On October 28 the Blind Australian of the Year Awards will be taking place in Brisbane, and Sam is joined by engagement and inclusion manager Marie Bampton from Link Vision, the host of the awards, to have a chat all about them.
Nominations for the awards are still open so if you would like to find out more, or nominate a person or organisation you feel has made a difference in the blind and low vision community this year, head to the Blind Australian of the Year website today.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
So the Blind Australian of the Year Awards demonstrate the capacity of people living with blindness to contribute powerfully to society and still live really purposeful, meaningful lives, even in our vision centric society. You know, anybody who experiences difference in a social context gets to have that narrative shifted. So that's really what this blind Australian of the Year awards seeks to disrupt.
Welcome to the program. As we draw closer to the end of the year with October just around the corner, that means the Blind Australian of the Year awards are almost upon us and this year they are hosted in Brisbane on the 28th of October. And to have a chat with me today about the awards, it's my great pleasure to welcome Mary Bampton who you'll hear from very shortly. So make sure to stick around to hear that interview. And then later on in the show, after you hear from Mary Frances, Kaitlyn joins the program with a reader recommended. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. In late October, Brisbane will be host to one of the Knights of the Blind and Low Vision calendar, the Blind Australian of the Year Awards, hosted by Link Vision and to have a chat with me all about the awards. It's my great pleasure to welcome Engagement and Inclusion Manager from Link Vision Murray Bampton. Murray, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time today.
Thanks so much for having me, Sam.
Now firstly, Murray, what are the Blind Australian of the Year Awards?
Well, the Blind Australian of the Year Awards are an annual awards program, and they actually consist of two different kinds of awards. So one is the Blind Australian of the Year award that is conferred on an individual. And the second one is the Employer of Choice Award, and that's conferred on a workplace educational, social environment who employs people living with low vision and blindness and and other disabilities and demonstrates the attributes of an inclusive workplace.
Okay. And Murray, what are the Blind Australian of the Year awards all about? What's the purpose there?
Yeah, great question, Sam. So the Blind Australian of the Year awards were designed to highlight what is possible in life using blindness as the conduit. They're about challenging limiting beliefs about disability and creating opportunities for people living with blindness, low vision and other disabilities. So the Blind Australian of the Year awards actively promote the contribution that over half a million people who live with low vision and blindness make to Australian society. And they do that through business, government, corporate health, education and the community sectors. So they capture the spirit of innovation, resilience and enterprise required to perform in a vision centric world. And I think anyone living with low vision or blindness really appreciates how vision centric we are.
And you know, following on from that point you make there about society being quite vision centric, why centre blindness over various other disabilities? What sort of things are the awards looking to achieve from that side of things?
Yeah, it's a really great point, Sam. So look, singling out blindness over any other disability, there really is, at least in a felt experience, I suppose a hierarchy of disabilities and at the top of that hierarchy sets blindness. This is a quite uncomfortable conversation for people to have at times, but this is what's been confirmed by research that blindness is recognised as the most feared of all conditions by many people in the community, even above terminal cancer and other like really, really challenging conditions to deal with. So the Blind Australian of the Year awards demonstrate the capacity of people living with blindness to contribute powerfully to society and still live really purposeful, meaningful lives, even in our vision centric society. So by highlighting innovation and the achievements of individuals living with low and no vision, we provide evidence of the capacity and contribution that all people with disability possess and demonstrate. And so that somebody with the know, quote unquote worst disability imaginable still has the capacity equal to that of able bodied persons. So we're really changing the narratives about disability because those narratives are mainly based in fear, ignorance and a lack of imagination. To be blunt about what's possible for people with really diverse life experiences and conditions. And so that is way beyond just the lived experience of low and no vision. That's even beyond the lived experience of disability. You know, anybody who experiences difference in a social context gets to have that narrative shifted. So that's really what this blind Australian of the Year awards seeks to disrupt.
Yeah. Okay. No, there's a lot of important messages in there for sure, Murray because a lot of people do get quite scared if they feel they are experiencing vision loss or they're not really sure where to turn next. There are a lot of messages out there around that fear and ignorance and all that sort of thing, and people perhaps feel their lives are over if they no longer have the vision that they once did. But, you know, this is why these sort of things are so important to dispel those myths and really, you know, say to people, you can do something, you do matter. You're still so capable and can adapt and do amazing things. And so these awards really. Do a fantastic job there. Now, moving on from that, let's have a chat about the criteria for nomination for both the awards. So that's Blind Australian of the Year, which is the individual award, plus the employer of Choice Awards. So that's corporate or business or organisation. What are they sort of looking at from that side of things?
No problems. So, you know, they're obviously quite distinct awards. So the Blind Australian of the Year, the individual award, you need to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident currently living in Australia to be eligible for nomination. The criteria are around the demonstration of the impact that that person is having in their environment. So the person needs to demonstrate excellence and high achievement in their chosen field and that can be really diverse. They might demonstrate a real contribution to community and the contribution, the impact of that contribution either has made or will continue to make a significant impact for their community. They're a person who embodies the values of the Blind Australian of the Year awards, which are many and varied, but some examples might be excellence, innovation, creativity, perseverance, courage, self determination. They're someone who demonstrates achievements that align with the blind Australian of the Year Awards mission, which is of community impact and improving inclusion within Australian workplaces and society. And they possess personal attributes that would make them an excellent ambassador of these awards. So we're really looking at character there. It's broad, purposefully, somewhat loose if you like, because we don't want to conscript nominations to fit a particular viewpoint or aspect. We've had nominations for people who have achieved incredible things academically. We've had nominations for artists, music, fine arts, we've had nominations for people who are chefs or fashion designers. So these are unusual pursuits for somebody with low or no vision. Like somebody was nominated last year from Tasmania who's extraordinary, creates beautiful furniture, you know, So there's a whole range as well as people that are out there doing amazing advocacy work, particularly in digital mediums. So yeah, community engagement, there's a whole raft of areas of life that people can excel in and and we would frankly love to hear about them all.
Yes. Now, you know, there's a lot of amazing categories in there and a lot of really incredible criteria for people to really get excited around, you know, perhaps nominating someone that they do know who would be perfect and, you know, really deserving of such an award like this. So how can people nominate, for example, an individual for Blind Australian of the Year? Or perhaps I want to nominate someone for employer of choice. What's the best way for them to do that?
Well, so I'm the best way is actually to go to the Blind Australian of the Year website, which is W-w-what Blind Australian of the Year comma you and click on the Nominate tab. It's a simple online form that's available for both the individual and the employer of Choice Awards. We recommend that people draft up their nomination pitch in a word document, for example, or something similar, and then cut and paste the pitch into the online form so that way you can massage, you know, your words, make sure it's the correct length of around 750 words. Edit Where necessary. Workshop it, if you like, with the nominee, the person that you're wanting to nominate. These are all really great strategies for creating an excellent nomination because the reality is that the panel members that will be judging all of our nominations received and they look at every single nomination received, they have to go on only what is written in that nomination. So it needs to be as comprehensive and as descriptive as possible to introduce the panel to this phenomenal person so that they can have an understanding of what this person is about, what they've achieved, what they are looking to achieve and to consider. How would receiving the Blind Australian of the Year award help them to create even more impact? Like we really want to see that their receipt of the award will make a difference for their life in the future. So we'd really like to hear that. So those are all the things that we'd love. See included in the nomination. So it really does require quite a bit of work. And we really acknowledge our nominators for the effort that's required to put in a really good nomination.
And nominations do close quite soon. Marie So people should absolutely get around it sooner rather than later if they haven't done so already. So what day and time in particular do those nominations closed for people out there?
Awesome, Sam. So the nominations closed at 11:59 p.m. so nearly midnight on Sunday, the 1st of October. So that's next Sunday. I'm aware that it's a really big weekend for footy fans and it's also a long weekend. So we really implore people to, you know, take a little bit of time and get those nominations in.
I'm Sam Kelly and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, Associated Stations of Air and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed the first half of that interview with Murray Bampton from Linc Vision talking to me all about the upcoming Blind Australian of the Year awards taking place in Brisbane. Now please enjoy the second half of my interview with Murray as we chat about the Employer of Choice Award. So we've had a chat about the criteria and the nomination process for the individual award, The Blind Australian of the Year. But what about the Employer of Choice Award? What some the nomination process and the criteria around that one.
Nomination process is exactly the same. You just go to the same spot and you just pick the link that works for you. Like if you want, it'll say employer of choice or blind Australian of the Year individual. Okay, so you go into the same tab on our website.
And in terms of employers of choice, these can be any Australian businesses, corporations, government departments, education facilities or community organisations that employ people with low or no vision. An organisation who demonstrates leadership as an inclusive employer might be one that has these following attributes. So they have a diverse workforce, including current employees with low or no vision. They provide tools and resources that accommodate the person's particular needs in relation to their disability. They have created a culture of teamwork and valuing every person's contribution they value and promote collaboration, innovation and flexibility. They provide a voice for all members of their workforce, including those with a lived experience of disability. And they foster engagement between all members of their workforce, including between management and workers. They provide a purposeful pathway for growth and advancement of all employees, including those with the lived experience of disability, which is really important because what we do know about employment of people with disability is that often they're at the lowest levels with very little career progression opportunities. So we're really wanting to disrupt that pattern. So the organisation or employer provides a positive workplace. It's a place where people actually want to go to work.
Yeah, no, we had absolutely no, we've had somebody on the show, I think you've mentioned very briefly made reference to Craig Shanahan, the blind chef who was also star of one of the Big Visions books and, you know, doing an amazing job there and getting a really incredible message across to kids across the country who are blind or have low vision. So great to have some involvement there. And and he was absolutely over the moon to receive that Employer of choice award when that did come across at the time.
Absolutely. Absolutely. And he's been just an amazing champion for inclusive employment and for letting both organisations and individuals see what is possible. So it's one thing to like know or, you know, like have some sort of cognitive understanding, like, you know, like there's all this research that says if you have a diverse workforce and by diversity we mean inclusive of people with the lived experience of disability, that there's better business outcomes. It affects the bottom line. They make more money. This is a good thing in business.
Yes, certainly.
Is. So Craig has been an extraordinary champion of what's possible, you know.
I'm sure has been. Now, how can people access tickets to the Blind Australian of the Year Awards gala dinner, which is taking place on Saturday, the 28th of October at the Pullman Hotel at King George Square in Brisbane. People might be listening to this and thinking, Wow, this sounds incredible. I'd love to head along. How can they do that?
Oh, we would love them to head along. It'll be a night to remember. So the tickets are available from the Blind Australian of the Year website. There is a tickets tab. If you click there, it'll take you through to a shopping cart. Now there is a drop down menu in the shopping cart and all of this is accessible and if there's any challenges with using any of the technology, people are free to ring me or email me direct. That's no problem as well. But in the shopping cart, there are a range of specific ticket types that can be accessed from a dropdown menu. So guests who live with low or no vision and their companions, should they choose to bring someone, have their ticket prices. Sad eyes. So they're about half price. So be sure to choose the correct ticket type is is the first thing. Yes. There's also early bird prices that are currently available for general entry tickets. So it's going to be a great night. We've got award winning artist Blind Ambition and Steve Sparrow playing like providing the entertainment for the evening along with a three course dinner, drinks and other forms of entertainment for everyone. So it's a fully inclusive event and it's an evening gala like no other. So there may be a few surprises for people.
Yes, super exciting. And something else that's quite exciting is the Community Inclusion Expo, which is going on from 3 to 6 p.m. on the same day at the same location. So tell us a bit about that finally before we wrap up.
Thanks, Sam. Yeah, I'd love to. So this is the first year that we've incorporated a fully fledged expo as part of the Blind Australian of the Year program. So we dipped our toe in the water last year and it was really well received. So the purpose of the Expo, there's three key reasons for doing it. The first is to provide opportunities for people living with blindness and low vision to access new information, products and resources to find out about services and expand their capacity to live really full lives through engagement with the trade exhibitors. And we've got a really broad, really diverse range of exhibitors, so we've got warmly nourished. So Pat is a chef and specialises in working with people who are losing their sight or who are blind to be safe and competent in the kitchen and to prepare their own nourishing meals. She'll be there. We'll have personal trainers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists will have people who can demonstrate the latest in assistive technologies. So there's going to be such an incredibly broad range of people there that can support people living with low and low vision and other disabilities to live really full and healthy lives. So the second point is that we're there to educate interested community members, health and education professionals and trainees by exposing them to a range of resources and professional networking opportunities. So this equips them to work more effectively with people living with blindness and low vision. And the flow on effect of that, of course, is that they'll be more effective at working with all people, presenting with a whole range of conditions. As a former nurse, you know, I think things like this are phenomenally valuable and we're really wanting to engage, particularly our undergrads. So I'll be engaging with the TAFEs and universities in the surrounding areas to make this opportunity available for undergrad teachers and nurses and other allied health professionals. So that's the second purpose of the Expo. And the third is to enable cross-sectoral connections. So resource sharing, collaboration between our trade exhibitors. So you could consider that sort of business to business interactions, because all of us, it's really unbelievably valuable to know what others are doing and looking at ways in which we can collaborate or refer so that we're making it easier for people who are accessing our services to get everything that they need. So that's the point of the Community Inclusion Expo, and we'd love to see the expo well attended.
Oh well, no, it sounds like there's going to be some incredible things going on on the 28th of October up in Brisbane. So a lot of exciting things for people to head along and check out for sure. Thank you so much, Murray. I've been speaking today with Murray Bampton, engagement and Inclusion Manager from Link Vision, the organisation which is hosting the Blind Australian of the Year Awards in 2023. Murray, thank you so much for your time today and all the best for the upcoming awards.
Thank you so much, Sam, and we look forward to seeing lots of beautiful people there at the Expo and at the gala and I really look forward to being flooded with an influx of nominations this week. So thank you so much.
And now here's Francis Kelland with a reader recommended.
This is Before I Forget, and it's by Christine Bryden. When she was just 46, Christine Bryden, science adviser to the prime minister and a single mother of three daughters, was diagnosed with younger onset dementia. Doctors told her to get her affairs in order as she would soon be incapable of doing so. 20 years later, she is still thriving, still working hard to rewire her brain even as it loses its function. The unusually slow progress of her condition puts Christine in a unique position to describe the lived experience of dementia, a condition affecting tens of millions of people worldwide. In this revealing memoir, she looks back on her life in an effort to understand how her brain, once her greatest asset, now her greatest challenge, works now. She shares what it's like to start grasping for words that used to come easily to be exhausted from visiting a new place, to suddenly realize you don't remember how to drive, to challenge every day the stereotype of the empty shell. Brave and inspiring. This is Christine's legacy for people with dementia and those who care about them. Let's hear a sample of Before I Forget by Christine Bryden with Sarah Minns. It's narrated by Jackie Halliday.
There's a clear dichotomy to my adult life, and it is divided by the moment. Doctor told me I had dementia. Before that day, I was a whip smart, multitasking scientist on a clear career trajectory that seemed sky high. I was also a dedicated mother, aware of all that was going on in my children's lives, spending all my spare time with them, talking, reading, sitting with them. As soon as I was told that my brain had a degenerative, incurable disease, I felt exiled from my former self in life. In 1995. My divorce from a long, unhappy marriage has just been finalized. My two youngest daughters, then aged 14 and nine, and I had spent the weekend moving into our new home, a house in Canberra we had just bought. My eldest daughter, aged 20, was in Sydney University. I was finally out of a marriage that had caused me a great deal of pain, humiliation and self-doubt over many years. I held a senior job in the public service. I was the first Assistant Secretary in the department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, heading up a division and advising the Prime Minister on science and technology. I could hold so much in my head. At the same time I could juggle multiple tasks. I was highly organized and you only had to tell me something once and I'd hold on to that piece of information forever. I was also, it should be noted, a little bit dismissive of people who weren't as capable as me. I had no idea that fast thinking creativity and super memory were not usual. It's strange, but I barely recognise the woman I'm writing about. It certainly doesn't feel like me. I feel as though I'm talking about someone I used to know. A long lost sister or friend who used to be a big part of my life, but whom I can now only vaguely identify with. But for the previous year or so, something hadn't been right. I was having trouble coping at work. A few things were slipping through my hitherto vice like brain and I was suffering from crippling migraines that would last for days, sometimes occurring up to once a week. I had put it all down to stress and had continued to cope with the help of my wonderful personal assistant and some strong pain medication.
That was a sample of Before I Forget by Christine Bryden. Christine is Christine. Cristina Brighton is b. R. Y. D. N. B. R. Y. D. E. N. Written in conjunction with Sarah Minns. That book goes for six hours and 45 minutes.
And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments, so please do get in touch on Talking vision at Vision australia.org. That's talking vision all one word at Vision australia.org. But until next week it's Sam Colley saying bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 308 4746. That's one 308 474 W6 or by visiting Vision australia.org that's Vision australia.org.