever And this is this is why the album is called called Equals, And there's butterflies and it's I feel like it's the end of a question and the start of an answer, and it's it's all about life and all about death and all about the cycle. And You're right, I am focused on death now because I've had new life entered into my life and then seen a close friend of mine. I didn't even get to say goodbye. He just went that was it. I can't ever say anything to him again. And you realize how fragile life is, also how important life is when when you have a child and I know, it's like, I'm I think this would probably be the one an album where I focus on it because it's the first time I've actually probably been through grief for the first time that I'd brought new life into the world. But it's it's definitely it's definitely the first time I've ever had this this much of a view of it. You know, I see grief happen around me all the time, and I can connect with it, but not on not on the same level as when it actually happens to you. And actually the gravity of it's so fucking huge, and it just shifts your whole perception of what life is. A still having all the drinks, the bullet start and when causes it, like where the bullet coming from. I think like sort of depression runs in jeans, and I've felt it. I've seen other people in my family. I've seen it's it's just a gene that runs through our family. And I didn't really want to write that or we didn't want to sing that line because I didn't want members of my family to see that and be like, oh my God, like we need to sort of have an intervention there. You're not a big Therapyle pointed, I go to therapew every week because of all generational curses that run through families. You ever didn't need therapy? I thought about it. No, I honestly think writing songs is my therapy. I write songs every single day, and I can't not write songs. I'm not saying I would never go to therapy, but I've never needed to up until this point because I can write lines like that and it makes sense when I put it down, and I think feel like sometimes if I have a really ship day and I feel really down, and I pick up a guitar and I write a song, and then at the end of it, I go right well out of that situation. I've got this and this is something good, and this is something that's going to make my life better. Alright, let's also I take a simple coffee. Man, this is mate. If you've got me to go deeper than any other interview for the four interview and make sure you check us out on YouTube at Sea the show, the f C t h A show, More of the Gods, Aine is Truth. When we come back, Queen, now, let's get it. Welcome back to the God's on the Truth. I gotta salute my guests, ed sharing a big soldier for coming through, and I need you all to gather around, soldier boys and soldier girls. It's time for the God's final work. I know we had a lot of fun with our guests, but remember the major takeaway from tonight show, Veterans Day and Memorial Day is about more than just putting some meat on the grill. Fake treatism has no place in our country. The next time you decided to waste precious time going to war with someone on Twitter over bullshit, remember that they're soldiers lacing their boots, readying themselves to fight real wars against dangers we will never see. They sacrifice their bodies minds and lives, so freedom for some of us can come easily. It's significant progress isn't made for our truths by the government, then it has to start with me and you salute to the troops, and that's the God's honest truth. If you're blind to broke for Cable, I just can't get enough of my beautiful voice. This is the perfect way to take in the sermons I'm delivering each week. The doors of the church are open. Listen to the gods honest truth on the Black Effect. I Heart Radio podcast network, the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. This has been a Comedy Central podcast