Vision Australia library manager Sarah Bloedorn joins Stella on the program this week to talk about just a small portion of the 2,000 new additions to the Vision Australia Library catalogue as well as some exciting virtual library events coming up over the next few weeks, that conversation is coming up later in the program.
But first, Stella pops up again to chat with Julie Scott from the Vision Australia Store about some gift ideas for Father’s Day which is coming up just around the corner, then finally on the show we wrap up with a bit of news and information, and Frances Keyland joins the show with a Reader Recommended.
From Vision in Australia, this is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam, calling.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
So for people that order allocated books, you've probably noticed a lot of these books turning up on your devices already, which is wonderful. But if you would like some more information or a particular title, you're always welcome to find the library at any time. And one of our librarians can get you sorted with as many books as you would like. And otherwise, I would also recommend just following our social media and also our newsletter will feature another suite of books. So just keep your eye on that if you're looking for some recommendations.
Welcome to the show. That voice you heard there was Vision Australia Library manager Sarah Blowdown talking about just a small portion of the 2000 new additions to the Vision Australia Library catalogue, as well as some exciting virtual library events coming up over the next few weeks. She joined Stellar on the show this week, and that conversation is coming up later in the program. First, though, Stella pops up again to chat with Julie Scott from the Vision Australia store, otherwise known as Julie from the shop to talk about some gift ideas for Father's Day, which will be upon us before we know it. So if you or someone you know has a special dad in your life who is blind or has low vision, be sure to stay tuned. And then finally, on the show, we wrap up with a bit of news and information. And Francis Kaylin joins the show with a reader recommended. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of Talking Vision. And now his stellar with joy from the shop,
Father's Day is just around the corner and most people are wondering what to buy, dear old dad. Well, Julie from the shop from the Vision Australia shop is here now to talk us through some fantastic Father's Day gifts, including a mobile phone.
That's right, Stella. Hard to believe that Father's Day is coming around so quickly. Where's the year going?
It's it's it's heading towards the end of the year and soon we'll be talking Christmas present.
That's quite right. Anyway, so let's deal with Father's Day first. So one of the most popular items is the only tech, easy flip mobile phone. It's a very basic mobile phone. It's not really a phone that you use for getting your emails or searching the internet. It's just a very easy phone to use for making and taking calls and also text messages. So as the name implies, it's a flip phone. It has very clearly marked buttons that actually are raised, so they have a sort of tactile feel to them, which is different from your smart phones, which is just basically a flat screen. And a lot of people find it very difficult to find the numbers, and also it has the additional benefits of talking back to you. So you can't tell it what to do. As you can with some of the smart phones, but it will read your text messages to you. It will read your contact list, too. You will read you some of the menu options. So it has some really good features for people with significant low vision, and it's also not very expensive as well. So, you know, from that point of view, it's a good investment, so
it's a nice sort of option from the standard smartphone.
Absolutely. And it has some really good features where you can program people's phone numbers into the numbers on the keypad, so a long press on a particular number will get you the pre-programmed number. It also has a cradle for charging, so you're not having to fiddle around with tiny little plugs trying to get them into the tiny little ports. So, you know, for a lot of potentially elderly people or people that just want a very simple phone, it's a great solution.
Now I'm going to be let's get into some stereotyping about dads and this a talking builder's type mishap.
Yes, that's right. So for the handyman in your life, we have a builder's tape measure that will actually speak the measurements, and it will do it in imperial and metric. So even for dads that like to still use fake the interest, they can go back to that if they choose to do.
It's not 1965. So this is fantastic. How long has this build? Is tape measure been around?
It's been around for quite some time. It comes from a company originally all its manufactured in England, so it's got a lovely male English voice that enunciates the measurements very, very clearly. And basically, it looks like any tape measure, perhaps a little bit more bulky. And as you pull the tape out, it will announce the measurement.
Now what about dads who like to cook,
dads who like to cook?
We've got a talking microwave, indeed.
So yes, we have a new Vision Australia talking microwave. Once again, it's the idea is the simplicity of the operation. So it has very limited buttons, but you can choose what mode you want, whether it's low, high, defrost, etc.. And then there's a button that will give you minutes and another button that will give you seconds in 10 second increments. So very simple to use. Choose your mode and then choose your time. Press the button and off it goes.
Now, with all of these things that we're talking about, they would be available in the shop and online, but with the microwave, be available online?
Absolutely. You know, we deliver, obviously, when people order products online, so the microwave would be delivered to your specified address. So all those products are available online. There's great descriptions there if you want to ask about them. Of course, you can call our one 300 general line and the people in our wonderful contact centre will be able to help you with details. Or they can put you through to your local store and you can talk to somebody locally.
I've got time for. Just one more, because I'm really curious about the micro speak plus digital voice recorder.
OK, so of course, a lot of people with vision loss struggle to write down messages or addresses or telephone numbers. So the digital recorder idea is for people that want to perhaps record little messages that they'll refer to later on. Other things that I've seen people use digital recorders for recording, say their memories, their life story to be transposed later, perhaps into a computer. There's a whole range of things that you might use a digital recorder for, and this new one is very simple to use. So it's a bright yellow color so easy to find. You won't misplace it as long as you can still manage to see some colors, and it has very clearly marked buttons as well.
People just need to get used to the sound of their voice and not get too overwhelmed by it.
Well, that's right. You know, it's a great option if you you can't read or write down the things that you need to be recording.
It's fantastic. And I've been speaking with Julie from the shop about some Father's Day gift ideas. Thanks for your time today, Julie.
Always a pleasure. Thank you, Stella.
And if you are ordering a present for dead online at the Vision Shop, get your orders in as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
I'm Sam Kelly, and you're listening to talking vision on Vision Australia, radio associated stations of our pitch and the community radio network. If you'd like to find out more about the program, like where to find your local radio frequency or listen to past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just taught talking vision into your search engine, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library and now his Stella withtheir upload on
and for our library members. So many exciting things are happening at the Vision Australia Library, both in terms of events and content to have a chat with me about that. Today, I'm speaking with the library manager Sarah Blowdown. Hi, Sarah, welcome to the show and thanks for your time. Hey, thanks for having me. Hey. So many exciting things happening. First thing I understand there's some exciting news for all our readers. What has happened?
Yeah, absolutely. We've had a huge influx of new titles, which is very exciting. Two thousand one hundred new titles have just dropped in the library available to loan in our audio format, so basically every bibliophile will be in heaven for a good while.
Cue the applause. So what genres are we talking about? What have we got? I'm not going to ask you to name every single book.
Absolutely. Well, a lot of them are suggestions and requests that have come directly from our readers, which is wonderful. So it's so nice to be able to fulfil those. And in those, we see all of our really popular genres that kind of crop up all the time. For example, crime is always tops the list. James Patterson and Lee Child are really represented in this new influx of books. We've got a lot of rural and Australian stories, so a lot of people love Leon Moriarty and her stories, her family stories. And then we have some great rural crime fiction. Christian Whiteley's one of my favourites that I saw on the list today, the wife and the widow. We've stocked up on a few classics, so we would have thought we had every Agatha Christie, but apparently we didn't. So we're filled in the gaps for Agatha Christie. I saw a lot of Clive Cussler there, so for anybody looking for a bit of a backlog of some of the classics, definitely the right time to have a look. And the other thing I noticed a lot of was historical fiction. So I know a lot of our readers enjoy people like Bernard Cornwell and authors like that that bring those kind of historical periods to life. So I think there's something for everyone, to be totally honest.
How exciting. So let's get a little bit. Let's drill down a little bit. We're going to talk about three Australian books that have made their way, including one from the rather wonderful Kate Grenville.
Yes, absolutely. When I was looking through the list today, I spotted this title and it's one of my favourites of recent. This probably came out last year. A room made of leaves. Kate Grenville is a lot of people know from the Secret River is just one of Australian treasure. One of our best Australian historical authors and a roommate of leaves is her take on the MacArthur history. So we hear a lot about John MacArthur. Of course, he developed the wool industry in Australia and was very applauded for that. But what we don't know a lot about or not enough about is his wife, Elizabeth
MacArthur, and we are actually learning more about that because there's been another recent book about. But it's nonfiction. Yeah, I mean, about her.
Yeah, she sounds like she was.
She was the person. But of course, they're written out of women are written out of history.
Absolutely. Yeah. And it's it's a great way to kind of explore that early kind of Australian history and kind of look at things from her point of view. Of course, parts of it are fictionalized, but I think the takeaway is, you know, she was an amazingly strong woman thrown into a very intense situation that her husband was, by all accounts, a very horrible man. But she really rose to the challenge and developed herself as a businesswoman.
And it's an excellent book. I have heard it on audio while I was painting the kitchen actually over a couple of days. It's really fantastic and it's an imagined one and also, but it's based from a lot of diaries and a lot of oral history, and also her connection with Aboriginal people around the area. She was an extraordinary person and it is a fantastic book.
100 per cent definitely recommend.
Tell us the title of that book
again, so that one's a room made of leaves by Kate Grenville, and
now we've got a young adult book.
So this one, I thought, was a little different, but I really loved it. It's just a beautiful, sweet story. It's called the year. The Maps change, and it's by Danielle. Thinks he's a beautiful children and young adult author. And it's about a family in the late 90s in Victoria so very familiar to lots of our readers and a kind of a coming of age story about a young family who connect with some refugees that have come to Australia from Albania and the connection they make. And just it's just a really beautiful story. So I don't let the the children's or the adult label stop you. I think this is a story for everyone. It's very heartwarming. Wonderful to see, of course, refugees and represented in in fiction, always really nice. And for those that are local to Melbourne or to Victoria, it's very kind of familiar as well.
Beautiful. So that was the year the maps changed by Danielle Binx, and now it's there and it's a young adult kids book.
So the last one I picked is called Sweet Sorrow by David Nicholls. He's quite well known for a book called One Day, which came out probably about a decade ago, which was I. It depends if you liked it or it wasn't my favourite, but I did pick this one up and I thought it was gorgeous. It's about a young teenage, I guess, like mid teenager. His name's Charlie, and he sees a girl and falls instantly in love, and he realises the way to woo her is to join the Shakespeare company that are putting on a play over summer in its set in England. And you know, he's so besotted with this girl, he decides to throw himself completely out of his comfort zone and take on amateur theatre. And it's just really sweet and beautiful. And I remember reading it during lockdown and thinking it was just, you know, really, really nice story so that when I also recommend probably made it sound really soppy, but I would recommend it for anyone. It's lovely.
It's it's the perfect time for soppy books. I think so that some room made of leaves by Kate Grenville eight The Year The Maps changed by Danielle Binks and Sweet Sorrow by David Nicholls, and they are just three books out of 2000 new titles that have hit the library. So, Sarah, how can people find out what's the best way if I if I'm a library member and I'm thinking great, I want to read some new content. How do I find out what's what? Yeah, well, it's
absolutely great question. So for people that order allocated books, you've probably noticed a lot of these books turning up on your devices already, which is wonderful. But if you would like some more information or a particular title, you're always welcome to find the library at any time. And one of our librarians can get you sorted with as many books as you would like and otherwise. I would also recommend just following our social media and also our newsletter will feature another suite of books. So just keep your eye on that if you're looking for some recommendations.
Absolutely. Get onto the Vision Australia, Facebook, also the Library Twitter account and also the Library newsletter, which is coming out at about the 9th or 10th of August. And also, if Y. Now let's talk about events. So much is happening. I understand there's another author in conversation.
Absolutely. Yeah. So our last one and we featured the wonderful Maori union in her beautiful book, A Different Kind of seeing. And this time we're really excited to chat with Tania Blanchard. She's a great Australian writer. She writes historical fiction, and she's had many published books, one of them being a suitcase of dreams. So she often writes about war, the Second World War kind of period, but just really beautiful stories so very excited to chat with Tania that will be on the 26th of August, and that's something that people can join online. So we hope that wherever you are that you can link in and enjoy that session with Tania, there'll be opportunities to ask her questions and just hear about her processes and what she's writing next.
That's fantastic and giving people lots of time to get her books out so they can read lately. And I understand there's also this is really fantastic. There's going to be some memoir writing workshops.
Yeah, we're really excited. This is the first time we've offered these, but it's something that a lot of our library clients really would like to spend the time and capture their their memoirs to share with their family and friends. So we're going to be beginning late August on the 24th and be offering that again, that will be online. So there's an opportunity for wherever you are to link in, but definitely look out for more information in our newsletter and across our different channels about that.
And also get on to our website, or you can call the library for more information as well. I've been speaking with Sarah Blowdown, who is the Vision Australia Library manager, about all the fantastic events and also the brilliant new books that have landed at the library. Thanks so much for your time today. Thank you.
Thanks very much, Stella. That was Stella Gloria chatting with Sara upload on there from the Vision Australia Library. And if you want to give them a ring, that number for the library is one 300 six five four six five six. That's one three six five four six five six, and the librarians will be more than happy to fill you in on any more information you might be looking for. Now on that note, we've got some exciting news coming up this month. This is from frail health seeking entries for long running competition of theirs. While Health is proud to announce that the Dickinson Memorial Literary Competition for 2021 is now open for entries from all Australian residents and the theme for our 100th year is growing. Spread the word about this opportunity to pen a short story or poem and be in the running to win cash prizes in the centenary anniversary year of the Dickinson Memorial Literary Competition, which is a national competition and is for children and adults who are blind or have low vision. To enter, please go to W WW Dot Braille House dot org dot AEW slash Dickinson Dush 2021. People who are blind or have low vision have told their stories for 100 years through this unique competition, and this year is your turn. There is also a special People's Choice award that will be open to anyone, even if your sighted and all entries in this category will be published on the Bill Health website and the audience will get to choose the winner. Entry is only $10 per category, and there are six categories for all ages to enter and prize money is awarded in every category. $350 first prize per category and $150 2nd prize per category. And the six categories that people can enter this year are adult short story, adult poem or song lyrics, or Limerick Adult article or opinion, for example, self-reflection or blog, senior student creative category, for example, story poems, song lyrics, Limerick, our blog or the Junior Student Creative category, for example story a poem, a song, lyrics Limerick Our Bloke All Fondly The People's Choice Category, Short Story or People's Choice entries will be published online for the public to vote. Manuscripts must be an unpublished work not on offer for publication before the announcement of awards and not have been recognised in any other competition. Entries should be submitted in Hard Copy Braille Symbol or Duxbury Readable File or in a word document. Entries close Monday, August 30, 2021. Winners are announced approximately four weeks after this, and then we publish the winners and runners up in a special commemorative anthology. This unique competition has a proud history of showcasing the work of blind and low vision writers to a broader audience, and has provided a platform for these people to tell their amazing stories. We welcome participants in the centenary anniversary of the Dickinson Memorial literary competition and wish you all good luck and happy writing experience. So any questions? Please contact Andrew Backhouse on zero seven three eight four eight five two five seven. You can also email Andrew on Andrew Backhouse at QB AWA dot org A View That's Andrew Backhouse or one word at Q BWI. Org Dot AEW or visit w WW dot bell house dot org AEW slash Dickinson Dash 2021. And now keeping on this week's book theme is Frances with a reader recommended
today's reader recommended is growing up African in Australia. By Maxine Barnaba Clarke Learning to kick a football in suburban schoolyard Finding your feet as a young black dancer. Discovering your grandfather's poetry. Meeting Nelson Mandela at your local church. Facing racism from those who should protect you. Dreading a visit to the hairdresser. House hopping across the suburbs. Being too black. Not being black enough. Singing to find your soul. And then losing yourself. Welcome to African Australia. Compiled by award winning author Maxine Burney, BA Clarke with curatorial assistants from writers Ahmed Yusuf and Megan Megan. This anthology brings together the regions of Africa and the African Diaspora, from the Caribbean to the Americas, told with passion, power and poise. These are the stories of African Diaspora Australians diverse, engaging, hopeful and heartfelt. Let's hear a sample of growing up African in Australia by Maxine Burney BA Clarke.
Winston was always the loudest person on our street. The suburb I grew up in, Jordan Ville was so innocuous that when one day they just took it off the map. No one even put up a fight. Winston was also the loudest person in Jordan Ville or Chadstone, as it became known as, if being a family of weird Jamaicans wasn't enough. I used to cringe when I heard his voice booming down the street. Yo yo yo yo. The local kids would come racing down the road in their hyper colored T-shirts and happy pants. He give his attention. Winston, hey bah bah bah bah to them. He was nothing short of a celebrity to eight year old me who wanted nothing more than to blend in. He was hugely embarrassing. By then, I had experienced just about enough of sticking out in my nearly all white neighborhood. Winston had no plans to be the shy, retiring type. Not even for his kids. He was tall, black and present. Far from the conservative suit wearing Jamaicans I had seen in our family photo album. My dad was part ragamuffin, part family man, a cutlass carrying rude boy with a bushman spirit. He enjoyed being mortifying, inappropriate and was often lewd. But Lord, he was funny. His stories were pure theatre full of pauses, drags out perfect, designed to draw in every member of his audience
that was growing up African in Australia. By Maxine Binnie BA Clarke. If you would like to listen to that audiobook or have it in braille, you can always call the library on one 300 six five four six five six. That's one 300 six five four six five six. Or you can email the library at Library at Vision Australia dot org. That's library at Vision Australia dot org.
And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to talking vision, talking vision is a production of Vision Australia radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org that's talking vision or one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 103000 eight four seven four six. That's one three eight four seven four double six or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia dot all.