Tenderness for NursesTenderness for Nurses

We can do hard things!

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Today on the podcast we chat with Salliann Powell.

Salliann is an ultra marathon runner and one amazing human!

I first met Salliann through waterpolo when our daughters played for Queensland together. She was the manager of the team, and my God, did those girls make her work! 

I saw through social media that Sal was running ultra marathons and raising fund for the Nerve Connection Foundation,

so I decided to ask her to chat about her adventures and goals and I was blown away!

5 deserts in 12 months! 

Africa (Namibia)

Chile (Atacama) 

Mongolia (Gobi)

Antarctica (The last Desert)


We chat about the mind set to run ultra marathons, the preparation, and why Salliann decided to do this. 

It is such an amazing chat about just putting one foot in front of the other, mental strength and resilience.

I’ll add where you can follow Sal’s journey, send her messages of encouragement and donate to the foundation.

When Salliann finishes all 5 deserts, she will be the first Australian female to do this!  Now THAT is amazing!!!


Nerve connection Foundation:



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Tenderness for Nurses

Once a week, Nurse Practitioner Bek Woodbine will unpack issues that impact all nurses from self car 
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