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From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins. No, it's not Sam. It's me, Stella Glory pitching in for Talking vision. This week, Sam has another nasty bout of man flu. Although I shouldn't make fun because he did not sound well at all. But he has still left two very excellent interviews for the program this week. Monash University here in Melbourne has another sensory exhibition coming up and Sam is chatting with Dr. Laura and Dr. Lisa Chiaki, who are biomedical science research fellows at the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute, and they're also part of the Monash Sensory Science Team. It's an interactive exhibition. That conversation is coming up later in the program because first up, it is Orthopedics Awareness Week, and the week showcases the significant role the profession makes to eye health. Sam caught up with Dr. Amanda French, who was a senior lecturer of orthopaedics at the University of Sydney, and she'll be talking about the role orthotics play in your eye health. Glad for all these wonderful women in science on the program. Plus, I have some news and there's a reader recommended for you. I hope you enjoy this week's talking vision.
Amanda, thanks so much for your time today. Welcome to Talking Vision.
Thank you so much for having me.
Now, um, let's just start at the beginning. What is Orthopedics Awareness Week?
Well, Orthopedics Awareness Week is a week that's dedicated to increasing awareness of authorities as allied health professionals and the role that we play in the health care system.
Okay. And tell us a little bit more about the role of orthopedists and the work they do.
Yeah, well, about this, as I said, allied health professionals and we work predominantly in tertiary care alongside opthamologist to help with diagnostics and management of eye conditions. But we also have particular expertise in eye movement disorders and paediatrics. So things like items which are called strabismus and other eye conditions as well as low vision care and rehabilitation. So that's a really important area for us.
Okay. And this year's theme of Topics Awareness Week is Connect, Collaborate, Care. So can you speak about the campaign's aim to highlight orthopedists and their collaboration with other health professionals?
Of course. So we see eye health as an area where collaborative and multidisciplinary care is really important, and we wanted to highlight the role of authorities as part of that multidisciplinary eye care team and really the important work that orthopedists are doing in providing patient centered care and having a positive impact on the lives of their patients.
And why are we such as Orthopedics Awareness Week so important?
I think it's really important to celebrate the important work of health professionals in general. And orthopedics as a profession is less well known than some of the other eye health professions. So we really wanted to take the opportunity to promote orthopedics and increase awareness and recognition of the valuable role that we play in health care.
Okay. And could you tell us about the work that Orthopedics Australia is doing in particular? For example, um, perhaps working together with Vision Australia or other blindness and low vision organizations?
Yeah. So Orthopedics Australia is the peak body for authorities in Australia and we have a brand new strategic plan with a vision to support authorities to provide excellence and equity in eHealth care. So part of this strategic plan is collaborating with the broader eHealth sector and creating connections and partnerships with key stakeholders like Vision Australia and other low vision care providers. So one of the main things that we can do through that connection is of course promote these organisations and get Optus, who are members of Orthopedics Australia, to support referral pathways into low vision care.
Okay. And where can people find out more about Orthopedics Awareness Week or perhaps just more information about Orthotics Australia?
Well, we have a website for Orthopedics Australia and that will have information on Orthotics awareness week on there. So that's dot AEW. We also will have some articles published on Orthopaedic Awareness Week specifically that will be in Insight magazine and will promote those through our social media channels so people could follow us on Facebook or Instagram or LinkedIn.
And Jane, where do where do orthopedists fit in? You've talked a little bit about this already, but where do orthopedists fit in in comparison to other major st or optometrists or opticians?
That's a great question and one that we get all the time. So authorities, allied health professionals like optometrists are whereas optometrists tend to work mainly in primary care. They do a lot of screening for disease and helping with refractive correction or just do a bit more work in the tertiary care sector, so within public hospitals and other referral pathway services. So we tend to triage and monitor conditions as well as diagnose them and help with management of those. Opticians are more about the dispensing of spectacles in order to correct refractive errors.
Okay, sure. And um, where do orthopedists fit in with regards to, um, treating people who are blind or have low vision?
Um, well, just what vision? Australia is actually one of the largest employers of orthotics in Australia. So we do have quite a significant presence in this area and really our role is about looking at functional vision assessment. So working out what is the functional vision that people have and how we can help them optimise that, whether that's through providing access to other health providers which can help with orientation and mobility or whether that's providing magnifiers and other assistive technologies.
Okay, perfect. Thank you very much. I've been speaking today with Amanda French, senior lecturer from University of Technology, Sydney, in celebration of Orthotics Awareness Week this week from the 5th to the 9th of June. Amanda, thank you so much for your time today. It was a pleasure to catch up with you.
Yes, it was great. Thank you so much.
And thank you, Sam, for that fantastic interview. I'm Stella Glory, filling in for Sam Colley this week here on Talking Vision. How did you happen to catch Australian Story on Monday night? And I am talking about Monday, the 5th of June. It was called The Blind Leading the Blind. Now bear with me because it does have a positive connotation. It's the story of the friendship between MC Karen and Jamie Tay and how they created the screen reading software called Nvda Non-visual Desktop Access when they were fresh out of university. Now, Mick and Jamie are both blind, and 17 years later, Nvda is now used by 275,000 people in 175 countries and has been translated into 50 languages. And it's a free software. It is the only screen reader in the world that's been made by blind people for blind people, says disability advocate Ben Clare and open doors for people with vision impairment. And you can catch the episode on iView. As I said, it's called The Blind Leading the Blind. And now for the second interview of the show, Sam is chatting with Dr. Laura and Dr. Lisa Chiaki from the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute about an upcoming sensory exhibition.
Lisa. Laura, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time today.
Thank you for having us. We're very happy to be here. Now.
Lisa, let's start with the basics and start with you. What is the Monash Sensory Science Exhibition?
Okay, so the Monash Sensory Science Exhibition is a half day event and this year the topic is autoimmunity. So we're inviting participants from the blind low vision and diverse needs community to attend. And it's an entirely free event. There's free show bags and free food that will be provided. Oh, that's.
Exciting. It's always good to have little goodies there. And what prompted the theme of autoimmunity, Laura?
Yes. So this year we're focusing on autoimmunity because it's something that really affects everyone in general. People know they have relatives or friends that have numerous autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, all the way to type one diabetes. So it's very relevant to society and it's important for us to get some kind of grasp on it. And this exhibition is interesting because it's different. It's designed for all ages and levels of science literacy. So really we just want to be able to reach out to the community and help everyone understand a little bit more about diseases that do affect everyone in all stages of life.
And Lisa, what are the sort of things that people can expect at this year's exhibition to sort of tie in with that theme of autoimmunity that you're talking about?
Okay. So this year we're launching interactive sensory science books that were made by our in-house artist, Dr. Erica Tandoori. And Dr. Stouffville has introduced data sonification, which is turning data into a musical language. So this year we're actually displaying tactile displays of hand-crafted immune cells made of clay, food, paper, all kinds of fabrics. And so we're also incorporating researchers in the event to actually host breakout rooms and discuss their research and talk about the autoimmune disease that they're researching. So you're really going to get high end first hand knowledge on where the research is at in each of these autoimmune diseases.
Laura, let's go back to the history of the exhibition. How many years has it been running for now?
So it has been running for two years. So it's an initiative initiative that the Rostron Laboratory at Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute has started. It was held in 2018 and 2019 and is returning for 2023 following the Covid 19 pandemic. So it's really something that we want to continue to promote each year, and it's always going to be new and interesting because the topic changes each year.
We'll stay with you for a second. Laura, Tell us about your roles in the Sensory Science exhibition and the work you're doing there.
So my sister and I were postdoctoral researchers at the Rostron lab and our role as part of the Monash Sensory Science team to be joint project coordinators. So really we try and make sure that everyone is on the same page about designing the artworks, their contribution to the project. So we have collaboration with the Monash Assistive Technologies and Society, which is newly formed and they're looking at different ways to assist those with low vision to access data. And really this effort by Erica and Stu, it's enabling us to explore how you can understand through use of textures and media and significations. So we're really just trying to bring everyone together and make this amazing exhibition and really try and showcase the amazing talent.
Unless so, we come to you. Do you have anything to add?
Yes. So as joint project coordinators, we have responsibilities to keep the project on track. Make sure that the Eventbrite registration form is clear for our attendees, and also to provide ideas and collaborate with the researchers to produce tactile artworks in their given autoimmune disease breakout room to better inform the public and prospective students.
We'll come back to you. This is pretty important. So let's get the details like the where and the win. Could you just give us some all the info and more about the exhibition, the vital details that people need to know?
So really, we've created our own email address, so it's Monash Sensory Science at Monash, Edu. And essentially if you search online, it will come up. It's held on Friday 30th of June 2023 from 9 to 2 at the Learning and Teaching building at Monash University. And so there's two ways to get there. You can take the Monash University Clayton bus loop and it's literally located right next to the learning and Teaching building. Oh yeah.
It's a great location. I used to go to Monash and the LTB showed up just as I was finishing up, so it was right next to the bus loop. So very accessible for people out there.
Yes. And there's also a red reserved parking area, S2 that's located next to the venue. So it's the address is 20 and Cora Amparo Way learning and teaching building. So it requires a reservation. So you will need to purchase a prepaid parking voucher, $12 via a link. So all the details are linked in with the Eventbrite link. Okay.
And Lisa, let's get that Eventbrite link. How can people register? What's that website people can go to?
So you can just search online the words Monash Sensory Science and there will be a website that you can click into that's under the Rostron lab, so you can directly go to the Eventbrite link there. Alternatively, in the search you will see another link that is directly under this Rostron lab website and it'll take you straight to it. So it's very, very easy.
And Laura, I understand there's some internships that are currently running in the Rostron lab. Can you tell us a little bit about those?
Yes. So we currently have some interns that are both administrative and technical from the grad wise employment program who we have partnered with, and this is an ongoing program. The Ruston Lab is also keen to offer internships to blind low vision candidates too, and we have extended this program to second or third year undergraduate disabled students. And so essentially this is a endeavor that the Ruston Lab has pioneered, and it's the first of its kind in biomedical science. And this is essentially our the reason for this is we really want to ensure that people are included in the conversation and especially in members of the community who would otherwise not be considered for graduate employment opportunities in biomedical science to really open up the conversation and offer this opportunity to help them in their careers.
And Lisa, did you have anything to add there?
So I just like to say that with this internship program, it's catered for students with low vision, but allowing them to really harness skills and experience the laboratory in terms of doing physical research, work or office administration. So there's a wide range of tasks and duties that can be tailored to your needs depending on your ability to work in a lab environment. And so we really are working with our artist in residence as well, Dr. Erika Tandoori. And she's, she's creating tactile artworks for even future exhibitions such as that in National Science Week that's going to be occurring in August. So any kind of assistance that prospective candidates would like to provide the Rostron lab, we'd love to have them on board. And also this this program where we're trying to extend this to other labs within the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute as well. So it's it's a really good program to get to become part of and we're hoping that we'll just get more and more interest as the years come. Oh, wow. Yeah, Yeah.
Okay. That's really exciting. Now, Laura, we'll come back to you. Why is inclusivity in Stem so important? And you know, what's sort of feeling does it give you to be able to offer these programs to the, you know, the blind and low vision communities?
I think it's a fantastic way to really think outside the box because everyone has the ability to contribute. And I think even in this exhibition it's really tried. It's been a challenge for some people to think in a different way and to really try and understand the fundamentals in what we're doing every day, which we do take for granted a lot of times in research. So we're really just trying to create the access and equity for those who have disability and really try and raise a profile in the community about the need and importance to people with disabilities and the opportunities we can give them. And I feel that through this process I've learnt so much about how people can understand and and how we can actually try and push barriers and break down walls so that we can actually find a way to really ensure that people know about the importance of this research that we're doing. We really want to find ways to better diagnose and treat diseases. And it's I think it's a great way for people to feel part of it, especially, you know, the tax payers. People need to know what's what we're doing and we need to have this conversation about what's really important. So I think it's a great way to also encourage data justice and making it accessible to everyone. I think that's that's the the main point we want to make. It's not just for those that have all of their faculties. I think that everyone has something to contribute and it should be celebrated. And that's what we're trying to do. This exhibition, we want it to be fun. We want everyone to feel part of it and offer the opportunity for growth.
I've been speaking today with Lisa and Laura Sharkey about the upcoming Monash Sensory Science Exhibition taking place later this month at Monash University. Thank you so much to you both. It's been a pleasure to have you on Talking Vision.
Oh, thank you so much, Sam. Thank you, Sam.
Thanks, Sam, for that fantastic interview. Sam was talking with Dr. Laura and Dr. Lisa Chiaki, Biomedical Science Research Fellows at Monash University about an upcoming sensory exhibition. The exhibition is taking place on Friday, June 30th, from 8:45 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Monash University in Clayton. All the way down here or up here, depending where you're listening in Melbourne. It is a free event and everyone is welcome, but bookings are essential, so you have to register by Sunday, June 25th to secure your spot. Go to the Monash University website for more information or you can email Monash Sensory Science at Monash. Edu That's Monash Sensory or you're more than welcome to contact Talking Vision Talking Vision at Vision Australia. Org That's talking vision at Vision and will send those details to you. And here's Francis Kelland with a reader recommended.
Let's start off today with a reader recommended from Phyllis and nice to hear from you once again. Phyllis Thank you so much for this recommendation. Phyllis writes I have just finished listening to Maybe The Horse Will Talk by Elliott Pearlman. It was so terrific and I think it would gender a lot of discussion for a book club. And you said you're still wondering about the ending, which sounds intriguing. The synopsis of Maybe The Horse Will Talk by Elliott Pearlman. It goes like this Stephen Nazarov has problems. A one time teacher married to a fellow teacher, Eleanor, He is retrained and is now a second year lawyer working at mega firm Freely Savage Carter Blanche, Despite toiling around the clock to make. But the budget, he's in imminent danger of being downsized. And to make things worse, Eleanor sick of single parenting their two young children, thanks to Stephen's relentless work schedule, has asked him to move out to keep the job he hates, pay the mortgage and salvage his marriage. He will have to do something strikingly daring, something he never thought himself capable of. But if he's not careful, it might be the last job he ever has. Let's hear a sample now of Maybe the Horse Will Talk by Elliott Pearlman.
I am absolutely terrified of losing a job I absolutely hate. This realization came to Steven Nazarov when he woke suddenly at around 331 Wednesday morning. He wondered whether any of the other second tier lawyers who also worked at the prestigious commercial law firm freely Savage Cutter Blanche, felt this way. If they didn't. How was it that he, an English literature major, former high school teacher and now a law graduate, did in any event, lying there in his rented one bedroom apartment? He found this unspoken articulation of his lose lose predicament, perversely liberating among the equity partners of the vast legal empire that was freely savage cutter Blanche. The most feared was Mike Crispin Crispy Hamilton Mercer of had heard the name even before he'd joined the firm. Hamilton set in a corner office so high above the ground that a prolonged and studied stare out of either of the floor to ceiling glass windows would never permit identification by the naked eye of even the species way, way down on the street, let alone its individual members, hurrying to work for what would never, not ever come within a light year of the annual salary. Much less the partnership dividends, much less the private, extra legal entitlements and the trust fund accruals of Hamilton, who sat in the corner office. No more inclined to imagine the lives of the people on the street. Then he was inclined to imagine the inner life of a bat.
That was maybe the horse will talk. And Elliott Pearlman. We've got a few books of his in the library collection. One of those authors that doesn't seem to do the rounds of the writers festivals and things. He just quietly puts out a novel every few years.
Thank you so much, Francis. And maybe the Horse Will Talk is available at Division Australia Library. It's narrated by David Tredinnick and the Vision Australia Library can be contacted on 1300 654 656. That's one 306 546056. I'm Stella Glory. And that's your program for this week. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting this program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments and you can contact us at a talking vision at Vision Talking vision at Vision I tell you what it's like riding a bicycle doing this show. What a pleasure it has been to be behind the mic again. But Sam Collie, I hope you are feeling better soon. I'm sure your listeners are missing you and we'll be back the same time next week. You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 308 4746. That's one 380 474 W6 or by visiting Vision that's Vision