Talking Vision 665 Week Beginning 20th of February 2023

Published Feb 22, 2023, 12:53 AM

Sam catches up with Jess Strudwick, the founder of Jessica's Choco Yum which sells biscuits with an inclusive focus, for instance braille sugar cookies featuring messages on top of the biscuit.

You'll also hear from Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria's Miriam Bilander, she joins Sam on the show to talk about an upcoming event for children and young people aged 12 to 25 to head along to a guided tour of the Sydney Road Street Party on March 5.

And finally this week, we wrap up with some news and information.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now he's your host, Sam calling.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

You know, everyone likes cookies, whether you are blind or vision impaired. Hard of hearing. You have an intellectual disability. Anything. Everyone loves cookies. So. Why not? I thought I'd make it inclusive for everyone.

Welcome to the program. That voice you just heard there was just tragic. A Perth based teacher and founder of Jessica's Choco Yum. Speaking about the inclusive philosophy behind her business this week, I catch up with Jessica to chat about her expanding range of brown sugar cookies with tactile messages. That interview with Jess is coming up right around the corner, so make sure to stick around. And then after we hear from Jess, I'm joined by Miriam Blanda from Blindspots in Recreation Victoria to speak about an upcoming kids event happening on the 5th of March at the Brunswick Street Festival with guided tours for children and young people from ages 12 to 24 all along Sydney Road. And finally, this week we wrap up with a bit of news and information. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. I'm here today with Jess Strudwick, a Perth based business owner who is the founder of Jessi's Choco Yum, a business making chocolate biscuits for people within the blind and low vision community with various by all designs and messages. Jess, welcome to the show and thanks so much for being here.

Hi Sam. Thank you so much for having me on this show. I really appreciate it.

Tell us a bit more about Choco Yum first. Firstly, Jess.

Okay, so Choco Yum started September school holidays 2021. I had a motorbike accident and I broke my leg and dislocated my knee till my ICU. And consequently that led to a lot of time off my fate. And, you know, there's only so much to do. You can play. So I ended up on Facebook looking into things. Hot chocolate bombs were all the rage. So I looked into that and when I was able to start getting around a little bit, I started making hot chocolate bombs. And that's when I started looking into different types of chocolate and then can't have hot chocolate bombs without marshmallows. So I started doing homemade marshmallows and then coding the marshmallows in chocolate. And then my knee, my leg wasn't going so well. So I ended up having surgery and I was off my feet again for quite a while. And I guess sugar cookies became all the rage. And I was looking at different types of sugar cookies with fondant on my face while I was recuperating. And I thought, Wouldn't that be cool with chocolate? So I looked into it and after a lot of research, I started playing around with it and making my own chocolate. So it's like a chocolate. It's like fondant, but it's not fondant because fondant is made out of sugar. So I do a chocolate sort of fondant, but it's made out of chocolate. So basically my cookies look like the sugar cookies that you see all around the place with fondant. But yeah, they made it chocolate and I needed a name and because I'd been sort of looking into chocolate for quite a while, I thought, why not to Jessica's chocolate? And my little boy loves the hot chocolate bomb, so he wants me to go back to them and make them. And I thought, Well, if I do like a chocolate nine, then I can sort of if we go back to them, it'll still fit in with the name and the business model.

And how did the idea behind the Braille biscuits get started?

Well, I'm a teacher. I've been teaching for about 20 years and I've spent 16 of those years in its support. So I've worked in different unit centres. And so I really I'm an advocate for inclusivity and yeah, while I was looking for designs and different stamps and impulses. I did a search for Braille and online stamps, and the one that I ended up purchasing I lucky was the only one that I could find. I've since looked back to try and find that business. They're not in business anymore. So when I saw that one, I snapped it up and thought, Oh, I'll definitely use that. And why not? You know, everyone likes cookies, whether you are blind or vision impaired, hard of hearing you have an intellectual disability, anything. Everyone loves cookies, so why not? I thought I'd make it inclusive for everyone. Yeah.

Good stuff. Okay, so that background and disability education led you to finding more ideas for while. How have you gone sourcing more Braille designs?

Well, I can't find any stamps or deposits anyway, so I'm going to need to get the made, which is actually quite sad because in an industry the title is food. You'd think you'd be able to find some more, but yeah, I haven't been able to. So I thought, Well, I can't find them out there, so why not make them so? I've been in touch with a few different companies that make them, and I have one in particular that I'm chatting to at the moment, and I'd like to look at getting a happy birthday. Happy anniversary. Happy Easter. Merry Christmas. Happy Mother's Day. Happy Father's Day. All those different occasions. The only one I have at the moment is lucky, because when I did my Valentine's offerings and I was going through my my box and I saw it and I made the the Braille Valentine's gift box, it was only sort of really then. And I mean, I've only been in business for since September last year, so I'm very, very near you. Mhm. Yeah. And I did that and I thought well I'm going to put it out there and I'm going to see if there is an interest because if there's an interest I will look at getting some made up and you know, start doing Braille cookies as well as your regular picture of cookies and stamps and signs and that sort of thing.

Have you ever sort of considered looking further into Braille and making your own does? Signs or you sort of that's beyond your capacity or something like that, because that would be quite challenging and time consuming to go through. And if you have the bail available, you could possibly do it. But is that a possibility? Then you could possibly save money that way?

Well, I've looked into it, and because the Braille is right used, you need what's called a table for. So yeah, it's like an acrylic space. I bet she measured the one the I love you one last night. So it's nine by nine centimeters, and then it's like a little drill, I guess. And it drills. Takes out well, it drills the little holes in the acrylic. Yeah, I know. There's, there's machines out there that I do it. I do it with lasers. So it's all nice. Everything's perfect. Everything's the same. I think a machine like that is, like, ridiculous. Thousands of dollars. I did think of maybe getting royal icing there, maybe doing the dots with royal icing on the chocolate. However, royal icing is a water based product, and the chocolate is an oil based product. So I don't know how would go with styling. So it pretty much a step. You can get some 3D printers for stamps, but they put an image into the chocolate, whereas braille it needs to come out of the chocolate so that you have the lumps sort of underneath your fingers so that you can feel them. Yeah. So it's unfortunately, I don't know, I think they're upwards of like $20,000.

Oh, yeah. So it's just prohibitively expensive for a small business in particular. But yeah, in the in the mean time, what's your process currently for making the biscuits. How does that come about?

Currently find lots and lots of trial and error. I'm a perfectionist.


So I have tried lots and lots of different cookie recipes. I settled on one from actually the US, so it's a little bit like a shortbread based. And of course I use all the best ingredients. I know a lot of bakers tend to go to and I'm not putting down Costco, but Costco, Aldi and they get the cheapest ingredients. I use the good quality stuff. So everything is top quality made with lots and lots of love. Even the chocolate recipe I've tweaked over time, I've played around with different flavors and I'm still playing around with different flavors. And yeah, I know it's I'm even thinking in the future maybe doing a brownie with sort of more like a chocolate flavored topping. Because even though my topping is chocolate flavored, it's still I've flavored it to taste a bit more like that. Been there to give it a bit more flavor because what I found is even though you're using the nice chocolate, when you make it as she wants, it's going through the country. The process is quite bland and I like my cookies to be very flavorful. And one thing I do with my cookies is a lot of the sugar cookies that you buy from other people are quite sweet mine and not really. So if you're not, you're a person that night you may buy a sugar cookie with the fondant and you think they taste sweet so they're not as sweet. The chocolate gives it depth and the flavors that I use as well just I think, really complements. And it's very different to what a lot of people have had. And a lot of people don't like the fondant They love, love my cookies.

What are your plans for the future in terms of design ideas and those options for the different flavors that you're talking about there?

Well, my biggest idea for the future one, so I'm on top of the brio and that's all organized. I'd love to get into produced some online cookies as well. And you know, again, trying to make this sort of gift box treat dessert for weddings. A lot of people are using them for wedding favors, baby showers, just trying to make it as accessible as I possibly can for everybody.

How the old slang cookies work. Have your ideas around that.

Well, I'd have to get into to Austen in touch with them first to see if I'm able to use the images. Or if not, I don't know whether I would have to hire or get someone. She's got a background in design or whether I could do something myself. I was thinking of getting a 3D printer and then making my own stamps. Or I guess I could use the acrylic and impulses or I could look into even printing them. I know there's printers that print on rice paper or sugar paper, and you cut it out and you stick it on to the cookies. There is a printer that prints directly on your cookies or your toppers, and that is really, really expensive as well. But ultimately, if I could potentially look at getting something like that, then it's that little try to put the cookie on it and just print straight on the cookie. Any design you like, any shape, and that's amazing. So that would be like my long term goal. Yeah. Oh, well, one thing that would be really cool. Yeah, we'll just. We'll see sort of how it evolves, because like with the Braille, that's sort of just evolving. And yeah, the online one, I'm so I'm a real firm believer that the right thing comes along at the right time to help you if you know what you're doing is pure.

And that printing idea that could possibly save you heaps of time and possibly money long term for doing the Braille and creating your own mobile messages and not having to sort of scour the Internet or whatever, or spend tens of thousands of dollars on an embossed or something like.


Yeah. Being able to print Braille onto the cookies would be a dream come true.

I'm sure it wouldn't be able to print the Braille onto the cookies. It would just print an image. Oh yeah. But if I look at a3d printer, that could be a possibility down the track. Yeah. Yeah. Lots of options. Lots of things to look into.

Okay, cool. So how can people order the Braille cookies if they're interested, to try them out?

I have a Facebook and Instagram page. Jessica's choc or Yum. So j s s i c i. F. C h. O. C. I. Y. U. N. So I like chocolate with chocolate. And then ah, yum. And then my name Jessica's. I also have an email that people can contact me again. Jessica's chocolate, Jessica's chocolate at JML dot com. If anyone has a specific braille stamp that they would like, they can let me know as well and I can look into that for them.

All right. Wonderful. Okay, that's very exciting. We're really keen to hear how the Braille cookies do progress over the next few months and also hopefully years to come. I've been speaking today with Jess Strategic, the founder of Jessica's Chocolate Business, creating accessible cookies for the blind and low vision community. Jess, it was great to have a chat with you today and all the best for the future.

Thank you so much, sir. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for having me on your show and supporting my little initiative. I really, really appreciate it.

I'm Sam Kelly and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio. Associated stations of ARPANET and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that interview there with a just truck week from Jessica's truck. I am a Perth based business creating biscuits focused on inclusive designs for the blind and low vision community. If you're enjoying the show and you'd love to find some past episodes or just find out a bit more about Vision Australia Radio in general, you can of course head to the Vision Australia Radio website at via radio dot org. That's V radio dot org. And once you're there, simply search for talking vision. Or if internet browsers aren't quite your thing. You can also find us on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now back to the show as I catch up with Mariam Verlander. I'm here today with program manager from Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria, Miriam Belinda, who's here to talk about an exciting new event coming up on March the fifth. Miriam, welcome to talking with us and thanks so much for your time today.

Thank you so much for having me, Sam. I'm really, really excited to be here.

Now, firstly, Miriam, could you tell us all about what blind spots and Recreation Victoria has planned for kids on March 5th?

Of course, we're so excited that we can now get back into the festivals after a couple of years of lockdown and so on. The people of March in Brunswick, in the heart of Melbourne's inner north on Sydney Road is the Sydney Road straight party. So if you are 12 to 25 years of age, blind or visually impaired and you love music and would like to go to a street festival, you can join me and I'll have some volunteers there for a guided festival experience. The Times will be from 12:00 to 2:00 and there are going to be six stages showcasing local and international musical talent. We're also going to be visiting a number of market stalls and browsing all sorts of things that are handmade by local artisans. And we will get to eight delicious street foods and there'll be ice cream trucks there as well. Some things to remember is it will be a noisy and crowded event. So just to be aware that free earplugs will be given out on the day. And there is also a quiet zone on offer at the Brunswick Town Hall.

Where abouts should people meet up with the guides to go on that guided tour that you're speaking of?

There's two options. You can either meet me at Flinders Street train station outside the police box at 11:15 a.m. for assistant travel to the venue. We will be catching the Elizabeth Street Tram 19, which will get us directly there. Or if you're getting a ride with your family, you can meet me outside the Brunswick Town Hall, which is number 233 Sydney Road, Brunswick at 12 p.m..

Now, you've talked a little bit about some things that people can expect when they had a long on those guided tours. But what's sort of the most exciting things from your standpoint that you're looking forward to being involved with and showing people around?

I'm really excited to take young people up close and personal to the stages where we can either sit down and listen to music or we can get up and have a boogie, have a dance. I'm also really excited to experience some of the roaming artists, some of the roaming performers that will be going around. It'll be really engaging. I'm sure we'll be able to join in with a bit of acting, a bit of drawing, a bit of street, and maybe even some rock climbing down the straight there though. I just think this is a fantastic opportunity, especially for teenagers with vision loss, to feel like they can go to a party in a sort of a safe and supported way.

And if people are interested in heading along and thinking, Oh my God, that sounds perfect. Whereabouts can they sign up? What's the best way?

The best way is to email myself. Miriam So it's Miriam. All lowercase at blind spots. Dot org A you or they can telephone our head office in Chaoyang on 0398. Double two, Double eight, seven, six.

And Miriam, when would you like people to RSVP by to head along to the event?

It would be great if people could RSVP by Wednesday, the 1st of March place.

And what's the current situation with the guide? And that will be available for people who are blind or have low vision.

Sure. So young people can come with a friend if they'd like that support. Or alternatively, I will be present on the day. I have 13 years experience guiding people, so I will offer sighted guiding. Obviously guide dogs out more than welcome. Or you could come with a parent or a carer as well. I will also have volunteers there who are trained in sighted guiding.

And there's also a little bit of bonus for people who are heading along that they can look forward to in regards to having a bit of a bite to eat.

Yes. So any vision impaired member will receive up to $15 for one meal only on the day. Outside of that, people will need to bring their own money for all other purchases.

And does blind spots and Recreation Victoria have some more? Exciting things planned for kids and young people in future.

Actually, yeah. There's a fantastic junior blind tennis program that we run in the city at the Melbourne Park Tennis Centre. It is open to young people and children aged between 5 to 15 years of age who are blind or visually impaired. And it runs each Friday evening from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.. Participants are instructed by qualified professional coaches and all the equipment is supplied.

Okay, wonderful. And how can people find out more about blind sports or a crash in Victoria or in particular about the event taking place on the 5th of March?

I think the best way would be to go to our website, which is w w w dot blind sports. All one word dot org dot you and you'll be able to see a full list of all the sports and recreational and art activities that we have on offer and that you can get involved with. There are also lots of interesting articles that have been written by participants and volunteers and opportunities to volunteer as well. The other way, of course, is by calling our head office, which is in Kooyong, Melbourne on 0398. Double two, 8876.

I've been speaking today with program director from Blind Spots and Recreation Victoria, Miriam Blanda, all about the upcoming event on the 5th of March at the Sydney Road straight party in Brunswick. Marianne, thank you so much for your time today.

Thank you, Sam, It's been wonderful to chat with you.

And finally, some news and information before we wrap up on the show this week. If you lost your sight, could you describe the last thing you ever saw? Lost Seen is a world first project by seeing artists and composers of memories of Australians who are blind or have low vision. To open in Brisbane on April the 18th, 2023. Eyesight is one of life's treasures that is taken for granted. But how much would you value the last thing you saw if you started to lose your sight? Could you describe one of your last scenes to an artist and a composer to recreate it in the most emotional exhibition and performance to be experienced in 2023? Ten Australians have done just that. They've shared their most cherished memory before this thought deteriorated. For the 2023 Lost, say, an exhibition supporting the Queensland Eye Institute Foundation. The Cure. If this extraordinary multi-sensory exhibition and performance presented by Griffith University sees awarded artists and acclaimed composers unite with Australians, including decorated veteran Michael Lydiard, Paralympian Katy Kelly, pianist Jane Brett, UN panelist Santiago Velasquez and 14 year old Oliver Fanshawe to shine light on preventable eye related disease in the only known project of its kind in the world. Their work will form an art exhibition and performance where visitors can not only immerse in the visual art, but also in sounds and music composed to bring the scenes to life. The exhibition features work by awarded Australian artists including Robert Brown Hall, Rick Everingham, Dylan Jones, Tracy Ayton, Kai Hart and Naomi Want. The concert, presented by the Queensland Conservatorium at Griffith University, debuts original and inspirational musical works from acclaimed composers Dr. Ralph Holt, Gwen Im and Paul Jarman. Grammy nominated arranger Tim Davis and blind pianist Dr. Jeff Asher, performed by the Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra and Choir with voices of Barilla. Selected art pieces will also be sold in a public online auction at last seen dot com for you. The project also involves collaborations with communications agency publicists worldwide and Zenith Media. Non Queensland Vision Australia, Southern Cross Austereo and Voice Scale Solution Talk via the 2023 Lost Science celebration will run over two weeks in April. Griffith University will host an inclusive exhibition and concert in the university's world class facilities in South Brisbane. All venues and events are fully accessible for mobility, vision or hearing impaired patrons. Last season runs from the 18th to the 29th of April at the Queensland College of Art. Grace Street Gallery at Toto six Grace Street between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.. Entry is free tickets to the concert at the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University on the 21st of April can be purchased from last seen Dorothea that's lust sane dot com dot emu. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision, Talking Vision as a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments, so please do get in touch. On talking vision at Vision Australia dot org. That's talking vision. All one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week it's Sam Kay saying bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org that's Vision Australia dot org.

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