Talking Vision Edition 592 Week of 20th of September 2021

Published Sep 22, 2021, 1:15 AM

Stella catches up with Lexie from Crime Stoppers, who is involved with a new show on Vision Australia Radio called SafetyVision, a 15-minute weekly program which aims to keep the blind and low vision community safe.

You’ll also hear from LEAP graduate mentor Caitlin, she chats with Stella about the experiences and skills she gained from taking part in the 2020 LEAP program, and why she was so keen to become a mentor in 2021.

Then finally this week, we have a new voice debuting on the show as Helen Velissaris joins Talking Vision to chat with Julie from the shop about the latest spring offerings from the Vision Store.

From Visa in Australia, this is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam, calling.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision,

so at least everyone was in the same situation and it made it so much easier to connect with them and to relate to what they were saying and were like, Oh my God, I feel that too. And it just felt really nice.

That voice you just heard was one of our lip graduate mentors, Caitlin talking about the excitement she felt when she joined the Leap program in 2020 and found others who related with her lived experience as a student with low vision. That interview with Stella is coming up later in the show. But first, Stella also caught up with Lexi from Crime Stoppers, who involved with a new show on Vision Australia radio called Safety Vision, a 15 minute weekly program which aims to keep the blind and low vision community safe. Then finally, this week we have a new voice debuting on the show as Helen Vulgaris joins talking vision to chat with joy from the shop about the latest spring offerings from the Vision star. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. And now his stellar with Lexi from Crime Stoppers star began the interview by asking Lexi about the work that Crime Stoppers does.

Absolutely stellar. So Crime Stoppers Victoria launched all the way back in nineteen eighty seven and what it is is it's an independent, non-profit organisation that allows the community to report crime information completely anonymously. So it's an incredibly valuable resource not only to Victoria police, but also to the community to have in their back pocket if they know any crime information that they can report. The service is there for them and it's it's really wonderful. I guess it's gone from being the famous one 800 triple three triple zero number to quite a force online. So we can, you know, have people report information not only by telephone but by, I guess, web pages and and through technology as well. So a really important role. It plays within Victoria and also Australia wide.

Now it's really about also keeping the community safe. So within the program, what are the type of things our Vision Australia radio listeners can expect to hear?

Well, it's a really nice blend. Stellar. I think that we've hit with this radio show is that we discuss crime issues, including online scams, social media scams, romance scams, as well as things like, I guess, bad habits that people can get out of to deter thieves, whether it be leaving, you know, bicycles or vehicles unlocked. So some real, I guess, broad range crime issues affecting the community, discussing them in, I guess, a really conversational tone, which I think makes more people listen to it. If you can get the information to them in a way that's, you know, easy to listen to an enjoyable, I think you're halfway there. So we were offering, I guess, a good conversation and also some really practical tips for for our listeners as well about how they can be safer in the community, whether it online or by, you know, out in the real world.

Now it's interesting that you mentioned romance scams because online romance scams, because I can imagine in 1987 we didn't we weren't living in the online world where we're living now. So Crimestoppers has moved with that. So it's all. It's not just about keeping people physically safe and stopping the burglars from getting in touch or dobbing on your neighbour. But it's alright because I think there's a lot of embarrassment and shame from people who are caught out in these romance scams.

That's right, and that's why it's so important. From Crimestoppers, Victoria's point of view to have these conversations, because the more we can talk about it in a way that's got no shame attached to or isn't embarrassing, it removes that stigma and makes more people, I think more likely to report if they've been targeted by, you know, whether it be a romance scam or an online shopping scam. They are more comfortable in coming forward and that's what we really do want. And as you said, these kinds of scams and, you know, cybercriminals, criminals more prevalent than ever, especially over the last couple of years, we've seen a huge surge in incidents and also, I guess, examples of scams pop up with people who are at home during lockdowns and during the pandemic being targeted.

Is there anything in the programme that will be specifically targeted or about blindness and low vision?

The beauty of this program, Stella, is that we've worked really closely with the Vision Australia team to ensure that the tips that we offer in the discussions that we're having are, I guess, approachable and and accessible for people living with low vision or blindness. And in fact, we've recorded seven episodes so far, which is really excited, mapped them out. But we are going to be looking at working with Victoria police to offer some tailored safety tips, whether it be, you know, if the person is on public transport or the shops to make sure that they're not targeted by thieves and help them keep themselves safe. So some really exciting things we've we've already done but also have in the pipeline.

And the program is also really about empowering our listeners to be a part of the broader community that our, you know, our listeners, people are blind and have low vision, also have the power for want of a better word to participate.

That's correct. Crime Stoppers Victoria alone has received more than a million tips from the community since 1997, and we want that number to keep growing and we want all people of all abilities in our community to feel the confidence as well to report crime information. As I mentioned before, it's completely anonymous service. You don't have to worry about your name being shared or anything like that. It's it's a wonderful service and we want people to, I guess, get around it and and keep the community safer and turn.

I'm Sam Kelly and Jill listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia, radio associated stations of IPH and the community radio network. If you'd like to find out more about the program, like where to find your local radio frequency or listen to past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just stop talking vision until search engine, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australian Library. And now his stellar again, this time with Caitlyn Stella began by asking Caitlyn what it was that attracted her to the late program.

Well, for me being visually impaired and also in a very weird place, I found it very hard to get jobs. And also I didn't have that much confidence like speaking about myself and I could. Like a like a way that. You have to like promote yourself to other people. I wasn't very good at that. And so our mum showed me this course from within Australia that I could do for nine months and I was like, That sounds awesome because you learnt exactly what I needed. I learnt how to get a job. I learned all these little skills that would be so helpful and confidence building self branding. Difficult conversations and all these other stuff to help like in the future. And that just appealed to me so much was just like, I need that.

That's very courageous of you. Yeah. So we have 14 or 15 at the time.

I was 15. Yeah.

And so it's at the age where, you know, as a student, everyone's getting part time jobs.

Yes, exactly. So my friends at school were like, just came to school, like I got a job and they like earning money on school. Oh yeah, that was not bad.

Were you a bit shy?

I wouldn't say shy. I think I was just. It was a bit too unknown for me. I didn't know what it was like and I was like, That seems too much. So I think it really opened my eyes to it in bite sized pieces so I could actually understand it and go. And it's actually bearable.

Tell us a little bit about the bite size pieces. So it's a nine month program. So do you go through? How often do you meet up? How often would you meet up with the other participants on Zoom?

Yeah. So we have one group meeting with everyone once a month. And then in that same month, you also have a personal meeting with your service provider where you do certain activities like watch videos and work on your resume, cetera. And in the Go group meetings, you discuss the past month and what you to do in the next month and have it's basically a huge debrief on everything.

So with such a supportive environment, with your with the other participants?

Definitely. We had women in this group chat on Messenger and we still use it, and it's like everyone from late 2020. It's all on there and we message and we all tell little the great milestones we come across and it's really ever so nice and supportive of each other.

That's fantastic. How many people?

So last year, in 2020, there was about 16 or 17, and this year there was a lot more. So I think there was like 30 this year.

And how important was the blindness and low vision aspect of the course for you in that you're with a group of people who have, you know, probably some of the same lived experience as you? How was that different from, say, going to school and joining groups at school?

Yeah, totally. Because people at school, they knew you were visually impaired or blind, but they didn't know ways to relate to you in any way. So at Leap, everyone was in the same situation, and it made it so much easier to connect with them and to relate to what that was saying and were like, Oh my God, I feel that too. And it just felt really nice.

Now this year, you are a graduate mentor. So tell us about that, and I understand because your confidence was at such a high after the course that you prime of did something that you thought you would probably never do. Maybe you hadn't considered. So you got in touch with Claire after you did the course?

Yeah. So Claire's, the organizer of late. And after I finished the course in November, I waited a few months afterwards, you know, finishing school and everything. And then in January in the holidays, I was like, I was just thinking I was like, I can't believe that 2020 to 2021 Leap will be going on and I won't be there. I was like, That's kind of sad. So I emailed Claire and was like, Hi, is there any way I can be involved in the program this year, next year? And she replied, and she said, it's fine. No worries. You can be a graduate mentor. So it's a volunteer role, and what I do is if any of the participants have a problem or need help with whatever activity they're doing, they can reach out to Sarah Y I and we can answer their questions and basically just assist them if they need any help.

And you say you also got quite a bit of insight to the structure of the program?

Yeah. So when I was doing week as a participant, it was very interesting and I loved it. But it wasn't the same as its graduate mentor because when I was a graduate mentor, we were behind the scenes of how it was run. And you could see all the spreadsheets and all the everything, like the details and what consist of each month and all the participants that are in there. And it was just so different experience. And it gave me a lot of knowledge, I guess, on how to run programs or anything and also how to get it known into society and stuff like that.

That's great. And one of the things that you did was, and I think you correct me if I'm wrong, you said this was one of your the favorite things that you did was the mock interview.

Yeah, that's right. I love the mock interview. It was so helpful. So in the lead program towards the end of the year, you do a mock interview, which is where you find a real life job that you would apply for and you do it like a practice interview for that job. So late organizes not only have them one on one Zoom meeting. And they ask you questions that they would ask in a regular interview. And I think it's just so good because you learn for me, I'd never been in interview before. What interviews actually alike and what kind of questions they ask? And how to prepare for. And so when you go into a real interview, you aren't like terrified. You know what?

I don't mean to laugh, but the pretty nerve wracking, aren't they?

They are, yeah.

And I think it's good to be honest about that. They can be nerve wracking, but at the same time, you can get over your nerves a little bit.

Yeah, exactly.

Yeah. And did that prepare you so after you had a bit of a personal win as well?

Yes, so after late, I was applying for jobs everywhere I look, every job I found on Sekai platform that was near me and obviously I didn't get all of them. I am not a CPA, unfortunately need one. Yes, so I did get a job at Mundaring matches, which is where I live, so. And I had it in my read my resume that I made fully and it just felt awesome because I was like, I did this. I felt really and I felt like I was actually doing something with my life. You know,

that's really great to hear because as you were saying, you live in a semi-rural area and you know you have low vision or you're legally blind. And plus also, we are most of Australia. We are in the middle of a pandemic. So often it can feel like there's not a lot of choices or options out there. But you know, the idea of having options that can be very confidence building and is a bit of freedom with that as well.

Definitely, definitely 100 percent agree.

And so what do you think you might like to do going forward in terms of study, I know you were talking about maybe after year 12 you'd like to go traveling and fingers and toes that young people can get to enjoy doing that again. What do you think you might like to study further one day?

So I'm really interested in like media. So not all journalism as well, but also like photography, making films, videos and also all the editing and all that kind of little stuff behind the scenes so that I found that really, really interesting. Yeah. So that's definitely an option.

So, oh, well, you can absolutely start, thank goodness, for YouTube and Instagram, I think. Definitely. Yes, there. Now you are heading off to play golf ball very quickly. How long you've been playing golf ball fall.

I've been playing global since about 2017. Yeah, yep.

And what's the name of the team that you're on it? You were in a competitive team?

Yeah. So it's just called global Western Australia. Yahoo!

And is it mixed teams or all girls? And then so

we have a junior team, which is mix and a youth team which is mixed. And then once you get over 19, I think they split into men's and women's. Yeah, I was just going to say, I'm still on you.

And did you enjoy watching the bells in the Paralympics?

Definitely. It made me really want to play in the Olympics.

Oh, really? That's fantastic. Yeah. Oh, you've got so many choices ahead of you. I so thank you so much for your time this morning, Caitlin. It's pretty early over there. In a way. It's been an absolute pleasure talking to you. And one final question what would you say to a young person who is maybe considering doing late and might think, Oh, look, it sounds like an awful lot of work. That's the one thing we didn't touch on how much work because you were at high school. Yeah. Yeah, you're 10 yet. And doing this was was a lot of work.

So at first when I joined, I was like, Oh, this is going to be two meetings every single month. You kidding me? But they went so fast. It was only two afternoons in one month, and you can always they record the meeting sometimes. So if you miss a meeting, you can just watch the recording and you didn't miss anything. So I think at first the time management seems like impossible because you're like, How am I meant to do this program school and everything else? So but it definitely is doable. It's there's not too much expected of you at all just to learn apes and enjoy the program. So I think it's definitely worth it's definitely going for it.

That's fantastic. And thank you so much for your time today, Caitlin.

That's all good. Thank you.

And now here's Helen with Julie from the shop. Helen started by asking Julie, what's in store for shoppers in spring?

So with spring, of course, everybody wants to get out and enjoy those sunshine days that we get. And with that, for those that are in COVID lockdowns, the opportunity to get out and get some exercise is really important and certainly breaks up our days. So I thought I would talk about some of the things that we have for outside activities, and we do have a range of balls with bells in them. So for those that might have teenagers or younger children that like to get out and about, we've got a soccer ball with a with the bells that make a noise so you can hear it rolling around. So and also a basketball and a rugby ball and even a cricket ball.

Oh, I think so. With every, every game you can possibly think of, has that has a ball in it? Pretty much. We can definitely find it at the shop.

Absolutely. And you know, for those that just want to get out and have a kick around on the Oval, there's certainly options there for them, for sure.

As just especially after the Paralympics as well, I'm sure we're going to have quite a few people wanting to get out there and play some sport.

Definitely. Everybody's a little bit inspired, aren't they? And the other thing, of course, that everybody is doing in these COVID lockdown times, for those of you that that are under those rules is walking and walking is one of those exercises that anyone can do or not anyone most people can do at any time. That's right. So for those that are vision impaired, they might want to be counting their steps. So we do have a talking pedometer. Of course, things like Apple Watches and Fitbits also do that sort of thing, which are readily available in commercial outlets. But if you're looking for a dedicated pedometer, that is something that we sell. And then the other really important aspect about getting out and about, of course, is being safe while you're doing it. And one of the services that Vision Australia offers is help with moving around safely. We have professionals in our client services team called orientation and mobility instructors, and that is one of their chief roles is to help people to move around safely. And often what they recommend for people are some form of mobility cane and there are a variety of mobility canes available. And it's most important to perhaps speak to an orientation mobility expert so that you can get the right advice around what cane is going to be right for you, and also some training in the way that it should be used properly.

So I'm quite intrigued to say that there's not just one cane for everyone. So there's there's different versions,

there's different versions, so there are different kinds of canes. Basically, there are what we call Edee or cymbal canes, and those are very slim canes that fold up so you can put them in a bag or whatever. And they're generally used by people with low vision that perhaps don't need to have the long mobility cane that you'll often see people using. It's more to identify to others around them that they have a vision loss. So often they'll do it, they'll use it when they're out shopping. Or perhaps they need to get across a busy road and just want to let everybody know that they're they do have a visual issue and they might need some more time with the cane. Sometimes people will also use it just to test the depth of a step or a gutter. But they don't run along the ground. They usually just hold them in front of themselves across their body. So if there is something below their sight line, it might hit the cane first so that they're not going to fall over. But as I say, it's more to identify to others that they have a vision loss and they might need a little bit of extra time or, you know, just allowance. But they might not necessarily see people coming towards them, that sort of thing. The other type of cane, other long mobility canes, which is what most people identify as the types of canes that are used by vision impaired people. These occasions that people use by moving them in front of themselves off from side to side so that they can pick up cues of items of things on the ground. And so obstacles changes in the surface. Is that sort of thing? And it's important with those, particularly those long mobility canes, that you are trained in the use of it and also provided with the right size of cane because really it's the length of the cane that is important. So that's where I would definitely recommend that people consult with one of our orientation and mobility instructors.

Good advice.

Good advice. The third kind of cane support canes. So you know they're the canes that people lean on if you've got a bit of arthritis or dicky knee. So they come in in white, our support cane. So the idea is that they give you that dual assistance where they're telling others around you that you've got a vision loss, but you've also got that extra support. And once again, it's really important to get the right height of a support cane. So that's where consulting with an orientation and mobility instructor is really important.

Yeah, that's right. That's right. You need to once you buy this product, you need to be able to use it. So indeed, you need the training.

That's right. And safety, of course, is is absolutely paramount, right? That's right. One other thing I'll say about Canes is that traditionally, of course, for vision impaired people, they have been white canes. But for those of you that like to be a little bit more individual or flamboyant, it is possible to get colored canes and they come in a variety of different colors or even multiple colors such as rainbow canes or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander type cane colors. There's a lot of options out there for people.

Wow, I like I like that. I would definitely have a nice, nice red one. I'm just saying, Wow, OK, well, to get out of your five KS or to keep keep your five KS interesting, get out there. Go for a walk.

Absolutely. Enjoy that spring sunshine.

That's right. That's right. So we've been speaking to Julie from the Vision Australia Shop. You can browse all the items mentioned today and hundreds more online by visiting Shop Dot, Vision Australia dot org. Thank you very much.

Pleasure. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to talking vision, talking vision is a production of Vision Australia radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org that's talking vision or on World Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 103000 eight four seven four six. That's one 300 eight four seven four double six or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia dot all.

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