Talking Vision 722 Week Beginning 1st of April 2024

Published Apr 3, 2024, 1:31 AM

Sam is joined by Vision Australia Radio Perth volunteer Kate Leaversuch, who is taking part in the 100K Your Way challenge over the month of April to raise funds for Vision Australia Radio.

Then later on this week Stella catches up with Telelink coordinator Maria Markou who gives us some updates on the latest things happening in the world of Telelink, including some new language groups and volunteer opportunities.

Finally on the show Frances is back with a Reader Recommended, and we wrap up with a bit of news and information.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.

Hello everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

Yeah. Friends have followed my daughter's path. She's lost most of her vision a few years ago, and I've just seen how Vision Australia has assisted her along the way. And I think they see the importance of Vision Australia radio and people's lives as well. So it's been fantastic. So I just went on the line and joined and for all my mates her message and said, I'm doing the challenge and said, here's the link to the donation page and they've just been fabulous.

Welcome to the program. This week we'll hear from the second of our 100 K away participants, Kate Leaver such. She's a volunteer from Perth who is walking 100 K over the month of April to raise vital funds for Vision Australia Radio and the Vision Australia organisation. More broadly. That conversation is coming up very shortly so make sure to stick around then after you hear from Kate, Stella's back on the program with a teller link co-ordinator, Maria Marco, who tells us all about some exciting new developments in the world of tele link happening over the next few weeks and months. And finally, on the program this week, Frances Kaitlyn is back with a reader recommended and we finish up with some news and information. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. A couple of weeks ago, we heard from Jason giving us a bit of an overview of the hundred K challenge happening over the month of April to raise vital funds for Vision Australia. Well, we're heading west now to Perth to chat with Kate leave. As such, Kate is a volunteer at Vision Australia Radio in Perth. She's had quite a close involvement with Vision Australia for quite some time now, and she joins me now to chat all about her hundred K Your Way campaign. Kate, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time.

Thank you.

Sam. Now, Kate, firstly, would you mind sharing with our audience what your role is at Vision Australia Radio in Perth and what it entails?

Okay, so I volunteer on a couple of programmes. Firstly, the National News Hour, which is a daily news program and it's aired in the drive time slot and we're reading the most up to date news stories with the national focus from digital news platforms. And so we come in and gather the news stories and prepare them in the programme, sort of including the run sheet and calculate time it's going to take and things, and then we go on air to read them. And I can also operate the panel to broadcast the show. And then the other program is called Happy Pants and that's a weekly radio programme. It's aired on Saturday and Sunday mornings and it's for children and it's hopefully fun and entertaining for the kids with a bit of music, stories, movement and some activities. And so for that programme, I've written a few scripts and we come in weekly again and record the show and get started on the editing process. And then there's a couple of wonderful production folk here who get it ready to put on air.

All right. Wonderful. And we have had a chat with a few people from Happy Pants, including, of course, Geraldine, and they're just absolutely wonderful people to chat to with. Oh yeah. Lovely to. Yeah, lovely to hear from them. Certainly. Good fun. Now, why do you think your radio programs are so important to those who tune in to hear them?

Well, I guess the news it's informative reading service for people with blindness or low vision, and it gives them more, more detailed news stories instead of just the brief headlines and other news services that are out there. And then I guess, hopefully Happy Pants is engaging and fun for the kids, and it supports their lifelong literacy and learning through storytelling and activities and things. So yeah.

Now you're involved, of course, with a couple of important radio programs over in Perth, but also over the month of April, you're also doing some important work in the hundred K your weight challenge. So tell us a bit about why you've joined the challenge. What sort of motivated you to get involved?

Yeah, well, I guess it's good to keep moving as much as you can. And when the lovely Brigid, who's our coordinator of volunteers at Mission Australia Perth, suggested the 100 K walk, I figured I need the exercise, so I jumped at the opportunity. But, um, also, it's it's the radio's major fundraising event for the year that anyone can participate in. And it's great to support the Vision Australia radio community that I guess enjoy and rely on the reading service of, you know, popular publications and things for their information and entertainment and companionship.

And, um, can you remind us what the challenge involves and how you'll be knocking over the 100 KS over the month of April?

So as it's called 100 K your way, the challenge is to complete 100km any way you would like over the month of April. So you could perhaps be cycling or swimming, but I'll be either walking or jogging. And I've actually had some friends already offered to go walking together with me to help me along the way, which is just wonderful.

And I've joined up as well myself. I'm going to be doing the walk over the month and looking forward to seeing how that goes. And um, and my mum's joined up as well. So it's really, it's a bit of a family affair. So yeah, it's really cool. Um, very excited to get involved and see how that all goes. And there's a lot of lovely walking tracks near our houses, so it's, um, it's made quite easy by that. And also the weather cooling down a little bit, which means you sort of. It's a good way to. Up and over in Melbourne. It gets very cold and grey around this time of year, so I think perfect walking weather for sure. Um, excellent. What's your favourite? Yeah. What's your favourite sort of space to walk around? Have you got some nice little things you're looking forward to getting and walking around?

Yeah, well I do have a dog and so he loves to get out there and his happy place is at the beach. So, um, we'll definitely be going for morning walks along the beach. And then I'm also not too far from the river. I live in Perth, and so I'm on the Swan River and, um, there's some beautiful trails along there too. So yeah, similarly just beautiful out in nature, actually.

Um, and you've gotten off to an amazing start in your fundraising efforts, Kate, we've just all been amazed at how it's really gone. And, you know, as an individual, you've raised over $2,000, well over $2,000 already in the first 48 hours. So, um, that's incredibly exciting. Um, that must be really cool to see everyone sort of banding together and getting around that so quickly.

Oh, yeah. Look, I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the support I've received with everyone's thoughtfulness and, um, generosity. Yeah. Friends have followed my daughter's path. She's lost most of her vision a few years ago, and it's just been. They've just seen how Vision Australia has assisted her along the way. And, um, yeah, just see, I think they see the importance of Vision Australia radio and people's lives as well. So it's been fantastic. So I just went on the line and joined and for all my mates her message and um said I'm doing the challenge and said, here's the link to the donation page. And they've just been fabulous.

Very exciting. No, that's very exciting for sure. Absolutely. And, um, how can people support you going forward in your goal to reach 100km and raise money for Vision Australia Radio? What are those websites for people if they'd like to check them out and donate to the various teams?

Yeah, so anyone can join and it's really easy. You just visit the Be a website and on there there's a button you can click for the 100 K your way link, and then you can select the link to either the Perth, Adelaide or Melbourne teams. And hopefully you click Perth. And um when you're on that site you can just click join us and then you're off and ready to go yourself. Or alternatively it's okay just to donate without taking part and you just scroll down a little bit and there's the window to donate. And of course, all the donations over $2 are tax deductible and you receive a receipt for your donation. So, um, yeah, very easy. So it's VA radio. Org is the starting point.

Oh it's perfect VA there and all money raised within our three Vision Australia radio teams will directly support our fundraising targets for the radio network. And as Kate mentioned, it's super easy to join. You can visit VA that's VA and just click on the hundred K link and choose a team. Going to encourage a little bit of healthy competition. Encourage people over here to donate to our Melbourne team, and you can get people to donate to the Perth team. And we'll we'll see who wins out at the end of the month. That'll be nice. Little, um, well, it'll be healthy competition and encourages people to exercise and get healthy, so it's always good.

Yes. Excellent, excellent and good luck for you guys too. Okay.

Thank you so much for your time. I've been speaking today with Kate Lever, such from Vision Australia Radio in Perth, taking part in the hundred K Your Way challenge over the month of April as part of the Perth team. I'm Sam Culley and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, Associated Stations of Reading Radio and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that conversation there with Kate Lavers, such from Vision Australia Radio in Perth, taking part in the 100 K Your Way challenge over the month of April. And if you missed any part of that conversation with Kate or you'd love to listen to it again. Talking vision is available on the Vision Australia Radio website RVA that's via You can also find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia library. And now here's Stella Glory with Maria Marco.

This time around we are talking about Tele Link, which is Vision Australia's virtual social and interest group. Maria Marco is the co-ordinator tele link coordinator and she's here in the studio talking to me. Did I get that right? Maria?

Yes you did Stella. That was great. That was exactly what we are and what we do now.

For people who are listening and aren't familiar with tele link, which I would find it hard to believe that people don't know about this fantastic service that we operate. Give us more of an overview and tell us how long Tele Link has been running for.

Tele link has been around or offered through Vision Australia for coming up to 44 years this year. So it's been a well-established program through its history, and we are a social and interest based program, and we have wonderful volunteers who facilitate our groups.

We're going to talk about more about the volunteers, but what is the aim of Tele Link?

The aim for tele link is really bringing people together who are 18 and over and bringing them together because they share an interest or an activity that they want to do with other people through a virtual communication means like the through teleconference or through an online group.

It very much used to be telephone, but I think Covid might have changed that considerably as well.

That's right. So we introduced quite a number of online groups when we went into the pandemic, and some of those have carried on and in new groups that we set up, we do a combination of both audio and from both online. So it really depends on what the type of group is and who we are targeting for. But we use both.

And how did people adapt to those changes?

Uh, it was actually a pretty smooth change depending on the group type and when we were offering it and the topic. So when we run our webinars through our special interests, they're all through zoom. So that's the webinars platform. Other groups, it really depends on the topic and the age range that we're marketing that group to. So but generally people were quite keen to to connect up just to come together during that time.

And uh, what are some of the long running or standard groups that you have? I understand that crosswords and quizzes are very popular.

They certainly are. And if we can find more volunteers to set more groups up, we would fill them up very, very quickly because it's it's a topic that it it's fun and you mentally stimulating and it's bringing people together who who share the love of doing a crossword or a quiz and have a bit of fun and want to come back for more.

And other long running groups.

Uh, the history topics have book clubs that we work together with the region Australia library team, uh, current affairs, the social groups in other languages than English. We have Arabic, Greek, Italian, Spanish, we have Mandarin, Cantonese. So a lot of social discussion groups in English, of course. Um, and we have lots of peer support groups for eye conditions, for example our p support. And we have specific groups for dog handlers, people who have a dog or are thinking about, um, inquiring about, you know, what that's all about, and talk to others who have a dog guide parenting support for parents who are vision impaired, people who are blind or have low vision, who are the parent. So it's a lot of peer support as well as social and interest based programs.

How fantastic. Now, on top of all of this, you are also in the process of because you never sit still, it's like a moving shark telly link. I don't know where I came up with that analogy. And uh, so you're looking to open up some more, uh, create some more groups, including some language groups.

Yes. So we set up new groups or get ideas for groups, whether they're language or an activity based program or a topic in general from. What interest we get from clients as we get referrals for the program. And one of those is we are looking at setting up a third Mandarin speaking group for our Chinese speaking community. And we also will be looking at setting up a Hindi and Punjabi social group for people who are from India. Another group we're looking at, and we've had quite a bit of interest, is a group from people who play a musical instrument, a musicians group and one other that we've had on and off requests for, but we never really took a seriously, is a singalong group just for people just to get together and sing. So you don't need to be Beyonce or Bocelli or we're a soprano. It's just bringing people together just to sing and have feel good and just evoke those emotions of feeling happy or whatever that the emotion triggers from the song with other people. So we do have volunteers for these programs and we are looking for expressions of interest. If anyone wants to join and find out a bit more when they'll start, you know all those details will come out soon.

That is fantastic. Now, I also understand that you are a part like you've got your participants. It's a very popular service tele link. So to the groups, to some groups run for a particular period of time because I know that you have special interest groups or winter and summer groups as well.

That's right. So our regular programme, as we call it starts from February, takes a break in July and then comes back August till early December. And then in between in July and January each year we offer a special interest programme so our regular groups can have a break, as well as the volunteers taking a break and members can join something a bit different, something they haven't done before. Special interests. We do offer webinars which are a webinar series in the summer, in the winter, and that's where we have really great speakers, inspiring people, people who have done things in their specialised area, in their profession. So we are looking to plan for the July programme, which will be a four week programme this year. So we have the regular rotation as well as the special interest. So really tele link is 12 months of the year. It's non-stop and always planning ahead and looking for ideas and meeting and wonderful volunteers as well. So without them, we really couldn't do it for this long.

And you need some more volunteers in this area. What makes a good volunteer facilitator for tele link?

Some of the qualities that we look for are obviously the skills and all the language that they speak and their fluency, and they speak English as well. They're good listening skills, good communication, and just the passion to want to bring that enjoyment or whatever that topic may be, to bring people together and share that with them. But allowing them to be the drivers of the programme, and they're there to moderate or facilitate the conversation and include people and welcome speakers, etc., and welcome new members. So there's lots of training involved before people are commencing the role of a facilitator. So it is quite a role that a lot of people can. Obviously it is done remotely as well because these are the virtual programme. So we we do have a diverse range of volunteers and age range as well.

That's fantastic. And you can do it from the comfort of your own home. One thing I forgot did forget to ask who can join in on a tele link group? So clearly it's for people who are blind or have low vision.

Yes. So for people who are clients of Vision Australia, um, 18 and over. So our list we work with adult clients and so anyone 18 and over. So our age range is 18 right up to people in their early hundreds. Um, and people can join a group or groups depending on, on their, the capacity they have and what capacities we have, because our groups are very popular and we have limits on the teleconference groups as well. We have a line limit, but then there are reasons for that because it's only a one hour program. So we do have um, and it's national. We're national. So our reach is national. So we have clients from, from Northern Territory right through to Tassie and across WA to, um, the eastern side of Australia. So it is very diverse in all aspects, and.

All people need is a telephone and maybe at times a.

Internet connection.

An internet connection. Yeah. If you are interested in finding a little bit more about tele link as a participant, or if you're interested in volunteering for Tele Link, give Vision Australia a call on 1300 847 461 308 4746 or head over to our website at Vision Australia org that's Vision Australia. Org and I have been speaking to Maria marcoux who is the. Telly link co-ordinator here at Vision Australia. Always a pleasure to speak with you, Maria. Thanks for your time.

Thank you. Stella. Same.

And now to Carly Findlay's Growing Up Disabled. In Australia, 1 in 5 Australians have disability, and disability presents itself in many ways, yet disabled people are still underrepresented in the media and in literature. Growing Up Disabled in Australia includes interviews with prominent Australians such as Senator Jordan Steel John and Paralympian Isis Holt. Poetry and graphic art, as well as more than 40 original pieces by writers with a disability or chronic illness. And other contributors include Deon Beasley, Astrid Edwards, Jessica Walton, Carly J. Metcalf, Gayle Kennedy, and Elle Gibbs. Let's hear a sample of Growing Up Disabled in Australia, edited by Carly Findlay. It's narrated by Carly Findlay.

Elle Gibbs no one told me when I first got sick that I had abruptly joined a community, one with a history and theories and ways of being. Instead, I was told to relentlessly search for a cure and an exit, no matter the cost to wage war on my disease self. I had become disabled not just by my disease, but by the way the world treated me. When I found that out, everything changed. It all started with a few spots on my arm. One summer day. A few red, flaky spots that I ignored. I had drinking to do drugs, to take, bands, to see, chaos to create. But the spots had their own agenda. They joined together and spread down my arm, then all over my body, various doctors peered at me and pronounced that it was nothing to worry about. Here's a cream that will fix you. Three months later, I was covered from head to toe in crimson, weepy, flaking hot sauce skin. It cracked every time I breathed in or out, and I bled on everything. By now, the doctors had agreed that a cream probably wouldn't fix me, and that I had to go to hospital for a few days. Right? No, they said for a few weeks I was 19. Each morning in hospital, I would stand on sheets in my undies while two nurses painted my skin with a paste, then wrapped me in bandages. The next day, the paste would be scrubbed from my skin and after a bath in tar, it would be reapplied. Repeat repeat repeat.

That was a sample of Growing Up Disabled in Australia by Carly Findlay or Findlay. I should say Carly is spelt Carly. Carly Findlay is Findlay. Findlay.

Thanks very much, Frances. And now, just before we go, there's some news about an upcoming women's leadership program run through women with Disabilities Victoria. Apply now for the Enabling Women Leadership Program. They're inviting women and non-binary people with a disability connected with the state of Victoria, aged 18 plus, to join their statewide Enabling Women Leadership program. This program focuses on empowerment and working towards building confidence, exploring who you are, reflecting on your strengths, working with a mentor to achieve a leadership goal, and becoming a better leader in your community. It takes place in person at women with Disabilities Victoria's office in Melbourne or online via zoom. It runs for eight weekly sessions for three hours, with breaks included plus five one on one sessions with a mentor and the graduation celebration. It runs every Wednesday from the 24th of April to the 12th of June, and the mentor sessions and graduation celebration are to be confirmed. Cost is free and for more information, including copies of the application form in accessible formats and help to apply, you can visit the women with Disabilities Victoria website at Hey you. That's w dv for you. Or you can also email Bridget Jolly on Bridget dot jolly at w divorce you. That's Brad get Jolie at Wdvm for you. Applications close at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, the 11th of April, 2024. And that's all the time we have for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking vision is a Vision Australia radio production. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together every week. And remember, we love hearing from you. So please get in touch anytime on our email at Talking Vision. At Vision That's talking vision or one word at Vision But until next week it's Sam Cowley saying bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 308 4746. That's one 384 746 or by visiting Vision That's Vision Australia call.

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