Let's Tawk with Jaime Primak SullivanLet's Tawk with Jaime Primak Sullivan

Adult Friendships

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Thanks for tawking with me this season. For our final episode, I wanted to introduce you to one of my best friends. As an adult, it’s difficult to balance a career, kids, relationship, and social life. Add long distance to that list and the situation becomes harder to maintain. True friendships go through ups and downs yet still stand the test of time. What kind of friends are there and what purpose do they serve? How do you know when your friendship is worth the effort? Mary Sierra-Cordes and I tawk. But the conversation doesn’t end here. 


Keep up with me on Twitter at @JaimePrimak and on Instagram at @jaimepsullivan. Watch my Facebook Live series - Cawfee Tawk - here. And stay up to date with Lemonada on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. 

Let’s Tawk contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners. 

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Let's Tawk with Jaime Primak Sullivan

Jersey Belle Jaime Primak Sullivan wants to tawk, not talk. The writer and producer behind the Cawfe 
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