Ep 30 (PFAS in US) Dr Katie Pelch Fort Worth Texas discusses the PFAS Tox Database

Published Jul 12, 2021, 12:00 PM
My guest today is Dr Katie Pelch from Fort Worth Texas. She is an Assistant Professor at the University of North Texas Health Science Centre. Dr Katie Pelch and colleagues published the PFAS-TOX Database in April, 2021. The database currently includes 29 of the most commonly studied PFAS mapped to 15 health outcome categories. Katie said what they found was quite a surprise. Contrary to the notion that there is very little research on replacement PFAS, the PFAS-TOX Database identified 742 studies on 29 select PFAS other than PFOS and PFOA that have been measured in the environment or in people.

Many of the findings reflect health effects already linked to PFOA and PFOS, yet few PFAS in the data base have received regulatory attention. PFAS manufacturers continue to make and use new PFAS with very little oversight. This is one reason why experts in the field are urging the management of all PFAS as a single class of chemicals.

Katie says the purpose of this database is to support government, businesses, academics and impacted citizens in quickly assessing the state of the science so that they can make timely decisions that protect public health and the environment. For today’s discussion you might find it helpful to have the PFAS-TOX Database open (see link below) but you can certainly listen to the episode without that.


PFAS-TOX Database

Scientific Basis for Managing PFAS as a Chemical Class Kwiatkowski et al
Published June 30, 2020 Environmental Science & Technology Letters

“Cancer-causing chemicals found in Fort Worth well. Could they be in city water?” - Article Haley Samsel Fort Worth Star-Telegram July 10, 2020

ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry – Statement on Potential Intersection between PFAS Exposure and Covid-19