Talking Vision 741 Week Beginning 12th of August 2024

Published Aug 14, 2024, 3:19 AM

Sam catches up with Kelly Schulz, founder and managing director of Knowable Me, an organisation providing market research services and key insights into needs and preferences of people with disabilities.

We also hear from Vision Australia Radio's Jason Gipps, he's here to tell us about some exciting new shows for people to look forward to, and invites all in the Bendigo region to come visit the studios at 20 Bridge St this Friday 18 August for the Vision Australia Radio Bendigo Open Day.

Finally this week, Frances joins the show for a Reader Recommended, and we wrap up with some news and information.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host Sam Colley.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

So one person will say this isn't accessible to me. It's not inclusive. I'm being excluded. And businesses aren't fixing it because they think it's one person and they go, well, there's not really a business case for me to do that. And even though that one person has a really valid voice, I thought, well, why can't we just get lots of voices? So where are all those voices? Let's combine them all together and really create those business cases.

Welcome to the program. Coming up this week, we speak with the manager and founding director of an organization Giving people with disabilities the opportunity to voice their opinions and give feedback on products and services they use every day to make them more accessible and all around a more enjoyable experience. That conversation is coming up very shortly, so make sure to stick around. And then following on from that, I catch up with Jason Gibbs from Vision Australia Radio, who's here to tell us all about some upcoming events and shows that people can look forward to, such as the Bendigo Open Day on August the 16th and then to wrap up the program. Francis Callan joins us for a reader recommended, and we finish with a little bit of news and information. I hope you'll enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. Our first guest on Talking Vision this week is the manager and founding director of Noble Me, a market research company offering opportunities for people within the disability community to make their voices heard on the products and services that matter to them. Her name is Kelly Schultz and she joins me right now. Kelly, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time. Thank you so.

Much for having me, Sam.

Now, firstly, Kelly, let's get an overview of noble Me. What's it all about?

Noble me is a disability focused market research company. So when you hear market research, it sounds a bit scary. It's like people using you for marketing purposes. But market research generally is about getting talking to people about what they want, what they like, what they love. And we focus on doing that with people with disability. So often in society, generally, we get asked, do can we use something? Is it accessible? Which is a perfectly reasonable question. But often when you're talking to people with disability, that's all they get. They don't get the do you love it? Would you buy it? You know, that kind of extra bit about actually that our opinions have value. And so nobody is trying to bridge that gap between accessibility and lovability.

Was there any particular reason why you started Noble Me? Was there one sort of thing that sort of jumped out that you thought, nah, this isn't good enough, we need to change this? Or was it sort of a series of things, or maybe feedback you'd gotten from other people in the disabled community. Things like that.

I think it came from this whole thing of we always have to prove why we're worth changing things for. And often that comes from one voice, which is perfectly valid voice. So one person will say, this isn't accessible to me, it's not inclusive, I'm being excluded, and businesses aren't fixing it because they think it's one person and they go, well, there's not really a business case for me to do that. And even though that one person has a really valid voice, I thought, well, why can't we just get lots of voices? So where are all those voices? Let's combine them all together and really create those business cases. So it's about having as many voices as possible, passing off their opinions and going, yes, this is my feedback. And sometimes that feedback is the same as other people in the same situation. And sometimes it's different. So not just being one voice and really creating that movement that says to businesses, hey, there's actually lots of people who want you to change and want you to be better.

And for people out there who are listening from the blind and low vision community, they're probably nodding their heads vigorously and thinking, oh my God. Yep, that's absolutely something I'm really keen to get involved with. Absolutely. I agree 100%. So how can members of the blind and low vision community sign up to, you know, share their experiences?

As with most things these days, we've got a website which is knowable and knowable is actually spelt k n o w a b l e, as in everyone is, can be known and is knowable and is worth knowing. So knowable. Me is the website and there's a sign up on the website. But to be as accessible as possible, you can also email us research at knowable Me or even give us a call 043518, double five, double seven.

And Kelly. Why is it so important that people who are blind or have low vision in particular, do get involved with knowable me and provide their feedback and experiences?

Honestly, people with blindness and low vision are the most in demand for our research, and I think that comes from it being such a different experience to a lot of people in the world. We know the world is incredibly visual and relies on, you know, information that that people get visually. And so our the blind community are very much in demand for our research because they have such a unique experience, but also because they can be disproportionately impacted by inaccessibility. And so because that impact is so big, we really need the community to come and join us to share their insights.

And of course, people can earn some cash through knowable Me. So that's quite exciting. Tell us a bit about the process there. And you know how people can really sort of provide feedback and get that in return.

Well, once again, so often people with disability are expected to give their opinions for free. We want it because we want to help make the world more accessible. So we should want to give that out, right? But I don't think anyone should have to do that for nothing. It's actually really valuable experience and insight. So everything that we do that is done by one of our clients that is paid for by our clients. And so therefore we pass on into rewards for each of those activities. So an online survey might only take you 5 or 10 minutes and is worth 5 or $10. We might do some mystery shopping, which we're doing at the moment. Those are $30. And sometimes we do in-depth interviews that can go for an hour, and some of those are $100. So there's lots of different opportunities to participate from around Australia in lots of different ways.

Oh, wow, that's really cool. And, um, since you started knowable me? What are the sort of positive outcomes you've seen since the platform kicked off?

One of the big ones is just the sense of, oh, we didn't even know that feedback was possible. And people, clients coming to us and saying, it's just so valuable. They'd never thought of it before, never got such in-depth detail before because we can talk to multiple people. So, you know, they say when you've talked to one blind person, well, you've talked to one blind person, you don't necessarily know that the experience is different for everybody. And so being able to talk to multiple people, they get multiple different experiences. And that comes from all of our different experiences in the world. And so things have changed. Some of them are confidential because they're our clients. But products have changed as a result of the feedback that's been provided. We've had a few startups come through who are now putting tactile elements onto their products because they've heard from people that we've spoken to. So it's a it's it's young, we're still quite young, but really feel like we're having an impact.

What are some of the upcoming ways that people can get involved and provide their feedback and experiences?

Well, like I said, right now, mystery shopping is the big thing. And for people who don't know, mystery shopping means you go into a shop and pose as a customer. We give you a task to do, and maybe that's asking a question from staff or finding a particular product on a shelf, and you then fill in a survey that tells us how your experience was, how your how the staff treated you, whether the store was accessible, how was the layout, how was the lighting, did it smell funny in there? You know, all of those sorts of things that you might notice. Um, so that's coming up at the moment. There's also a range of things in the pipeline. Not all of them I can talk about yet, but we've definitely got some more interviews, in-depth interviews coming up which are quite long and quite well paid. So anyone who's got time to sit and talk, to talk to our researchers, um, are going to be a big benefit coming up.

All right. And of course, to check all of that out, you can head to the Noble Me website, which Kelly has given just before. But, um, as we wrap up, Kelly, um, why don't you give that website again, just one more time for people out there?

That's noble dot me k n o w a b l e dot m e.

And also we'll get that email and phone number again.

Email is research at noble me and the phone number 0435185. Double seven.

Perfect. Okay. Well I've been speaking today with Kelly Schultz, founder and managing director of Noble Me, making products and services accessible for everybody within the disability community. Kelly, thank you so much for your time today. It was great to catch up with you and hear all about noble May. Thanks, Sam. I'm Sam Kelly and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, Associated Stations of Reading Radio and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that conversation there with Kelly Schultz from Noble Me. If you missed any part of that conversation with Kelly or you'd love to listen to it again. Talking vision is available on the Vision Australia Radio website at RVA That's RVA radio or one You can also find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia library. Coming up now, we bring the show a lot closer to home with an update on the latest happenings around Vision Australia Radio. There's some exciting things coming up, like new shows and events such as the Bendigo Open Day, which is kicking off in just a couple of days time. So to tell us all about the latest news and things to get excited about in the future, it's my great pleasure to welcome back a long time favourite of ours on Talking Vision Jason Gibbs. Jason, welcome back to Talking Vision. Great to have you.

Thanks, Sam. It's nice to be here outside of radiothon time. Certainly is.

But, um, speaking of, we're into a new financial year now, Jason. And so what does that mean from your side of things?

Yeah, we get a little bit of excited, a bit excited about financial year at Vision Australia Radio, because so much of what we do relies on funding to come in some shape or form. Our sponsors, our grants that we can, you know, get access to our wonderful donors, that all it all keeps us on air. So, yeah, so we've been very, uh, you know, having to be very strategic about what the next financial year will look like, like everybody else.

What are some exciting things coming up that listeners can look forward to on the Vision Australia radio? It really is.

That exciting time of the year, I think for for Vision Australia Radio. Sam, because as we get past the middle point of the year, we start to look towards White Cane Day on October 15th, which we always use as a, I guess, a platform to promote and celebrate the wonderful things that happen in the blind and low vision community. Celebrating its triumphs. You know, really thinking about things that you know, the community still needs to be able to excel at what they do. We go forward a little bit further to Disability Sports and Recreation Festival, which we're usually involved in on International Day of People Living with Disability. Always a great opportunity to celebrate inclusion in sport. We've got our audio described Carols by Candlelight on Christmas Eve. So many wonderful things happening and a few exciting content projects as well. I could share if you want.

Oh, that would be lovely. Very keen to hear about them and I'm sure the listeners will be keen to, you know, have a listen to some new programs. So they do have their favourites, but it's always good to mix it up a bit.

Yeah. Well it's hard to trump talking vision. I'll do my best. But I have been involved in this project which is just about to launch. So you will absolutely hear more about this if you subscribe to Vision Australia newsletters or are a keen visitor of VA radio. Org. Our website. It's a wellness podcast, so there are seven episodes and aligns with our wellness team at Vision Australia, and it basically shares tips and tricks on how to support yourself from a mental and physical health perspective. So these are seven episodes. I'm the host of one of the episodes, Sam, and then six others from the Wellness Team, our client services team at Vision Australia. Interview and interview a range of guests have some wonderful thoughts on how we can support our mental and physical health. Sharing that lived experience of blindness and low vision. Diagnosis. The things that went through their head at time, at the time of being diagnosed with low vision or blindness, and how Vision Australia's services and other supports across the community got them through and helped them excel at what they do. It's been such a nice series to be involved in, Sam and I can't wait for people to listen to it.

Okay, now let's get the name of that podcast and give us a bit of a recap on how people can access that when that does come out.

Sure thing. Sam, you may have already heard. If you do listen regularly to Vision Australia Radio, our 62nd Mindful Minute update. So they're usually scattered across the day at different times, and they're a chance for people to just sit back, take a step back and just get a little bit mindful, in touch with themselves for 60s and think about their breathing and chair, yoga and all sorts of things like that. And this series, this podcast series carries on for that. So the series is called also my. It's also called Mindful Minutes. So it's a mindful minutes podcast seven episodes. It'll be accessible via our homepage via and also available on all the major platforms like Google, Amazon Music, Apple and of course, Spotify. So wherever you get your podcasts, you'll be able to search Vision Australia Radio Mindful Minutes and you'll be able to have a listen.

Perfect. And speaking of that website and different ways for people to donate, it does help so much people when they give. It just means so much to us and enables us to really do what we do. Jason, it's so important and we can't stress how grateful we are for every donation that does come in and every little bit does help. So again, what's the best way for people to donate? If they have a listen and they like what they hear, what's the best way to get involved and give a donation?

Yeah, thanks for the question, Sam. It's always worth reminding people that we are a not for profit community radio network. We achieve great things, but with that comes many overheads. So I think our costs, you know, for the next 12 months, will exceed $2.2 million, even though we've got 600 wonderful volunteers helping us out, a very small team of staff. It's always great to have a plug for donations. And yeah, the best way to do that is by going to VA radio. Org and click on a few tabs there, donate links and you can then choose if you'd like to be a regular donor and you can set an amount yourself. It might be $5 a month, it might be $100 a month. Whatever you are comfortable with giving and able to. Or it might just be a one off donation. And the good news is that both options are tax deductible. So if you're a regular giver and you give the same amount every month, at the end of the financial year, you'll get your tax receipt and it'll help you with your tax. If it's a one off donation, you'll also get a receipt.

That's right. And that's any donation of $2 or above. So quite a few of them out there. Definitely tax deductible. So yeah it's a great little bonus there. Now something really exciting that's coming up very shortly for our regional listeners in the Bendigo region. There's um, there's an open day and an open door that's going on in Bendigo. So tell us a little bit about the details there.

Yeah. You know post-Covid we're trying to connect with our community a little bit more than we were able to do during that pandemic period. And you might remember that last year we opened the doors of our Albury studios, which was a great event. We're doing the same in Bendigo this Friday, so the 16th of August from 930 till 1130. So it's a great opportunity if you are in Bendigo or nearby areas, to come along to our studios at 20 Bridge Street in Bendigo and learn what we do, mix with the volunteers, get to meet some of us, the staff, and get a grasp of how you know what you hear on the radio actually comes out through the microphone in the studio. Sit down, get comfy in the studio, have some snacks, have a bit of a banter, maybe learn about volunteering. It should be a really fun day. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going to leave Deer Park at 630 in the morning, and I'm going to be there by 830 because I'll just be knocking on the window waiting for the studio to open. Yeah. Oh.

Super committed. Love that commitment, Jason. Oh that's fantastic. And, Jason, if people want to head along to that open day, what's the best way for them to RSVP?

If you want to RSVP for that, all you need to do is go to our Facebook page. So just search for e radio network. Or of course just search for Vision Australia Radio and you'll find our Facebook page. The event is pinned to the top of the page and if you are attending, we'll know that you're going to be there. I'll make sure there's plenty of food for you.

I've been speaking today with one of our favorites on Talking Vision. Jason Phillips from Vision Australia Radio. It's always great to chat with you, Jason, and hear what's going on in the world of Vision Australia Radio very shortly and into the future.

And don't forget, Sam, you're my mum's favourite number one fan.

Oh that's lovely. We'll say hello to her for me. It's always great to hear when you've got another fan out there.

Thanks, Sam.

And now here's Frances Kelland with a reader recommended.

The reader recommended today is by Sterling comedian Amanda Keller. The book is Natural Born Keller, My Life and other Palava by turns hilarious and moving. Amanda Keller takes us on a nostalgia filled journey through her life, from her childhood in sunny Brisbane to her daggy teen years in suburban Sydney, then on to heady college days in Bathurst, where wine was called claret and came in a box, and finally to establishing a stellar career in TV and radio. Along the way, she falls in love with a nice Kiwi boy who becomes her husband, and she tells the story of the arrival of their two hard won sons, but without too many icky bits. Amanda also takes us behind the scenes of her TV career, from the challenge of turning on a typewriter at Simon Townsend's Wonder World to the fun of traveling the globe for beyond 2000. Despite having no scientific background and absolutely no sense of direction. More recently, she was able to officially represent an entire generation on Talkin Bout Your Generation and share a couch with three blokes and the odd snake on the living room. Amanda loves the wireless and looks back on 20 years of radio. From sharing a mic with Andrew Denton on Triple M to topping the breakfast show ratings with Jonesy. Vivid, funny and hugely entertaining, Natural Born Killer will have you laughing out loud, nodding in recognition and occasionally bawling uncontrollably in a cathartic sort of way. Let's hear a sample of Natural Born Killer. My Life and Other Palava by Amanda Keller, narrated for the Vision Australia Library.

To me, this picture sums up my early childhood two nuclear parents, two nuclear children. We were living in Brisbane and my memories of the time are of sunshine, picnics and stability. They were truly happy days. I know I'm wearing my pants a little high in this pic, but apparently that was my preference. Two years older than me. My brother Cameron is the one lounging rakishly in a Hawaiian shirt next to dad. As a kid, I thought my mom was the prettiest of all the mums though as I and she got older, I realized she actually looked a lot like the Queen. My dad, I reckoned, looked like JFK. So handsome. I guess that made me a heady mixture of Caroline Kennedy and Princess Anne. I loved the way my hand is resting on mum's shoulder. She was such a committed mother. She never said, do it yourself. She would still peel apples for me well into my 30s. She folded socks in such a way that they were ready for your toes to slide in. She thought everything could be fixed by either eating a mashed banana or applying a mystery ointment called borax. Mum, my arm's falling off. Pop some borax on it and I'll mash you a banana that'll stick to your ribs. She described all food as is nourishing, which I think best describes her to other mums, me included. Tell their kids to sort out their sibling fights themselves, but mum would always calmly wade in and apply reason. I went through a phase of taunting my brother Cameron with constant rounds of Cameron's name is Shirley. Hurtful I know. Cameron would naturally enough, react by instantly flying into an apoplectic rage. Instead of dragging us outside and calling us idiots as I would have done, mum would merely say in a measured voice, Cameron, ignore your sister. You know your name isn't Shirley.

So that was Natural Born Killer by Amanda Keller. If you would like to listen to that book, or if you would like to find out how to join the library and get access to over 40,000 audiobooks and books in Braille as well, you can always call them on 1300 654 656. That's 1300 654 656. Or you can email the library at Vision Australia. Org. That's library at Vision Australia. Org.

Are you a woman over 50 with vision loss? Join us for a cancer screening information session to learn about breast, cervical and bowel cancer screening. Your questions will be answered about mammograms, home test kits and more. Speak to people from Cancer Council Victoria and Breastscreen Victoria and explore accessible at home test kits, plus access large font and braille brochures that events. Thursday, August the 29th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Cancer Council Victoria on 200 Victoria Parade in East Melbourne. It's a free event and to register you can ring 039802876. That's. 03 9800 2876 or email Miriam at blind dot edu. That's Miriam at Blind Sports. All one And in other news, this week Frankston District Basketball Association is delighted to announce that due to popular demand, they've added two more sessions to this term's blind and low vision basketball program. The new remaining dates are the 3rd of September and the 10th of September, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Frankston Basketball Stadium at 90 Bardia Avenue in Seaford. 3198 on court, two. And that's all the time we have for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking vision is a Vision Australia radio production. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together every week. And remember, we love hearing from you. So please get in touch any time on our email at Talking Vision. At Vision That's talking vision all one word at Vision But until next week it's Sam Collins saying bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on 1300 847 406. That's one (300) 847-4106 or by visiting Vision That's Vision

Talking Vision by Vision Australia Radio

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