Talking Vision 664 Week Beginning 13th of February 2023

Published Feb 14, 2023, 11:36 PM

It's a special World Radio Day episode of Talking Vision as Sam catches up with chair of RPH Australia, James Manders, to speak about the power of radio.

James has lived experience with vision loss, and he speaks about how this and his work in the finance and technology sectors has stood him in good stead for his role with RPH, but also why radio means so much to him.

After Sam chats with James we also hear from Vision Australia librarian Victoria Rogers, who has some exciting news about some new resources available to high school students, and Frances Keyland joins the show for a Reader Recommended.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now he's your host, Sam calling.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

Radio is one of those critical areas, includes everything together. It's a like. But for a lot of people and, you know, we've got to create a channels that inform, educate and share ideas. It's one of those areas that everyone can access.

Welcome to the program. That voice you just heard there was chair of our Pitch Australia, James Manders speaking about the power of radio in celebration of World Radio Day on the 13th of February. What is our issue may ask? Well, Vision Australia Radio is part of the pitch network, which also extends to more than a dozen stations around Australia, and James speaks all about his time with our page as well as his lived experience with blindness and how this has impacted on the decisions he makes, both in his day job in finance and technology and as part of the IPH board. That conversation's coming up very shortly. But after my chat with James, you'll also hear from Vision Australia librarian Victoria Rogers, who has some exciting news about some accessible resources for students who are undertaking English in the final year of high school. And then to wrap up the show this week, Frances Calendar is back with a reader recommended. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of Talking Vision. I'm here today with chair of RPI Australia, James Manders, to talk all about World Radio Day and the work that you NASCO has been doing in the radio space over the past 12 years. James, welcome to Talking Voice and thank you so much for your time today.

Thank you, sir. Great to be here.

Now, firstly, James, obviously there's a lot of people out there listening on Vision Australia Radio and the associated stations of the network who would be more than familiar with our approach and the work they do. But could you tell perhaps some new listeners who are just tuning in for the first time all about our patch?

Absolutely. South Australia or radio over to Handicap Australia. It's the peak body for the sector for 18 stations around the country in every capital city and some regional areas. All the station presidents, the elected presidents of a station sit on. It sets a member body. It's a co-operative body under its legal charter and therefore its goal is to set and guide policies and advocacy for all the stations to various bodies, including one of the main funding bodies in Australia is Community Broadcasting Foundation and the station operating big body Community Broadcasting Australia.

You know, we're celebrating the power of radio today, so could you speak to that for a bit and what that really means from your standpoint?

Yep. It's incredibly important because particularly in vulnerable communities, remote communities and communities, that really a fragmented radio is one of those critical areas that lose everything together. And, you know, it's like but for a lot of people and, you know, we've got to we've got to create a channels that inform, educate and share ideas. It's it's, it's it's one of those areas that everyone can access.

And, you know, that does tie in quite nicely with this year's theme of World Radio Day, which is radio and space, which doesn't necessarily mean anti war, so to speak, but it's more in a radio context talking about preventing conflict and presenting information in an impartial democratic way. And that's also at the heart of what AAP represents is an Absolutely.

You know, the yes, obviously sad events going on elsewhere. You know, it's still important that we all have heritage in some of those areas and we want to be informed and aware of what's going on there because there is an information overload, if you like, in the digital t radio is one of those ways to cut through that. And so from an affective, you know, we want to talk about the needs of people with not just the low vision communities but also the broader disability community. I also sit on the Independent Advisory Council and its job is to basically inform the agency of current up to date policy on the vulnerable members of our community. And and there is a lot of interest there from the what we call the multicultural components of the sector, the LGBTQ communities, because, you know, everyone needs to be have respect for who they are and what they want to hear. And so to give it in a in a independently balanced manner I think is important. And obviously I said for people to make their own opinions and assessments, but also in the NDIS and 2021 was the scheme reform debate going on. And you know, there was a real disconnect between what the government of the day and the community were and the applicants representing those communities were really looking for. And so that to me was really the catalyst for wanting to get involved in VHA because they needed that needed to rebuild that trust. But in addition to rebuilding that trust, we need to inform and educate and make aware to the rest of the Australian community about, you know, needs of people with disability. It can't be a one way street. It has to be two way and media like uhI is one way to do that.

This is the perfect time to bring up a new undertaking that you and various organisations have been involved with. The Disability Media Australia Project. So could you tell us a bit more about that and what that involves?

Yep, absolutely. So in conjunction with CBA Community Broadcasting Foundation or ABF Regional Australia and the eight members of our VHA, which again shout out to them, they're all volunteer driven stations. But the, you know, we have to in that in the community not for profit model, you know we have to build towards sustainability and creating a, if you like, a product that people will be a part of. Plus there's 28 other stations in this community broadcasting network that also produce and play this. We did content, you know, around Australia. So again, because of this disconnect between what we call the NDIS and the government and the community in that trust, because there's that very important line. Nothing about us without us. This was one way where we can use a wonderful foundation platform that is community broadcasting and stations around the country and obviously it's peak body. Let's bring everyone together under a single banner. And that banner was Disability Media Australia. We have a product that we're working on, which I'll talk about in a minute, but really bring together all the stakeholders in the in the sector. The disability sector represents 4.4 million Australians, plus 2.8 million errors and additional in terms of family and community, i.e. neighbours and so on, such a big, big cohort of people. We do it all together. It works well, including, you know, the corporate world or private world, non-government world where jobs and that being that community centre citizen is so strong. So I brought together at work with all these groups and again, it's been a team effort to bring these different advocates, different stakeholders that have a role to play but all contribute equally and to say, okay, if governments do this or how do we change this? Bring in the advocates, the specialists in that particular cohort with disability and then do it. So that's how Disability Media Australia and that's the working title was born. And so now we've been very lucky and successful. And I also want to see sort of, if you like, prototype this concept. We're in conjunction with CBD Vision Australia and CBF and others where we can, and the advocates which include Australian Federation, disability organisations WA and and others and Carers Australia and National Disability Services on the good side to really say okay, what's important, how it's going to inform and educate and empower people with disabilities, because we want to have an unfiltered, clear and agreed agenda of what we need to do. How do we how do we educate and inform people with, you know, the neurodiverse or the, you know, intellectual disabilities and people on the vision and hearing sectors. So and I'm know that I've got a jittering eye condition, which is retinitis pigmentosa. And so that having having experienced the corporate world globally, you know, I can now say, okay, how can we bring strategy and an impact to this and say and make it sustainable? Because to where my bank is at, it's a market and you know, everyone can benefit from that.

And just before we move on, James would like to mention Matt Field, host, a project director for Disability Made in Australia Project. So full credit goes to him as well as John Bisset there. Okay, Now back to the interview. James, I think this is the perfect opportunity before we wrap up to get an overall progress report about the link between disability and radio and also the things that you're looking to see improve going forward.

Absolutely. It is so critical because the up and out of that community radio and radio media in general is that connection point because that informs people and it creates that that glue that bringing everything together. You know, the government looks at disability in in several ways. So we have a and NDIS cohort which is the those that most need it and that's personalised funding. And then there's the next level down. And again it's purely an academic career mathematical exercise. Then you have the rest of the cohort, which is what they call tier two, and they get extra services that are provided under the Department of Social Services so that the there's a lot going on and there's a busy space. The NDIS is basically professionalise the economy and people win it. In terms of the skills that I bring, you educate more therapists, bring in more specialized people to it, incentivizing and research so that we can find better ways to empower build capacity in people. That's another important point. And so one way that I can fit into that is to sort of take a lot of these information, treasures or treasure that are isolated and located in certain corners of the Let's go to Digital World radio and obviously other forms of objects streaming through the app and things like that where we can do, you know, potentially and it's just a thought to a month on. Neurodiverse, i.e. high functioning cohorts. You know everything about that can do a month on, on on intellectual disability or visual hearing. And so. But we're creating we're creating a if you like, we're informing the audience, not just those with disability. We're finding the community members to. The needs of people who just of the particular disabilities. But the goal then is that that the greater awareness and understanding builds capacity all around. So rather than show up and I use my white cane and someone shouts out, look out, and that can, you know, shock or stand or, you know, override senses. And, you know, they'll come up gently up to side and say, there's a step up there or there's work going on, you know, just so you're aware. So it's a it's done in a calm, even tempered manner. And I'm not saying that people are not, you know, insensitive to the needs of others, but it's just people react in certain way. So, again, that educational component component and once we understand all of those things, that then ties into the corporate world. So, you know, obviously companies have a social responsibility to for it for their community and their consumers. But also they're then looking at, okay, how do we employ people with a disability? And I've seen the most extraordinary abilities of people who are blind or deaf and what have you. And again, if they're given the opportunity or they learn it, just create that much, what I call a network effect of our IT from my day job. And we can't and understate that enough because that's you know, they're the hidden gems in our economy, in our population, particularly when we have low unemployment and so on. So just giving that people the opportunity and people with disabilities are great employees, you know, loyalty, and that could stick around longer.

Well, James, thank you very much. That's the perfect night to end on there. I've been speaking today with James Manders, chair and non-executive director of IPH Australia, who joins me today to celebrate World Radio Day on the 13th of February. I'm Sam Kelly and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio. Associated stations of our page and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that special World Radio Day interview with James Manders, chair of RPI, just prior speaking to me all about radio and its Life-Changing Impact. If you're enjoying the show so far and you'd like to find past episodes or find out more about the show, you can visit the Talking Vision website by heading to Valley Radio dot org. That's v i radio dot org and searching for talking vision. Or you can find the show on your favourite podcast platform or through the Vision Australia Library. And speaking of the Vision Australia Library, this next segment will hopefully be of great interest to parents of senior high school students who are blind or have low vision. Also, any high school students out there listening as well. I'm here today with Children's and Youth Librarian from Vision Australia Library, Victoria Rogers here to talk about the texts from the Australian Senior School English curriculum, which are now available in order through the Vision Australia Library. Victoria, thank you so much for your time today. Welcome to Talking Vision.

Thank you very much, Sam. I'm really glad to be here to tell you all about this.

Now Victoria, let's start off with a bit of an overview. So which texts from the curriculum are available at the Vision Australia Library?

What we have is all of the Victorian English curriculum texts, so that would be all of the novels, things like Outsiders, Holes and the text that any child going through their VCE English would need to complete that course.

And Victoria, people may be wondering what formats the visitor texts are available, and currently.

We've recently recorded the newer texts as human audio. I've had a look through because coincidentally I have four children and my son is doing year 12 VCE English. So I knew some of the titles from the top of my head and some of the classic titles such as Shakespeare and so forth, are also in other formats like April and Daisy Text.

And as understandably, it's quite cumbersome and lengthy to have a series of bio books about the aren't too many that are available in physical bio other.

There would be some available in physical braille if if that was the way you like to receive your materials. But the majority of the texts are in this rather recently recorded audio, or if they've been available commercially. We have got the commercial copy and added that into our collection.

And Victoria, we know, as you know, coming up to the end of high school, it is coming to crunch time and there's a lot of stressors and a lot of work and commitments that students are going through. So could you speak to the importance of accessible texts from that standpoint?

Absolutely, Sam. As you said, young adults who are going through the last couple of years of high school, it's a high stress time. There's lots of homework, there's lots of report writing and lots of exams. So any step that makes that accessibility easier for those young, young people is going to help ease the burden on them and their teaching staff as they go through years 1112 and have to really knuckle down and get through their texts. So we really hope that the audio versions of the novels will help our young people, help ease the path of our young people through their final years at school.

And for any primary or secondary or tertiary students out there who are listening and they're studying a text that isn't currently available through the law, what are their options?

The request email address is a really good place to go. You can find your way there from our website. And if you go to the library page, you will see that the request email address is there on a link. You can just pop what you want down. It wouldn't hurt to put down a reason why you wanted it. And if we saw a lot of requests for the same title, we'd certainly look further into that. But all of the requests are reviewed and you would get then information on how that request was being processed.

And who's eligible to receive the services from the Vision Australia Library, such as access to these senior school English. Curriculum texts that are now available.

Any one with a print disability is eligible to join our library, which is a free library. It's actually a public library. So print disability covers quite a broad spectrum and it's broader than most people would realize. So it covers people with low vision or blindness, but it also covers conditions such as dyslexia or neurological conditions that prohibit the ability to read a print text or hold a physical book.

And what's the easiest way for them to join up?

Victoria It's really easy to join the library If you go to the library page in the Vision Australia website, there's a big blue button that says join. If you're accessing that through a screen reader is really obvious. It's just join the library, hit that, fill out the data and we will process the membership as we get them.

Finally, if people would like more information about the Vision Australia Library, how should they contact you?

You can ring the Vision Australia Library on one 300 654656. If you want more information about the library, you can go to the Vision Australia website and go through services and library and you'll find yourself at the point in the website where all of our information is there. That's where you can join the library. It will tell you about our events, it will tell you about the different aspects of our library, such as the children's area like Felix, our dyslexia resources, our very popular seed library, and also how to access the audio books.

Thanks so much, Victoria. I've been speaking today with Victoria Rogers, Children's and youth Librarian from the Vision Australia Library. Joining me today to talk about the VCA English curriculum texts, which are now available through the Vision Australia Library. And now is Francis Calland with a reader recommended.

The next book is by Bill Scott. And it's called Shadows Among the Leaves. Ariel can make a fortune from the Virgin rainforest owned by his aunt, Mrs. Nicholls, if only he can force her to sell it to him. But the forest is haunted by an Aboriginal devil called the follower, and the follower is highly displeased with Ariel. Let's hear a sample of shadows among the leaves by Bill Scott. It's narrated by Peter Hosking.

Joe both loved and hated her Saturday job. She loved saddling Bessie, the mare who was older than she was herself and riding across her father's farm to the western boundary. She loved the part where she rode out of the jungle and up the hill to where Mrs. Nicholls old house stood, four square and sturdy on the knoll above the treetops. She loved the old lady who lived there all alone and looked forward to seeing her every Saturday. But the jungle scrub frightened her. The big Rangers loomed in the West and from their massive height to ridges swept east towards the sea. They held a valley like in folding arms looming above to block out the sun. Through the middle of the rainforest forest, a swift, silent stream slipping noiselessly over cables of rock or deepening to pools under the high banks of Black forest soil. The trees were enormous. The huge, buttressed roots spreading star shaped from thick bats. Some of the routes are as high as the head above the ground, forming dark caves below the trees, tall trunks that soared upward before branching to make the thick canopy of leaves away above. Vines as thick as thighs twirled and looped and twined aloft towards the light. Tangled thickets of tree ferns and myrtles lined the creek banks, sending out fronds to brush Whitley and unexpectedly across her face or branches to scratch her bare arms. Thorny climbing palms called waiter wiles hung innocent looking leaves across the path. But these were set with rows of inward curving thorns that ripped the clothes and skin. They had to be patiently unhooked when they caught you. He couldn't pull away from them. High on the great tree trunks, clumps of birds, nest ferns, stag horns and rock lilies reached out to soak up the meager light that filtered through the distant ceiling of leaves. It wasn't the trees and thickets and thorns Joe minded. It was the feel of the place. The air was still and clammy. It seemed to hug close to her face, making a gasp for breath. There was more to things lived there.

So that's shadows among the leaves by Bill Scott. And that book goes for four and a half hours. Interesting writer Bill Scott. There's another book that he's written called Pelicans and Chihuahuas and other Urban Legends talking about folklore. And in this book, it says, For 30 years, Bill has been keeping track of everything from lost treasures to ghostly apparitions. If you want details on the dangers of scuba diving close to bushfires, the terrors of shopping for blankets and cactus plants or a sheep sex aid called Love you as in love you e w e. Look no further. So that's another interesting book. It's also available in Braille. He so he likes his Australiana. Bill Scott.

And now for some news and information. There's an event coming up from Blind Citizens Australia. It's the Under 30 Fives forum, which is hosted online on Tuesday, the 28th of February 2023, from 7 to 9 p.m. Australian Eastern Daylight Time. Blind Citizens Australia is the national representative organisation for people who are blind or have low vision. And this year BCA has a particular focus on connecting and engaging with members aged 18 to 35 to better represent the interests of younger people with vision impairment. A new Melbourne Lord Mayor Charitable Foundation grant BCA will help engage individuals in blind and low vision communities through peer connect groups. If you're aged 18 to 35, you can register now to attend. BCA is under 35. Discussion Forum. On Tuesday, the 28th of February at 7 p.m., Australian Eastern Daylight time and add your voice to the co-design of a targeted under 35 program and activities. For more information, email events at BCA dot org. You that's events at BCA dot org dot EU or call Christina on one 800. 033. 660. That's one 800 or double three. 660. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision as a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the show together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments, so please do get in touch. On talking vision at Vision Australia dot org. That's talking vision All one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week it's Sam Colley saying bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us any time during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org that's Vision Australia dot org.

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