First proclaimed by UNESCO in 2011, World Radio Day takes place on 13 February every year to shine a spotlight on radio as a powerful medium for celebrating humanity in all its diversity.
In this spirit this week we hear from three people with a love for radio: Kath Letch from Australia, Camuran Albanoi from Albania and Jambay Tshering from Bhutan.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.
Hello everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
You know, the way in which people connect through community radio stations is quite a special feature. It crosses over all sorts of ages and lifestyles in a way that often other community enterprises don't necessarily do.
Welcome to this special World Radio Day edition of Talking Vision. We've got an absolute jam packed show for you this week as we journey around the world, starting off in Australia with a very special guest Catholic who has been involved in the community radio sector for over four decades and recently received an OEM for her work and commitment over that time. And then later on, you'll hear from Cameron Albanese, an avid listener, to Virgin Australia radio in Shepparton. Originally from Albania, Cameron has moved about in different parts of Australia before settling in Shepparton, where he's been a committed Virgin Australia radio listener ever since. And finally, on the program, we head to Bhutan as Vision Australia. Radio Perth volunteer Peter Stoker catches up with a listener from South Bhutan to Virgin Australia Radio, who's also a station manager himself. I hope you'll enjoy this week's special World Radio Day edition of Talking Vision. I began the interview with Kath by asking her to tell us all about her first taste of radio as a volunteer in Perth.
I started with a station called six UVs, now known as aunty Art in Perth in the late 70s. So quite some time back now, and I had a range of friends and acquaintances that were involved in the radio station, and I came to it through that network. And, uh, six UVs was an educational station associated with the University of Western Australia and that sort of later stage also Murdoch. It's been through a number of changes, and it's a completely independent community based station now as RTFM.
And how did you sort of get bitten by the radio bug? What is the sort of thing that really sparked that off for you at a young age?
I think it was largely, uh, out of a music interest at that time. Art was a mixture of fine music because the university had a fine music department and talks, and what sounds rather quaint now was that a group of young people were interested in non-classical music of all kinds of genres, but contemporary music, and I think that was the starting point of my interest. It was an era when music was not so available to people in the way it is now online, and that was the sort of start of my engagement as a volunteer and being involved in a couple of different programs. As time went by, I became more and more interested in kind of talks and conversation sides of radio. But certainly in those early years, it was music that took me into it.
And Kath well, fast forward now a little while to a couple of the management positions that you've been involved with over the time with, um, you know, being the general manager, for example, of Triple-A for the best part of 15 years. So you would have seen so many, you know, changes over that time. So what was the biggest sort of or 1 or 2 of the biggest sort of changes that you observed in your time?
I guess the really big change was computerization and digitization and the kind of introduction of the online world. And, um, you know, that has created very sort of significant changes in the production of radio, not necessarily the nature of radio itself, but certainly in the production and operations of radio stations. And, of course, as various forms of online communications have developed, the, you know, advent of social media and the multiplication of a range of online communication points. So I think, you know, the technology changes have been the very significant changes that I've observed over the time I've been involved, though interestingly, I think technology changes the processes and approach to some information, but doesn't necessarily sort of change the heart of what you do.
No, that's absolutely true. And Kath, you moved from Triple-A to more of a broader sector wide involvement with Community Radio. If your roles at the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia, and also that sort of gave you the opportunity to, you know, have some more involvement with the network, one of which, the stations is, of course, Vision Australia Radio, where we're speaking today. So tell us a bit about your involvement with RPA there.
Well, in the 90s, while my working role was general manager at Triple-A in Melbourne, my voluntary role and as you'd be aware, Sam, there's very high number of volunteers in the sector, about 20,000 nationally. I joined the CBA board and became CBA president in the mid 90s and continued an association with sector wide issues really since that point of time, and that brought me into a lot closer association with the sector much more broadly. And as you would know, it's an extremely diverse sector. So indigenous broadcasting, uh, religious broadcasting, educational broadcasting, the radio reading sector with. Stations for print disabilities and youth stations, and a very broad range of. Small regional stations, many of which are operated on a voluntary basis. And so from that period in the 90s, I had a much stronger association with a broad range of radio services, and certainly the RPA sector that Vision Australia is a part of and which has, you know, a very broad audience in the community, both with people who would identify as print disability, but also with people who enjoy the kind of radio reading services that produce community radio services, I think provide a range of really essential services within the community that engage and speak to communities of interest that are such a valuable part of the diversity in Australian communities.
Definitely no. That's absolutely 100% correct. And the way that these community radio stations do bring their communities of interest together is absolutely second to none. And I will come back to that later on, because there is so much to say about the power of radio as we celebrate World Radio Day this week. But before I get to that, I wanted to firstly, um, congratulate you, Kath, on being the recipient of an Order of Australia medal for your services to the community radio sector. Has that sit with you to, you know, be recognised in such a way for all the crucial work you have been doing?
Yes, it's certainly an honour to be recognised in that way. And, uh, I think for everyone it's always a good feeling to have work acknowledged. And I think particularly in a sector that there are so many deserving people, so many people that have put very large parts of their life into being involved with the community radio station and broadcasting and being part of that community. And so I feel like I can't say privilege to be recognised for my work in the sector when there are so many wonderful volunteers and deserving people. And I think that's, you know, the way in which people connect through community radio stations is quite a special feature. It crosses over all sorts of ages and lifestyles in a way that often other community enterprises don't necessarily do. And I think it activates, uh, a sense of community and citizenship that's increasingly important in quite a fraction and, and complex modern world. And it's something that's important to everyone, regardless of what particular focus. And I think the way in which radio has sort of intimate medium connects with people. And I think that was really clear, perhaps particularly in Melbourne during the sort of Covid period with such sort of lengthy lockdowns or not. I had a lot of contact with the community stations in Melbourne over that time, and I know that there was a lot of feedback from people being able to tune in and kind of connecting this way as part of what's keeping me sane in lockdown, and I think there's an element of that in the nature of radio services and broadcast as a kind of very accessible medium.
That's certainly true. And with these days, like World Radio Day, that encapsulates all of those thoughts that you did express just there. And it is so, so true that, um, you know, community radio does offer something that in some ways, no other sort of medium really can get close to. And it is such a unique, such a, a long standing, but, you know, successful and wide ranging medium for sure. So what do those sort of days mean for you as somebody who has been involved in the sector for so long and sane, just the positive impact that radio can have on people around the country? Yeah.
So I guess those days sort of act as a reminder of the kind of uniqueness of radio in a sense. And, you know, I think it's an environment where there is so much information available to people, so many assumptions that we are all online all of the time, but there's perhaps not enough discussion of sort of breaking that down to sort of how you access the information. That's. Meaningful or important to individuals and particular areas of our community. And so I think it's a celebration, I suppose, in a sense of the nature of radio. And I think it's an incredibly resilient medium. You know, something like 60% of all audio listening in Australia is still listening to live radio broadcast services. And I'm someone who very strongly sort of supports the nature of free to air broadcasting. That, of course, doesn't mean that there hasn't been a lot of change in technology, and people access things in different ways, and radio services need to be wherever their audience is and however their audience chooses to access. But I think it's a different medium to the notion of sort of individual online content where you or I or anyone else that can be online and sort of talk about or espouse whatever our ideas or thoughts are, there's a different kind of collective responsibility in broadcasting where you're broadcasting to potentially an entire community. You have a set of responsibilities around that. And I think these are important distinctions in the nature of information and reliable information. That's an important part of social cohesion and a kind of civic society that the vast majority of people wish to be a part of.
I've been speaking today with Catholic, celebrating World Radio Day with me today, and speaking about just how powerful a medium radio really can be. I'm Sam Culley and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, associated stations of RFF and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that special World Radio Day chat with Catholic there. If you missed any part of that conversation with Cath or you'd love to hear it again. Talking vision is available on the Vision Australia Radio website at RVA That's RVA You can also find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia library. And now it's my great pleasure to catch up with Cameron Albanese, a committed and enthusiastic listener to Vision Australia radio in Shepparton. I began by asking Cameron to tell us a little bit about himself.
In 1995 I came to Shepparton from Melbourne. Before that I was in Jabiru, Northern Territory. So I moved to Melbourne and from Melbourne came to Shepparton. I got married with my beautiful wife Susan, and I've got a son. Ah, then his name is. And, uh, this is how I ended up in Shepparton. And my wife is a third generation Albanian Australian.
And how did you get involved with Goulburn Valley Health where you're currently involved now?
Yes. Uh, ten years ago I was employed at the Goulburn Valley as a senior mental health support worker, and after three years I was a manager and due to some financial circumstances with funding, now I'm a team leader, but I hold the portfolio of social justice and human rights. So it's very interesting portfolio here.
Oh, it's very interesting and super important work. But there's also some other important work going on elsewhere in Shepparton at Tom Vision Australia Radio. So when did you start listening to Vision Australia Radio from Shepparton?
Yes, it was a great pleasure, an eye opening experience. I started approximately seven years ago and I knew a few people who were presenters on the local radio here in Shepparton and there were people with dignity, respect, tolerance, understanding and very, very inclusive. This is how I started to listen to the radio.
And which programs do enjoy the most. Cameron, out of all of them, are not a bit of a tricky questions. Very hard to pick. Um, sometimes it's it's like picking your favourite kids or something like that. It's just, um, almost impossible. But, um, do you have a favourite that you enjoy listening to?
I do, I do. To be quite almost same. Uh, I'm, uh, now very, very big fan of the conversation. Crikey. And, uh, national news. But also I listen early in the morning to Michael Joseph. I listen to Chuck Swindoll, I listen to Doctor Shula on Sundays. So it's a wide range of listening activities, which I enjoy.
And why do you think that Virgin Australia Radio Shepparton is such a crucial service to the local community?
So I strongly believe that regional Australia region not only Shepparton, but Victoria, South Australia, all around Australia. Now you just mentioned New Zealand. It is a radio, which maybe this station is not number one, but I think it's the second to none when it comes to partnerships with listeners. And to me it looks like it's committed to ensuring a listener centred system that is integrated, available, affordable, accessible, localized and accountable to listeners and their needs. So it is tailored for us who are listening the program. I congratulate the board, the presenters, production team, all the volunteers. My experience was last week I, I spoke to the coordinator of the business Area in Adelaide office and Mr. Bella was absolutely fantastic, very professional, very accommodating and he helped me out to obtain in written form with PDF some of the articles I was interested, so I'm appreciative. That shows me the commitment, the passion, the drive, the dedication of all of you there. It is incredibly comforting because it is, after all, people with various issues being physical, mental. Not everybody can go out to buy the paper. Not everybody has the time. But you bring the wool to us. It's a great privilege. You bring the wool to us in our houses, in our comfort, in our backyard, in our cars. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Cameron, I want to give you the opportunity to, you know, speak a bit about the importance of, you know, resources and adequate facilities for community radio. Stations around the country to provide such a crucial service to their listeners. So, you know, how important is that for you? And, you know, what do you think could be done?
I just want to say that I think resources are very important for any business and talking business management business is not a business. It's people's voice. Volunteers. But we need, I think, as a listener, I believe that we need more resources. The federal, state, local government and of course, support to those who can afford to support whichever means they can to continue with this very valuable program. And, uh, by doing so, giving us the world in our places. At the same time, some people may not be familiar with the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations. Goal 17 is partnerships. Goal three is good health and wellbeing and go for quality education and gender equality. Goal five so I'm conscious of the time. I think they are fulfilling the requirements of the United Nations. It's called United Nations. It's not disunited. Sometimes it's the shortcomings. But we are, after all, as a human being. This radio allows us and brings in a light that we as human beings, we share each other's humanity and human dignity. So I will just mention at the end that the article three from Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was accepted on 10th of December 1948, it says everyone has a right to life, liberty and security of the person. So being alive, different people that are motivated in different ways and some people are more physically, some intellectuals. However, you are giving us food to satisfy our intellectual curiosity and to be part of this community. We are proud that we are Australians after all, and proud to be global citizens. And if you don't mind me, same, I would like to say that Australian are upholding the Australian values, which are very important. They put in practice the best of traditional Australian values, match fairness, justice and equality.
Yeah, I'm really pleased to hear you enjoy it so much and it means so much to you.
It means so much to me and not only to me, but to most of the people I know. And I can see the calibre of the presenters, soothing voices, factual articles, not fiction, but facts. And that's what is missing in this world these days. I think humanity is in pain. Our planet is in peril. But if we stay strong together, we can overcome all. What we need is a good will to understand each other and respect each other. Sam.
I've been speaking today with Cameron Albanese, adult community mental health team leader at Goulburn Valley Health, mental health advocate and avid Vision Australia radio Shepparton Listener, who joined me today to celebrate World Radio Day on Talking Vision. And now here's Jemma Sydney from Virgin Australia, Radio Perth, introducing our final conversation between Virgin Australia Radio Perth volunteer Peter and Jump by cheering from Eddy Radio in South Bruton.
Virgin Australia Radio's resident virtual tour guide Peter Stotts, who is of course the host of sights, Sounds and Songs, recently had a chat with Mr. Danby. Cheering he is from Eddy Community Radio in South Brighton and is one of our international listeners to mark World Radio Day 2024, which is on the 13th of February. Peter had this chat with Jambo on.
Our World Radio Day journey. We have already been to Europe, Africa, the Americas and on our way home we go to a landlocked country sharing its borders with India and China. I'm looking at a business card in beige color and read Eddie. Community radio FM 91.01. Add indigenous people South Bhutan Sarpong manager, Program Producer, jumpy Cheering it is a great pleasure that I can welcome Mr. Sharma by sharing to our weekly virtual travel and music program sights, sounds and songs and more importantly, to listeners across the Virgin Australia Radio Network on Am and FM stations, via radio, on digital and also online at RVA Hello chamber, good to have you on the line. Yes, sir. Can I start with the first question? Could you tell us right now where you are? Where are you talking to us from?
Uh thank you sir. Hello everyone. I'm talking from community radio station South Baton. Uh, 12km from town, 241km from Capital Timber.
And how far away would you be from the Indian border?
Uh, we are just near to Assam border. India. Assam border. It is just, uh, 12km, right?
We now know exactly where you are. And because this is a travel program, can I ask you, have you been travelling a fair a bit in Bhutan? And also have you been abroad? Have you been to other countries with your work?
Actually 10 to 10. I have to go to capital and abroad. I got one, one chance to go, uh, attend a conference in Nepal. And my fortunate again, Asia Pacific invited me to attend a trip to Asia and radio broadcast conference in Bangkok.
Okay. Right. So you've been to Thailand there? And I don't think you speak Thai, do you? No, sir. Can you tell us, um, the what is the language? Um, in, in Bhutan, do you call it Bhutanese or is there another a term for it?
Yes, sir. Uh, actually, our national language is sangha model language.
For a bit of, uh, curiosity can be. Can I ask you to say a few words in donkey? In Bhutanese, for instance, could you say it's great to be connected with Australian people on the radio?
Australian vision, uh, community radio? Uh, interview, I mean.
Let's go to the radio side of of your life. For how long have has your station been on air time? By nine.
Years. 7 to 9 years.
So? So you basically the only person at the station and running everything from from the programs to the technical side, is that right?
Yes, yes. Thank you. And we are just about out of time. And so therefore I would like to thank you for your elaborations, your explanations and talking to us from South Bhutan on behalf of Virgin Australia, I thank you very much. And of course, we wish you the very best, uh, to continue your work on the radio station at Eddie. And we are sure that brings so much positive outcomes to people there in Bhutan, and we will keep in touch for sure. Best wishes from all of us here at Virgin Australia Radio.
It's my pleasure to have you, sir. You have a very, uh, valuable festive touch on community radio as well to me, sir. Thank you so much.
Yes, it's been a pleasure. And the thanks is all from from our side. Jambi, please continue your important work in South Bhutan.
On Virgin Australia Radio. That was Peter Stotts, host of sights, Sounds and songs. Speaking with JB cheering from Eddy Community Radio in South Bhutan. Happy World Radio Day 2024 and thanks for listening.
Thank you to Gemma, as well as a special thanks to Peter and Jambi for that wonderful chat there all the way from Bhutan. That concludes this week's. Special World Radio Day episode of Talking Vision. I hope you enjoyed those conversations as much as I did bringing them to you where we heard from Kath, Cameron and Jambi with their perspectives about radio that transcended nations, languages and cultures. Talking vision is a production of the Vision Australia radio network. Thanks, as always to everybody involved with putting the show together and we love hearing from you. So please get in touch anytime at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dawg. That's talking vision all. One word at Vision But until next week it's Sam Collins saying Happy World Radio Day and bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 308 4746. That's one 384 746 or by visiting Vision That's Vision Australia call.