Talking Vision 694 Week Beginning 18th of September 2023

Published Sep 20, 2023, 1:40 AM
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From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

We're supporting print disability stations to increase their engagement with people with disability in their operations. And I know Vision Australia do that very well, but we think there's an opportunity to expand that and support stations to develop partnerships with local service providers and advocacy organizations and create more pathways for people with disability to get hands on in the studio, in the control room, in the operations of stations, and to create more content. And we think that's a really important element of this project.

Welcome to the program. We've got a bit of a radio theme today as I catch up with three members of the board who recently visited Kooyong to take part in a series of workshops and meetings to discuss the future of the community radio sector and discuss how best to make radio accessible for people with disability that interviews coming up very shortly. So make sure to stick around. And then later on in the show I chat with Ben Cigna. He's part of the board in Canberra, but he's also a dad to a young daughter and he's a dad who was blind or has low vision. And he caught up with me as part of our Father's Day conversations from earlier this month. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. Today. It's my great pleasure to be speaking with three members of the board John Martin, Joe Curtin and Matfield. They're here in Kooyong today as part of a series of meetings and workshops where they come together, collaborate and share ideas about the future of the community radio sector, with, of course, a keen focus on the intersectionality between radio and disability. Welcome to Talking Vision three of you. Great to have you in the studios today.

Pleasure to be here. Thanks, Sam.

Thank you. Now, let's just start with a couple of introductions. If I could go around the room and just give us a bit of a 32nd, one minute intro to who you are and what you do.

Well, I'm Joe Curtin. I'm the CEO of Community Broadcasting Foundation. Our work involves supporting community broadcasters right across the country. We run grant programs and we distribute federal government funding. So taxpayer money that comes through the Department of Communications. And we run programs that hopefully assist the priorities of government to be supported, which essentially means community radio stations have the opportunity to undertake cool projects, serve underserved communities and stay on air.

Matt, we'll come to you now.

Sure. Hi, Sam. My name is Matthew Field. I'm a project director working with for which is the peak body for the print disability radio sector. And my role is I'm working on a project funded through the Department of Social Services to develop a new platform that will assist this sector to serve all people with disabilities, not just people with a print disability.

And last but certainly not least, we've got John with us. John, Hello.

Hi, how are you? I'm John Martin, and I'm the chair of Radio two, which plays the same role as Vision Australia Radio does in and we cover the Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong areas in New South Wales. And it's been familiar delightful day because it's been my first chance to meet with colleagues from the other radio reading services from right around Australia and we've just finished spending a whole day talking about our common concerns and plans and aspirations.

All right. That's a wonderful tie in to the next question. John, I'll stay with you to give us a bit of a wrap of the day you've spent in Kurrajong today. What have you been up to?

It's been pretty packed. We've covered a whole range. It's been, yeah, quite an agenda. But for me, I guess it probably in fact is Matt's project, which has been the most interesting, which is a very ambitious next step, I guess, in the kinds of services that the radio reading services have provided for many years to take that to a further level, to widen the scope, to cover more services to the disability community as a whole.

It's been really interesting.

Hearing from Matt today around thinking about the potential audiences. When we think about people with disability and their families and their carers and the audience that is out there that is hungry for information and conversation and are thinking about all of the issues relating to the lived experience of having a disability and what that involves.

Definitely. And Matt will come to that in a bit. But what have you been up to today that is sort of really stuck out for you?

It was obviously great to connect with the broader sector and our partners in across the country. It's a very diverse sector and that was well on show today, which is terrific to see. I think that's fantastic strength of this sector. Great to hear local issues and local areas of concern and to have those raised and discussed. And more importantly, I think there are a lot of solutions tabled today and I think that's great. Quite often coming together as one in a room and airing these concerns and discussing them. And we can arrive at solutions that we can act on going forward.

And Joe will just come to you now before we head back to Matt to have a chat to us all about his exciting new project. What's been some highlights for you today?

I think today it's probably a bit over a year since this group got together, and for me, I think it felt like there'd been great progress actually across the stations and the thinking and the actions that have been taking place. But I also feel that one of the things that I've been reflecting on is those common challenges, particularly, I think, coming out of the pandemic, which we've seen volunteering and participation in community activities take a hit across society, not just in community broadcasting. So some of the conversations I had with people around the table today were about some of those challenges. But what I really take away from it is there is a fantastic goodwill in the room to collaborate and to talk and to work together on addressing things so that. Our communities at large are being served as best the sector can serve them. So I think there's something there about I spoke today a little bit about curiosity and being open to thinking about who's not in the room and what aren't we doing. And I think that's sparked a couple of conversations with people.

And Matt will come back to you Now. Tell us all about that project that you've been informing people about today and what you're up to and what your organization's looking forward to going forward.

Yeah, sure, happy to. The project itself consists of two main elements. The first element is we want to build a brand new platform using all of the broadcast and online assets at our disposal. So we're going to build a website that has a shared brand, which I'm yet to reveal. It's under wraps at the moment. We'll have a launch of the brand towards the end of October, so it'll be an online platform where we curate and collate all of the disability themed and created content that's being produced across not only the sector but the broader community broadcasting sector. And what we've learnt going through that process is there's actually a hell of a lot of really great activity taking place, not only in the sector and at Virgin Australia radio etcetera, but in the broader community broadcasting sector. So we want to put that content on a pedestal and on a platform and celebrate it. I think the other element is that we know that disability is just another element of diversity and there's a strong disabled identity that we'd love to celebrate. But we also know that it's a community that suffers significant disadvantage and barriers restricting their ability to fully participate in everyday life. So we want to highlight those issues. We also want to invite in other organisations, so disability service providers, advocacy organizations and government to participate in this platform and really create a platform that people with disability own and feel ownership towards, but also that is disability led, disability run and yeah, celebrates that unique identity. The other element is that we're supporting print disability stations to increase their engagement with people with disability in their operations. And I know Vision Australia do that very well, but we think there's an opportunity to expand that and support stations to develop partnerships with local service providers and advocacy organizations and create more pathways for people with disability to get hands on in the studio, in the control room, in the operations of stations, and to create more content. And we think that's a really important element of this project. So we're about to get underway. We launch at the end of October. We're looking forward to launching that. We've got a really good suite of content. We'll have a really strong social media presence and we really look to build that community of listeners and audience.

Fantastic. Looking forward to seeing how that all pans out. So keep an eye on that for sure. Now Joe will come to you from a CBF perspective, what's been going on in your world? Well, the.

Community Broadcasting Foundation has been working closely with the peak body, the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia, along with other stakeholders across the sector in driving, if you like, the development of a sector roadmap. So it's a ten year plan setting out of our priorities and our ambitions and our aspirations for what the sector would like to achieve, if you like, sort of mapping out our own destiny, which has been a highly consultative and deliberate process. And what really has come out of that, I think I mean, so many rich conversations that have developed to the roadmap that we're not launching yet either. Matt So it's a watch this space. We're working with Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland to launch that in October. But really it's demonstrating, I think, that there's never been a more important time for community media Now when we think about coming out of the pandemic and we think about loneliness and our community, social isolation, there's a whole range of reasons and trends that the roadmap is kind of addressing in terms of building social connection, building participation in community through what broadcasting and community broadcasting is doing, thinking and responding to the breakdown of trust in mainstream media. And what we know is that community broadcasters are trusted by their audiences, and community broadcasting is local when local is really mattering to us now more than ever. And that really came through during that pandemic time.

And just finally, John will zoom into a state level now and come to you from New South Wales and what's going on up there?

Well, I guess to the main focus this year has been celebrating our 40th year of broadcasting, which given that it's a community based organisation largely dependent on a volunteer workforce to have survived so well, 40 years is, we think, quite an extraordinary achievement and to hopefully have provided worthwhile radio service throughout that period. It's also, of course, a time for all of us to sit back and reflect as to where we go from here. And in that sense, today has been certainly very valuable. To go back to the road map that Joe was talking about. And as. We now within the station review our strategic plans to have that sort of wider picture, that context there will be very helpful in driving our own internal review process. The other thing that's worth mentioning within two is that we've also recently expanded our service area to include Wollongong, and that's a very important expansion to the service and actually is a very nice chance to relaunch in a small way within a particular area. Learning from all the things we've done in the past in Sydney and Newcastle and hopefully get it even better than it was in those areas. So we're very excited about that expansion.

Well, certainly sounds very exciting and Matt will come back to you. Now let's look into the crystal ball a bit and look into the future with some upcoming trends in community broadcasting. What's really exciting new to be involved with? You've spoken about the road map that you're involved with, and that's certainly one of the really exciting things that's going to be rolling out over the next couple of months. But what are some other things you're really looking forward to up until the end of the year?

Till the end of the year? Oh, okay. I'm very focused on delivering this project existing in my own little world at the moment. But I think seeing increasing engagement with digital platforms in this sector I think is really important. We know that audiences increasingly need to access their content in a variety of ways, so it's been terrific to see, for instance, the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia, the Launch their Community Radio Plus app, which curates all of the live streams and audio on demand for radio stations right across the country. And that's an extraordinary piece of work. And I would urge your listeners to download the Community Radio Plus app and check it out, because it really does indicate the breadth of diversity in this sector. And it's amazing what you can find when you spend some time playing around there. So I think that, yeah, that increasing engagement with Digital's really exciting. You know, our primary mode of communication is always going to be broadcast because that's where the audiences still are and there are challenges with that going forward into the future. But it's just been terrific to see such innovative and forward thinking from this sector and to be able to articulate that vision and to have it funded and to develop really, really impressive pieces of technology that will only increase audiences over time.

Okay. And John, we'll just get your perspective now. What's exciting you and something you're looking forward to or quite a few things you're looking forward to for the upcoming few months?

Well, certainly maybe not the next couple of months, but I think over the next year or so. One of one of the things which was discussed today was the notion of having a further national radio service for people with disability and to launch that through the digital platform. Now that immediately in my head kicked off all sorts of ideas for different types of programs that could be presented through that. So I'm very much looking forward to further workshops on developing that and trying out some of those ideas fondly.

Joe will come to you. What's really, if we're looking forward to, well, an undefined time frame, we can make it months or can make it years. But what's really exciting new going forward?

Well, the nerd in me, Sam, is very excited about doing a better job. And I think in this sense, the responsibility that we have at the Community Broadcasting Foundation for being a steward for the sector's federal government, Department of Communications funding, one thing that we've been talking about with them and developing further is our evaluation framework. Dorky, nerdy. But trust me, this is about how we can track and understand more deeply what is it that we're doing that's working? What are we funding? That makes sense. How can we have a bigger impact in the community? And one thing that I'm really interested in engaging with is the Australian Government's measuring what matters framework, and that I think is a seismic shift actually in thinking about what outcomes look like from federal government money. So they're actually much more interested in what might be otherwise referred to as sort of softer outcomes, human outcomes, you know, wellbeing outcomes. So that's the bread and butter of community broadcasting in a lot of ways and is a lens that I can really understand in how that framework works for audiences that are tuning into community broadcasting across the country. We know anecdotally, those of us who have worked in the sector for a long time, that there are amazing outcomes for people through community broadcasting, and I'm really excited about having new mechanisms to demonstrate that, particularly to funders.

Well, that's been wonderful to catch up with all three of you. I've been speaking today with John Martin Matfield and Joe Curtin to give us a fantastic wrap up of all the great things going on in the community radio sector in Australia. John. Thanks so much for your time today. It's a pleasure to catch up with you all.

Thanks, Sam.

Cheers, Sam. Great to be here. Thank you.

I'm Sam Corley, and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, Associate Stations of Air and the Community Radio Network. If you enjoyed today's interviews and you'd love to hear them again or you missed any part of the show today, Talking Vision is available on the Vision Australia Radio website at That's RVA Or you can find us on your favorite podcast platform or through the Vision Australia Library. And now please enjoy an excerpt of my conversation with Ben as part of our Father's Day conversations from earlier this month. Continuing on the radio theme today, my next guest is a board member of one in Canberra, but he's also dad to a young daughter. And following on from my conversation with James a couple of weeks ago. It was my great pleasure to catch up with Ben, to chat to him all about life as a dad who is blind or has low vision. Ben, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time today.

Yeah, no worries. Good. Thank you.

Firstly, Ben, tell us a bit about yourself. You could talk about your vision and a bit about your kids as well.

Sure. So I was born completely blind. Actually. They did an ERG when I was born and came back that I was completely blind. But at a certain point my parents realised that I was looking at things and so I went back and got tested and noticed that I could see a little bit, which was I consider myself lucky in that way, but I guess it was something I was born with. So I guess there's a big difference in vision impaired people that were born with the condition and those that develop it later on. But for me, it's just sort of something that's just always been there. So it's not really something that I think about all that often. Kind of part of my identity that just like anything else is. But, you know, I did all my normal schooling, went to university. I'm actually currently still studying at university now doing my second degree teaching at the moment as well, hoping to do a lot more teaching next year in communications and media. And I'm also married living here in Canberra with a three year old daughter in law in December.

And did you have any worries or concerns or things related to the vision when you decided to become a dad? Was there any sort of feelings of trepidation or something you'd always really wanted to do? And you're going to sort of just overcome the barriers no matter what?

Yeah. No, no trepidation from a vision sense. Definitely trepidation from an emotional and psychological. Yeah, that sort of sense. That's the hard part for a lot of people. I know. I struggled, definitely struggled when we had our daughter. It's tough. And like, as much as you try and be ready for it, it's tricky and some people are going to handle that change. I don't put a handle really abrupt changes overly well, so it was quite hard for the first little while. I guess just getting used to the changes and definitely difficulties that were kind of related to my vision in that I function a lot better on. I need sleep. Yes. No, that's.


I get pretty severe visual fatigue. And so I think it's part of that is that I need to get a good amount of sleep every night. And when you have a newborn, it's not easy to get that sleep all the time. And so, yeah, I found that to be tricky.

But yeah, and that's an experience. I know a few dads I've chatted to or blind or have low vision have gone through that exact same kind of thing when they do have some low vision. But that does go away a bit in a similar way when they've had similar situations. I know there's a couple who have got toddlers now, 1 or 2 years old and they went through that sort of thing quite recently as well. And yeah, so that's definitely a shared experience. Now when you have your little daughter, what were some adaptations that you're able to make that really sort of made your life easier as a dad from a blindness and low vision perspective, what did you really find helpful?

There was definitely things that I struggled to do a lot that my wife had to do that at the start, whether I could do it or not, I think there's a bit of fear there. And again, I was quite stressed at the time changing that because it's hard. I think we did all the usual adaptations for having a baby, but I don't know if we did any specific right as well.

For example, were there any kind of life hacks? I know we're quite big on life hacks here and little things that you do and a lot of people who are blind or have low vision don't even really consider them life hacks as sort of just little things that they've managed to do that have made their life just that little bit easier. But it is probably a little bit hard to kind of pinpoint it down because it's just part of what you do everyday does feel so natural. So that's perfectly understandable if it doesn't really spring to mind. Exactly. But what have you found the most challenging aspect that you feel would be unique to a dad who is blind or has low vision? For example, you've got a little one who's three now and should be running around and heading to the playground and all those sort of things. How to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't run away or disappear into little corners where she's not meant to. What's the process been like?

There. I mean, yeah, like.

The communication and that sort of thing and not putting myself in situations where I'm going to lose her essentially, you know, like I'm at the park or whatever. If I'm at the park and there's a lot of people there, I would just sort of follow her around and she sort of understands that I call out to her like she needs to respond and that sort of thing. Yeah, like I, I take her on the bus a lot of the time. So we go on the bus together. And in those situations, you know, she has to stay next to me. I'm holding her hand. I tell her to hold onto my leg kind of thing. You know, the thing is, it's I think I'm probably more careful than a lot of from what I've seen in public situations, like parents can be quite careless and they can lose sight of their kids regardless of whether they can see or not, just because they care less about the fact. I mean, definitely, you're right about that little life hacks. I'm sure there are things that I'd do that I've just adapted that are quite normal to me that I don't consider to be life hacks. But the thing is, I try and do things the most basic way possible, but like I don't use doors and I've never used doors on my computer or that sort of thing. I just sort of can lie and make everything, make everything bigger or make things as big as what I need them just using the settings on the computer. Like I've never gone out of my way to use different things. I try and operate within the environment that I have whenever I can, and so that definitely applies to childhood and to fatherhood as well. Like I've never sort of any reaching out for vision support there. As much as things were hard, I think in that way it kind of affected my wife because of the things that she felt like she had to do more of. Like if I'm looking after my daughter when she's at work, she'll prepare like a lunch box for her so I don't have to, like, figure out what she's going to eat because I find it hard to find things. There's a lot of stuff in the house, like I can't find food and I can't find stuff like that as easily. So yeah, you know, it's just about those sort of adaptations, my wife and I making sure that there's things within reach that I can. Yeah. Not find what I need. So, you know, there's definitely extra attention that's paid in those kind of areas.

And so your three year old daughter, has she sort of reached a bit of an age where she gets a bit cheeky with things that she grabs from various places that she may be isn't supposed to be grabbing? And has she been quite good with that side of things or has she been a bit cheeky in some ways and kind of tried to do a couple of things that she shouldn't do that you may be not being able to say her doing or has she been quite understanding in that sort of thing and been quite good.

There at the moment, for sure. There's one day where she grabbed a bunch of my wife's hand creams and those sorts of things. Oh yeah. Like spraying them throughout the house. Oh no. And so I missed quite a bit of that, but there was a little bit too much trust there for me. Probably I should have just gone and checked on her, what she was doing. But at the same time, my father in law was over and he missed it as well. So he was over for a little bit during that day and he he missed my Tuesday. My wife got home and just found little spots where she had just spread like cream dust everywhere, just around the house on the bed and on the couch on the floor and the cupboards everywhere just right. Yeah. I mean, these things, they do happen. It is sad, definitely. Yes. Yeah, I feel like definitely there was things when she was younger that it was challenging. You know, I don't like not being able to find things. I don't like not being able to, you know, when I'm changing nappy or that sort of thing. I don't like when there's sort of messes that I can't clean up and that sort of thing. So but come a bit more, you know, a bit older now. And so yeah, I don't know that there's really, apart from being able to find things definitely that's one. But I don't know if anything else really that we have to adopt to just about maybe, you know, due diligence essentially.

That's right. You do have to be a lot more meticulous with things and just, you know, go through a process and a lot of different ways that suit different people. So there's no right or wrong way. It's just about being careful and meticulous, which sounds like what you have done. And now we've chatted with you about a few challenges, but what's been the most rewarding aspect? And this is just in general as a dad, what have you really enjoyed so far?

I feel like it's hard to enjoy a little bit when for me it was hard to enjoy when she was a baby. You just spent so much time like trying to take care of and worrying and that sort of thing, and I should have gotten older. It's definitely more sustained, the personality develop and that sort of thing. And yeah, like being able to have conversations with her now and seeing that change in that development is really rewarding. And when she says that that's something that is really kind or really morally astute kind of thing is really rewarding because it's like you've instilled that and, you know, you know, you're putting together a really good child. I suppose that's someone that's going to be able to face the world and do the right things and that sort of stuff. Like there's still plenty of challenges, but you know, it's fun as they get older, especially as this is kind of a good age now as they developing into person they're going to be. So it's just, yeah, watching that development over time is very rewarding.

That concludes my conversation with Ben for now. But if you'd like to hear the whole interview, the interview will be available as a highlight on our podcast platform, so make sure to keep tabs on Vision Australia Radio's Interview Highlights Channel to check it out. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments, so please do get in touch on Talking vision at Vision That's talking vision all one word at Vision But until next week it's Sam Colley saying bye for now.

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