Talking Vision 751 Week Beginning 21st of October 2024

Published Oct 23, 2024, 2:49 AM

Sam is joined by Samara Cunningham, artistic director of South Gippsland-based theatre company (It's no) drama who are hosting a production in November.

Very shortly they will also be running a training session to help locals make the performing arts more accessible for performers and staff in the region who are blind or have low vision.

Then later in the show Sam catches up with Harzita Hashim from the Children and Young People team at Vision Australia, as well as a very special guest from the North Pole, in the lead up to the Santa Fun Run taking place over two weeks in late November to raise vital funds for children who are blind or have low vision.

Finally to wrap up, we finish with some news and information and Frances joins the show with a Reader Recommended.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

The Santa Fun Run is coming up November 23rd, in Melbourne and debuting this year in Sydney on November 30th. It's going to be a great time where people can come and maybe walk, maybe jog, maybe run, even roll if they want to. A wonderful time to get into the Christmas spirit for a fantastic cause.

Well, the secret's out. Welcome to Talking Vision. We've got a very special guest coming to you all the way from the North Pole. Later in the program, he's joined by Hasitha Hashim shame from the Children and Young People team at Vision Australia to talk to us all about the upcoming Santa's Fun Run, taking place in late November. But before you hear from them, I caught up with It's No Drama based in Leongatha, talking to me about their upcoming theatre production and a series of training programs. The company are running to make theatre more accessible for performers who are blind or have low vision. But that's not all. We wrap up with some news and information, and Francis joins the show for a reader recommended. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. Samara Cunningham is the artistic director of It's No Drama, a South Gippsland based theatre company with a focus on accessibility and inclusion for performers of all abilities. She's here to chat to me all about melt, an upcoming production that it's no drama will be holding in November, as well as some training programs that will be run through the company over the coming weeks. Samara, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks very much for joining us today.

Thanks so much for having me.

Now today, Samara, we're here to talk about it's no drama. So could you tell us a little bit about it's no drama.

Yeah, sure. It's no drama is an arts company based in South Gippsland, in regional Victoria, and we work across multiple creative disciplines. We predominantly perform in stage productions, but we also work in Puppetry, visual arts, and we also work in dance and circus. So basically we try and tailor our creative programme to suit the needs of the participants who we work with.

How long has its no drama been running for now?

It's No drama started back in 2015 when our founding member, Emily Ardley, was advocating to local government for a performing arts programme for adults with disabilities. So em herself had been travelling to Melbourne to participate in performing arts programs with Ignition Theatre, with Movement Theatre, Raucous Theatre Company and other such performing arts organisations. But she really wanted something in her own regional town and felt that that should be accessible. And so she really advocated strongly to local government, who had an access and inclusion officer at the time by the name of Alicia Gilliland, who really helped M champion a program which M called It's No Drama, and they were lucky to get some funding support from Regional Arts Victoria to get a little eight week project off the ground that had a public performance outcome, and we could sort of really tell back then that we had something special. And after that eight week period, we applied for more funding grants, and the local government were really supportive, and they were sort of auspices and governing the project. And then just after the pandemic, we sort of separated from local government and set up as an independent arts company so that we could sort of build a profile for ourselves as an independent entity. And that's been really amazing, because it's meant that we can just take our program in all sorts of different directions. But it's largely thanks to Emily and her creative vision for the company.

So you've become this permanent fixture and it's really gone from strength to strength. And that's really wonderful to hear that that's become a reality. So are you based in anywhere particularly, or do you sort of move a bit around South Gippsland? You sort of go around, I guess, you know, Leongatha and Drouin and Warragul and those sort of areas, or do you sort of stay put in one place?

That is a really good question. So we try to think of ourselves as being without borders. So we do like to cross into other areas. Our regular Friday program is based in the Leongatha Memorial Hall, but we're also working on a community outreach project called dance of the leaves in the Fish Creek Memorial Hall. And we've also travelled up to Melbourne to collaborate with Back to Back Theatre on one of their rising festival programs. And recently, Emily and I were in Colac for a Making Change conference. So we try and get out and about as much as we can whilst we're trying to sort of build our profile, but yeah, we focus mostly on Gippsland, but we're happy to sort of explore going out into other regions as well.

And you've got a pretty exciting project coming up in November. It's entitled melt. So tell us about melt. That's pretty cool.

Yeah, melt is actually a stage production that's based on a mysterious local story and book by Richard. She is called The Lady of the swamp, and we wanted to take this story because we thought it might connect with locals. It's about basically, um, a woman, Margaret Clement, who had great wealth and a very privileged high society lifestyle. And then she actually purchased a mansion in Tarwin nearby to Fish Creek. And slowly, over time, people tricked her out of her wealth. And slowly over time, she lost everything. So it's sort of this riches to rags story. And so at it's no drama within the creative process. We decided to explore, you know, what happens when you have everything, and then all of a sudden you have nothing. And it sort of has raised ideas around the precariousness of life. And so that's sort of been our starting point. And we're telling it a little bit like a ghost story, because the mystery of Margaret Clement was never solved. They don't know what happened to her. She disappeared in 1952 without a trace. So we want to sort of honor her story, but also give it a dramatic flavor to it, I suppose. So we've been working in shadow dancing and some shadow puppetry, and this time around, our performers really wanted to go working with scripts, which often we will just use physical theatre to tell the story. So very movement based and minimal dialogue. But this time the performers really wanted to start having a go at text. So I've used a bit of text and we've also collaborated with some local professional artists in sound design, film projection. We have a wonderful costume designer, Mayumi McPhee, who's sketched some really stunning costumes for our cast. And we've actually also been able to get Richard Valbray to do our lighting design. And he does a lot of work in Melbourne, so he has a bit of a Gippsland connection, and he's decided to come and plan our lighting design for us, which is really exciting.

It's very exciting. Yeah. And Samara, in regards to when and where melt is going on, could you give us those details?

Yeah, sure. We've got two shows of melt and they will be at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday the 29th of November, and both performances are at the Leongatha Memorial Hall.

I'd love to go into the accessibility and inclusion side of it's no drama, just flesh that out a little bit. And from that origin that you were talking about, where you had that access and Inclusion Foundation. Could you tell us a bit more about how it's no. Drama has continued to be an accessible and inclusive theatre company for people around Gippsland.

Yeah, so we're really interested in advocating for people from diverse lived experiences to be able to be involved in professionally supported arts projects. So anybody can be involved in our programs. We don't expect anybody to fit into any particular mould. And we're really our creative programs are really driven by the people who come along. So that's one thing. And then the second thing is that we're always trying to be as accessible as possible in all of our projects. So for melt, this will be the first time that we're having tactile tours for a stage production and audio description for a stage performance, so we're really lucky to be able to get support from Regional Arts Victoria for this melt project, and that is supporting us to be able to make sure that we've got those elements in place so that we can cater to audiences who are blind or have low vision. And yeah, it's exciting that that's the beginning of something that we can continue doing, and we've been able to work with Vita Veritas to be able to do the audio description and the tactile tours for all of the performances.

I'll get some details about the audio description and the tactile tours at the end. But in the meantime, Samara, what I might do is just ask you a bit about the training programs that you've got set up that are coming up in the next few weeks. Tell us a bit about them.

Yeah, well, we want to be able to offer new learning and professional development opportunities, not just for our small team, but also for anybody else in the Gippsland area who might be running venues for events or galleries or independent artists, people who might be, you know, working in performance, managing festivals and so on, that they might be able to invest some time in doing some training to improve the accessibility of their particular events. And so we've got an introduction to blind and low vision accessibility in the arts online training set up, which is going to be held on Thursday the 31st of October. And that training programme is going to be co-facilitated by Francois Jacobs and Nilgun Guven from Vita Veritas.

And to find out a little bit more about those tactile tours and audio description organised through Vita Veritas, you can head to the Vita Veritas website at Vita Veritas. that's Vita e v e r I t a dot a u. And um, just to wrap up. Samara, I'd love to get some details about how people can perhaps get in touch with its snow drama. Or perhaps there's a couple of places they can head to to find out more.

If people are interested in finding out about coming along to the show, they are welcome to email me at Samara at it'sno or to phone me on 04394743.

Okay. I've been speaking today with Samara Cunningham from It's No Drama, talking to me today about the upcoming productions held through its snow drama, including melt, as well as some training programs coming up very shortly for people out in the Gippsland area. Samara, thank you so much for your time today. Great to catch up with you and chat all about. It's no drama.

Thanks for the opportunity, Sam.

I'm Sam Coley, and you're listening to Talking Vision. On Vision Australia radio, associated stations of Reading Radio and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that conversation there with Samara from It's No Drama, talking to us about the upcoming things in store for people in the South Gippsland region. If you missed any part of that conversation with Samara or you'd love to hear it again, Talking Vision is available on the podcast platform of your choice or through the Vision Australia library. You can also find the show on the Vision Australia Radio website at VA That's VA radio all one in a month's time from now, in the lead up to Christmas, Vision Australia will be holding the Santa's Fun Run over two cities on November the 23rd in Melbourne, followed by the November 30th event taking place in Sydney. To have a chat with us about the Santa's Fun Run to raise vital funds for children and young people who are blind or have low vision. I'm very pleased to be joined by Hasitha Hashim from the Children and Young People team in Melbourne, as well as a very special guest joining us all the way from the North Pole, Santa Rosita. Welcome to Talking Vision. Thank you very much for joining me today. Thank you.

It's good to be here.

Great to have you both. Now, Santa, I'm going to start with you. Tell us a little bit about what you'll be up to at the Santa Fun Run coming up later this year.

Well, I'm glad you mention it. The Santa Fun Run is coming up November 23rd, in Melbourne and debuting this year in Sydney on November 30th. It's going to be a great time where people can come and maybe walk, maybe jog, maybe run, even roll if they want to. A wonderful time to get into the Christmas spirit for a fantastic cause, and it's.

Great to hear all about it. So what is the Santa Fun Run all about?

Well, the Santa Fun Run is a great opportunity raising money for blind or low vision young people so they can have a wonderful Christmas.

After the run. I understand the fun doesn't stop, does it, Santa?

You are right indeed. After the run, there will be an event. We're going to set up a Christmas village where you can unwind and enjoy the festivities of Christmas. There'll be singing, there'll be some sausages to eat. There'll be a good time for all. We have a special guest joining us this year. Do you know musician Bonnie Anderson? Oh, well, she will be there and there'll be an interactive children's activity hub. Some delicious food. I know you love that. Live festive tunes and the adorable Seeing Eye dogs. And I'll be there giving out some wonderful giveaways from our partners, Brooks.

And if people would love to register for this event to head along Santa, what are those dates for people?

Well, for those early birds who want to get in early, if they register by the end of the month, it will be great, but you can register any time up to the day. It will be great time you come and you visit Santa fun run Wargo and you can register there.

Why is taking part in the Santa Fun Run so important center?

It's a great time where you can have fun, get fit, but also raising some money for low vision and blind children in our community to give them a wonderful Christmas.

And this is where you come in, because I understand the Santa Fun Run is also directly supporting Vision Australia's Life Ready program. So how does this sort of thing help our services in that way?

That's right. So the Life Ready program is designed to equip children with who are blind or have low vision, with the foundation skills, the tools and the resources and the confidence they need to thrive. It provides the critical support helping these children navigate everyday challenges and building a strong foundation for their future.

And Santa will go back to you. Just to wrap up, what are some final messages you have for all the kids and all the Christmas lovers out there?

Well, I would say register now get on the internet at Santa Fun Run. and register now either for Melbourne on November the 23rd or for Sydney, November the 30th. Come along, it will be a great time. There's opportunities to donate and if you want to, you could even get a lovely Santa Fun Run t shirt.

Oh, lovely. Okay. And somebody who's wearing that Santa Fun Run t shirt and looks.

Very good, I must.

Say, is Harshita from the Children and Young People program. Understand the funds raised through the Santa Fun Run will, as you've said, make a direct impact by allowing Vision Australia to continue offering these essential services. So why are those services so essential for children and young people around the country who are blind or have low vision?

So raising a child who is blind and has low vision can come with its unique set of challenges. And so here at Vision Australia, we provide a provide holistic support, not only working with the child who has blindness and low vision, but also working with the families, helping them to navigate everything from early intervention, independent skills, social skills orientation and mobility. Technology skills, Braille skills. So there's a whole raft of skills that we we want to try and ensure that the children have those foundation skills to set them up for, for later life, as well as ensuring that they have a emotional well-being.

And at the Santa Fun Run Hachita, as Santa mentioned, there'll be an activity hub. So tell us a bit about that.

Yeah, we'll have some fun for the kids of all ages. So there'll be some Christmas decorations. So a bit of art and craft with some tactile Christmas decorations that you can make, either to take home and put on your Christmas tree at home, or there will also be a tree at the Tan in Melbourne. And also, I believe in Sydney. So you could choose to share your Christmas decoration with the tree on the tree. We'll also have some opportunities for kids and adults to to do a bit of brailling and really have a better understanding of what Braille looks like and feels like. And you might be able to make yourself a Braille bookmark.

And also there will be the Seeing eye dogs there as puppies. They're not they're not fully trained yet, but they will be there. So you can come down and have a pat of a seeing eye dog in training. It'll be a great time.

Everyone loves puppies, so that's a surefire way to get quite a few people interested and heading along. Of course, this event is a fantastic opportunity for families to get together and get into the Christmas spirit, isn't it? Yeah, it sure is.

It's a great opportunity for families to meet other families who have a child with vision impairment, share, share their experiences, and be inspired by the incredible children who are taking part. By joining the Santa's Fun Run, you're helping to support these children and make a lasting difference in their lives.

Making friends for life.

That's right.

Absolutely. Oh well, thank you very much to you both for having a chat with me today and highlighting all the fantastic activities in store for people as they head along to the Santa's Fun Run in Melbourne on November the 23rd, or in Sydney on November the 30th. Thank you very.

Much. Thank you for having us.

And before we go, we've got a very special quick final message from Santa himself.

Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas. Thank you for helping light up the lives of children who are blind or have low vision this Christmas. Merry Christmas!

Over the past few weeks, you've probably heard that Vision Australia Radio 2024 listener survey is underway. There's still a week to go, so if you'd love to have your say and you haven't yet, please feel free to get in touch. We want to hear from you. What do you love about our service? What can we do better? And where are you listening from? your feedback can shape our future. Plus, you'll have a chance to win one of eight Amazon Echo Pop with Alexa smart devices so you can listen to Vision Australia Radio hands free. Terms and conditions apply. Visit VA and click the home page link to take part. That's VA And in other news, we're excited to share that we've won three incredible awards at the recent CB Double-A Community Radio Awards night. We're thrilled to congratulate Peter Greco from our Adelaide team on winning the Outstanding Presenter, News and Current Affairs Award. Peter has been a beloved voice on Vision Australia Radio for over 33 years, generously volunteering his time and sharing his personal experiences as a blind Broadcaster. His passion for community broadcasting has touched countless lives across Australia and his with his work shining a spotlight on issues that truly matter. The second award was for best program talks taken out by the Happy Pants team from our Perth studios. The team's dedication to supporting the learning and developmental needs of children who are blind or have low vision is as inspiring as it is important. We couldn't be more grateful for their contribution. And finally, in Best Program News and Current Affairs, this recognition highlights the importance of ensuring that stories about disability and inclusion reach a wider audience. We're so proud of the Studio One team of Sam Rickard and Lizzie Eastham for their incredible work in bringing their lived experience to the program each week to highlight the wide range of issues that blind and low vision people experience. All three of these award winners speak to the hard work and passion of the entire Vision Australia radio team, showcasing the quality and consistency of our content. It shows our commitment to amplifying voices, representing diverse experiences and ensuring accessibility remains at the forefront of everything we do. A huge thank you to all of our Vision Australia radio teams for their continued excellence, and to the TBWA for such an incredible night of recognition. And now here's Frances Kelland with her radar recommended.

Thank you Sam. This week's reader recommended is Come on Papa by Ryan Knighton. This book describes Knighton's voyage to the first year of fatherhood, made more daunting by his blindness. He wonders how he will get to know his pre-verbal bundle of coos and burps when he can't see her smile or look into her eyes. Tackling these hurdles with grace and humour, Ryan is determined to do his part as a father despite the pitfalls. Let's hear a sample of Come On Papa by Ryan Knighton. It's narrated by Bruce Roney.

Our first home was an eyesore. The kitchen alone was a pastel pink, peach yellow and minty green sampler. The day we took possession, my wife Tracy shaded her eyes and started to paint. I didn't. As with so many situations, I stood around and watched. Sort of. By that point in our lives, I'd been going blind for reasons unrelated to our kitchen's color scheme for more than a decade. My condition is called retinitis pigmentosa. Poorly behaved genes programmed my retinas to painlessly self-destruct. Very, very slowly. Seems like they just bored themselves to death. Sometimes my blindness feels that way. Consider that Tracy had to describe hundreds of paint chips to me before picking one. I loved her for trying to include me and felt blinder for having listened.

And that was Come On Papa by Ryan Knighton. Just one of the many over 40,000 audiobooks that you can borrow from the Vision Australia library. To call the library, the number is 1300 654 656. That's 1300 654 656. Or email them at library at Vision Australia. Org that's library at Vision Australia.

Org and that's all the time we have for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking vision is a Vision Australia radio production. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together every week. And remember, we love hearing from you. So please get in touch any time on our email at Talking Vision. At Vision That's talking vision all one word at Vision But until next week it's Sam Kerley saying bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 1300 847 406. That's 1300 847 406 or by visiting Vision That's Vision

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