Ep 5 - "We are not interested in identifying things that suit Government or Community, we are interested in the truth." Prof Martyn Kirk ANU Canberra

Published Oct 25, 2018, 6:15 AM
Today's important discussion is with Professor Martyn Kirk, the lead researcher of the PFAS Health Study being conducted by the Australian National University (ANU) Canberra. The study is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. We discuss, amongst many things, the ANU's research methodology, and reasons behind their study design, plus the health findings they reported in the Systematic Literature Review. Professor Kirk also discussed where more health research is required. This episode also includes a bonus five minute summary of Professor Nicholas Buckley's keynote speech that he gave at the PFAS Summit in Sydney on the 2/10/2018. Professor Buckley was the Chair of the Government's Expert Health Panel, that reported on PFAS health effects.