Parents’ group member Melissa Fanshawe joins Talking Vision this week to talk about Vision Australia’s Client Reference Group, which is seeking expressions of interest from new members to take part and have their say.
Sam also catches up with disability discrimination commissioner Dr Ben Gauntlett from the Australian Human Rights Commission to talk about their IncludeAbility initiative, which seeks to provide resources for job seekers with disability, as well as raising awareness of their needs and building dialogue with prospective employers.
Then finally we wrap up the show with some news and information.
From Vision in Australia, this is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam, calling.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
There is a very real issue with not only lifting society's perceptions of people with disability as employees, but also giving people with disability the tools to ensure that when they engage with employers, they're confident to put themselves in the best position. They can succeed by asking for what they need and knowing what they can ask for and where they can access, whether there be information or services or equipment
that voice you just heard there was Disability Discrimination Commissioner Dr. Ben Gauntlett from the Australian Human Rights Commission talking about the importance of there include a ballot initiative which seeks to provide resources for jobseekers with disability, as well as raising awareness of their needs and building dialogue with prospective employers. That interview with Ben's coming up later on in the show. So make sure you stick around. But first, though, parents group member Melissa Fanshawe joins Talking Vision to talk about Vision Australia's Climate Reference Group, which is seeking expressions of interest from new members to take part and have their say. And then finally, we wrap up the show with some news and information. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. I'm here with Melissa Fanshawe, who joins me today to talk about Vision Australia's client reference group. Her seeking expressions of interest for some new positions. Melissa, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks for joining me today.
Well, thank you for having me.
Now, firstly, Melissa, if people aren't aware of what the client reference group is, would you be able to give a quick rundown?
Oh, sure. If the client reference group is actually a group of people that are clients of Vision Australia and we actually make together either in person where we can or via teleconferencing facilities and we give advice and feedback on specific matters to the Board of Vision Australia. So they may have something specifically that they would like our advice about that they're thinking of implementing at Vision Australia, for example, or it might be other things where we might come to them with ideas that we've heard from other clients in the same situation as ourselves, and then we can actually put those through to the board. So it's a really, I guess, empowering position, way to work with amazing people and you get to have a say or some influence in some of the things that Vision Australia are thinking of doing. And they listen to us very seriously. And I think that's it feels very valued
and it's super important for sure. And how did you come to be involved with the client reference group and how long have you been involved?
Oh, well, I think that I was involved since 2015 and then I've just recently. I've had two times now, sort of three years, eight, I think they were. But what how I actually came to find out about it, it was advertised as it is now, and I've thought about it. I was like, That's a really interesting way to be able to meet other people and to be able to have, as I say, some input into things that I thought was important, that my friends were important, thought important. So my position was actually a parent of a client with a vision impairment. So my son is now 14, but was obviously much younger in 2016, and I felt like it was a way for me to be able to listen to other parents and to be able to put forward some of the things that we felt that would be important for Vision Australia to consider in their programs. OK.
And in terms of the positions that are on offer in the client reference group, what sort of positions can people look forward to?
Yeah. Well, there's so many positions in there and I'm not, you know, different ones come available at different times, depending on the on the trends that we've had. But some of the positions, obviously, as I said, there was a parent of a child with a vision impairment education, which is obviously really important and we've had some really strong people involved in that position who've had so much knowledge about education, but they can then provide that information to Vision Australia. And and it's a two by stage as well as indigenous. And again, it's such wonderful talent and interesting people that we've had. And I know that hasn't had a lot of say into making sure that, you know, Vision Australia are recognising the indigenous population and making sure that there's, you know, sort of things like that in that policy and an understanding of how people, you know, like to be treated also as older adults, people representing older adults. And we know that there's different complications there because it's not necessarily NDIS as my aged care, as well as seeing eye dogs rural and remote. And that's obviously a really important position because people in rural and remote areas have different complications and challenges the services that people in metropolitan areas do things like technology as well as cultural and linguistically diverse. So I guess what they're trying to do is get people with these really diverse outlooks to be able to have an opinion on a matter, and it brings up different complications and different interests from all of those different people to create a really holistic picture for Vision Australia and the board.
Absolutely. And if those listeners out there who are hearing this and they thinking, Oh, I'd love to be involved, that sounds fantastic. What's the best place for them to go?
Yeah, I can just Google Vision Australia and Client Reference Group and information will come up there with views on the current client reference group, as well as the charter, which will give you a little bit more information about what you'll what you'll be doing. And I think that's probably the first step in in. Finding out more information.
Okay, that was Melissa Fanshawe. They're part of the parents group on the Climate Reference Group for the past six years. Moser, thank you so much for your time today. It's always a pleasure to chat with you.
Thanks, Sam. It's always a pleasure to chat with you and I do edge you. If you are thinking of being on the client reference group to also get in contact with some others from the reference group and have a chat to them about it as well.
Okay, fantastic. Thanks so much for your time today.
Thank you.
I'm Sam Kelly, and you're listening to talking vision on Vision Australia, radio associated stations of age and the community radio network. If you'd like to find out more about the program, like where to find your local radio frequency or listen to past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just type talking vision into your search engine, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now back to the show. From the beginning of September, the Australian Human Rights Commission have launched their include ability web page as part of the Greater Include Ability initiative, which aims to tackle issues in employment, advocacy and independence for people with disability, and to discuss this with me in more detail. It's my absolute pleasure to welcome HRC Disability Discrimination Commissioner Dr Ben Gauntlett. Ben, thank you very much for your time today. Welcome to Talking Vision.
Thanks for having me, Sam.
Now, firstly, Ben, could you tell our listeners a bit more about the include ability website, as well as perhaps the initiative more broadly?
The incredibly website can be found on including a leaked golf didyou, and what it seeks to do is to have resources to the design for people with disability and employers with disability. And the initiative. Seeks to draw upon successful campaigns conducted in other diversity characteristic areas such as gender and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment, whereby what you try and do is have a series of large employers commit to being interested and engaged in the area of disability, employment at the highest levels and those large employers in come and meet quarterly to discuss the issues concerning the employment of people with disability and really focusing on the how to how to do it better. And at the same time, what we have on the website is not only resources for people with disability, but we also have some ambassadors who are people with disability varying stage of their careers, their very backgrounds who know not who have commented on some of our resources and attend some seminars. But also have given their personal insights into their employment journey so that when a person looks at the website, they can really try to engage with the website. What they really can be made aware of is that everyone's employment story is different. Other trials and tribulations along the way for everyone. But what we hope is that when people say those ambassadors, they say a little piece of doing one of them. And that can hopefully make them feel more confident that the employment outcomes they get will be better. There is a very real. Issue with not only lifting society's perceptions of people with disability as employees, but also giving people with disability. The tools to ensure that when they engage with employers, they're confident to put themselves in the best position, they can succeed by asking for what they need and knowing what they can ask for and where they can access whether there be information or services or equipment.
OK. And on that topic, Ben, what can people expect resources wise if they log on to the included ability website?
Well, on the website there is. Resources relating to people with disability and also resources relating to employers, I relate to all stages of someone's career and all stages of the employment journey for employees and for for employers diarrhea like things such as reasonable adjustments. What we're seeking to do is put all those resources over time and we'd always value feedback on what resources we could have now and in the future.
Okay. And who are you hoping will benefit most from the resources found on the included ability website that you've just mentioned?
Well, I hope it benefits people with disability. But to benefit people with disability, the reason we've set up the program, the way that we have. Is that? We want employees to realize how many fabulous employees with disability exist in Australia. And how they can go about employing more people with disability. So, yes, the primary focus is people with disability. But I actually think it's just good for Australia more generally to improve our rights compliance with this building now and in the future.
Absolutely. And for the benefit of our listeners, could you tell us what is the most important aspect of the include ability initiative from your perspective, I guess, especially from an employment standpoint.
In Australia, we have. Some wonderful aspects of social policy, such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme and we have laws which. Provide a foundation for people with disability to access services. Now, those laws, policies, et cetera, are not perfect, and there is always a constant need for review reform reassessment. And further consideration as to how do we how can we improve the lives of people with disability? But when we consider the issue of employment, one of the things that we know is that when people with disability are getting not just a job, but a good job and not just in work but a career, what often happens? Is that those people with disability? Are healthier, they live in non segregated settings and the organizations they work for benefit and society benefits more generally as well. In Australia at present, though, the participation rate for people with disabilities 30 percentage points lower than people who did not have a disability. In terms of workforce participation. And the unemployment rate is twice as high. Now. In terms of the participation rate that hasn't changed for 20 years, so what we want to do is to really change the participation rate, to create social impact, to ensure, as I said before, that frequent display, I'm not just getting a job, but a good job.
Absolutely. On the topic of disability will dial down into the blindness and low vision component for a bit vicious. Shire recently released some comprehensive research into the attitudes that employers have towards people who are blind or have low vision, many of which are negative. So do you think this is the key barrier? Anybody with a disability needs to overcome when looking for employment?
I think there is definitely an issue of attitudes. But I think it's also important to be mindful of the source of those attitudes. So when you say that someone might have a negative attitude. I think it's important to ask the question why? And often the answer to that question, why they do not have the information.
Let's stick to the education and the awareness. Those are the two key components as well.
Yeah, they have to have the education and the awareness of issues relating to people with disability. And particular types of disability. And with that education awareness, often attitudes change. And so I think when you say here, our attitude is the problem. Well, I think the other aspect of the challenge faced by people with disability. But the answer to it. Is. To not just sign something, improve your attitude, it's to give them the information. And the capacity to understand the benefits of employing that individual or other individuals who may have lived experience disability and why that's good for their organization.
And going more broadly now understand the initiative also features other components which can be accessed via the included ability website like the employer network and the Ambassador Advisory Group, so could you tell us a little bit more about those?
So what the employer network seeks to do is. We aim to we didn't used to have a series of diverse Australian employers who and I interesting people with disability and employing more people with disability to. To meet meeting on a quarterly basis so that people with disability. Are at the forefront of their thinking in those employees include the ABC, I imagine Australia Post, the Australian Public Service Commission. City of Sydney, Commonwealth Bank, Herbert Stewart Freehills, Kmart, Medibank, Microsoft, the New South Wales Public Service, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Rio Tinto and the University of Queensland and Westpac, and also the Woolworths Group. Oh, and the benefit of sort of all those employers is I represent a large range of the various industries. They've got scale that exist throughout Australia, and they meet on a quarterly basis to discuss issues of disability, employment and they often. You have people with lived experience, come and talk to them, they might be experts in fields. And the idea behind that is to really sharpen the focus on the real aspect of treating political disability and their leadership within those companies is also committed to employing more people with disability or trying to have better programs for employing people with disability. With regard to the Ambassador Advisory Group that has a collection of individuals we come from, I, as I said before, a diverse range of backgrounds. They also have diverse disabilities and they tell their employment stories. Openly to try and encourage others to consider different types of roles and different types of ways to access employment. And so with the ambassador advisory group, they provide insights into our quarterly meetings, they also provide insights into our resources that we develop. And as the program goes, God for the day, they are the voices with the experience to guide what we need to do. But what we aim to do with that is to balance the needs of employers to have more information with the needs of. People with disability to be included in any program to ensure that it's authentic. And that suggests the aim is to try and have that authentic voice and with this beauty to inform the program so that what happens in the long term is that we develop jobs, do not just a job, people disability, but a good job.
And that's very exciting to hear that absolute who's who of employers who are willing to take that step up and consider people with a disability and their needs. And also that website again was W w w dot include ability dot gov. Donohue. That's the two words include ability no space archive a year. I've been speaking with Dr. Ben Gauntlett, the disability discrimination commissioner from the Australian Human Rights Commission, about the include ability website as part of the Greater Included Ability Initiative, aiming to tackle issues in employment, advocacy and independence for people with disability. Ben, thank you so much for your time today. It was a pleasure having you on the show.
And thanks very much for having me on.
And now, before we go a little bit of news and info before we wrap up, this article is entitled World Sight Day Means It's Time to Look After Your Eyes and it's from The Canberra Times on the 10th of October 2021. As the world grapples with the second year of the pandemic, it's been easy to forget about our health. However, with World Sight Day taking place on Thursday, October the 14th Vision 2020, Australia is asking everyone to take a pledge to look after their eyes. Vision 2020 Australia CEO Patricia Sparrow said the latest Medicare data analysis showed the COVID 19 pandemic had a significant impact on our health care. Almost half a million Australians missed having an eye test over the past year and a half as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, she said. Between March the 1st 2020 and July 31st, 2021, there were four hundred and twenty three thousand seven hundred thirty fewer tests conducted nationally than in the previous 17 month period. This means that almost half a million Australians are at greater risk of developing an eye condition or losing sight than before the pandemic. Around 90 per cent of vision loss is preventable or treatable if it's identified early, and eye tests are the early warning system which could save your sight, Maspero said. Vision 2020 is asking all Australians to take the pledge to love their eyes with three simple steps by having an eye test as soon as possible, by not ignoring vision changes and by maintaining ongoing treatment. If you have an existing eye condition, eye tests can be arranged directly through an optometrist without the need for referral and are usually covered by Medicare. Optometrists in all states are permitted to provide urgent care, so people should not delay seeking treatment if they notice a change in their vision, Maspero said. An eye test is a simple, quick and effective way to love your eyes and protect your vision, she said. The risk of developing night condition increases as people enter their forties. While people who smoke have diabetes have a family history of eye disease or are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are also at heightened risk of heart disease. World Sight Day is an annual day of awareness to focus global attention on blindness and vision impairment. For more information visit Vision 2020 Australia dot org dot a--you. That's Vision 2020 Australia. Oh, one word dot org dot EU. That was World Sight Day means it's time to look after your eyes, and it was published in The Canberra Times on the 10th of October 2021. Now, for a bit of exciting news, you may remember all the way back in January this year, I caught up with author Ken Brant for an interview on Talking Vision. Ken is a Vision Australia member, a fan of Talking Vision and the author of Positive Vision and Join the Adventures and Advantages of Poor EyeSight. The good news is that in addition to being available in print as an e-book, positive vision is now also available as an audio book. Ken did 99 per cent of the narration, so he hopes that you get a personal sense of the adventure and humour in his autobiography Positive Vision and Join the Adventures and Advantages of Poor EyeSight is now available at all major online stores that sell audio books, including Audible, Apple, Google Play offers direct liberal Daughter FM, Kobo Audiobooks, Dot Com, Squibbed and Amazon. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia radio. Thanks to all involved with put in the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Toking Vision at visionless Shaya dot org that's talking vision or one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us any time during business hours on 103000 eight four seven four six, that's one 300 eight four seven four double six or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia dot all.