Sam catches up on the show this week with comedian Jeremy Moses, who lives with a rare vision condition which has resulted in him being legally blind from birth.
In the past year Jeremy has taken to the stage to share his lived experience of disability, and he will be taking his talents to the Fringe Festivals in Sydney and Melbourne over the coming weeks.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host Sam Colley.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
I learnt that I could do it on my own. I could go to things, I'd watch things and I was like, why can't I do that? Why can't I be on stage telling my story? And I saw a lot of people with disability performing, and they were talking about their disabilities. And I thought, okay, that's great. Like, it's inclusive and accessible and so I'd love to be part of that. And so I've been performing ever since.
Welcome to the program. This week we've got a special treat in store for you as I chat with Legally Blind comedian and vaudeville performer Jeremy Moses as he embarks on a series of shows at the Sydney and Melbourne Fringe Festivals over the coming weeks. You'll hear from him as he talks about what people can expect as they head along to check them out. We'll have a two part chat with Jeremy today, as he tells us all about his life as a performer with low vision, but also how he got into comedy and the positive messages he's hoping to share through his role as a performer to create a more safe and inclusive place for both audiences and fellow performers with disabilities. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. With Jeremy Moses is a comedian with low Vision, who will be performing at the upcoming fringe festivals in Sydney and Melbourne over the coming weeks. You'll find him in Marrickville on September the 21st and 22nd, and in Melbourne at the Trades Hall festival space between October the 2nd and the sixth. To have a chat with me all about the shows and to tell us a little bit more about himself. It's my great pleasure to be joined by Jeremy now. Jeremy, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time.
Hello, Sam. Thank you so much for having me.
Let's get a bit more of an overview of yourself as a performer. Tell us a bit about yourself.
Sure. So I got into comedy last year just before the Melbourne Fringe Festival. I actually signed up for the fringe before I'd even done stand up comedy, which is a daunting prospect. But, um, I had to learn on the job. And I did a show called 157 minutes of Bad slam poetry. Uh, it was based on some poetry that I wrote in lockdown. And, you know, I'd wear a pink beret and I'd blow a harmonica. Um, and I recorded, like, 100 poems in 100 days, which was a mammoth effort.
Yeah, it's quite an ambition. Wow. Yeah.
I had nothing better to do. Oh. Fair enough. Um, so. So I did those, and, um. And then. And then after that, I, um, turned it into a fringe show for the Melbourne fringe, uh, which is kind of my first time performing in public. Um, so I did the open mic circuit. I performed at various gigs and sort of learned the ropes on the job, and I did the Melbourne Fringe show, and it was it was really good. It was a really warmly received. I did some poetry. I wore the costume and then I'd talk about, like, my family and I'd talk about my disability. I'm legally blind and low vision, so I, um, like visually impaired. So I thought I'd talk about that. And it was really nice, like people seemed to really warm to it. Um, that kind of honest approach about living with a disability. And it did really well. So I brought it back this year, earlier this year for the Melbourne Comedy Festival, did a few shows there, and that was great and improved on that. And yeah, now I'm doing a show for the Melbourne Fringe, which is completely brand new, and it's a two hander with my friend Emily, and I'm blind and she's deaf. And so we have an amazing show coming up. All right.
Well, talk about those shows in a little while, but I'm really interested to hear about how you got into comedy. As I understand, as you've said, you're quite new to the whole comedy scene. What was the thing that got you into that? What brought that about?
Yeah, I've always been funny and told jokes in a private setting, and I, um, I used to be a filmmaker, so I used to make short films and mini documentaries and sketches, and they were all kind of comedic and I'd, you know, perform in them and I'd edit them, which is, you know, strange for someone with a visual impairment or not strange, but perceived as strange of someone with low vision who's editing videos. And so I enjoyed that kind of juxtaposition like that, challenging norms and expectations. So I did that for a few years where I just make all these videos and then, yeah, lockdown happened and I started to kind of do these poems just as something to do put them on YouTube, put them on Twitter. And then I sort of got the performing bug a little bit. I started to watch a lot of festival shows. I went to the Melbourne Fringe Festival the year before I went to, I did mine and the website had like all these accessibility sections. So it would tell you like turn left, go down these stairs, turn right, go to the lift. And as an independent person like it helped me navigate venues. And so I learned that I could do it on my own. I could go to things and watch things, and I was like, why can't I do that? Why can't I be on stage telling my story? And I saw a lot of people with disability performing, and they were talking about their disabilities. And I thought, okay, that's great. Like, it's inclusive and accessible and so I'd love to be part of that. And so I've been performing ever since.
Oh, wow. And Jeremy, tell us a little bit about your low vision. You can go into as much detail or as little as you feel comfortable with. Has that sort of impacted your comedy and I guess your life more broadly, and has that been something you've lived with since birth, or had you experienced vision loss later in life?
Yeah, I was born with it. It's a syndrome called optic atrophy plus or bears syndrome. It's very rare and it's like a genetic disorder. And it's got a physical component. So I have like kind of bad balance as well bad coordination and low vision. But it's hard to quantify it like people have struggled it basically I can't read at long distance like subtitles on a movie. I struggle to read it and also close up. I need like large print font. So when I was at school, they would blow up the books into A3 and I'd carry around these massive like binders of, of, of notes and things. Oh yeah. And so it's always been there. When I was a teenager, I went to a camp for the visually impaired in New South Wales and got to hang out with a lot of people with similar vision, low vision and other disabilities, and that was great. So I've always kind of been part of it. I've never really talked about it publicly until I started doing comedy and stand up, and I find people have really warmed to it. It's great to be able to tell my lived experience, and I feel very comfortable being seen. Um, and I'm shining like a positive light on disability, which is really fun and great and nourishing.
Yeah, it's quite a few of those little aspects there I can totally relate with. As somebody who's also had low vision from birth and that whole thing with the balance and the coordination, and you have to rule out riding a bike, unfortunately, which is how it is. But, um, yeah, that was one of my big things. That was sort of, oh, damn, I can't do that. But I also like to focus on what we can do. So that's the most important part, as all of this helped you sort of process various aspects of it that you've never really sort of verbalized before, and then you talk about it and you think, oh, yeah, I did feel that way. I did have that experience as that sort of helped you mentally and psychologically in that way?
I think so, yeah. Like when I'd walk around and I'd kind of like shuffle around a little bit at the train stations and someone would stop me and say, like, you know, are you drunk or do you have a disability and stuff? And, and I kind of, I enjoy that now. I can say, oh, buy a ticket to my show and then you'll find out, like you'll understand. Yeah. It's good to open up that dialogue. And a lot of people have invisible disabilities or disabilities that, you know, people don't understand. And so it's great to have that connection and be able to explain that to people. My condition is very rare. And so that's another layer of it that people will learn about that I find really like compelling. And yeah, I definitely find it. It's a relief to be able to express that in a medium and being on stage. It's very immediate. People learn about you straight away and it's hard to hide, like when I shuffle onto the stage, or the mic has to give me a hand up onto the stage to like, shake my hand because, like, I'm scared I'm going to fall over or something. All right. The audience will see that and you have like a minute or something to break that ice and explain to them. And I think that's refreshing. Like a lot of comedy that I go to. Disability can tend to be a punchline. Comedians sometimes do really mean material about disability, and I think the more people with lived experience get up and feel comfortable, the more audiences will learn. And also it helps audiences who have disabilities to feel comfortable. When I was at the comedy festival, a comedian was doing some mean material about blindness and deafness and calling a couple of people in the audience retarded and oh my God. And that really upset me.
Yeah. That's terrible. What the hell? That's not okay one bit.
And I you know, I'm sort of realizing as an audience member you don't want to feel bad for your disabilities. Everyone's unique. Everyone's got something, and it would be lovely if we could all go to a show and feel accepted and feel welcome. So I try and bring that to the table.
Well, that's a huge point. I mean, there's so many shows out there and comedy that can be funny without punching down, and you've also been a part of that and will continue to be a part of that and giving that positivity and can do attitude to all manners of disability and inclusivity. So that's fantastic. And on that note, Jeremy, I'd love to have a chat about your upcoming shows. You're heading up to Sydney for the Fringe Comedy Festival over the 21st and 22nd, and heading back to Melbourne for the Melbourne Fringe a couple weeks later on October 2nd at Trades Hall. So let's start with your Sydney show. 157 hours of bad slam poetry. You've told us a little bit about it before, but tell us a bit about that one.
Yeah. So I changed the name from 157 minutes of bad slam poetry to 157 hours of bad slam poetry, because people didn't want to sit through something they thought was 2.5 hours of poetry. So I've cleared up the confusion. Okay. And yeah, so it's a similar show to what I did at the first, you know, Melbourne Fringe last year. And then I brought it back for the comedy festival, and it's a bit more polished and I've added some things to that. The story about my experience at the camp for the visually impaired and how I met a crush, and I was attracted to a girl, and I had my first kiss there and it was lovely. So yeah. So I talk about that and I talk about a lot of the awkward situations I've been in in my life, you know, getting into the wrong cars when I was a kid or getting kicked out of a bar, you know, because the bartender thought I was drunk as an adult. So I talk about stories like that in that show. It's really great. And I do some poetry, and I wear a beret and it's very silly, but it's great. Yeah. So I'm flying to Sydney for that. That'll be on the 21st and 22nd of September at the Factory Theatre in Marrickville, which is a lovely venue. Yeah.
Great spot. Marrickville. Yeah.
Yeah. Unfortunately the room I'm in isn't accessible. Oh, damn. But it's fine like otherwise. Like, if anyone wants to come, they're more than welcome. It's a great show about disability. My life, my family. It's a bit of a roller coaster as well. I talk about some sad things, but it's a nourishing experience and it's very safe and like, I'm really proud of it and hopefully I can tour it around after that. So that's coming up in Sydney. I actually have to fly on my own now because my partner can't make it, and it's the first time that I'm flying on my own. And I was I was on the airline's website and you tick the box of like, you know, what do you need accessibility wise? I tick the box and I said, I'm visually impaired and I have a hidden disability as well. And then I went to check out and it said, we can't accommodate your disability on this flight. Please pick another flight. Oh my God. Yeah, I know, but it still let me check out. So as I'm talking to you now, I'm not sure whether I am or am not going to be helped like at the airport. So that's a little terrifying finding my gate. And yeah, I don't know how that's going to go, but.
Yeah, that'll be interesting. We'll have to have a follow up chat and see how that's all gone. Because you know, that's that's that. Yeah, that's an experience. Unfortunately a lot of people out there can relate to.
I was very surprised. Like, yeah you can't accommodate that on all flights. You know I understand if they can't, you know, have the extra staff there or something. But you know, you can't get someone to the end of the checkout saying, oh okay, I'm going to get supported. That's like a right of mine as a person with a disability. And then you get to the checkout and it says, oh, we can't accommodate that. That's not right. Mhm. Um, but yeah. So I'll stop complaining.
That's all. It's not complaining and it shouldn't feel like complaining. It should feel like advocating. I think that's the word we're going for here because it is important.
To be able to get around.
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
That'll be fun. So hopefully if that all goes well, then I'll fly home and I won't get stuck at the airport. No.
We'll see how it goes. Yeah. I'm Sam Culley and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, Associated Stations of Reading Radio and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed part one of my conversation today with low vision performer Jeremy Moses. If you missed any part of my conversation with Jeremy today or you'd love to hear it again, Talking Vision is available on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. You can also find the program on the Vision Australia Radio website at RVA That's RVA radio all one But now back to part two of my conversation with Jeremy. I'm here today with comedian Jeremy Moses, heading off very shortly to the Sydney Fringe Festival and then back in Melbourne for the fringe in early October. Now, Jeremy, before the break, you mentioned accessible venues there and your show at the Melbourne Fringe. You're in a venue that has met those requirements for you and the audience, but it must be a little bit frustrating for you and no doubt other performers who've gone through the same thing with the Sydney Fringe, which is in a venue that's not as Accessible as it could be, so I'm keen to get your thoughts about that.
Yeah, I sort of understand why it's hard to accommodate that in Sydney, where the Factory Theatre in Marrickville, which is a lovely venue and there are a lot of performance spaces and I think a couple of them are accessible, but it's just, you know, when you're curating a festival and you're in an old building, it's it's hard to accommodate everyone and it's a curated festival. So it was a little bit more tricky to kind of organise a separate venue that was elsewhere. But there are some great shows at the Sydney Fringe for accessibility and disabled performers performing. There's some amazing stuff coming up that I'm going to go and try and see as well. Yeah, it's a shame that those two shows that I'm doing in Sydney aren't step free, but otherwise I'm going to try and make it as like inclusive as possible. And I'd love people to feel comfortable and it's got steps to get to the venue, but it's hopefully other than that, it's okay. Yeah, the Melbourne Fringe is definitely amazing that they're doing all these accessible sessions and the gigs that I did, the shows that I did for Melbourne Fringe last year, I had an accessible venue and we had a matinee as well, and for the comedy festival as well in Melbourne, you know, I understand it's hard to to get every venue accessible, but I'm glad to be part of it anyway. And Sydney Fringe is amazing and they're really nice to have me there and I'm excited to do it.
And from your personal perspective, what's the most useful, accessible features for you in particular, when you're asking for venues that accommodate the needs you have, what's been the most helpful things, and how have you gone getting those features in the past over the couple of years that you've been in comedy now?
Yeah, I think if you can pick your own venue, then you should be looking for accessible venues for yourself and for the audience. For me, I struggled to kind of get up on a high stage. Like if the stage is too high, the MC will have to like give me a hand up onto the stage or, you know, I'll have to, you know, find some stairs or use a cane to jump up on the stage or something. So for me, stage height is a big issue like anxiety point. But you know, I can make it work if it's not low to the ground. As far as for the audience, I would love it if every gig that I did was an accessible, wheelchair accessible show. I'd love it if there was, you know, wheelchair accessible bathrooms and it was all up to up to code. Um, unfortunately, a lot of venues everywhere don't have enough accessible spaces. But yeah, when, when I when I'm able to pick my own venue, which, which I did last year and this year for the two festivals I did, um, we made sure to get an accessible venue and, and we had a visually impaired person in the audience. We had a wheelchair. Audience member for the Melbourne Comedy Festival. We had a comedian with a disability opening up one of my shows last year, Oliver Hunter, who's like this amazing comedian. And because the venue was accessible and we had a ramp to the stage, and so he was able to get up on the stage and perform. Usually when I see him, he's, you know, at a venue where he's parked in front of the stage because it's not accessible. And a lot of his gigs are limited because of accessibility. Um, so yeah, I would love to be performing exclusively in accessible venues, and God willing, that'll be the way things go then. I'm in Melbourne. That's it. The Melbourne Fringe.
With your other show, Emily Bigger and Jeremy Moses here. See No Evil. So that's at the festival hub of a few days in early October, so that'll be pretty cool. Tell us a bit about that.
Yeah, it's a it's a new show. It's very vaudeville. It's very old fashioned comedy. We have costume changes and we sing and we dance and we act and and we miscommunicate because she's hearing impaired and I'm low vision. And so we, um, we fight with each other and, and and we steal each other's spotlight and we try and put on the best show possible. I love that. And yeah. So that's going to be October 2nd to October 6th at the Trades Hall Festival Hub. It's in Carlton. It's going to be a lot of fun. And we've got some accessible sessions as well. And the venue is accessible this time, which I'm really excited about.
That's fantastic news. Yeah. Okay. Well, you've told us about the conceptions of both of those shows, but how long have those ideas sort of been there? I mean, a lot of it's, you know, life experience and things you've always known about and had experiences of and then putting that into comedy, as you've said a lot more recently. Was that sort of how it came about?
Yeah, for my solo show, it was more just like an itch to be able to explain my disability if someone asked. But in like a more concise and, you know, funny way. Um, and it took me researching the disability a bit more and figuring out the origins of it. And then I was like, that's a show. And I'll use the the poetry as a way to frame that. Um, so that's my solo show. Yeah, that's where that came from. And the poetry that I did in lockdown with the Hear No Evil show, basically, when I was doing open mic nights in the lead up to the festivals, I met Emily. She's an amazing comedian, deaf, hard of hearing. She's a regular in the Melbourne comedy scene. Emily Bigger. She's brilliant and we hit it off straight away. She's really funny and she talks a lot about her disability. And we have like a fun chemistry where she can't hear everything I say and I can't see everything that she gestures. But we, we, we sort of come together in like, this really beautiful way. And it's a great show and we support each other and it's really fun. Yeah, it's a lot of, um, you know, sound cues and lighting and dramatic scenes, and we go on a little journey together. It's really good fun. I'm really enjoying.
It. You've spoken about the importance of having comedy that includes everyone, and comedy that makes everybody feel included and safe and like they're not going to get attacked when they're in the audience and all that sort of thing. That's a huge thing for people to have that safe place, I guess you'd call it. So. Was that the primary motivation for that sort of thing, or were there some other positive messages that you also wanted to get across to people?
Oh, accessibility is definitely at the heart of both shows, like being inclusive and accessible and diverse. It's very, very important and I would love more productions to do that. I would love more websites to have accessibility information because that helps us navigate the world. Knowing where to go. And it's great. And I think there is progress happening. I think, you know, in comedy, disability isn't as much of a punchline anymore since me and Emily and people with lived experience have gotten up and, you know, sort of changed the scene a bit. Comedy is more diverse now, and I think comedians are less mean than they were when I started, or at least rooms are more diverse. And I've seen a change which I hope continues, and it's great to be part of it. I'm really proud to be part of that change. Yeah, it's definitely a big part of what we do. And with the Melbourne show and we're at the Trades Hall, which is fully accessible and we're doing a sensory friendly matinee on the Saturday. It's going to be relaxed and sensory friendly, so the Houselights will be on for the whole show. The stage lights will be lower, people can come and go, people can use their phones, there's a quiet room and there's more staff. We're just trying to make it very inclusive and there are a few shows that the Melbourne fringe that are also doing that Saturday matinee, which is an amazing initiative and power to the fringe for doing it. So that's great. And then we're doing an Auslan interpreted session on the Sunday to cater to Emily's crowd, you know, people who need Auslan interpreting. And so it's great. Yeah, we're trying to be as inclusive and accessible as possible.
And if people would love to head along or find out a little bit more about both of your shows, Jeremy, what's the best way for them to do that? Do you have some contact details that you'd like to let people know about?
Yeah, so I'm in Sydney at Sydney Fringe Comedy, which is like a subset of the Sydney Fringe Festival. So you can get tickets at Fringe Comedy. and you just search for Jeremy Moses and it'll come up with my 157 hours of bad slam poetry show. And yeah, that's on the 21st and 22nd of September. It'll be a lot of fun. Please come along. You'll laugh, you'll cry. It'll be great. And then, um, back in Melbourne, I'm doing here. See? No evil with Emily. And so if you want tickets to that, go to Melbourne Fringe. or call 96609666 and you can get tickets to that as well. And you please come. It'll be a lot of fun. And we've got those accessible sessions and we'd love to have you.
I've been speaking today with Jeremy Moses, comedian, heading off to the Sydney Fringe Festival later in the month, but you'll also catch up with him back in Melbourne in early October at the Melbourne Fringe. Jeremy, thanks so much for your time today. Great to catch up with you and hear all about your shows.
Thanks so much, Sam.
And that's all the time we have for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking vision is a Vision Australia radio production. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together every week. And remember, we love hearing from you. So please get in touch any time on our email at Talking Vision. At Vision That's talking vision or one word at Vision But until next week it's Sam Colley saying bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 1300 847 406. That's one (300) 847-4106 or by visiting Vision That's Vision