Hear from Jason Gipps as he catches up with guest curator of Geelong Design Week, Dr Tonya Meyrick, to chat about how they are making design accessible for members of the public who are blind or have low vision.
Later in the show it's award season as we recap the 2024 Vision Australia awards with Vision Australia acting CEO Justine Heath, who presented the awards at the recent Vision Australia Annual General Meeting on 31 October, and finally this week Marie is back with Penny Holmes-Brown from APM, winner of the Employer of Choice Award at the Blind Australian of the Year Awards.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host Sam Colley.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
By coming back and probing event hosts and probing partners with questions around accessibility for a range of users, it's really up to the grade, and that's what we need to be doing for the future and ensuring that all of our audiences can experience what is a fantastic segment of society and really trying to enrich people's day to day lives through a range of supports, really.
Welcome to the program. In just a few days, Geelong Design Week will be kicking off in various locations around the city. And to find out more. Jason Gibbs recently caught up with guest curator Doctor Tonya merrick, and you'll hear that interview very shortly. So make sure to stick around. And then after you hear from Jason and Tonya, we're here from Acting Vision Australia CEO Justine Heath, who handed out the Vision Australia Awards for 2024 at the recent Vision Australia Annual General Meeting. So in case you missed it, we'll be playing that in full later on in the program. And finally, this week, Murray is back for one last time with Penny Holmes Brown from APM, the winner of the Employer of Choice award in 2024 at the recent Blind Australian of the Year Awards. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. And now here's Jason Gibbs with Doctor Tonya merrick.
Good design is important to every Australian in particular to those in the blind and low vision community. Something being designed well can often be the difference of something being accessible or inaccessible. Thankfully, there's a great event on the horizon in Geelong that shines the spotlight on good design. To tell us more about Geelong Design Week 2024, we're joined by Doctor Tonya merrick, guest curator of the festival. Well, let's look at this year's Geelong Design Week. Over 70 exhibitions, workshops, talks and tours. There seems to be something for everyone. Which events are you most excited about from November 20th 1 to 30? Oh, that is so hard.
It's like trying to choose children, right? Okay. Um, we're showcasing two films from, uh, and it will be the first screening in Oceania, and that's very exciting. We're bringing those free to the public. La materialists is a film bridging sci fi and documentary around the circular economy. It's a short, under ten minute film that's been produced by Architects Without Borders in Quebec, and it showcases how we can work with the circular economy through building materials. And that's showcased at the Geelong Arts Centre. And we have another film there, Permission to Muck About, which has been brought in collaboration with Dark Labs and the University of Lancaster, which evidences the history of design and design research through industrial processes. And so by bringing that film work to the public through free screenings, we're hoping to educate all levels of audiences, because what is design and who is it for is always a question that's common on the lips of the citizens in this town and audiences. And so with this year's programme, what I've really tried to bring forward is a raft of opportunities that are free to the public and fill in some of the gaps that have been, I suppose, offered through previous iterations of the festival. And so those films are really exciting. But we've also got ten years of Dow Jones at the National War Museum. Dow Jones is a fantastic design company and showcasing their talents. You know, local, live and homegrown, but also that that resonate internationally and a world class designers operating at, you know, at an international level, showcasing them to audiences here is a really important part of Design Week. And so that's at the National War Museum. They're also engaging with the design dialogue, which is a question and answer interactive session at the National War Museum, which is going to be a really exciting opportunity for people to hear about the process. I think a lot of times with design and with art and any creativity, it's often the end product. But being able to peer inside the processes of designers, the messy stuff, you know, the exciting, messy. How did you get to that point is just as important as seeing what that end product is. And and sometimes it's more telling and it tells a richer story when you can peer inside those processes. So a big part of that is also presenting work in the middle of a show. So we've got a show called The Circle of Thread. It's a pop up show, and we are. What the hosts are doing in this particular work is presenting a waste mountain of clothing, of fabric and textiles, and we're inviting the public in to meet with the designers and the artists in this space, and to work with them to potentially recreate something from the pile into a new item, to upcycle it, to create something different out of it. And so accessing designers in this space to create new objects through design processes is a really exciting opportunity there. And that's all free. That is such a unique event, isn't it? Isn't it? It's a really unique event. And last year we were very fortunate to be able to showcase the Del Eco Reef, which is in down in Clifton Springs, which is an eco reef assisting to revitalise the underwater areas of Clifton Springs. And this year, I mean, last year we were the only, you know, we have been the only festival in the world to have a snorkeling tour, which I'm very proud of. But this year we're actually pulling showcasing those out of the water, and so they'll be showcased. So people who weren't able to go on the on the snorkeling tour last year, or who are really curious about what's happening with the Del Eco Reef, which is an international award winner for what it's achieving. With the environmental considerations, people will be able to touch it, to look at it and engage with some of the products that are being built and put under water to revitalize our planet. So that's a really exciting project, but it's really hard to choose favorites here because there are so many exciting components happening through our program and designing with water. I'd like to make note of is a really important part of this year's program, where the traditional owners and first peoples are placed front and center to be able to share their stories of place, and to share their ideas of the best way to collaborate and work with traditional owners. And there are different tours and events happening with traditional owners through the program, and highlighting and bringing to the fore those concerns and considerations of indigenous design principles is absolutely crucial for any design festival and particularly, I think, in Australia at this time.
Well, budgets are a little bit tight around this time of the year. It sounds like there's quite a few free events on for those that want to get along to Geelong or stick around in Geelong for, you know, an affordable weekend. I'd also like to ask a little bit about accessibility, obviously vital to our audience being blind and low vision community, many of whom will need additional support in planning attendance to events like this. So what kind of assistance or accessibility measures are in place at this year's event?
Absolutely. Look, it's, um, it's twofold really. One of the key considerations for programming and developing a matrix of assessment matrices of assessments for event hosts, um, was a criteria for accessibility. So from the very get go, any of the hosts or organisations or individuals who wanted to be part of Geelong Design Week needed to articulate how their event met, um, Accessibility considerations. And so that was something that was really important to me as guest curator this year. But it's also very important to the stakeholders being Unesco and to the Geelong City Council. So from right from the get go, we had embedded quite deeply consideration of accessibility. And so what you'll find is looking through the program a lot of really 80% of it, if not a little bit more is free, which is really important. There are accessibility considerations with wheelchair and low sight and vision, and depending on the location, some will have better considerations for low vision and the blind, particularly at, say, the National War Museum, the Geelong Art Gallery, the Geelong Gallery, sorry and the Geelong Art Centre and Deakin University and some of and WorkSafe. So and the events happening at the Geelong City Council. All of those are I think 90% of them are free, but be they have in-built considerations in their building for low and vision impaired, but also for accessibility guidelines to achieve easy mobility through these spaces. And also what we're hoping and what we anticipate is that the majority of the events there are accessible through workshops. We've got a range of tactile and hands on opportunities for people. So I think being able to play with different fabrics and talk to people in a sort of a 1 to 1 dialogue around what people are seeing and what people are experiencing in different spaces is an exciting opportunity that may not have been on the radar previously. Wonderful.
We we do like a tactile tour division in Australia.
Absolutely. I think it's so important, isn't it? And often as we sort of go back to thinking about the end results of design, often the results are made for high vision. And that's not necessarily considering the accessibility parameters of our community. So having hands on workshops, we've got come and build a Fatberg, which is a really fun part of the program with Barwon Water. We've got the Waste Mountain. We've also got an Archives Remixed program, which is a free workshop at the project space at Deakin University, where individuals can come and sit at a table and work with different materials. Sticking together, creating 3D sculptures, and really thinking about different ways to engage with creative practice. And all of those are not based on being, you know, fully sighted from the get go. It had to be a prime consideration for accessibility across a range of areas, and we expect that looking through the program or being able to understand what events are available for those with low vision, that there is quite a rich array of opportunities for all people.
Really interesting, because when we started this conversation, I've obviously thought about the attendee and the perspective of the attendee and what they're going to take away from Geelong Design Week. But from an accessibility perspective, then all of these things that are being implemented to make the festival accessible is probably going to have designers also being involved in the festival, going away and thinking about how they can be more accessible in their design practices.
I don't think that's such an important part of it, isn't it? And I'm looking through the original sort of expressions of interest. It's clear that, you know, a number of people are really interested to show at the event, but we're not thinking about the end user or thinking about the audience who may not be, you know, the the typical, you know, crash test dummy, so to say. Um, and so by coming back and probing event hosts and probing partners with questions around accessibility for a range of users, it's really up to the grade. And that's what we need to be doing for the future and ensuring that all of our audiences can experience what is a fantastic segment of society and really trying to enrich people's day to day lives through a range of supports. Really, it.
All sounds amazing. Finally, where can our listeners find more information about this year's Geelong Design Week?
Yeah, absolutely. Jason, look, the website is live now. And so if people jump on to Geelong Design Week. Com.au the program is there. They can filter by events and have a look at the raft of opportunities across the sort of four pillars that we're working with. So that's Geelong Design Week.com. So also just to just to reiterate that your budgets are tight. However, I'm over 80% of the events are free, but they do require booking into. And the site that we have at Geelong Design Week is fully accessible and can be read out via the browser, whether using Firefox, Chrome or Safari. And so by using that voice to text feature that hopefully some hidden gems will be unveiled for your listeners.
Tanya, thanks so much for your time today and for giving us a little insight into Geelong Design Week. Oh my.
Pleasure. And look, thanks for having us on the program and can't wait to hear the stories and hear about the engagement from the program.
That was Doctor Tanya maric, guest Curator of Geelong Design Week 2024. Grab your tickets to the in-person or online events at Geelong Design Week. Com.au.
I'm Sam Corley and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia radio. Associated stations of reading radio and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that conversation there with Jason Gibbs and Doctor Tanya merrick. Today. We heard a decent part of that conversation with Jason and Tanya, but if you'd love to hear the full thing, it's available as an interview highlight on our podcast feed, so go check it out if you're interested. But as always, if you'd love to hear Talking Vision again, you can find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia library, as well as our website at RVA radio.org. That's RVA radio all one word.org. And now here's Vision Australia acting CEO Justine Heath to present the Vision Australia Awards for A tiny.
For each year, we acknowledge individuals who've made a significant contribution to Vision Australia and to the wider blind and low vision community through the Vision Australia Awards. This year we have four individual recipients. Now, not all of those recipients are able to be with us today. I'm going to start with those who aren't able to be here. And the first is Mr. John Foreman. So John has been the musical director of Carols by Candlelight Vision, Australia's most significant fundraising event for over 20 years. In this role, he's helped to raise significant funds for Vision Australia's children's programs and has made a long standing contribution to the blind and low vision community. John isn't able to be with us today, but I'd like to recognize his long contribution to our mission in the usual way. Now another person who isn't able to be here today, but I know would really have liked to have been is Mr. Michael Gordon. Now, Michael has a long and successful career running some of Australia's best known investment companies. He's now an independent company director, serving on boards and investment committees in the financial services industry and not for profit organisations. Michael has been a director of the Vision Australia Foundation since September 2019, and he's been chair of the foundation since April 2020 under Michael Stewardship. Our investments have performed well and our governance and investment strategies have been enhanced. His leadership has been essential to underpinning our financial security. Michael is now leaving the Foundation board. He's unable to be with us today as he has relocated to the United Kingdom to be near a family. So we recognize and thank Michael.
For his contribution.
Okay. So our third individual award is to Associate Professor Melissa Fanshawe. So Associate Professor Melissa Fanshawe is a tireless advocate for our community. Through her role as a parent of a child and then a young a young person, because they do grow up, don't they, Melissa? A young person who has low vision. Melissa is an associate professor in mathematics curriculum and pedagogy at the University of Southern Queensland. She is an experienced educator in the space of adjustments for students who are blind or have low vision in primary and secondary classrooms, and a contributor to Vision Australia projects including Life Ready and Braille Lego. Melissa, we are so grateful for your contribution to our mission and the welfare of our community.
Thank you. I wasn't expecting to say anything, but I'm very honored and very blessed to be able to work with Vision Australia on projects. So thank you everybody who has allowed me to do so.
Our final award is to Professor Sharon Bentley. So it's both customary and entirely appropriate that the board presents a Vision Australia Award to Professor Sharon Bentley, who leaves the Vision Australia board this year. Sharon was first appointed as a director of Vision Australia in May 2015, and we have been privileged to have had Sharon's clinical expertise and deep insight for the past nine years. Sharon is currently the deputy dean of the Faculty of Health at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, and she is also a director of the centre for Vision and Eye. Research. Sharon's support for our mission, contribution to our services. And fundraising and support for the leadership team has been greatly appreciated. Sharon is retiring from the Vision Australia board at this AGM. Sharon has also been appointed as the new Dean of the University of California, Berkeley's Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry and Vision Science, where she will oversee the school's academic programs, research initiatives, and community outreach. Sharon, we're so proud of you and we're so grateful for your leadership. Thank you. So I'll allow you to say a few words, but your your lovely award so much.
Thank you. And yes. Well, I was given the luxury of being asked to prepare something, so I am prepared. Um. Hello everyone, and my acknowledgement to the traditional owners of the lands and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with us today. As I stand here today, I find myself with mixed emotions. It's hard to believe that the time has come for me to say goodbye for many reasons, including the love of a new adventure. I've worked in many organisations, but Vision Australia has been the one constant in my life. Beginning from when I was a student optometrist, my time observing the clinicians in the Kooyong Low Vision Clinic inspired a long term career and personal interest in services for people who are blind and who have low vision. I want to take a few moments to express my gratitude and share some reflections before I embark on my new chapter. First and foremost, I want to thank each and every one of you. Working at Vision Australia has been an incredible journey, and it wouldn't have been the same without the wonderful and remarkably capable people here. You've not only been colleagues, but also friends and supporters and mentors. I'm truly grateful for the camaraderie that that we've all built over the years. I remember my first days here, and particularly when I joined the board, feeling a little nervous and unsure. Everyone welcomed me with open arms and just like they did when I was a student optometrist and then a consulting optometrist here, whether it was through a friendly smile, a shared coffee, and many collaborative projects over the years, you truly made me feel at home. Thank you for your kindness and encouragement. It meant more than you can know. Indeed, I've tried to apply that professional, collaborative approach that I learned from others all those years ago at Kooyong. To everything that I've done since. Yesterday in the board and CRG meeting, we talked about what makes us smile and more importantly, how we make sure that our clients smile. I went home yesterday with a renewed with a big smile on my face, and a renewed commitment to make sure that I make others smile wherever I go, and feeling very certain that the current leaders and the future leaders of Vision Australia will be wanting to do the same. Together, we face challenges, celebrated successes and learned from our experiences. Indeed, the external pressures have made it an extraordinary, challenging time for Vision Australia and many other organisations. As Justine mentioned, however, I believe we've always attracted and know that we will continue to attract people of the highest calibre caliber in future. While Vision Australia has so many people that make clients and others smile, I'd like to take a moment to recognize just a few whose passion and collaboration have been inspiring to me and steadfast, sustained over a period of time. Betty, who was the clinic manager at the Kooyong Low Vision Clinic when I started out. Gladys, who was a peer worker at the same time. George from reception. Amelia and Graham. Chris Edwards. In fact, I remember Chris as a client. He might not remember me as an optometrist, but I remember Chris as a client. Jan Lovey Kitchen, who recommended me as a board director. Kate for organising all the trips to board meetings and the much needed caffeine. Of course, Ron and Justine Simmons, with whom I worked with on the People and Culture Committee. My assigned buddy when I joined the board. Aboard Caroline. Board chairs. Kevin, Andrew, and of course, Bill. And indeed, every single one of my fellow board directors. It's been an enormous honor to work with them. As I said, these are just a few shining people to whom I owe a great deal of thanks. There are many, many others. As I leave, I want to encourage you all to continue pushing boundaries and striving for excellence for the people that we're here to support and make smile. The work we do here makes a real difference, and I have no doubt that you will achieve great things. Please continue to work through the challenges in your usual team spirited, person centered way. Remember to support each other and celebrate every success, no matter how small. In closing, I want to say thank you from the depths of my heart. I will always treasure this reward which is filled with so many amazing memories. I wish you all the very best, both professionally and personally. A huge thanks.
To you both.
And finally, this week, Marie is back with Penny Holmes Brown from APM employment, the winner of the 2024 Blind Australian of the Year Award for Employer of Choice.
It was wonderful being nominated because it was by one of the team that I work with, and they were a finalist. They were a winner two years ago as a blind Australian of the year, and that added so much credibility to their nomination because they value working for APM so much. And, um, the fact that they were given the opportunity to work for us and work with us really and have been doing incredible work. So it was the reverse that we value and respect Callum so much and that he values him as respects us so much that he nominated us as an employer of choice.
And now you want.
Amazing, amazing. I didn't expect it. I just was blown away. The, um, Aspen Medical and Blind Sports Victoria were so worthy, worthy finalists as well. Um, but I'm so proud of the work that we do. And we see people's capabilities, not their disability. And so as a result, I think, um, we have been able to, I guess, validate some of the the great work that we do as APM communities, part of the APM Open Group enabling better lives.
And how important is this event? The Blind Australian of the year for the blind. Community.
Massive. Massive. Um, I just think, you know, I've already had somebody approach me and say, well, when can I start? Um, which, uh heartens me because people realize that that they have their abilities. And the person that said that to me started to list their capabilities. And I think, um, and the world of algorithms and, you know, the restrictions that's put on the recruitment of people with disability, employment is so key and so valuable. And I guess making sure people can live independently, um, have their own income. Make sure that they have a social social life. Social inclusion. Huge, huge, huge benefits to this. So yeah I'm thrilled.
Would you have any message for employers who are listening to us?
Please just see past the disability and recognize you have a job to fill. But more importantly, that people with disability are far more capable than you see their disability. Um, they have so much more to bring. And, um, through some minor adjustments, they will continue to contribute and be a so much more valued employee that you can ever imagine.
And that's all the time we have for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking vision is a Vision Australia radio production. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together every week. And remember, we love hearing from you. So please get in touch any time on our email at Talking Vision. At Vision australia.org. That's talking vision all one word at Vision australia.org. But until next week it's Sam Collins saying bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us any time during business hours on 1300 847 406. That's one (300) 847-4106 or by visiting Vision australia.org. That's Vision australia.org.