Ep 8 - "We have to remediate, we have to buy back properties from innocent victims that are not responsible for this" NSW Senator Brian Burston United Australia Party - Season Finale

Published Dec 13, 2018, 8:50 AM
This is a jam packed Season #1 Finale of TalkingPFAS. Please listen right to the end to hear about what's coming for Season #2. This episode features a discussion about #PFAS with NSW Senator Brian Burston from the United Australia Party. He has also met with new PM of Australia Scott Morrison to talk about #PFAS, and he will share in this episode the many ways he has been fighting for justice for residents who have been affected, and had their lives turned upside down, by #PFAS contamination. He is also willing to travel anywhere in #Australia. As this is Season #1 Finale, there is some extra content as well, plus announcements about Season 2.