Talking Vision Edition 589 Week of 30th of August 2021

Published Sep 1, 2021, 2:29 AM

It’s a special Paralympics-themed episode of Talking Vision this week as Stephen Jolley chats with Scott Nicholas from Paralympics Australia about the Australian paralympic team, the latest achievements from our athletes who are blind or have low vision, and the work Paralympics Australia does more broadly.

Then to wrap up the show Sam chats with Stella Glorie about the latest news from the upcoming issue of Vision Australia’s monthly newsletter For Your Information or FYI for short.

From Vision in Australia, this is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam, calling.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

I think sport, there is something for everyone and hopefully through the work we're doing. Paralympics Australia, where we're providing more of those opportunities to people across the community.

Welcome to the program. That was Scott Nicholas there, talking about his work as a participation and pathways coordinator at Paralympics Australia, encouraging people of all abilities to get involved. It's a special Paralympics themed episode of Talking Vision this week, as Stephen Joy chats with Scott about the Australian Paralympic team. The latest achievements from our athletes who are blind or have low vision in Tokyo, and the work Paralympics Australia does more broadly. That interview is coming up very shortly. And then to wrap up the show, our chat with Stella Glory about the latest news from the upcoming issue of Vision Australia's monthly newsletter for your information or FOIA for short. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. And now here's Stephen Jolly with Scott Nicholas.

Surprise, surprise on talking vision and the topic is Paralympics, and I'm very pleased to be speaking with Scott Nicholas from Paralympics Australia. Welcome, Scott.

Thanks, Stephen. Thanks for having me on.

Now you are a participation and pathways coordinator with Paralympics Australia. Tell us about that role before we get stuck into what's happening in Tokyo.

Yeah, it's it's a new role that the organisations brought on board. I'm one of five participation pathways coordinators nationally, and essentially our role is to support all para sport opportunities in getting more people classified in Paris sport throughout each state across Australia. So we want to work with the sports to build out their programs and pathways to make sure we've got a really streamlined pathways and opportunities for people to get involved in Paris for.

And you would then be following the progress of a lot of the athletes quite closely having worked with them.

Yeah, absolutely. I think it's it's really exciting when you see athletes that are known to you or from your state or even coaches as well. Actually, I probably get it just as excited about seeing some of the coaches and how they're going. But as the Australian Paralympic team across the board has had a great start to their campaign and hopefully we finish it off over the course of the next week and have a really strong campaign.

I guess there are going to be hundreds of answers to this question, but give us a bit of an impression of how people get involved, why somebody decides I'm going to get into sport and progressed to the elite level.

It is a really good question, Stephen. And I think part of it is is back to that culture in Australia of being a really proud, sports loving nation that a lot of people just intrinsically it's it's something they've grown up with and something that they've always wanted to be a part of. But I think, you know, we know the the physical and mental and social health benefits that sport provides as well. So whether it is recreationally or or from more of a social perspective, the people get involved. There's great opportunities or obviously a lot of it's a really competitive and there are those elite pathways there for people who want to make a career out of it or or, you know, achieve at the highest level possible. So I think sport, there is something for everyone and hopefully through the work we're doing. Paralympics Australia, where we're providing more of those opportunities to people across the community.

I imagine there are some who get in having lived with disability, all their lives and then others for whom disability has become a recent part of their life and they get it into disability sport. That must be very challenging when there's so much going on in there in their system, their body, their mind, et cetera.

It is, and I think we're really fortunate in Australia to have such great support for people who are rehabbing from injuries or who've had an accident or an illness that's led to a permanent disability or impairment. And I think a big part of of that is what does life look like post a life changing event like that? And I guess we're really fortunate that there are a lot of great sporting opportunities. I mean, the Paralympic Movement itself was was built on the basis of rehabilitation for people as an outlet. So I think the fact that that's been taken to another level over the last 50 or 60 years is is fantastic. And like you said, some people might have been born with their impairment, others who might have acquired it later in life, that there is a lot of differences. But again, we're really fortunate in Australia, there are a lot of pathways available to people.

So let's talk about what's happening in Tokyo, what's been happening as we speak, it's about a week into the games. We're talking around the middle of the week and it's a really bitter 13 days of competition. Australia's had a tradition of success at the Paralympics going back many, many years. How are things going this time?

I think things are going really, really well. And I think if you asked anyone, we'd be really proud of the achievements of all of our athletes and a lot of a lot of those achievements have been rewarded with medals so far. So we're currently sitting fifth on the medal tally, which is is where we ended up at the end of the Rio Games. So I think in terms of how we're tracking, where we're tracking really well, like any Paralympic Games, we've probably had some events where we we didn't go quite as well as we would have liked or hoped for and then other events where we've had some amazing outcomes. And, you know, athletes have kind of really burst onto the international scene and announced their their arrival. So I'm sure we'll have a chat about a few of the medalists in a second. But I think all in all, the performance of the team has been phenomenal. And I think one thing that we're really pleased about as well is the the general interest in the community and is unfortunate is that a lot of the country finds itself in lockdown. Perhaps the silver lining is that we do have the Paralympic Games on it, and it's been a great opportunity for people who might be working from home or, you know, spending more time at home than they normally would that that we've got these great events and these great athletes in action. So it's been a great start to the campaign.

You mentioned there about people living in lockdown and taking in the events. Have you been happy with the media coverage? Just tell me, don't worry about everybody else who might be listening.

I think it's been really great, and it's always interesting to see how the transition from the Olympic Games to the Paralympic Games go is. But Channel seven, I think, did a really phenomenal job of of integrating the Paralympics coverage throughout the Olympic Games, which I think, you know, highlighted and reminded people that it's coming up. And you know, all the all the major Australian media outlets have done a great job of pushing and promoting, and it's it's probably interesting just the impact that social media has on a lot of that. There's there's obviously a lot of shareable content out there and in great little videos of athletes celebrating their performances and things like that that know really easy to share on social media. So I've had some great sound grabs in and, you know, information about athletes and their journeys and their stories. And I think it's it's those stories that are so captivating to people. So it's been great that they're more and more people are interested in and following and celebrating the achievements of our athletes.

And with the digital technology now people can sit in their lounge and watch the sport of their choice, rather than the more mainstream mix, which is also available to them. But to be able to specialize with Paralympic sports, like with the Summer Olympics, it's pretty good, isn't it?

Yeah, it's it's amazing. And you know, at different times of the day, you've got to switch over different channels and things like that and bounce around. But as you said through through the seven plus app, there's a there's a lot of choice that people can have and they can they can follow the sport so the athletes that they're most interested in and they don't have to wait by the TV for it to hopefully come on or we see snippets they can watch matches in full and and follow their favourite athletes progress.

People listening will be thinking, Come on, Stephen, get on with it. Ask him about how the vision impaired athletes have been going. So what's been standing up for you, Scott?

I think one of the great stories and probably one of the more well-known athletes leading up to these games was young Victorian Jared Clifford, who's a runner Jared's and amazing run of it on the pun so far, and he's got a silver in the 5000 metres and followed it up with a bronze in the 1500 metres. So as much as I'm sure he would have been hoping for for a couple of gold medals, a silver and a bronze is is an amazing achievement.

He runs with a guy, does he?

Yeah, that's right. So one of the, I guess, sport mechanisms for athletes with vision impairment in athletics is the use of a garden. I think depending on the conditions and the event, you say Jared running with his god, Tim Logan and potentially other events where he's he's running by himself. So it's it's one of the nuances of Paralympic sport and the different classes, which we won't go into too much detail about today. But classification exists to provide all athletes the opportunity to achieve success irrespective of their disability or impairment and the use of a God. And things like that is is one of the great ways that athletes do have sports.

And that concludes the first half of Stephen Jolly in conversation with Scott Nicholas. I'm Sam Kelly and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia radio associated stations of App Age and the community radio network. If you'd like to find out more about the program, like where to find your local radio frequency or listen to past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just stop talking vision into your search engine, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now back to Stephen and Scott

on Talking Vision. I'm speaking with Scott Nicholas from Paralympics Australia. Those guides or pilots writing on the front of a tandem cycle, their elite athletes themselves and giving a lot to be able to do that with someone else, aren't they?

Yeah, it's it's it's phenomenal to watch the relationships between the guides and their athletes or pilots as they're known in other sports. And you know, you think of any team sport, the relationships between the athletes are critical to their success and ultimately that's that's heightened through some of the relationships athletes have with guides or pilots because they might be relying on them for critical information about the event or the race or as things are progressing. So it's it's really exciting. I think as well that that the roles of those guides and pilots are celebrated as as as well as the athletes. It's really highlighting that the fact that they rely on each other and and ultimately they're both contributing to their success

and where you don't have a guide is in the pool. Have we been going there?

Yeah. Well, we had another young athlete who's really, I guess, stood up and announced themselves on the world stage in Cardea Détection from Queensland. Katie is in S13 class and she's won two bronze medals, so an amazing achievement and obviously we're a very strong swimming nation. Katie has definitely contributed to that, and she went really well in the 400 metres where she took out a bronze in the freestyle and the 100 metres backstroke as well. So a couple of different events, but we're just highlighting her versatility as well.

Mm-Hmm. The Goalball team, the bells, the bells.


Tell me about them. Well, the bells are,

I guess, an example of a team in a sport that's maybe not the highest profile when you compare it to swimming in athletics and sports that maybe do have a little bit more notoriety and a promotion and an interest. And I guess part of that has been their success on an international stage. So it had been something like 20 odd years since the bells had won a match at the Paralympic Games, but they they won a match against Canada in their second game and then they followed that up with their amazing result against a world champion Russian Paralympic Committee team. That is, I think they're being referred to at the moment, but the world champion Russian team where they defeated them and they've now booked their place in a quarter final, which is incredible. After, after the last few campaigns, you know, through the support of the coaching staff and and all the players, they've really taken their performance to another level. And I think everyone is just so proud of of the team and and the whole program in how they've progressed and ultimately the reward for all their hard work and effort that they're getting at the moment.

Now there's not so much modifications about goalball. It's designed from the start for people playing, being blind and also being blind because they wear blindfolds. But tell us a bit more about it.

Yeah, the sport is really interesting and I think if you're not familiar with it, it's definitely one for everyone listening in to do a little bit more research and find out about what the opportunities might be in your states. Because the more I learn about the sport, the more I'm really blown away by how incredible it is just as a game. And then you know what the competition looks like as well. So essentially on court, it's three on three. So there are there are three players on each side defending goals that are across the width of the court. So athletes will roll a ball underarm and essentially try and get it past the opposition team into the goal at the other end. And players will throw themselves across the court. Sideways. Essentially diving in front of the ball to stop it. Much like a goalkeeper would in in soccer or football. So the ball has as bells in it. So obviously the key fit for players to to know where the ball is or what angle it's coming from. And it is just a really incredible sport, surprisingly very physical. May not sound that way, as I describe it, but players agility to kind of crash down low dive across the court do that repeatedly. They've got 10 seconds to gather the ball and then and then roll it down the other end. So it is a pretty fast paced game at times, at times as well. But yeah, really physical and a great game if you if you're not familiar with it.

Yes, maybe a role is not quite the word, maybe it's more it's hurled down because

it's probably a better way to describe it. And much like a discus thrower or a shot-put, they they sometimes kind of do a little pirouette and, you know, really build up their momentum before they finally release it. And yeah, the fact that they they dive in in the way and knees their bodies, put their bodies on the line to stop it is, yeah, it's incredible.

A great test of the sense of hearing takes it to great heights. Now, one thing we haven't talked about, so we might conclude by talking about this. A little bit of that is the impact of what's happening all around the world. The COVID virus on the games, on the preparation and on life for people in Tokyo at the moment. Tell us a bit about that.

Yeah. Well, it probably did start with the preparation being an international level competition, the Paralympic Games, obviously the preparation for athletes in the lead up, you know, whether it's a couple of years out or in the year leading up to the international competition. And it's probably a case where athletes in Europe and other parts of the world probably had the means to compete internationally, where a lot of Australian athletes were probably pretty limited in those opportunities in the lead up to Tokyo. So in terms of international travel, things were definitely impacted. But even within our own country with border restrictions and and state based lockdowns, we had a lot of our athletes. It weren't even really able to get together even within the last few months before the games to get together and train. And you know, the global teams may be a good example when they did their team announcement. A lot of the squad is based in New South Wales and Queensland, and the head coach Peter Cooper and Jenny Bligh, based in Melbourne, so they weren't able to attend the team announcement. They had to go to the video call in as a lot of people do it in different parts of their lives at the moment. And, you know, the wheelchair rugby team and others, they're probably really good examples of team sports in particular where they were really impacted not being able to have all their teammates together to prepare.

And what about in Tokyo at the moment? How different is it to say what it would have been for people in Rio in London?

Yeah, a very different experience for athletes, I'm sure, and even a different experience for us following from home. Obviously, the stands are empty, aside from some support from from other athletes and coaches and whatnot from each nation that Australia, you might be aware, didn't attend the the opening ceremony as part of their COVID protocols to minimise opportunities for transfer or contact with other countries. No, no eating in there. The massive food hall, which seats a couple of hundred people at a time and things like that.

So so no mixing with people from other lands and that sort of camaraderie that you would build up that would be absent, is it?

Yeah, in a lot of ways. And I guess the opportunities are really coming for athletes through their competition and training where you're right in saying that although it is an amazing part of the games that athletes from all over the world come together, unfortunately, the health and safety of of of the team and most countries have various protocols in place was was a huge priority. So the athletes are there to perform and compete and do their best in their competitions. And, you know, putting them in the best position to do so was was definitely the priority.

It's been great speaking with you, Scott. I've been speaking with Scott Nicholas from Paralympics Australia and good luck with in your participation and pathways coordination with getting more people involved in Paralympic sports. Thanks for talking to everyone around Australia today.

Thanks, Steve. If I can just do a quick plug, if anyone is interested in finding out more about the opportunities in power sport, we'd love them to visit the Paralympics Australia website, which is Paralympics dot org dot ayear. Sorry, Paralympic No. Dot org. A year and there's lots of great information there about how they can get involved.

And if you're not sure about that, just Google Paralympics Australia and you'll find them. That's right, Scott Scott Nicholas, thanks for talking to us.

Thanks, David.

A new month upon us, it's September already. Can you believe it? But you know what? That means its monthly newsletter time and to talk about this month's issue of for your information. Otherwise known as FII, we have stellar Gloria with us. So stellar. What can people expect in this month's issue of full year information?

If why I for short now, Sam, how important is breakfast to you, Sam?

Extremely important star.

And how important is it that you know what you're eating?

That's very important. You absolutely want to know what you're putting in your body.

Well, and also, you don't want any surprises for breakfast. If you feel like you're reaching for a packet of cornflakes and you turn out you got barbecue shapes and steam. So this year, Kellogg's announced that it is rolling out a ground breaking solution to accessible packaging across its entire range of cereals. So at the start of 2020, R and I B, which is based in the UK, began working with Kellogg's on a project to find a solution for making packaging more accessible. And what started out as a small trial with an awareness raising exercise has since grown into a world leading project. So what people can use? It's similar to a QR code, so it can be either braille or large text or simplified artwork. So there's an article about that in f yri of things that we have got coming. Now you heard Stephen earlier talking about Goalball and the Paralympics and the bells. One of the head of victory of the women's goalball Australian women's goalball team had their first victory in 25 years. I played against Canada the other day and I watched it and it was excellent. Now, at the time of recording this, they due to play on the Wednesday, so fingers and fingers and toes crossed. So I've got information about that. There's also information about a new global human rights movement called We the 15, and it's called We The One in reference to the 15 per cent of the popular world's population who have a disability. So multiple leading international organisations launched to weigh the 15 just ahead of the Paralympic Games. I've got some information about that. Do you like hip hop?

I do, and I heard there's a very exciting story that's just come to light.

So hip hop just got its first ever audio music video for and I quote, So this isn't my terminology because I know a lot of people don't like this terminology. Visually impaired people around the globe with 2.2 billion visually impaired people across the globe, music videos haven't been something they can enjoy up until now. So to make an trophy sniper for their new single and accompanying video, Silent Killer now say that in hip hop voice. Yeah, and look, Typekit pretty grim and tough. So something from the library. We've got about five or six books to lift your mood that you can get a bit of light entertainment and light reading. We've got some this information applications from Vision Australia's education bursary. And there's also I will tip. The West Australian Opera have put out a blind actor audition notice, so we'll put in some information about that and that should be hitting people's inboxes from around about the third to the fourth of September.

Okay, that's all you can expect and possibly more from this month's issue of for or information otherwise known as FOIA. Stella, thank you so much for appearing on Talking Vision today. It's been a pleasure chatting with you, as always.

No worries. Think same?

And that's all I have time for today. You've been listening to talking vision, talking vision. It's a production of Vision Australia radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org that's talking vision or one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 103000. Eight four seven four six that's one three eight four seven four double six or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia dot all.

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