Today's episode is a fascinating discussion with Professor Chris Higgins from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado School of Mines U.S. Chris was visiting Australia in March 2020 to discuss work on a PFAS soil washing project being conducted in Adelaide SA. Chris was attending a project meeting to discuss this project at QHAES, Brisbane and this interview was conducted there on the 3/3/2020, just before everything started to get locked down because of Covid-19. I am very glad I got the chance to talk with Professor Chris Higgins about PFAS because his chemistry background plus his extensive knowledge of PFAS chemicals produced a very informative and interesting discussion. It is an episode that you do not want to miss if you want to understand the behaviour of this complex group of chemicals known as PFAS. Chris said " I have certainly described this as what I think is a major challenge for my generation of environmental engineers. We are going to be dealing with this for a long time to come."