Sam speaks with Lizzie Eastham, new permanent co-host of Studio 1 with Sam Rickard on Vision Australia Radio's Adelaide station.
We also hear from Sarah from the library, who gives us an update on some upcoming programs and exciting new books now available in the Vision Australia library.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.
Hello everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
It's very easy to forget that other people face the same challenges as you, especially when you're going through day to day life. And it's great to just hear from other people and individuals about the experiences they've had, whether they are similar or different to yours. I love talking, I love socializing, I love listening to people's stories, and for me, 100%, that's what I love about radio and also having my voice out there being heard, especially on important topics. You know, I love the fact that I can have my voice heard, and it's such a wonderful experience to be part of radio.
Welcome to the show and Happy New Year and great to be back with you for 2024. We've got a fantastic show in store for you this week as I catch up with Lizzie Eastham. Now, Lizzie is one of the new hosts of Studio One with Sam Ricard in Adelaide. She's been involved for quite a while, but now it's official she is the co-host with Sam and we look forward to hearing from her in the future on the airwaves in Adelaide. That conversation is just around the corner, so make sure to stay tuned for that one. Then, after I chat with Lizzie, Sarah from the library joins me to have a chat about some upcoming events and some new releases in the library for people to have a raid. I hope you'll enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. I'm here today with Lizzie Eastham, who joins me today from Adelaide. Now, Lizzie, apart from being an accomplished cyclist and singer, is also one of the hosts of Studio One on Virgin Australia Radio in Adelaide. And she joins me now to have a chat all about it. Lizzie, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time.
Yeah, and thanks for having me, Sam. It's great to be here.
Now, um, Lizzie, firstly, um, just starting off with, um, how long have you been involved in radio?
So actually started working in community radio in 2015. I was part of a radio network here in South Australia called Radio Adelaide, and I was part of a youth and disability themed show called Access All Areas, as well as five other young people with disabilities. And we covered issues and topics that were, uh, hot or uh, um, of contention in the disabled community at the time. So I did that for about two and a half years. And then obviously I started again in Vision Australia, uh, in 2022. So yes, for quite some time.
Okay. And is there a story behind how you got involved with Virgin Australia Radio in Adelaide?
Yes. So I actually was a guest speaker at an Irish Circle event for people who had left donations in their wills for seeing eye dogs, and because I'm a seeing eye dog handler, I was asked to speak at that event and Sam Rickard, who is one of Vision Australia's radio presenters, was also co-hosting the event and I got to speaking with him and the couple of other people, including Michael Dunn, who runs Guest of Honour here in Adelaide, and I just got a foot in the door. I had a couple of chats with some amazing people who ran the station down here in Adelaide, and I started, um, as a semi-regular co-host of Studio One with, uh, Sam and Matthew when he was part of the show.
Oh, wonderful. And we'll get onto Studio One in a second. But, um, just briefly, you mentioned that you're a seeing eye dog handler, and you've got your seeing eye dog, Lacey, in the background, and she's quite the personality, as I've heard. So how long have you both been together?
Uh, so we've been together since July of 2015. She's just turned ten on the 1st of January, and we've had many adventures together. So many adventures. I've got hours worth of stories I could probably tell. But I won't go into too many because. Right. It's just.
Have you got a favourite one?
Uh, I don't know. I do have one. Uh, a mischievous one. Uh, she we went to the shops not long after I got her, and we graduated together, and me and my grandmother were looking over some cakes to get for afternoon tea. And the next thing we know, a package had clattered to the floor. And Lacey had looked up with us with a dollop of cream on her nose, and this looked as if to say I didn't do it, and she'd actually eaten the cream bun out of the container.
Oh my God. Uh, yeah. That's it. Oh well, no, she's certainly a bit of a character. But, um, speaking of characters, I'm sure there's quite a few characters involved with, um, Studio One. So you're officially joining forces, as you've mentioned, with, um, Sam Richard there. And, you know, what are you looking forward to the most?
I'm looking forward to some of the topics that we're doing this year and speaking to some really awesome people. Uh, we're doing a lot more about sport this year. Um, and we're doing an episode on dating in a few weeks, I believe. So I just look forward to speaking to different people each week and covering topics that are of importance within the blind and vision impaired community.
Um, there's some there's quite a bit of, um, similarity between, um, Studio One and Talking Vision. But to give listeners a bit more of an insight, could you give us a background on what, um, Studio One is all about?
Yeah. So we look at life through the, uh, through the point of view of blind and low vision people. So we cover topics that are experienced in day to day life, such as the traveling. And last year we did a show called puppy or the stick as an example. So we looked at the pros and cons of the cane versus a guide dog. Um, we've done shows on cooking fashion, so it's just all about the day to day experiences of people who are blind or have low vision and how we navigate certain situations, whether it be socially, professionally, um, in. Sports, dieting, cooking, all that, sort of, you know, um, things that, you know, you wouldn't usually think about, but just issues that blind and vision impaired people often have a lot of trouble with or have funny stories with. It's not all serious. We do actually talk to a lot of funny people and have some great stories. It's a great part of that show.
Now that's super important to have. Definitely a bit more of a lighthearted angle on things because, you know, sometimes life can get a bit too serious and a bit full on. So it's great to have that balance there. And as I understand, there's a few more sort of themes with all the the shows rather than talking vision, which is a bit more sort of interview based and current affair based and a bit of a different focus. So that's interesting how they both complement each other quite nicely. Now, as you've said before, you have been involved in radio since some 2015. So what do you enjoy the most about radio and what sort of being the biggest sort of life changing thing for you?
Oh, I would have to say the people meeting different people, talking to new people, just getting other people's perspective on life, it's very easy to forget that other people face the same challenges as you, especially when you're going through day to day life. And it's great to just hear from other people and individuals about the experiences they've had, whether they are similar or different to yours. And I just, I love talking, I love socialising, I love listening to people's stories. And for me, 100%, that's what I love about radio and also having my voice out there being heard, especially on important topics. You know, I love the fact that I can can have my voice heard and, and it's such a wonderful experience to be part of radio.
Um, it is for sure. And outside of radio, though, you also have quite a few strings to your bow. You've, um, also recently participated in the nationals in para cycling. So tell us a bit about that and how that went.
Yeah, that was a lot of fun. So the Parasailing Road Nationals are held were held in Ballarat this year in Buninyong from the 3rd to the 7th of January. On the 4th of January we had our time trial. So I compete in the women's tandem category. Um, we came fourth in the time trial, had a few mechanical issues which cost us some time, unfortunately, but I'm very happy to say that we actually got a bronze in the road race, the 41 kilometre course with a lot of climbing, and we did really well. I'm super stoked with how we went. My pilot and I have only been training together for a year and it was just great that we could get out and set some personal records and just be a really strong team, and also get to know other tandem riders as well.
Um, that's fantastic news for that. Um, that bronze medal. That's really cool. Now, you've said there that you've been together with your pilot for one year, but how long have you been tandem cycling all up?
Well, on and off since about 2013. So back in 2013, uh, on cycling had a para cycling development programme out at the velodrome in Jetzt cross here in Adelaide. So I was part of that. Um, I had a track pilot and we trained together once a week on the track. Uh, then later that year I got involved with a road program that's no longer around, but it was one of the only places outside of the South Australian Institute of Sport that, uh, trained tandem cyclists. Uh, I'm talking I had a few years off because of moving and different life circumstances, but I got back into it again in June of 2022, and I haven't looked back ever since.
And had you been involved in sports or exercise things before you got involved in tandem cycling 11 years ago now would be.
Yeah, not a whole lot. So I guess as a kid in primary school, I did cross-country. I loved cross-country running. It was great. But, um, during high school, more of an emphasis was placed on academics because I was quite good at music. So I did a lot of musical stuff. Uh, you know, I did was a vocal performer. So I did that on piano and also, um, focused on my schoolwork. And there wasn't really any time for sports or exercise outside of that. But when I reached my last year of school, I, I did a bit of a research project on. Exercise and the brain and things like that for psychology and I, I became aware of the importance of movement and fitness to human beings. And that's when I really started getting into exercising and training. And then, yeah, a year later, I started turning cycling. So. Oh, wow. Yeah, not too much. I haven't always been a sporty person, but I love it. I absolutely enjoy getting out there, giving it my all and being the best athlete I can be.
All right. And you've mentioned there you are also quite a musical person. You're quite the accomplished singer, as I understand it. And, um, I should mention you've been involved with music for quite a while since high school. Was there one sort of point where you really found out? Oh, you know, I really I love music, I love singing, I love, you know, playing instruments and being involved in the music side of things. Or did it sort of just, I guess gradually happen?
Well, apparently if you listen to my family and what they have to say, I've been singing since I was a toddler. Queen was my favorite band, apparently. Um, and I would wake up at 2:00 in the morning singing Queen songs, which I can kind of believe, actually. All right. Um, but I actually got into singing and playing the piano when I was eight. Um, I, it was recognized by the music teacher at my school at the time that I was quite good. So I've actually been in doing music and studying it and performing since I was eight years old. Um, I didn't know what instrument or, um, I was going to pursue at that time, but it was realized pretty quickly that I was a good singer. So I've always gone with singing, and I play a little bit of piano to accompany myself. But I'm not the world's greatest pianist or anything.
Oh yeah, because it is really tricky to, you know, sing and play the piano. I think anyone who can do both really well, that's an incredible effort of giving it a crack here and there. But it's it's definitely not the easiest. So it's great to be able to do both of them reasonably well at all. So I can certainly relate with that. So I've been speaking today with Lizzie Eastham, who is alongside Sam Richard, one of the hosts of Studio one at Virgin Australia Radio in Adelaide. Oh, I've had the great opportunity to chat with today all about it. Let's see. Thank you so much for your time today. It was great to catch up with you and hear about all of your work in community radio, and more recently with Vision Australia Radio in Adelaide with Studio One.
Thank you and thank you very much for having me. And if you want to get in touch with the show, you can email us at studio one at Vision Australia. Org. Just thought I'd get that in there. Perfect.
That's studio one at Vision Thanks so much Lizzie. Thank you. I'm Sam Kelly and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia. Radio associated stations of Disability Media Australia and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that conversation there with Lizzie Eastham from Studio One in Adelaide. If you missed any part of that interview with Lizzie, I'd love to hear any part of it again. Talking vision is available on the Vision Australia Radio website at RVA That's RVA You can also find the show on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia library. And speaking of the Vision Australia Library, here is Sarah Bladon to join me right now. I'm here today with Sarah from the library for one of the first library chats of the New Year. Happy new year, Sarah.
Happy New year, Sam. So nice to be back 2024. I don't know how that has happened. Yeah, but wonderful to be back. Our library has just reopened, so we're very excited for a big year.
Oh, fantastic. Now, um, we're opening up the new year with a few programs, so tell us a bit about them.
Yeah, so we're really excited to have lots of amazing programs happening in the library again this year. Uh, for any of our library members that have attended our programs in the past, you'll recognize some of the awesome things that we have, some of our regulars, but we're also having some new and exciting things for 2024. Um, so our first one is coming up on the 14th of February, which a lot of people think of as Valentine's Day. But in the library world, we call it Library Lovers Day. And we're having a treat your shelf event, which if anybody has come along before, um, it's just an opportunity for book lovers to tune in, to chat about books, but also to get inspiration for your next read. So please feel free to come along. Whether you've been before or this would be your first time. Um, you're welcome to just listen and get some ideas of what to read next, but we always love to hear kind of what you're reading, what you'd like to read more of, and just chat about all those nerdy book things. Um, and our next event following that is we have an in conversation. So in conversation, events happen four times a year, and we have the opportunity to welcome absolutely amazing authors and creators to chat with us. And it's wonderful for our clients because you'll get some time, uh, to ask questions that you might have had kind of burning questions of an author about their book or their process. Um, so they really welcome that. So our first one will be on March 25th, and we're having Alexis Wright come along, who will be interviewed by Astrid Edwards. Alexis Wright is phenomenal. She's the author of the prize winning novels Carpentaria and The Swan Book. She's actually the only author to win both the Miles Franklin Award and the Stella Prize. And her latest novel, is praiseworthy, which has recently received the Queensland Literary Award for fiction. So that will be absolutely wonderful event that's online. Um, so feel free to register. Information will be on our library website to come along. And, um, as always, our programs are completely free. I should mention that.
Oh, wonderful. That's great news.
Yeah it is. And then we know that as much as we have so many, um, reading lovers in the library, we also have people that are wanting to write as well. So we have a great program of writing, uh, different programs this year. Some of those will be writing for children. So if you've ever wanted to write a picture book or write a story for, um, school children, that will be great. We've got our memoir Writing Back Again that is popular every single year. We always get more people than we can fit. Um, so that's an opportunity to really bring your own story to life, whether it's for yourself and your family, for your memories, or you'd like to potentially create something that you could have published. Um, we will support you to kind of start on that journey. We'll also this is a new one for 2024 is flash fiction. Um, so some people might know it as short story writing, but it's great. Um, and it's hard. I think people think writing a short story is easy, but you've got to pack so much into maybe 500 words, so that's going to be really fun. I'm looking forward to that one.
Yeah, that's definitely a skill in and of itself. So looking forward to seeing how that, um, pans out.
Yeah, absolutely. And writing for wellbeing is back again. So writing for wellbeing was super popular in 2023. Um, it's an opportunity to use writing, I guess, as a bit of a cathartic way to share and understand our own feelings about things. Um, and use it as part of kind of a wellbeing schedule. So that is a really lovely program as well for all of these. Um, you can register your interest on our website or I can give the details at the end. Um, please feel free to come along. We would love to welcome new faces, and we'd also love to welcome back people that have attended programs before.
Perfect. And. Sarah. There's quite a few exciting new releases to tell us all about. So what sort of books are jumping out for you and something you'd love to get your teeth into?
Yeah, absolutely. We've got lots of great new things. We've always got new books in the library. A couple that caught my eye is Lola in the Mirror by Trent Dalton. Um, now, a few of you might know Trent Dalton. His book, Boy Swallows Universe is one of, I think, Australia's most beloved book. And he's brought out a new book. And we've also, I noted we've got the new Richard Osman. So anybody that's enjoyed the Thursday Murder Club, which are they're described as cosy crime, which I find it of quite a funny term. Um, but because you don't want to say it's lovely, but I guess, you know, there are these, um, crime novels that are very kind of, um, enjoyable in a way. They're set in a nursing.
Engaging. Yeah.
So here are the Thursday Murder Club is what his series is called. Um, so if you haven't read them, they're just at wonderful time. Um, I really enjoyed them. And I also was just. I mean, I don't know about you, Sam, but I definitely watch too much, um, TV during the break. And a lot of amazing, uh, movies and series on Netflix have come from books. So I wanted to mention a couple that I know have been kind of trending on Netflix or streaming services. I'm not sure if that one. Exactly. Um, Lessons in Chemistry is one of those. So that was actually a book, and I just read this book. I sold 6 million copies worldwide. It's an absolute sensation. I know, um, the author is Bonnie Gamez. Um, and it's about a chemist called Elizabeth, um, who finds herself somehow, um, as the host of America's most beloved cooking show. Um, and her approach to cooking, I guess, is quite scientific and quite different. Um, but not only does she kind of teach women to cook, she's really daring them to change the status quo. Um, it's a really wonderful story. It's set in the 1960s. Very empowering. Um, but also very funny. So, uh, certainly for anybody that's enjoyed the TV series, I would encourage you to go back to the book. Uh, 6 million people can't be wrong, right?
Yeah, for sure.
And enjoy that. And another one that's been kind of trending recently is killers of the Flower Moon, which was a recent movie, I believe, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, and it's actually based on a nonfiction book. So this one's a little bit heavier and certainly kind of one maybe for your true crime, um, or non-fiction lovers. Um, it's by David Grann, and it's about a true story, um, in the 1920s that the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Indian Nation in Oklahoma. And then one by one, uh, members of this family begin to be killed off. And the FBI then comes in to investigate what is happening and to uncover a really a kind of a heinous, uh, number of crimes and expose a lot of prejudice in America in the 1920s. So it's quite a devastating and compelling read, a little heavy, but certainly so well researched. And the book is very readable, even for kind of non, uh, lovers of fiction. It reads really, really well and it's such a crazy story. But definitely if you if you enjoyed the movie or you're a true crime, uh, enthusiast, that one.
That's quite a lot of those. Uh, as I understand it, we, um, we get a lot of true crime buffs and people who love their, their mysteries and their, their crime novels. So it's always a hugely popular genre in the Australia Library. So looking forward to seeing, um, that um, continue now. Um, Sarah, just, um, before we, um, wrap up, let's, um, get a few details. So, um, we'll talk about those programs before, but also if people would like to head along and have a look and borrow a few of those books that we've been chatting about, where is the best place for them to do that?
Yeah, absolutely. So, uh, our website has lots of information. Um, so Vision Australia, org slash library. Um, so there you can register for the library if you're not a member. We're a completely free library service. We have audio books, braille books and children's literacy kits. Uh, so please feel free to join the library. Um, we can support you to read how you would like to read. And on that same website, you will find information about the different programs that we have and an opportunity to register if you're just after more information, also feel free to email the library at any time. We're library at Vision Australia. Org if you had a question about any anything really to do with the library, whether it's joining or some of our programs or we even have staff that can support. If you're just not sure what to read next, or you want some more information about a particular book or genre, that's.
Library at Vision library at Vision to shoot them an email. Or you can also of course give them a ring on one three. Hundred 654656. That's 1300 654 656. For all your library inquiries, I've been speaking today with Sarah from the library all about the upcoming programs and some exciting new books coming to the Australia Library. Sarah, thanks so much for your time today. It was a pleasure to catch up with you to chat all about the library.
Thanks so much.
And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together. And remember we love your feedback and comments. So please do get in touch on Talking Vision at Vision That's talking vision all. One word at Vision But until next week it's Sam. Cool saying bye for now.
You can contact Virgin Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 308 4746. That's one 384 74 six or by visiting Virgin That's Vision Australia call.