Talking Vision 756 Week Beginning 25th of November 2024

Published Nov 27, 2024, 2:04 AM

This week we hear from social worker and youth mentor Ian Clements, who after experiencing vision loss as a young adult overcame the various challenges that came with that to work as part of the Top Blokes Foundation in the Hunter Valley region.

Then later on in the show we feature some news and information about the upcoming International Day of People with Disability on Tuesday December 3, and Frances joins the show for a Reader Recommended.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host Sam Colley.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

Some agencies you're just a number for them. But there's other agencies which do look at what you're capable of and they'll lift you up and go. You can do this. And like, just being really encouraging and they can see your capabilities, I guess. Whereas before with the job network now, I didn't know what I was capable of until they seen the potential in me. And so I guess if you can know your potential and know what you're capable of, you can do anything.

Welcome to the program. This week we hear from Anne Clements, a youth mentor and youth worker in the Hunter Valley who Her experienced vision loss at a young age and pivoted into a new career, helping out kids and young people in the Hunter Valley region for the past decade. You'll hear from him very shortly, so make sure to stick around to hear more. Then after that, we've got some news about the upcoming International Day of People with disability taking place on the 3rd of December. And finally, this week, Frances Kelland is back with a reader recommended. I hope you'll enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. Growing up, our next guest wanted to be a tattoo artist more than anything, but 20 years ago, everything changed when he experienced vision loss and after years of retraining and upskilling and experiencing various difficulties with unemployment as a jobseeker with a disability, he landed a role as a youth worker and mentor with the Top Blokes Foundation. His name is Ian Clements and I'm very pleased to be joined by him right now. Ian, welcome to Talking Vision. Thank you very much for your time today.

Thanks, Sam.

Firstly, Ian, we'll start with a bit of an intro to yourself. So tell us a little bit about yourself for the listeners out there. Okay.

So I wasn't born blind. I was born with normal vision, and I was ten years old when I knew I wanted to be a tattoo artist. So in all my free time, I used to draw pictures, and when I got a bit older, I was tattooing people. And then I was. 20 years ago, I lost my sight. So the tattoo dream was out of the window, so I didn't know what to do after them, and I started working with a social worker, trying to get me out and about and done some voluntary work in youth mentoring. So I really enjoyed doing that. So I went back to TAFE and done some diplomas and certificates in youth mentoring and community service. And yeah, so that was in 2006, I believe, 2005 when I started doing that and done my diplomas in 2013, 2014. And yeah, since then I've just been doing youth work. So yeah.

And has that been in, um, just the Top Blokes Foundation in particular or other sort of places as well?

Uh, when I first started volunteering, it was through the Samaritans. There was a program called just in the Hunter Valley area, New South Wales, and, um, it was just mentoring young men, young girls, taking them on, um, like day trips and just hanging out with them for people that didn't have a sort of role models around them. And then, um, that was, as I said, that was all voluntary. But then I went on some, um, qualifications in that sector. And I'm going into my second year nearly coming up three years next year working with Top Blokes Foundation.

Tell us a little bit about Top Blokes Foundation. And, you know, the work they do and what your involvement is there.

Yeah. Cool. Um, so top blokes, it started off in Wollongong 19 years ago, I believe. They believe that the young males were underrepresented. And so our boss, Mel, she saw top blokes just in the Wollongong area and it spread. And what they primarily are, it's a young men's mental health mentoring service. So we go to we work with boys aged between ten and young men 24 and everything in between, and we go to schools. So if we're doing a 10 to 13 age group, it goes for two terms, 20 weeks. And the older boys, they go for ten weeks and we go through different programs mental health, healthy relationships, anger management, peer pressure, risk taking, the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol, and redefining masculinities what it means to be a man. So there's numerous topics we go through. So each week's a new topic that we deal with the boys, and we only do one hour a day with them.

I want to go back to almost 20 years ago. I'd have been there when you got into sort of studying in that sort of, um, you know, youth work and mentoring. What was it in particular that attracted you into that field? Had you always sort of had an interest in it in sort of the back of your mind, or it was more of a kind of a forced thing because of the vision loss and things like that. What was the sort of the situation there?

Well, as I said, I always wanted to be a catalyst. And once I lost my sight, I was really at a stop sign and didn't know what to do. I didn't know what I was capable because I had no schooling. I didn't complete any schooling, so it's when I'd done the voluntary mentoring through the Samaritans. I thought, this is really good work and I just enjoyed being that person someone could look up to and, um, give what little teachings here and there. And I just found it to be a really rewarding job. Yeah, I knew those mentors around when I was younger, but I didn't know of any programs. And once I started hearing all the programs, I'm like, yeah, this is cool.

And what sort of challenges did you face when you did experience vision loss, and what were the things that helped you overcome that?

At the start, I was pretty down because, as I said, I didn't know what to do or where to go. Then Vision Australia and Guide Dogs got on board. And um, so I started doing just normal life skills and general mobility, but because I didn't know what I wanted to do, I didn't have any ambitions on travelling because I, you know, as I said, my guide dogs were really in the vision of Australia, really encouraging get out there. And so the biggest hurdle was just getting from A to B to the mentoring programs and to the TAFE campuses. And yeah, so that was a big support through Vision Australia and Guide Dogs doing all that. And then once I become more confident in getting around on my own. Yeah, I just took it all on.

And Ian, I'm keen to hear about your journey as a job seeker, especially following your experience of vision loss. What were the sort of experiences you had there?

Well, at the start I was doing some voluntary work through Samaritans, but then I got on to a couple of job network agencies for people with disabilities. One was okay, I was getting some jobs that sounded interesting, but I was just a requirements which will hold me back. But then I got onto another job network called Castle Personnel, which is another disability job network. And they were really supportive and they met all my needs and found me the appropriate jobs that I could do with the requirements. So if you are struggling, if you went into a job network and just said, look, I've got a disability, can you put me in the right direction? I'm sure they'll be able to point you in the right direction. So there is many a jobs out there for people with disabilities. And just if you're fit for the job, I guess.

Well, absolutely. And it's all about seeing beyond the disability. And the important message is, you know, a lot of people are super adaptable. In fact, we probably have to be more adaptable than ever because of all the different little bits and pieces that we deal with. So I think they've got a lot of fantastic skills that we can offer various organisations. But I know you mentioned in there there's unfortunately a few misconceptions or a few things out there where, you know, you go into somewhere and we don't have to name names here or anything like that. But, you know, you go in and they say, oh, you have to have a driver's license. And you say, well, no, I'm legally blind. I can't, you know, drive a car. And or they say, oh no, we're going to give you a job in a factory with all this fast moving machinery. And you can't think. Well, no, that's not going to work at all. That's quite dangerous. I don't want to be in that sort of situation. So it's also experiencing that. But also great to hear that you have found somewhere that is much more supportive and does understand your sort of needs. But what was that like to experience those other things? And a lot of people out there, um, unfortunately, are probably nodding their heads because they can totally relate and thinking, oh, yeah, you know, that's that's, you know, story of my life.

Yeah. I guess some, some agencies, you're just a number for them. But there's other agencies which do look at what you're capable of and they'll lift you up and go, you can do this. And like just being really encouraging and they can see your capabilities I guess. Whereas before with the job network now, I didn't know what I was capable of until they seen the potential in me. So I guess if you can know your potential and know what you're capable of, you can do anything, I guess.

Yeah, well, it'd be quite a challenge living in, um, a rural New South Wales with not so much public transport. And if you're, you know, not able to drive, that does put a fair bit of a spanner in the works. So yeah, that's definitely, I think, something a lot of people can relate to if they do live outside of the major cities, what sort of ways did you negotiate that to sort of improve your independence and your mobility?

Because I am in a rural town, we do have a train station, but we're limited to trains. So I was catching the train. I was getting a lift into TAFE and into work by support workers and played out. I was able to catch a train home, so I'd catch a train home with my guide dog and just walk from the train station home. Mainly I just rely on support workers to drive me here and there. As I said, because the transport where I'm at is really limited. But I'm getting from a rural town, I'm getting into the the city, townships and surrounding areas just for support workers.

Are you all right? Okay. Fair enough. And have you lived in the Hunter Valley for the majority of your life, or. You've moved around a bit?

No. I've always stayed in the Hunter region.

And that really sort of gives you that really great local knowledge where you can help those young people from the local communities. You really sort of understand what they're going through and the sort of issues they're facing. So I think that's also a fantastic aspect to all of that work that you are doing. Let's go into a little bit of detail about your involvement with Vision Australia. I know you've spoken about this already a little bit, but what sort of ways were they able to help you to negotiate your experiences of vision loss?

Yeah, well, no, they were really good. Um, at this, when I started using Vision Australia, I started they taught me how to use a computer with the jaws screen reader. So when I could see I wasn't a good computer user anyway. But they improved my computer skills, so I was able to use a computer, which helped me down the road when I was back at TAFE studying and also learn how to read Braille. And yeah, so I think the biggest thing I've got out of Vision Australia was the support on life skills, using a computer and getting from A to B, so that was really helpful.

And what sort of message would you have for people out there experiencing vision loss and not really sure where to go or what to do? And because it is no doubt a very stressful and despondent time.

So if there are anything like that I was when I could see because honestly, I just thought blind people had canes and dogs and braille. I didn't know what was out there for the blind. But there is absolutely so much out there for blind people to help them live independently and get out and about on their own, and they just if you've got barriers up, Vision Australia will just come in and pull those barriers down. So just go. The world's open for you. So there's so much help support out there, whether it's mobility or just in-home assistance, that you can learn to manage living on your own.

And and if people would like to find out a little bit more about top blokes, what's the best way for them to do that?

Jump on their website. It's just Top Blokes Foundation. If you look it up on Google, Facebook, there's all the links and the support work that we do for the young men, and there's some positive feedbacks that we've got from parents and even from the boys that have gone through the program. And our main goal is to minimize young men's suicide and help them with their mental health. And we'll fill their tool belt up with all the good men and a top bloke. So yeah, just jump on. Top Blokes Foundation and suss us out. We're a good organisation.

I've been speaking today with Ian Clements from the Top Blokes Foundation about his journey through vision loss to find a new career in youth mentoring and youth work. And thank you so much for your time today. It was great to catch up with you and hear all about your story.

I appreciate your time. Thanks, Sam.

I'm Sam Culley and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio. Associated stations of Reading Radio and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that conversation there with Ian Clements. If you missed any part of that chat with Ian or you'd love to hear it again. Talking vision is available on the Vision Australia Radio website. Simply head to RVA That's RVA to find all past episodes, or you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia library. And now we've got some news about the upcoming International Day of People with disability coming up on the 3rd of December. That's right. International Day of People with disability, or IDP is just under a week away. And that means the Australian Disability Network are wrapping up their. It's Not hard to be inclusive campaign with week six entitled Inclusive Attitudes in their video which accompanies the campaign. One of the participants, Maddie, was asked to give one word that employers most needed to improve to make their workplaces inclusive. Her answer was attitudes. We need employers to think openly and flexibly, she said. These words from Maddie in their short film highlight perhaps the most fundamental barrier to workplace inclusion our mindset. And when employers do think differently, the results speak for themselves. As another participant, Sam says, organisations that hire people with disabilities are four times more likely to outperform their peers in shareholder returns. That's not just good for business. It's transformative for the 5.5 million Australians with disability who are talented, agile and resilient, just like Ian, who we heard earlier in the program. That is one of the main themes of week six of their Choose Inclusion campaign for 2024 with International Day of People with disability. As we said, just a week away, they're focusing on the power of inclusive attitudes to create lasting change. In this final week, they want to highlight a fundamental barrier to authentic inclusion, unconscious bias and entrenched attitudes. And by challenging these biases, valuing diverse experiences and fostering a culture of respect, they can remove barriers that may hinder the full participation of people with disability. This week, the Australian Disability Network is publishing ten tips for inclusive Attitudes, which offer a foundation for any truly accessible and equitable workplace and beyond the workplace, they ripple out into the wider community, deconstructing barriers and influencing cultural change. And if you'd like to read or download the ten tips for Inclusive Attitudes, or just find out a bit more about the It's Not Hard to be inclusive Campaign in the final week in the lead up to International Day of People with disabilities. You can, of course, head to the Australian Disability Network website at Australian Disability dot you. That's Australian disability network all one dot you. And for people in the north western suburbs of Melbourne, the Moonee Valley City Council is running an ad p.w.d. conversation community Attitudes in Moonee Valley. Join them for a movie screening and panel conversation as they celebrate people of all abilities at this special DPW day event. It's held on the 1st of December, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. am Australian Eastern Daylight Time at the Village Cinemas Airport West at eight Lower Street Airport West 342. The event will feature movie screenings from the Focus on Ability Short Film Festival, including a panel conversation, as well as an update on the Moonee Valley City Council's Disability Action Plan 20 2425, as well as a Q&A and activities for all ages, including art activities, face glitter, hand massages and a photo booth. It's free, but an RSVP is required. Please advise your access requirements at the time of booking, or contact their Access and Inclusion Officer on Disability at mvcc dot vicovaro. That's disability at em. They say, say vasilyovo you. Or you can give them a call on 924388. That's 9243. Double eight, double eight. The access features include dimmed lighting, reduced volume during film screening, headsets for audio description, closed captions, Auslan wheelchair seating, accessible parking, accessible toilets, and a social story to come. Please indicate if you'll be seated with a friend or family or support person or carer, and you are more than welcome to bring your own ear defenders or headphones if required. They'll do their best to arrange your preferred seating, and you can select your preference when ordering your ticket. To get there, you can take the For double seven, four, seven, 8 or 902 bus to Lewis Street, or you can take the 59 tram to stop 59. And if you'd like to ride your bike, there are bike racks available and you can plan your journey using the PTV Journey Planner. And if you'd like to book to head along to the event in Moonee Valley, simply head to the Eventbrite website at Dot you that's dot a u and search for community attitudes in Moonee Valley or an IDP WD conversation. And now here's Frances Kelland with a reader recommended.

The next book is another non-fiction book. It's called Whatever Happened to Brenda Hean, and it's by Scott Millwood. Brenda Hean, a dentist's wife, was a part of the Hobart establishment. She made a very unlikely environmental activist. But Lake Pedder was one of those special places. She and a collection of like minded people took it upon themselves to save the Mountain Wilderness Lake from inundation to form a dam for the Hydro-Electric Commission, and in the process founded the first green political party in the world in September 1972. Brenda Hean left Hobart in a Tiger Moth aircraft being piloted by Max price. They were flying to Canberra to write Save Lake Pedder across the sky above Parliament House, and to meet with government officials in an attempt to gain federal political support for their campaign. The plane was cited several times as it made its way across the island, but never reached its destination. Neither the plane nor its passengers were ever seen again. 35 years of conspiracy theories have surrounded the intriguing story. But in 2003, a secret source gave celebrated documentary filmmaker Scott Millwood a package with the advice in quotes use this for good. In it were the police files detailing the investigation of the case. Scott Millwood has made a documentary based on his attempts to uncover the truth while eyewitnesses are still alive. This is the book of that film. Let's hear a sample of Whatever Happened to Brenda Hean by Scott Millwood. It's narrated by the wonderful Humphrey Bower.

A man has painted the same scene for 50 years, over and over, in endless variation. In it, a foreground of white sand and button grass creep beyond the dunes, and long tracts of tannin stained water are a sweep of watercolor that become a lake stretching to fill the paper until the purple mountains demand an end. Again and again, the artist Max Angus paints the same lost place. Again and again in his brushstrokes. The waters have not banked up behind a dam. Again and again the lake's highland beach has not been drowned. Again and again he is on this stretch of mountain sand with his homemade watercolour board set in his lap, its windbreaks sheltering the page and pools of liquid colour. And he in his army slouch hat, side by side with his friends. The painters looks up across the beach to the Frankland Range and Mount Solitary and the Sentinels and other mystic rocks beyond, and knows that he is in a place called home after so many stories of people who have lost their memories. Here is a story about losing forgetting. I imagine a film that begins with these words. As I sit in the drawing room of the home of Max Angus in Hobart, pulling him away from his paints and his paper so that he might set me off on my search for the Tasmania of the past. The room looks over the river that forms the looping cartographic harbour, its mouth opening to the south, shining blue, sparkling and flashing its seemingly benign smile at the mountain that rises up from its foreshore. Orientating the people of the city. I draw up two armchairs and a teak coffee table to hold the tray that will soon arrive. The interior of this room at the top of the house has not changed in three decades.

That was whatever happened to Brenda Hean by Scott Millwood Scott is spelt s c o double t c o double T Millwood is spelt m I. Double LW00DMI double LW00D. And that book goes for nearly ten hours.

And that's all the time we have for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking vision is a Vision Australia radio production. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together every week. And remember, we love hearing from you. So please get in touch any time on our email at Talking Vision. At Vision That's talking vision all one word at Vision But until next week it's Sam Collins saying bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 1300 847 406. That's 1300 847 406 or by visiting Vision That's Vision

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