It's a special Father's Day edition of Talking Vision this week as we chat with a couple of dads who are blind or have low vision.
Sam catches up with president of RPH Australia and father of two James Manders, who gives us an insight into life as a dad with a vision condition, and the adaptations and supports he's found most beneficial over that time.
Later on in the show, Stella is joined by new dad Matt Collins as he shares some stories of being a dad and how he and his partner navigated a few unique situations!
Then last but not least this week Frances is back with a Father's Day Reader Recommended.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Colley.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
Seek out other young parents that have disabilities. That's so important. But go for the decision with confidence that you have as much information as you know that you can get and talk to people. You can never ask enough questions. It's just so important, just so that you're comfortable. Once you're comfortable with decision, then it's all about enjoying the time and being, you know, a process and being at that special opportunity of being a parent.
Hello and welcome to this special Father's Day edition of Talking Vision. Today you'll hear from a couple of dads with kids of varying ages. We start off with the dad of two teenage boys who's watched his kids grow up from little kids up to young men as they navigate the world around them, but also have some important conversations around blindness and low vision and what it means to be a dad with a disability. Then later on in the show, we hear from a new dad as he catches up with Stella to share a few short stories. And then later on in the program, Francis Collins on the show with a Father's Day themed reader recommended. I hope you enjoy this special Father's Day edition of Talking Vision. Kicking off this week's Father's Day special on Talking Vision. It's my great pleasure to welcome James Manders back to the program. James is the president of writer for the Print Handicapped Australia. But today he joins me to chat about his life as a dad living with a vision condition and the extent to which this has had an impact over his time raising his two kids. James, welcome back to Talking Vision. Great to hear from you again.
Thanks very much. I'm always great to be here.
Tell us a bit about yourself. You could talk about your vision here and and also about your kids a little bit.
Sure. I am. Have a genetic condition, which is I hear more and more about. I'm also born with a nerve deafness. So I am very, very low vision. Guess I'm blind in the official category and we're hearing aids, which gives me 100% hearing. I have two sons with my lovely wife, Leonie, who's school teacher. One's 18, is just doing his 12. And. And that's Oliver and the younger one, Nathaniel, who's 14, just about two and 15. And he's in year nine at school.
Did you have any concerns, James, that popped up when you found out you were going to be a dad relating to being blind or having low vision? Or was it quite exciting? What were the sort of emotions for you around that?
So at the time we were talking about I guess they call it genetic counseling for for family, family planning. And we were we were very, very, very lucky to have direct contact with a well known professor in the field of ophthalmology, Professor Alan Bird. And he was he was a bit of a rock star. He had all of his groupie doctors around him. And, you know, he's obviously he's just a very personable and really good bedside manner. And he said, look, we can and this is back in early 2000, You can go through a barrage of tests. And it wasn't as simple as it is today, he said. But to be honest, I can tell you hand on heart that you'll be into the wild in terms of, you know, whether your kids or your offspring will be carriers or develop the condition. And so for us, it was like, okay, let's just go with it. Because, you know, again, there was no history of any ophthalmology genetic issues in Lenny's family, and there was none in my family until myself and my siblings came along. So just we we went with the odds and we're not gamblers. But when our boys were born, respectively, we did a sort of punch of the ear because they didn't have a hearing diagnosis when they were born. So so that's that was a nice little smile. But so we were happy that if they did develop or encounter these conditions that I've had or anything else, it's like, well, we've both proven to ourselves that we can push through these things and and think that's the most important thing. Yes, it is a it can be challenging for new parents and to be aware it is, but it actually creates fortitude and and resilience. And it is hard. But you do come out the other side. So there is always sunshine behind the clouds.
Certainly is. That's absolutely 100% true. And you spoke about that fortitude and resilience there. And, you know, no doubt there had been some adaptations along the way to make your life just a little bit easier as a dad. So what are some ways you'd say you have adapted and I suppose hone in on to balance out the visual component and smooth things out there and make life a bit easier?
So great question. I was I used to be very heavily involved in sport. I used to play a lot of sport. And then over the years that just got harder and harder. You know, again, that resilience sort of changes your way in which you get involved and how you do it. So I found that you bring your child along for the journey and explain you want to you really want to and that, you know, we can do other things. In fact, some people think it's a highlight or not. But, you know, the boys, my sons are quite heavily involved with my day work in corporate advisory and, you know, little bits and things. There. If anything, it helps them build awareness, life skills and all those things. So not that you want to put those things too hard on a on a child, but we're in a very complex society and so what can we do to help them? They've got their gamings and they've got their hobbies and so on. But what can help to build their preparedness for later on?
Did you have a one on one specific conversation explicitly about Dad is blind or Dad is hard of hearing, here is what that means? Or did they sort of just pick up on that as they grow older? What was the situation there?
Yeah, the key thing was to keep it normal. So it wasn't sort of sit down next to each other, have a, you know, a formal chat. It was just, you know, it is what it is. Dad can hear and, you know, he's got his hearing aids out. He can't hear you or he can't see you. Just be careful when you're walking through doors because you know you're now four times as wide as what you're leading someone through. So they learned over time to not. What we into walls and stuff, but yeah. Okay.
Yeah. Nah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. That's something to avoid. Absolutely. But what were some other challenges? What have you found the most challenging aspect that you feel would be unique to a dad who is blind or has low vision? I know in the past we've we've spoken to dads with them when they've had kids, when they were young on the playground and they were running around and wreaking havoc a bit. And they don't really consider that dad can't see you if you run too far away. And there's a safety component. And a few of them have actually said, look, if you go too far and I can't see you, we're going straight home because if I can't see you, it's not safe. We can't do that. Did the kids really understand those boundaries or what sort of things were, I guess, a bit of a challenge there to overcome?
Well, Parenting 101 is about educating and informing and putting in boundaries, right? So it's just a slight extension of that. And so, you know, they're going to be misbehave or, you know, they're they're not doing what they're asked or, you know, get a timeout or we used to do it in a house, a yellow card or a red card. Right, To use a sports analogy. But it's a learning process, right? They're never going to get it the first time. Very few people get things the first time. So it's the relationship we build up with them and think it's so important that you sort of, you know, have that, you know, everyone has that direct contact but really sort of say, okay, this they get they get the sense of what's important and what's not important. Um, they want to play go for it. But you know, it's just again, it's just as part of that development pathway that they just need to be aware of what they can and can't do.
And what would you say has been, I guess, the most rewarding aspect over the time of being a dad? Really, that could be anything. Is there sort of one thing that you could pin it down to?
Yeah, the mindfulness, the awareness, the particularly in public situations and just other people's acceptance of other people's challenges is more prevalent. And that to me is a big winner. So we're built you know, I've got two sons that we're building and helping to develop young men. Right? And you do see a lot of this stuff out there about toxicity of toxic masculinity and all the things like that. You know, I don't think that has a place in our society. These are people, young men that they can have a conversation with anyone young or old, they help, right? So if someone drops something, they step in and help. They don't avoid. They run into the challenge rather than running away. And that for me is a massive, massive accomplishment and sense of pride.
And there's been hopefully other sort of positive aspects with, you know, supports around you during your time as a dad. So would you say it's been a really good support for you in your time as a dad? And what have you found most helpful?
Uh, support or hindrance or both?
Well, either way.
You know, in a marriage, you you're equals. And, you know, you talk to each other about what you think is the right or wrong way of things to do. And it's great that the boys, my sons, Ollie, and they can do that as well. And so they've got a mature dialogue going and they're fiercely protective of me, which is great, but at the same time they know I'm a risk taker, so they know what my risk tolerance is. So if there's something that I feel that's important that needs to be done or could be done, it's a very calm, methodical conversation. And respect is probably one of the key outcomes that you get a sense of that. And so that support that family unit, we're very tight, you know, very loving, very caring, but very supportive. We challenge each other and I think that's important. People, any type of disability, it's not fair to anyone to be effectively Cotswold. And so I think if you want to be out there and independent and doing things and pushing the envelope on what's possible, that's how we do things like innovation, innovate, we learn, we develop and we evolve, right? So yeah, I think those things are important.
And James going broader outside the family unit, what sort of impact would you say things like extended family or friends or perhaps organizations have helped out with in terms of supports during your time as a dad, has there been any specific instances where you've really sort of looked back and thought, Oh, I'm really glad I had that, or this could have been done better or that sort of things.
So peer to peer supports is one of the most underrated avenues of information sharing and knowledge sharing in the community. And it's that concept of community that drives that. And to have that peer to peer support, i.e. the knowledge base or knowledge Bank Division Australia and other organisations that are peak bodies have that can, you know, advise and guide people through these difficult times because some people could lose their sight immediately. That's just the freak nature of the human body or over a slow period of time as it was for me. So am I guilty that I didn't access the supports more earlier on? Yes. But when did. So think what did. There's a sort of an attitude hump that you have to get over. But once you get over that and through the other side, it's just use it to your advantage in a positive way. It just builds you up to be more equipped. But supports are absolutely critical and from my knowledge of the NDIS, that's something that they're really trying to drive for those that can access it. And obviously through their the wider disability support communities, you know, Disability Gateway and those things, there are lots of sources of information out there that can really drive this support peer to peer support, particularly those that are in rural and very remote or very rural areas of Australia where it can be quite difficult. So get online, ask the questions, don't be afraid to ask and think that's absolutely critical as part of your next steps.
Following on from that, James, what technology did you wish existed when you were a new dad, or at least when your kids were younger that you think would have helped? Have you sort of encountered things in these areas of being very clued in with innovation and technology in the corporate world? What sort of jumped out for you as something you thought, Oh, I wish I had that. Back in the day.
You had a smart device, your iPhone or your Android, and it would have been great if my parents would have accessed it, right, Because they would have helped me sort of, you know, earlier on in my sort of journey. But as a dad, iPhones were coming out around when my first child was born because it's just information access. How quickly can you get it rather than I'll look it up when I get home and get on the computer. I think it's just information is key. The more the more information have, the more you're informed and it's being able to filter out quickly what works and what doesn't work and what's right for you.
Just finally, James, to finish up, what sort of advice would you have for new dads who are blind or have low vision, or perhaps men out there with vision conditions who are thinking of starting a family, but perhaps they've got a few concerns, a few hesitations and not sure where to sort of jump in and how it's all going to go. What sort of words would you have for them?
Yeah, absolutely. Think it. Talk to your partner. That's the most critical thing, because everyone has to be on board of this. Right. And just the pros and cons seek out other young parents that have disabilities. That's so important. You know, again, we have kids. It's part of our DNA that we want to have children. Most do. Some don't. And that's fine and that's perfectly respectful. But go for the decision with confidence that you have as much information as you know that you can get and talk to people. You can never ask enough questions. It's just so important, just so that you're comfortable. Once you're comfortable with decision, then it's all about enjoying and the time and being, you know, process and being at that special opportunity of being a parent.
That's the perfect note to end on. Thanks so much, James. I've been speaking today with James Manders as part of our Father's Day special on Talking Vision. James, thank you so much for joining me today. It was great to hear from you again and have a happy Father's Day.
Thanks so much, Sam. Talk soon.
I'm Sam Colley and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio associated Stations of and the Community Radio Network. How would you like to have a say in what we do on Vision Australia Radio? Plus the chance to win a $100 gift card. Our annual listener survey is on now. What do you like about our radio service? Where are you tuning in from? How are you listening? Do you have a favorite program? Help shape the future of Vision Australia Radio and gain the chance to win one of five $100 Coles gift cards. Terms and conditions apply. Visit RVA that's VR and click on the home page link to take part. The survey closes on October 1st, so don't delay. And now here's one of our favorite people on talking vision. It's stellar glory.
And now I'm speaking to first time Father and Vision Australia staff member. My colleague Matt Collins, who earlier this year became a dad for the first time. Happy Father's Day, Matt.
Thank you.
Good to be here. And how old is little Junior now?
Little Junior is now 16 weeks old meeting his milestones, which I like.
And what sort of milestones are they? Is he reading and writing and going to university?
Not quite. I guess in that aspect he's a bit delayed, I guess. But yeah, it's not the moment he's reaching and grabbing for things he's figured out he has hands, so he likes to grab at everything, which is both good and bad. Nice that he can sort of grab things for himself and that he grabs things he might not be meant to be grabbing at any given time. Other than that is, yeah, maintaining good eye contact with things like tracking things as they move around the room and looking at the person that's talking to him.
Are you learning to put your hot cup of coffees and hot cups of tea a little bit more out of reach now?
A little bit. So we do have a young dog. Oh, not so young now. He's two years old now. Yeah. So we had a bit of experience with moving things off the floor with our dog, Basil. But yeah, definitely there is still a bit of a learning curve with extra things that you might take off the floor that you might not have previously considered.
Now you have low vision. Yes. Can you talk to us a little bit about that?
Sure. So I have albinism and the sickness and short sighted. So my vision is approximately 660. So I can see at six feet away, other people can see it 60ft away. Yeah. So everything's sort of past that point is a bit of a progressive blur to me as it gets further away.
Now you've got a bit of a story, so of course you can't drive. So we were talking about picking up your wife from the hospital after a little junior was born. And tell us what your plan was to manage that.
Yeah. So we had obviously in the weeks leading up to the birth, we had started to consider what our plan of action would be. So we had arranged for at least three, if not four separate people to be available for a call and say, Hey, we need to go to the hospital. Of course, this sort of thing.
So it's not just I was just thinking on the way home, but of course you've got to get there so your wife wouldn't be up for driving.
No, no. Yeah. Whereas where she would normally be the one driving, she was not quite up to the task. And despite my generous offers of driving, she did not want to take me up on that. I think if it happened in the middle of the night, there would be less traffic on the road and everything's well lit up with headlights. I thought it would be fine, but she did not want to pursue that path. So yeah, as I mentioned, we had lined up 3 or 4 separate people to get us to hospital as needed. So then it happened on one Saturday night, about 6 p.m. my wife started feeling some back pain, which we weren't quite sure was necessarily her going into labour. We thought it could just be a sign that she's carrying another human inside her. She's probably going to straighten her back a bit. But yeah, as soon as she sort of felt that twinge, we we got a call from our first person that said are out for tonight. Yep, that's cool. Got two other people lined up followed up by a second person and third person calling within about two hours, cancelling their plans.
Did they all sound like did they all sound like they might have been on the babies a bit Or one of them?
One of them did the other two sort of had legitimate reasons, which we. Yeah, which is fine. So once that last one fell through, we started thinking about what our backups could be. So my folks live about an hour away. Her folks live about two hours away from where we live. So they were going to be backup backups. But we had a friend who lives closer that we shot a message to at about doing about 11:30 p.m. at this stage. So obviously not expecting her to answer it any time, seeing if she'd be available. And um, yeah, by the time she actually read that message, we had a baby. Oh.
So how did you end up getting to hospital?
So we wound up getting an ambulance. We have ambulance cover. Yeah. It got to the point where it looked like it would either be have the baby at home. Which else was my wife was not quite a fan of or call an ambulance and after some. I managed to convince her that we should probably check out an ambulance. And worst case, if it's not actually labor, it's a good learning experience for both of us.
Oh, and did she have the baby with the ambos or did she make it to hospital? No.
So we made it hospital. So we left our house at about 230, I think. Got to the hospital around three ish, maybe a bit before three and had a baby by 6:15 a.m..
So quite.
Quite a quick turnaround.
Yeah. And how was that? I mean, I don't want to drill down too much and retraumatize everyone, but did it feel a bit traumatic or a bit scary?
Not traumatic as such. Like the staff at the hospital we went to were very good actually. So we were booked into a sort of local hospital and we called them before we called the ambulance and they said, You probably can't come here. We are overflowing with patients. We do not have room. So we wound up going to a secondary hospital, which was actually lovely. They only had one other pregnant person on the wards that night, so we were really well looked after. Actually. We had a lot of staff running around offering us help, But yeah, the actual experience was quite good. When we got there. I think they were not quite convinced she that my wife was in labour, right? She wasn't.
Screaming. The hospital down.
Was bringing the hospital down. Yeah. They're working. Means that she was quite in labour yet so they suggested we actually take a bath in the room we were in. Then after a bit of not pestering a bit of coercion from my wife, they decided to actually check her out properly. They're like, Oh yeah, you're, you're. You're having a baby now, so let's get this show on the road.
Wow. Good honour for doing that. Yeah. So you didn't have your usual the hospital that you plan to go to?
God, yeah. No. So like. Yeah. So we hadn't been seeing, like a regular person at that hospital we've just been booked in. That was where we would be doing the birth. But yeah, that night they happen to be overcrowded and could not accommodate.
I think on a Saturday night in in emergency, having a pregnant woman turning up is kind of it's actually quite nice because it's not because not somebody's not actually damaged and it's yeah.
Yeah think so like.
It's life affirming.
It is and we did find it funny when we, when we called that first hospital and they was like, oh, you know, you can't actually we can't fit you in here. It was the day before Mother's Day. So my child was born on Mother's Day. And so the woman on the phone ended the phone conversation by basically saying, Yeah, we can't have you here, unfortunately, Happy Mother's Day, which we have we found quite funny. Well, I found funny. My wife did not find that funny at the time, but I found it quite funny.
Yeah, I'm not surprised now that the little one is home. I'm just going to say what are some of the challenges? But I'm not sure if you can tell the difference between what are the challenges generally having a brand new baby at home and what are challenges because you have low vision.
Yeah, there hasn't really been anything that I class is a challenge due to low vision specifically yet I'll say like adapting to changing nappies is quite quite a change for me, but not necessarily because of my vision. Yeah, I'm sure those, those things will come that are more difficult because of low vision. But yeah, for this stage there's nothing that I would classify as being harder due to being low vision. Yeah.
And are you confident, do you feel confident generally as a guy with low vision?
I do. Like admittedly, when we when we first had our son, yeah, I was a bit nervous about a lot of things like, Oh, am I holding him right? What if I drop him? But yeah, I found for myself at least I quickly adapted to being quite confident and like one of the things I really struggled with was how soft you have to be when handling the baby. Like, I was like, Oh, you have to be very soft. You have to gently pull this here, put the leg through there. But now it's very much about they're tough, they can handle it and tugging and just pulling them around and he's fine and happy and. Yeah, yeah.
That's fantastic. Thank you so much for your time talking about Father's Day, Matt, and congratulations. Do you know what you're getting for Father's Day?
I don't. It's going to be a surprise.
And I hope you got your I hope you got your wife something for Mother's Day. The next day I had.
Yeah. Arranged a present in advance. Yeah. We were a few days before we were expected to go. We weren't expected expecting to have the baby on Mother's Day, but, yes, I'd arranged the present in advance.
Right. So I hope you have a lovely day with your new little family. Thanks, Matt.
Thanks, Ella. It's been good to be here.
And now here's Francis Kelland with a Father's Day way to recommend it.
Today's Reader recommended is Growing Up African in Australia by Maxine Barnaby Clark learning to kick a football in a suburban schoolyard. Finding your feet as a young black dancer, discovering your grandfather's poetry, meeting Nelson Mandela at your local church, facing racism from those who should protect you. Dreading a visit to the hairdresser house, hopping across the suburbs, being too black, not being black enough, singing to find your soul and then losing yourself. Welcome to African Australia, compiled by award winning author Maxine Burney Clark with curatorial assistance from writers Ahmed Yusuf and Megan Magan. This anthology brings together the regions of Africa and the African Diaspora, from the Caribbean to the Americas, told with passion, power and poise. These are the stories of African Diaspora Australians diverse, engaging, hopeful and heartfelt. Let's hear a sample of growing up African in Australia by Maxine Barnaba Clark.
Winston was always the loudest person on our street. The suburb I grew up in. Jordan ville was so innocuous that when one day they just took it off the map, no one even put up a fight. Winston was also the loudest person in Jordan ville or Chadstone, as it became known as if being a family of weird Jamaicans wasn't enough. I used to cringe when I heard his voice booming down the street. Yo, yo, yo, yo. The local kids would come racing down the road in their hyper coloured t shirts and happy pants, eager for his attention. Winston Hey, Bubba. Bubba. To them, he was nothing short of a celebrity. To eight year old me who wanted nothing more than to blend in, he was hugely embarrassing. By then, I had experienced just about enough of sticking out in my nearly all white neighborhood. Winston had no plans to be the shy, retiring type. Not even for his kids. He was tall, black and present. Far from the conservative suit wearing Jamaicans I had seen in our family photo album, my dad was part ragamuffin, part family man, a cutlass carrying rude boy with a bushman spirit. He enjoyed being mortifying, inappropriate, and was often lewd. But Lord, he was funny. His stories were pure theatre, full of pauses, dragged out for effect, designed to draw in every member of his audience.
So that was growing up African in Australia by Maxine Barnaba. Clark If you would like to listen to that audiobook or have it in Braille, you can always call the library on 1300 654 656. That's 1300 654 656. Or you can email the library at library at Vision Australia. Org, that's library at Vision Australia. Org.
And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together and remember we love your feedback and comments, so please do get in touch on Talking vision at Vision That's talking vision all one word at Vision But until next week it's Sam Colley saying bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 308 4746. That's one 308 474 W6 or by visiting Vision that's Vision