Talking Vision 697 Week Beginning 9th of October 2023

Published Oct 11, 2023, 1:52 AM

The third book in the Big Visions series, Dressed for Success, is now available and Stella joins the show this week to chat all about it with the star of the book, fashion designer Nikki Hind, alongside Vision Australia library manager Vildana Praljak.

Then after you hear from Stella Nikki and Vildana, Sam catches up with Leeanne from the Library about some more upcoming events in the library this October and some new additions to the library catalogue, and finally this week Frances joins the show with a Reader Recommended.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

The interesting thing is when you just keep stepping through, you keep stepping through. You get used to the idea that, like, something's gone wrong, something is a temporary failure or it's taken longer or there are obstacles in the way, or you're exhausted. And just to give yourself a bit of a break, have a reassess and just keep plodding forward. And remember, keep in touch with what you love and why you're why you love it.

Welcome to the program. We've got a bit of a literary theme this week as Nikki Holland, the blind fashion designer, joins Stella to have a chat about her role as the protagonist of the third and Final Big Visions book, Just for Success. We're very excited to have Nikki on the program this week, so that interview is coming up very shortly. So make sure to stick around to hear more. Then after you hear from Stella and Nikki, I'm joined by Leanne from the library as she covers the latest events coming up in the Vision Australia Library over the month of October. Plus some new additions to the Vision Australia Library catalog that people can look forward to having a raid. And then last but certainly not least, Francis Collins, back with a reader, recommended. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. And now his stellar glory with Nikki Hind and a special guest.

Many of our listeners would now be familiar with a Vision Australia's big Vision series, which is three children's books featuring everyday heroes who just happened to be blind or have low vision. Now to talk to me about the third book, which has just been released. It's called Dressed for Success. I'm speaking with the protagonist of the book, Nikki Hind, blind fashion Designer. Hi, Nikki. Hello. And also the brains behind the entire series from the Vision Australia Library. Phil Dana Project. Hi, Aldana. Hey, Stella. So, Nikki, how was it for you to share your story in the final installment of the series?

Well, it is certainly I guess it's it's a huge privilege. Aside from from anything else, It's it's an incredible honor. Um, honestly, just the the thought that the things that I've done in my life chosen to do the story of that, that that may be something to encourage other young children to follow their dreams and to think outside the box is just an incredible honor. It really is.

And Dress for Success aims to shift people's expectation of what a person with disability is capable of, while also creating inspiring role models for children of all abilities. Snellville Dana, what made the library and the team choose Nikki for you? No, no, no. Shame on you, Nikki Of course. But if you could articulate why you chose Nikki.

Oh, goodness. So I've worked with Nikki before on a different project, and certainly I've seen her giving a speech and being a part of the panel. And I was quite impressed just with her, I suppose the story and just determination and resilience and persistence or what they say kind of great. Absolutely. Nikki had it and I just thought, we need more of these heroes. We need these stories. We need children who are blind to have low vision, really to hear these stories. And like Nikki said, just to follow your dream, you don't have to be the most amazing fashion designer in the world. But the fact that you can, you know, be in charge of your wardrobe or your personal style or appearance, that's just amazing. So I think it's just the story that Nikki had to tell was very important for the kids to hear.

So in a nutshell, I mean, we don't want to give too much away about the story. So could you encapsulate what the story is like? You're talking about perseverance and grit. So that is the name of your fashion label, Blind Grit. But could you tell us just a little bit about the story but not know plot spoilers?

That's for you.

That's for me. Okay. Well, I guess it is the story of, um, a school girl who stream it was to be a fashion designer and who used to, I guess, play around with clothes and fashion and things when she was younger but did not have, um, I guess didn't really didn't really believe that she could be such a thing. That seemed like too big a reach at the time when I was young and where ironically, where where vision impairment actually fits into that story and, and, and how that gave me a lot of the qualities, you know, the very human qualities that it takes to, uh, you know, to just keep stepping one foot in front of the other, keep plugging away at a dream because it's not necessarily, um, it's not necessarily always a glamorous thing, but it's a very deeply human thing. Um, and yeah, that it was, that it was the person I was with a disability, that was the person who was able to see the dream come to fruition.

While talking about the books as a whole. Do do the books address potential roadblocks any of our heroes may have encountered, like societal expectations, people who are blind or have low vision.

Absolutely stolen the book. Neither of these three books shy away from difficult topics because absolutely, that's what the life is like. Nikki just said it's about being human. And, you know, for Matt, it was the bullying that he experienced in school. And for Craig, it was around, you know, constant deterioration and the loss of his vision that was kind of always throwing new challenges for him. And Nikki's story, which you have to kind of buy to read. Absolutely. The life through so many challenges. And it really is about drawing on people within your community. It's about kind of reaching out, but also overcoming, persevering and really pushing through. Sometimes that's not easy and that's okay. Sometimes it's absolutely fine to say sorry, it's too much. And as they say, you know, some days the dragon wins. But there are other days that you can absolutely let the sunshine in. And certainly these three protagonists have been through it all and very real, very multi-dimensional stories of three people, three Australians, that no matter who the child is, can really find a meaning and inspiration.

And you were nodding your head there, Nikki, when Bill Dana was talking about letting you know sometimes the dragon wins. I love that. I'm going to use that. Did that resonate with you when she said that?

Oh, absolutely. Because I guess the key thing I am in life as an adult is actually a mum. And just yeah, as I said, it's you know, when you think of of following dreams and what dreams are and what dreams mean, they can often, you know, we get such a glossy end version of what it looks like in an overnight success kind of thing. And there is just so much of, just as I say, just stepping forward, just a little steps forward and, um, you know, my children have seen me cry and they've seen me be elated and.

On the cover of the magazines.

That's right. The book. Yeah.

They I have to say. I haven't I haven't at any stage thought, Oh, I'll just stop. Because when I do, I think, what would that even even look like? You know what? What would I do instead? And I guess, you know, that's that's the whole power of a of a dream, especially a child's dream. It comes from, um, you know, you kind of, you, your deep love and passion and what you would love to put forward in the world and why. And, you know, if I was just to throw my hands up and say, God, it's just all too hard, I want to stop and just do what I want to do. What I want to do is design lovely clothes and be an advocate for for, you know, disability in society. Anyway, So I think I just take a step back. That is a lovely expression. That's what I was nodding at to some day The Dragon. And it feels like that sometimes it really feels like that, that the dragon wins. But the interesting thing is when you just keep stepping through, you keep stepping through it. You get used to the idea that this is just a bad like some something's gone wrong, something is a temporary failure or it's taken longer or there are obstacles in the way, or you're exhausted. And just to give yourself a bit of a break, have a reassess and, you know, just keep keep plodding forward and remember, keep in touch with what you love and why you why you love it.

I think it's a good message for adults as well. I mean.

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

I mean, kids. I mean, what what if a child doesn't have a dream as yet? You know, many dreams. That's a controversial subject right there.

Well, true. And it's very common. Like, you know, if you were to ask my son, what would you like to be the other day he was a shopkeeper and to dollar shop because they get all the money.

Apparently when.

Children like him buy Pokemon cards. Um, I think not necessarily. Everyone needs to have a dream, but I think that in a belief in yourself and um, that you, and especially in the context of disability, I mean, it's so important to understand that disability is just one dimension of us as, as a person. There's so much to us as a people and having that belief within yourself that you can, you know, be an active member of our society and, you know, have friends and connect with people, connect with nature. I think that's really what this is all about. Like, you can be quite proactive and in charge of your life, have that agency and self-determination and how.

What's the feedback been like with the two books thus far? The one with metformin and our chef Craig Shanahan?

Wonderful, stellar. So certainly a few very major successes. So very proud that the Mets story is going to be read out on the ABC Play School or has already been read out and it will be aired later this year in December and ABC Playschool. So we're quite happy about that. And just a little spoiler hope that the ABC colleagues will not mind to say that the Humpty Dumpty will be wearing a Rashi and a surfboard.

I was.

Going to say, Yeah, I hear Humpty had quite a few opinions about the book.

As well. Um.

And our friends at the Primary English Teachers Association Australia have created Matt's book into a teaching unit which is available to hundreds of schools around the country as a teaching unit. And the second book, Craig's book, is in progress, as well as Nikki. So by the end of the year, they will be featured as a teaching unit by Primary English Teachers Association.

That is so exciting. Congratulations.

Thank you. Thank you.

That's brilliant. Can you remind me again? Matt's book was called the title.

Surfing in the Dark.

Surfing in the Dark and there is Cooking Up a Storm. And now we've got Nikki's book, which is dressed for success. Here's the million dollar question Where can people purchase the.

Book's Vision.

Australia website or Vision Australia Vision Store website? But pretty much any major bookshop would have these books available and ready to buy, whether that's online or in person. So everywhere from the mixed readings bookshop, Amazon and various little independent bookshops that you can. To find these books there.

Now they are picture books, but all the books, including Dress for Success, is available in commercial print, Braille, audio book and large text format.

Correct. And for all members of Vision Australia Library, you are able to get embossed and copy of these books in a grade one Braille. And with the purchase of the the book through our vision store.


All proceeds from the book go towards helping Vision Australia make reading and education more accessible for young people who are blind or have low vision. You cannot argue about that. And I can say the books are absolutely beautiful.

I'm Sam Culley and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio associated Stations of RPE and the Community Radio Network. Thank you very much to Stella, Nikki and Donna there for that conversation. All about the latest big vision book Just for Success, which is available now. If you enjoyed having a listen to that interview with Stella and Nikki and you'd love to listen to it again or you missed any part of that interview for whatever reason. You can catch up on the latest episode of Talking Vision by visiting your favourite podcast platform or heading to the Vision Australia Library. And now, keeping on the literary theme this week. It's my great pleasure to welcome back Leanne from the library with the latest updates on some great events coming up in the library over the month of October and some new additions to the Vision Australia Library catalogue for people to have a raid. Leanne, welcome to the show.

Thanks, Sam. Great to be back.

Let's hear about a few upcoming events in the world of the Vision Australia Library. What sort of exciting things are coming up for people to get involved with?

Sure. So we're currently underway in our Stronger Foundations Family series. This is a four part webinar series where we've brought in some fantastic parenting experts to share with us their insights and how we build families that are healthy and happy together. So we have started this series, but it's not too late to jump in for our next sessions. We'll be welcoming Leyla Stone on the 10th of October. She'll be speaking about navigating your child's emotions. On the 17th of October will be welcoming siblings Australia. They're a fantastic organisation who will work with the families who have children with disabilities but really focus on the needs and the challenges of the siblings of the children with a disability. So recognising that those siblings have their own particular challenges and need some support as well. Our final session on the 24th of October will be with some of our own experts at Vision Australia. So we'll be having some of our children and young people team. Rebecca Kent, Tricia Izard will be presenting around self care for parents, which is really, really important.

Certainly is. And we already heard from Rebecca with Stella just recently. So great to hear from Rebecca and Stella there. So hopefully get a lot of people joining and having a look at the sessions over the coming weeks.

Yeah, so they're running online but we will be recording the sessions so all of our registrants will receive a recording. You can find the registration details through our website.

All right, perfect. And what other events are taking people's fancy that you'd like to let people know about?

So a couple of regular ones. So you are familiar with our Treat Your Shelf, which is our bi monthly book chat. We are doing a bit of a special treat yourself at the end of this month, October the 31st is of course Halloween, so we will be doing an In the Dark special and we're welcoming some special guests. So Ellen Baxter, the head of the Australian Horror Writers Association, and Aaron Dries, who is a really intriguing horror writer. He's also got a mental health background. So he's a really, really wonderful advocate as well. But they will be speaking with our guests. They'll be sharing some original spooky stories, and we will have the opportunity for all of our participants to also do their own storytelling as well. So we'll be doing that in the evening. Very appropriate for Halloween. That'll be at 8 p.m. Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time on the 31st of October.

But you know, as people are aware, there's a lot of new additions to the Vision Australia Library catalogue on a regular basis. So what sort of new releases can you let us know about that are quite exciting for people to sink their teeth into? And yeah.

We've, we've put together a bit of a reading list on some new titles. So books published in 2023 by some fabulous Australian female authors. So just a couple of highlights from there. We have the book Binder of Jericho, which came out earlier this year by Pip Williams, who wrote The Beautiful Dictionary of Lost Words. So that's a really, really fabulous follow up to the Dictionary of Lost Words. So that's a really yeah, a really great book if you're into literature. Pip Williams is a beautiful writer. She's explored the history of book binding, if you're familiar with The Dictionary of Lost Words, which looks at the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary, this is really a much anticipated follow up. So that's. To the bookbinder of Jericho. Also, we have Solari Gentil, who's republished after she wrote him. So Solari, we welcome to the library. Last year she was our guest for the Melbourne Writers Festival with the woman in the library. So after she wrote him, is another really kind of creative, inventive. She's a really kind of meta writer. She is very clever in her writing. So a great murder mystery to explore there. So that's after she wrote him memoir, If We're moving into Memoir, a really beautiful one I'd like to recommend is the House with all the lights on. And this is by Jessica Kirchner. And she's reflecting on growing up with her elderly grandparents who were both deaf. So they both spoke in sign language, were immersed in deaf culture. And Jessica kind of straddled these two worlds, the hearing world and the deafness world. So really lovely book there explores identity, disability, identity and yeah, a really, really special, special story there. The other book I want to recommend is very new. It's Black Sheep by Judy Nunn just came out in the last couple of weeks. And Judy, you might remember from her days as an actress in Home and Away, but her post home and away career has really been focused on writing. So she's a really prolific novelist and a lot of her work is inspired by Australian history. So she writes these Australian history novels that often really epic tales, so great family sagas across generations, across decades. And so, yeah, this is another really fabulous book. But I did want to mention it because we will be welcoming Judy to the Vision Australia Library next month in November for our final in conversation for the year.

All right. Wonderful. Look forward to that. So we'll get the details about that closer to the day. So keep your eyes peeled for that one. Leanne, thanks so much for your time today. I've been speaking with Leanne from the library about the latest upcoming events from the Vision Australia Library, as well as some new additions to the Vision Australia Library catalogue for people to have a read. Leanne, thanks so much for your time today. Great to have a chat with you.

Thanks, Sam.

And now here's Francis Kelland with a reader recommended.

The next book is another non-fiction book. It's called Whatever Happened to Brenda Hean, and it's by Scott Millwood. Brenda Hain, a dentist's wife, was a part of the Hobart establishment. She made a very unlikely environmental activist, but Lake Pedder was one of those special places. She and a collection of like minded people took it upon themselves to save the mountain Wilderness lake from inundation to form a dam for the hydroelectric commission and in the process founded the first green political party in the world. In September 1972, Brenda Hayne left Hobart in a Tiger moth aircraft being piloted by Max Price. They were flying to Canberra to right Save Lake Peter across the sky above Parliament House and to meet with government officials in an attempt to gain federal political support for their campaign. The plane was sighted several times as it made its way across the island, but never reached its destination. Neither the plane nor its passengers were ever seen again. 35 years of conspiracy theories have surrounded the intriguing story. But in 2003, a secret sauce gave celebrated documentary filmmaker Scott Millwood a package with the advice in quotes Use this for good in it with a police files detailing the investigation of the case. Scott Millwood has made a documentary based on his attempts to uncover the truth while eyewitnesses are still alive. This is the book of that film. Let's hear a sample of whatever happened to Brenda Heen by Scott Millwood. It's narrated by the wonderful Humphrey Bower.

A man has painted the same scene for 50 years over and over in endless variation. In it, a foreground of white sand and button grass creep beyond the dunes and long tracts of tannin stained water are a sweep of watercolor that become a lake stretching to fill the paper until the purple mountains demand an end. Again and again. The artist Max Angus paints the same lost place. Again and again in his brush strokes, the waters have not banked up behind a dam. Again and again. The lakes Highland Beach has not been drowned. Again and again. He is on this stretch of mountain sand with his homemade watercolor board set in his lap. It's windbreaks sheltering the page and pools of liquid color, and he, in his army slouch hat side by side with his friends. The painters looks up across the beach to the Franklin Range and Mount Solitary and the Sentinels and other mystic rocks beyond, and knows that he is in a place called Home. After so many stories of people who have lost their memories. Here is a story about losing, forgetting. I imagine a film that begins with these words as I sit in the drawing room of the home of Max Angus in Hobart, pulling him away from his paints and his paper so that he might set me off on my search for the Tasmania of the past. The room looks over the river that forms the looping cartographic harbour, its mouth opening to the south. Shining blue, sparkling and flashing its seemingly benign smile at the mountain that rises up from its foreshore, orienting the people of the city. I draw up two armchairs and a teak coffee table to hold the tray that will soon arrive. The interior of this room at the top of the house has not changed in three decades.

That was whatever happened to Brenda Heen. By Scott Millwood. Scott is spelt c o. W t. C. O. Double t Millwood is spelled m. I. L. W. L. O. M. I. L. W. L o d. And that book goes for nearly ten hours.

And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments, so please do get in touch on Talking vision at Vision That's talking vision all one word at Vision But until next week it's Sam Colley saying bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 308 4746. That's one 308 474 W6 or by visiting Vision that's Vision

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