World Sight Day is coming up on October 10 and to celebrate this week on Talking Vision Sam catches up with paediatric ophthalmologist Dr Stephen Hing from the Retina and Eye Clinic in Sydney.
Stephen joined Sam to speak about this year's themes for World Sight Day: the importance of eye care in young people and inspiring children everywhere to love their eyes.
Later in the show you'll also hear from Maureen O'Reilly from the Vision Australia library, who's here to tell us about an upcoming event on November 6 covering the latest reading tools and accessible technology, and finally Liz joins the show to give us an update on the latest news from For Your Information (FYI).
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host Sam Colley.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
My message would be to appreciate the vision that we have and the sort of wonder. Our eyeballs are such great things to help us appreciate life and help us to do many things. And if we take care of our eyes and do a few screening tests along the way, then we can maintain good eye health and good vision and have happy lives aided by good vision.
Welcome to the program. This week we're celebrating World Sight Day, taking place on the 10th of October. Now World Sight Day is a global event to draw attention to blindness and low vision. And this year there's a special focus on children's eye health. And I'll be speaking with Stephen, a pediatric ophthalmologist from Sydney, very shortly. So make sure to stick around. Then after you hear from Stephen, I'll catch up with Maureen O'Reilly from the Vision Australia Library to have a chat all about the upcoming events going on in the library, and we finish off with a little bit of an update from Liz Dalakouras, the editor of Foyer Information, otherwise known as FYI. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. Doctor Stephen Hawking is a pediatric Ophthalmologist joining me from the Retina and Eye Clinic in Hurstville, in the south western suburbs of Sydney. Now, the reason I'm talking to Steven today is we're celebrating World Sight Day with a special emphasis on the eye health of children and young people around the world. And it's my great pleasure to be joined by Steven right now. Steven, welcome to Talking Vision. Thank you very much for your time.
Pleasure, sir.
Now, firstly, Steven, could you tell our listeners a little bit more about yourself and also the decades of work you've done in the children's eye health space? Oh, well.
You know, actually, I fell into this job because when I graduated as an eye specialist and I was looking for a job, a job came up at the Children's Hospital in Sydney, which in those days was in the city at Camperdown, and I. And I really loved it. I loved talking to children, dealing with children and helping their parents and interacting with kids. Seeing the difference that treatment could make, you know, like some kids just become a different child when they first start to wear glasses or things like that. So I was I really enjoyed it. I was really enthusiastic about it. And I've been working in this space ever since.
Had you always had the idea that you'd go into children's eye health before that happened? Or as you said, it sort of just came out of the blue?
Yeah. No, I didn't really. It was just sort of a thing. Life is a bit like that. It is.
Yeah. Yeah, certainly.
It happened and I haven't looked back.
And, um, today we're here to have a chat about World Sight Day and in particular, um, this year's theme, casting a spotlight on children's eye health. So let's just go to the core of that, Stephen, tell our listeners Why children's eye health is so important to the health and wellbeing of children and young people around the world.
The thing is that most children have good vision, and it's a part of life that we all take for granted. And very often, if children have declining vision or visual loss, in many cases it's preventable. So I suppose my message would be to appreciate the vision that we have and the sort of wonder. Our eyeballs are such great things that help us appreciate life and help us to do many things. And if we take care of our eyes and do a few screening tests along the way, then we can maintain good eye health and good vision and have happy lives aided by good vision.
Following on from that, one of the themes this year is also or one of the messages more so is inspiring children everywhere to love their eyes. And that ties in with, you know, kids who perhaps have to wear glasses, or they have other corrective measures or their parents discover or, you know, they need to sit closer to the board or they need to do things in certain different ways. And there's unfortunately still a little bit of a stigma there for kids to think, oh, if I have to do this, then, you know, I'll stand out and I'll get, you know, picked on and all that sort of thing. So what sort of message do you have for children and parents out there to kind of dispel those feelings and those stigmas?
Yeah. So a good point. So I suppose children pick up negative vibes from their parents. And if the parent has a good attitude about glasses or about their vision aids or about their treatment, then usually the child will pick up the good, the positive vibe as well. So we really discourage any negative comments about glasses or about possibly needing glasses. We're all different and we're all there's lots of diversity, but we're all cherished and loved, and this should apply to our eyes and our you know, some of us have glasses, some of us don't have glasses. Some of us can see to the bottom line on the vision chart. Some of us can't see. But we all have a contribution to make, and we should all appreciate our vision. And it's sad to see children who are reluctant to wear glasses because of peer pressure. So we really want these schools to be positive. And almost all schools are. Yeah. So I suppose it's you know, in some ways it fits into a bullying program so that, you know, the schools who will deal with any bullying regarding glasses are the same as any other sort of bullying. And, you know, most kids who have glasses and need to wear them all the time, and mostly they make a big difference to their vision and their ability to do things. So it's an important thing that we don't want kids to miss out on because somebody teased them.
Yeah definitely.
Mhm. But it has um improved which is pleasing. But yeah you've mentioned that ability to do things, and that's another thing. Focusing on if kids perhaps are blind or have low vision or have other sort of visual impairments, the focus is on that positive message you're talking about before focusing on what they can do rather than what they can't do. And I think that's, um, a message that is all too common out there. People saying, oh no, you can't do that or no, that's too dangerous for you or, you know, all that sort of thing. And there aren't as many opportunities for kids to jump in and have a go at something new. But I've talked to a lot of people over the years, both young and old, who, as children have been told, have a go. You know, there is a way that we can adapt to make this safer for you and there is a way that you can do this. So that's a really important message as well, isn't it?
Exactly. That's right. You know, I suppose a lot of children are inherently shy. You know, little children are shy and they as they grow as children, they grow out of their shyness. And we want to encourage parents to help them to grow out of their shyness and not wrap them in cotton wool so that, you know, they don't get to experience life and experience the world and the opportunities available. I'm always amazed that the positive attitude that kids have, like kids with all different sorts of impairments, have to make progress and to get on with things. And it's it's always so encouraging to see kids get on with their reading, get on with their schoolwork, get on with making friends in all sorts of situations, you know, including visual impairment. So whenever I have the chance, I always encourage the parents and encourage kids to, you know, get out there and get on with it.
There is also an interest in creating a world where every child has eye health that is accessible, available and affordable. And even in Australia, that can vary quite a bit, you know, with access to facilities. Perhaps people are in rural areas, they have lower incomes, all those sort of factors that come into things. So that's another important thing that we'd love to talk about this year is creating that world. And could you speak to why that's also such an important factor?
Well, actually, Sam, in some ways, you know, Australia, you know, we're a first world country and we do have lots of programs to check or to pick up kids with eye problems. I'm really pleased that in my career lifetime, things have changed. And now all babies have their eyes checked after they're born, and then again at five weeks to look for any serious problems with their eyes and with their vision. So many kids will be picked up when they're newborn babies, as for instance, if they had glaucoma or if they had cataracts. If they had a retinoblastoma, which is a tumour in the eye. These things are usually picked up after birth because of our screening programs, and that goes right across the whole country. But then, as you said, as kids get older, other things like possibly access to having their vision tested before they go to school or access to getting glasses, it does vary a bit around the country. Even in this modern age, some kids who need glasses aren't picked up or it isn't detected until very late, and then they get their glasses late. And you know, everyone's amazed at the difference they make. And we all think, isn't it a shame that they didn't get the glasses earlier? So across Australia, in different states and in different cities, the access to having your vision checked and being checked and getting glasses is it varies. So it would be this is one thing where we were Australia could improve is making vision, sight tests and glasses available to all children who need them. The glasses aren't covered by Medicare. No. Yeah. So it would be good if it could be covered.
Yeah. No, that's definitely true. Yeah. There's, um, there's a few things that. That's how it is with public health. There's quite a few things with glasses and also other things like getting your teeth checked and different bits and pieces. But that's an ongoing thing. We'll keep tabs on that and follow that with great interest for sure. Well, Stephen, thank you so much for chatting with me today. It's been an absolute pleasure to catch up with you. Celebrate World Sight Day and shine a light on the importance of children's eye health around the world. So thank you again for your time. Thanks, Sam. I'm Sam Culley and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio. Associated stations of Reading Radio and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that conversation there with Doctor Stephen King from the Retina and Eye Clinic in Hurstville, catching up with me today to chat about World Sight Day and the importance of eye health for children and young people around the world. If you missed any part of that conversation with Stephen or you'd love to hear it again, talking vision is available on your favorite podcast platform or through the Vision Australia library. You can also find the program on the Vision Australia website at VR That's VR radio all one On the 6th of November, the Vision Australia library will be holding a webinar entitled Discover the Latest Reading Tools and Technology. Essentially a matching bookend to their recent Accessible Writing Tools and Technology webinar, and that also means Damon McMorrow and Jim Piepszak will be making a return to facilitate the event once more, and to have a chat with me all about the event. I'm joined by Vision Australia Library community engagement coordinator Maureen O'Reilly. Maureen, welcome back to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for coming back.
I'm very excited. You don't have me regularly enough. This feels like a special treat to me.
I'm good to hear I haven't scared you off.
No, I don't scare that easily.
No. Well that's good. Um, but, um, we're here to chat today about some new reading tools and technology that's available through the Vision Australia library. So tell us a little bit about those. Give us a bit of an overview.
Well I'm very excited. We are running a webinar that's coming up which is titled Discover the Latest Reading Tools and Technology. And it's a new program or event that we weren't actually planning on initially having, and it's a result of one that we ran earlier in the year. So back on the 1st of August, we ran our Writing Tools and technology webinar, and that was with Damo and Jim Piepszak from Vision Australia. And it was hugely popular. The feedback we got was amazing. We had so many people wanting to know when we'd run the next one and saying wonderful things. More about Jim and Damo than myself, but that's okay. Yeah, I don't get personally offended. So as a result of that feedback, we thought, well, we'll do a book and we've done writing tools and accessible technology. So we've essentially taken the same format and we're doing the reading tools and technology. So it will all be online. It's on the 6th of November at 1:00 for an hour, and it's got Jim and Damo again because they were exceptionally popular. And they're going to present to everyone from their own lived experience and their amazing, accessible technology experience. From a professional perspective, all the different reading tools and technology which are available to people at the moment. So they'll go through Daisy players, desktop readers, magnifiers with speech and wearables. So pretty much, I suppose, compartmentalizing them into those categories, and they'll provide a demonstration of selected devices. They'll focus on the attributes and the accessibility of each option. They'll look at the pros and cons, they'll look at the price point and pretty much saying, these are the different types of tools that are available to help you keep reading, and to make sure that vision loss doesn't actually inhibit fully your capacity to be able to read, whether it's wonderful books, or whether it's a shopping list, or whether it's a dreaded bills that arrive in your letterbox, your favourite recipe, or the instruction manual to try and figure out how to get that TV to work, which I just can't do. Really? Yeah.
No. Totally relate with.
That. I like it when you just switch them on, but yeah.
No heaps of buttons now. So no, that's very important that we have these sort of webinars to help people out there who are either experiencing vision loss or perhaps have had low vision or have been blind from a very young age, and then, uh, finding things just a bit more difficult as technology does advance and things do get just that bit more complicated. So that's great to hear that Jem and Damo are available and putting on this sort of webinar. Now, if people are listening to this and thinking, wow, that's perfect, I'd love to head along or I know someone who'd be perfect to check this out. What's the best way for people to. Number one register. But number two, find out a little bit more.
Well, one of the things that is really good about. Well, it's not just a webinar. This event that we're running, which was quite unique last time is it's what we'd call a hybrid. So people can register online and they literally just need to go to the Vision website. And if you go to events then it will show you the reading tools and technology. And then you just click on there and you can register to come online and watch the zoom webinar. But the other option that people have is that they can actually attend in person. So we have a capacity for people to come if they're in Victoria to Keong, or they can go to Parramatta in New South Wales, or they can go to Cooper in Queensland. And we did this with the Accessible Writing Tools and technology. Webinar where they will come in, they'll be greeted by Vision Australia staff. They can watch the entire webinar on our large screen in the conference room, but at the end of the webinar, then they get escorted to the vision store where they can actually have hands on demonstrations of all the equipment that was discussed in the webinar. They'll have the vision store staff, as well as the accessibility technicians and specialists who will talk to them about their particular needs and requirements, and then guide them as to which of those tools would actually be best suited to them. So it's a really lovely event. If people can get it in person, I'd really encourage them to people that came in in person last time or just had a wonderful experience. But if you can't come in person on the day, then you can watch the webinar and then if you have got the capacity to do this, come into the vision store at a later date and say, okay, these were what I saw discussed. These are what I'd like to look at. Or you can always just order something online, or you may find that you look at it and go, no, this is great. What I've got is actually best suited to me.
Perfect. Now, it sounds like a lot of great options there, and a lot of things for people to look forward to if they can. As you said, head along in person to check it out.
Well, one of the things we found, particularly in the last one that we did, was that there were people who vision had slowly deteriorated over time, so they didn't actually have the tools and the resources that would help them. And they didn't know that those tools and resources were there because it had been that slow deterioration. So to come in and see that you could actually take your vision back to a point where it was so much stronger, was just a revelation for them. But then, conversely, we had people who had been heavily involved in Vision Australia over the years, and they had accessibility tools that they thought were amazing. But even though their eyesight hadn't deteriorated, technology had improved dramatically over the last ten, 15, 20 years, and there were actually better tools and devices for them. So it's a great way for people who think I've got the best thing that can be. But that was ten, 15, 20 years ago to discover that, in fact, there's even better things now, or people that just don't realise what's out there because they've just been struggling and doing the best that they can.
Yeah, no, that's totally that last one. That's totally me. So I can definitely relate with that. Um, but yeah, it's it's great to have that sort of realization of, you know, coming in and being like, oh, I didn't know this existed. This is really cool. And, you know, jumping into that and I guess, um, this is why it's also so important to get the word out that there are all these tools and technologies that are available to people to just make their life that little bit easier.
And that was part of the feedback that we had on our writing tools that people said that, ah, when Jim and Dharma were speaking about all the different tools, it wasn't a sales pitch that they were trying to sell something. It was really explaining to them, this is what its strengths are. This is where it's really good, but this is where it actually lets itself down. And some of them they would talk about and say, look, this is amazing. This is the best tool. However, it's about ten times the cost of this one. And this one is nearly as good. So really you're pretty much getting everything you need in this one. So it was really just a very pragmatic discussion about what's on offer and what are the pros and cons for everything?
Yeah. That's fantastic. It's great to hear that. You know, people do get all the information that is available out there. So I've been speaking today with Maureen O'Reilly, our community engagement expert at the Vision Australia Library.
I don't know, anyone calls me an expert.
Well, I do, so that's what you are. That's what we're calling you. And you've been an absolute treasure to be on the program today. So thank you so much for returning to Talking Vision and chatting to us all about the latest reading tools and technologies available to people in November at that event, through the Vision Australia library.
Oh, thank you so much. It's always a pleasure to come on.
Well, October's rolled around and you know what that means. The weather's warming up well, supposed to anyway. But most importantly, it also means we are chatting with Liz Dalakouras, the editor of Foyer Information, for a monthly update on what's been going on in the world of blindness and low vision. Liz, welcome back to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time.
Not a problem. Thank you for having me, Sam.
Now we've got a bumper edition of FYI, as always. Now let's see how we go. Try and remember everything. But, um, you know, there's quite a few exciting things going on. Let's start with what Chris Edwards has been up to lately.
Recently, our director of Government relations, Chris Edwards, went to Canberra and attended the Geographic Atrophy Parliamentary event. By fast tracking funding for new therapies, we can provide new hope and reduce the financial and emotional burden of families on our communities. The event brought great awareness to geographic atrophy and funding that can help people who live with that condition.
And they spend some seeing eye dogs news, which is quite exciting.
There sure has. At Parliament House recently, Chris Edwards again went with our Seeing Eye Dog team, along with some puppies, where they met with the ministers to advocate for uniform and standardized accreditation of assistant animals. The event has shown us that the lack of consistent national system for accrediting these animals has caused great confusion, and makes it a lot harder for people who rely on them to get the support that they need.
And there's been an article on the ABC regarding the NDIS impact. So tell us a little bit about that.
So this particular article also links through to quite an interesting video. And it covers the NDIS impacts and the challenges you have when living in a remote area. In reference to this article, it's particularly in the remote Northern Territory where people are struggling to access NDIS supports. So advocates are pushing for reforms that emphasize more face to face appropriate services in these regions, which is so incredibly needed for regional areas, certainly is.
And Liz, there's been some news lately about the Career Visions program that some just finished up for the year. But also, I understand it's just celebrated quite a big birthday.
Yeah, in some very exciting news, our career. Program has celebrated ten years of impact. So our Career Visions program has created traineeships, programs and job opportunities for more than 54 blind or low vision clients who live in Queensland. And recently, we celebrated the graduation of six of these talented graduates.
And I understand the quality of living groups are looking for some new people. Tell us a bit about that.
We have a program here called Quality Living Groups and they are all about bringing people together so no one ever feels alone. If you are recently diagnosed, if you've been diagnosed for a little while and you're just looking to find your people, a quality living group is the perfect place to come. Make new friends, connections, and never feel alone.
Perfect. And finally, Liz, the listener survey is coming up for people to have their say about Vision Australia Radio. So that's, um, always well received and quite exciting for people to give their input on the work that Vision Australia Radio is doing. So let's get some details about that one.
Yeah, it's very exciting because all you need to do is fill in a survey giving your feedback. All we need to know is how you think that we can improve. Like do you have a favorite program or podcast? Do you prefer traditional radio or podcasts? We just love to hear and you have a chance to win your very own Amazon Echo Pop.
Every little bit of feedback does help and everyone likes a prize, so get involved. We do very much value every little bit of feedback. Now it's worth reminding people that they can now subscribe to FYI, easier than ever. Head to Vision and you can sign up that way.
Exactly. It's super easy and you will have fortnightly updates delivered directly to your inbox.
Perfect. Well, I've been speaking today with Liz Dalakouras, editor of Foyer Information, otherwise known as FYI. Liz, thanks so much for your time today. Great to catch up with you and hear all about the latest news in FYI.
Absolutely. It's always a pleasure with you, Sam.
And that's all the time we have for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking vision is a Vision Australia radio production. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together every week. And remember, we love hearing from you. So please get in touch any time on our email at Talking Vision. At Vision That's talking vision all one word at Vision But until next week it's Sam Collins saying bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 1300 847 406. That's one (300) 847-4006 or by visiting Vision That's Vision