Ep 38 (PFAS in Australia) Richard Stewart RemBind PFAS solution for soil - At Clean Up Conference 2022, Adelaide, South Australia

Published Dec 14, 2022, 10:30 PM

Welcome back to Talking PFAS podcast and if you are joining us for the first time, a very special welcome.  I am a journalist and your host Kayleen Bell. 

To finish this season of Talking PFAS I will be publishing the remainder of the audio I recorded in September in Adelaide at the International Clean Up Conference, hosted by CRC Care.

Today’s guest is Dr Richard Stewart, he is the Managing Director of RemBind which is a local company based in Adelaide, Australia,  but also has global reach.  They sell PFAS remediation products globally.  He is going to be talking today about the RemBind stabilisation product for PFAS and this is for use in soil.  It is added to the soil and it binds up PFAS and prevents it from leaching into the groundwater.  I managed to drag Richard off his stand at the Clean Up Conference in Adelaide for a very quick chat.

Thank you for listening.  Please subscribe (and note my new host Omny ).

Please note: I am an independent journalist and a podcaster no money was received for today’s interview.  If in the future money is received from remediation companies (as sponsorship) to support the continuation of this podcast I will disclose this. Also any discussions with remediation companies is for information purposes, I am not endorsing any product or remediation method over another.

Contact Details RemBind: Company Website: https://rembind.com/ Email: info@rembind.com

Richard Stewart Linked in:


Copyright:  Please share the episode (in whole) with acknowledgement via social media or website, but anyone wishing to edit, alter, or republish any information from this podcast in another form is subject to copyright and must contact the rights holder at TalkingPFAS@gmail.com.