Talking Vision 655 Week Beginning 12th of December 2022

Published Dec 14, 2022, 12:05 AM

Sam catches up with NSW electoral commissioner John Schmidt and Blind Citizens Australia CEO Sally Aurisch to speak about the technology assisted voting review currently taking place in NSW, which is open for submissions until January 13.

You'll also hear from a few Vision Australia favourites as we wrap up for the year. Sam has the opportunity to chat this week with Helen the editor of For Your Information (FYI), Telelink coordinator Maria Markou and media aficionado Ainsleigh Sheridan to get a highlight package of the year and look forward to 2023. 

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now he's your host, Sam calling.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

Something that blind Citizens Australia has very strongly advocated for since before I've been involved with the organisation. If the right of all people to have a secret, independent and verifiable vote, which is exactly what everyone has access to, when they can independently complete the ballot paper and it can be submitted. And that's all that we're asking for.

Welcome to the show. That voice you just heard there was CEO of Blind Citizens Australia, Sally Arash, speaking about the upcoming technology assisted voting or view taking place in New South Wales conducted by the Electoral Commission there to determine the best way forward for voters who are blind or have low vision to cast their votes safely, verifiably and independently. She joined me alongside New South Wales Electoral Commissioner John Schmidt to speak about the review. And that interview is coming up right after this. So make sure to stay tuned to find out more. And then later on in the show this week, we catch up with a few friendly faces from around Vision Australia to wrap up the year. We've got Helen from, for your information, otherwise known as FOI, Maria Marcoux, the co-ordinator of telling Who's going to tell us all about the January Special interest program, which is coming up and we get a wrap up from Ainsley Sheridan, our communications specialist on the ground. So make sure to stick around to hear from them as well. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. The New South Wales Electoral Commission have launched the Technology Assisted Voting Review, which is open for the first round of submissions until January the 13th. I recently had the great pleasure of speaking with New South Wales Electoral Commissioner John Schmidt, alongside CEO of Blind Citizens Australia, Sally Irish to discuss the review. Began by asking John about the reasons behind why our vote was discontinued. Now I Vote was the online accessible voting platform for voters in New South Wales who are blind or have low vision.

Primarily it's because the operating system, the software we use to run, I vote. As you can imagine, it's it's constantly evolving and a major upgrade of that software. I learned at the beginning of this year was going to be implemented and we simply don't have the time to acquire that new software.


And then deploy it to our other systems in time for the March 2023 election. And I think that highlights the challenge with this technology, which is that any technological system where they use your ATM or any other system, there's always prone to outages which are beyond your control. And in case of an election, it can have a disastrous impact. And so I said it wasn't going to be used, but decided that the best way forward is to have a proper review as to the future of my vote in New South Wales.

Could you provide more info about that review that is currently taking place and is open for submissions?

Yes, it's a 12 month review. The initial paper has been released which sets out a comprehensive range of questions we want to explore about any sort of technological voting system. And the initial phase is to have responses due on the 30th of January next year. After that, we will publish a further document.

It'll be an.

Interim draft response, I suppose, draft review based on the feedback we get. Again, asking for further responses because will now be included draft recommendations with the aim of getting a final report to government in Parliament in August of next year.

So it will come to you now. Blind Citizens Australia has earlier this year lodged a complaint. They've expressed their disappointment and concern following on from the phasing out of our vote. Could you tell our listeners a bit more about that?

Thanks, Dan. So something that blind Citizens Australia has very strongly advocated for since before I've been involved with the organisation. If the right of all people to have a secret, independent and verifiable vote, which is exactly what everyone has access to, when they can independently complete a ballot paper and it can be submitted. And that's all that we're asking for. And in New South Wales I vote did provide that opportunity. People could vote either using an online platform or using the telephone keypad. And there was also a third element to that system where you could have telephone assisted voting, where someone would take your vote over the telephone if that was your preference. So to lose access to that is of great concern to us. Regardless of the reason, we still believe that all people should have access to this independent and verifiable vote regardless of whether they're living in New South Wales, any other state or territory, or if it's for a federal or local election. And so that's what we will be asking for as part of this review, is making sure that that option is available to residents of New South Wales. And in any other review that comes up in another state or territory on the same topic.

John will come back to you. What are some things that the Commission is putting in place to improve the options for technology assisted voting?

Yeah, thanks, Sam. And as Sally pointed out, under the technology assisted voting, which included AI, but we've used previously, there were the three channels, the the Internet system itself, telephone keypad voting or telephone operator, assisted voting. So for the March 2023 election, the only that the third of those will be available, which is the telephone operated assistant, where we believe that offers blind and people who have low vision a secret ballot. But I recognise and I note Sally is concerned about whether that is as independent obviously as it could have been for person was during the vote than purely themselves using a computer or some other online device. But be that as it may, one of the three channels previously available is still based at telephone assisted voting. Using operator assistance will be there and that. It's the primary additional mechanism which will be available for people who are blind or have low vision.

You have heard from Blind Citizens Australia and most likely others within the community that removing our vote without an alternative isn't sufficient. What are some key issues for consideration in this review that the Commission is looking to address to overcome these concerns and these issues?

We've tried to identify a whole range of issues that ultimately the government of the day, whoever that is, the parliaments and the other policymakers will have to have answers or at least the issues clarified for them when they make a decision about what sort of system could be used in the future. So who should be able to use Internet voting? At the moment we have, under the legislation, a range of people, people who are blind or have low vision, people who are interstate or overseas, people with a disability have difficulty accessing polling places. Do you put in the legislation something which says that accepting that sometimes technology fails, that if a significant number of votes can't be added into account because there was a failure? What's the threshold before you say the election can be called into question and said there there's some of the questions. It's really intended to be a comprehensive review to give people every opportunity to raise issues, concerns, suggestions, experiences they might have been aware of in other countries. All of that is on the table.

Sally will come to you now. What do you want to say out of this review? What sort of outcomes would blind Citizens Australia say is a positive outcome from this process?

You know, I would just like to start by coming back to something that Commissioner Smith said a couple of minutes ago in that operator, assisted voting over the telephone does constitute a secret vote. It's blunt Citizens Australia's position that that is in fact not secret, independent or verifiable, because you do have to disclose your vote to another person, which in our opinion, that is not a secret option and that is what we will continue to petition for, is secret, independent and verifiable forms of voting. We are open very much to the creation of some kind of multifaceted platform that we will allow people to cast a vote in a way that is accessible and functional for them, but maintains those three characteristics. So whether that looks like a closed circuit option at a at a polling place or whether it is something similar to my vote like we've had in the past, that's either of those options. As long as it does maintain those secret, independent and verifiable characteristics, we would be fully in support of that.

Now, John, I'll just come back to you for a minute. If people do have an issue or they have a concern relating to being able to fill out the submission, what's the best way for them to get into contact with you?

Yes, we've got a couple of channels for people to contact us if they need to. They can email us and the email address. It's t a v dot review at elections dot NSW dot Giovanni dot EU. And the telephone number is Sydney. Number 9291. 2985.

So that email again that's TV review at elections dot NSW dot gov dot EU. If you're looking to make a submission to the technology assisted voting where view that email is the first port of call for you to do exactly that. But if you would like to get in touch, there are of course other ways that phone number, it's a Sydney number as John's mentioned, there s0292912985. And if you'd like further information about the technology assisted voting review and the resources to make your submission, you can also head to the New South Wales Electoral Commission's website at elections dot NSW dot gov AIU that's elections dot NSW dot Jehovah dot Asia. To find out more. Now we could stay here and have many more robust and constructive discussions, but I'm sure those will of course take place over the coming months. And I do hope and I'm sure everybody out there listening also hopes that there can be a sufficient resolution to all the issues and concerns that the blind and low vision community have raised, in particular within New South Wales, but also across Australia more broadly. So thank you very much to you both for making time to chat with me today. I've been speaking with New South Wales Electoral Commissioner John Schmidt, as well as the CEO of Blind Citizens Australia, Sally Ellis, about the technology assisted voting review currently underway in New South Wales to ensure the safe, verifiable and independent votes of the blind and low vision community. I'm Sam Kelly and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, Associate Stations of our Page and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that interview with Sally Irish and Don Schmitt from Born Citizens Australia and the New South Wales Electoral Commission respectively. And now please enjoy the first part of our three part wrap up as we gradually wind down to Christmas. But the stories don't stop there. As you'll hear right now from Helen Vasari's, the editor of For Your Information, otherwise known as RFI, I began by asking Helen all about a couple of travel stories which people can look forward to in this month's issue of flight information.

I thought it's probably best to kind of give people an idea of what travel is like at the moment. I'm not sure if you've booked any flight, Sam, but it is so expensive after all.

It's ridiculous. Yeah.

So, yeah, it's quite an honour to be flying if you get that opportunity. But there was an interesting story that landed a few weeks ago where a blind solo traveler. His name was Donovan Tinsley. He was booked in to go on a virgin cruise. And when he got on board, the staff just basically said to him they couldn't accommodate him because of his blindness. And they escorted him off the cruise. So what actually happened is Virgin Cruises, Richard Branson, out of all people, formally apologized to him and flew him back to the cruise on business class and said, no, no, you're you're more than welcome. And actually got him back on the cruise. And so, yeah, all were able to accommodate him. So one of those stories where, you know, things could have ended really badly, but it really didn't this time. So the interesting story.

Very interesting story. And I believe one of our members of staff, Michael Linking, has had some things to say.

Yeah. Markle And he even in his previous work, he worked for an aviation company. So he's, he's definitely a frequent flier, but he also lives with low vision. So traveling around airports, which is probably one of the most stressful things you can do. He kind of gives us a few tips on what has helped him and what to experience and what to expect. So that's another story in FII this month.

And there's some stories closer to home with some something on the ABC where people have found love in unlikely places.

Yeah, I definitely want to put in some really heartwarming stories. It's not all doom and gloom. So it was a couple. Nathan, Jason and Jenny Jones, they both have kind of dystrophy, but also found love at the same time. So it's really lovely to kind of see, you know, when you can find love through shared experience. And so it's a really beautiful story from the ABC, another one from the ABC as well. There's some calls to have national guidelines to support pregnant women with disabilities. So one of the shocking facts I discovered was only a quarter of public maternity hospitals have adequate services for women with disability. So a quarter, right, One in four. But I was.

Shocked. That is so, yeah.

So you definitely you hear from a deafblind midwife called Alison Hickey, who recently just had a baby and discusses, you know, the process and and what she eventually went with. And to be honest, she kind of shooed away from the hospital system and decided to have a home birth. So quite a quite an interesting story there.

And people may or may not be aware of Linda Agnew and her work in inclusive design. And there's some stories in there about that as well.

Yeah. So Lynda Agnew is now the dean of health at Griffith University, but she's also completely blind. So, you know, she's an immuno immunologist and she was kind of interviewed to get her view on employment pathways for people with disability. And she is definitely calling for more universal design options in workplaces, which is, you know, one of my personal I really advocate for this stuff, and I'm sure you do too. Sam. So an interesting interview for that one.

And that's very relevant to our work with life hacks and all things to do with that really nice tie in there. So and very interesting to hear about how that all pans out. Now, that is all you can expect. Plus more in this month's issue of for your information, otherwise known as f y. I.

I wanted to say to all listeners out there as well, have a wonderful holiday break and please make sure you get some couch time.


All the best, Helen, thank you very much for an exciting year. That was Helen there, editor of For your Information, otherwise known as FII. And now it's my great pleasure to welcome telling coordinator Maria Marco to the program. I started off by asking Maria about the three part summer webinar series, which is kicking off in January.

Yes. So this January we are offering three in addition to our special interest program, we're offering three summer webinars and we have some very exciting and interesting and interactive speakers. Our first speaker on the 9th of January is Miles Hilton Baba, who is a blind adventurer to cover all of the things that he does. So he's a very interesting person, UK based. So we are going to be doing the webinar at 9 a.m. Eastern Time because of the time difference per Myles, and he has done all sorts of things like climb mountains and jump from planes and parachute. Very interesting. So that's going to be the first one that kicks off the summer webinar series on the 16th of January at 2 p.m. Eastern time, we have Christine Courtney, the author and Christine will be talking about her new book, The Storyteller, Bryce Courtney. She's written a story about her husband who passed away. So that should be really, really interesting with Christine. And I have been told that Christine's book is now available in our library so people can have a rate and then join the webinar and ask Christine all sorts of questions about the book. And on the 23rd of January at 2 p.m. Eastern Time, we have Lynda Milan, the chef, and she does lots of other things, not just being a chef, but she'll be joining us for a great webinar on the 23rd.

What else is on offer? There's quite a few other seminars as part of the January Special Interest telling program. So tell us a bit more about those.

Yes. So apart from the three webinars, we also have other groups that are running and these are all one off programs just for January. We have more amazing tours with How to a Guide our really, really interesting tour guide, Lorraine Smallwood. And this time round, Lorraine will be focusing on icons from Sydney. So she normally focuses on Melbourne and Victoria, but now this year she'll be doing three sessions on some Sydney icons. We've also got a really interesting Zoom program called Behind the Scenes, and this time around we have one of our own from Vision Australia's Communication team, Helen. She'll be talking in the background and some interesting tips and strategies from a journalist point of view and that one should be really interesting. We also have the Vision Australia Library. They're also going to run a three week Zoom program and this time around the library are calling their program the Library in My Suitcase, and that will focus on travel, reading and holiday reading and anything around that theme and even nostalgia around where we went on holidays when we were young and then the books related to that. So that one to gain from the library team, really, really interesting. And another one we're running is with Jason, a great volunteer. He's going to run a program called Focus on Fitness, and that one is two sessions on a Thursday afternoon at two Eastern time. And Jason will be looking at post Christmas New Year and setting those fitness and wellness goals for everyone. And just working with people have strategies around doing that. So again, that one will be through Zoom and of course all the other usual regulars and popular favorites of crosswords and quizzes.

That's right. And there are the history groups that people can head along to and they they are always quite popular. And so those are also making a return for people to look forward to. And so if people are looking forward to getting involved with a group or they'd like to sign up for one of these summer webinar series, what's the best way for them to get in touch and register?

So the best way for anyone who's interested to find out what's on offer or even to register with one of the webinars or the other programs we are offering is to contact regional Australia and ask to speak to tele link or else visit the Regional Australia website, the events section, and that's where you will find out and can register for the webinars yourself and find out more how to reach tele link.

And so that number two, Contact Vision Australia is one 300 847466. That number again one 300 847466. I've been speaking today with talent coordinator Miriam Mako all about the upcoming January Special Interest TELL Link program as well as the summer webinar series with special guests making an appearance as part of the special interest program. Finally on the show this week, I catch up with Ainsley Sheridan, a communications specialist for a wrap up of everything that's gone on in Vision Australia this year, but also a few things we can look forward to in 2023. I started off on quite a positive note to wrap up the advocacy wins Vision Australia has had in 2020 to, I.

Think possibly to reflect the greatest advocacy achievement this year was the work done with the Minister for the NDIS under the new Labor Federal Government, Bill Shorten with regards particularly dog warranties. As our community would know, there were some issues with the NDIS approach to dog warranties that weren't really compatible with the working life of the dog, often leaving some of our community vulnerable without an animal or an extended period or without the funding to move to their next support animal. So there's been a lot of discussion with the Minister and we're very grateful for the opportunity to have raised those concerns.

And speaking of seeing eye dogs, there's been quite a few exciting events that have kicked off this year. So tell us a bit more about those.

Well, everyone loves a fluffy puppy. That is true. And seeing eye dogs, particularly in that first 12 to 24 months, very much meet the mould. Know they are the ultimate selfie when we take them out into public. And we've done that a lot this year for various reasons. And we have a program called Puppies in Parliament where we've aligned the graduations of seeing eye dogs being paired with their handlers. We take those now to the State Parliament as the venue to officiate the graduation. And again, we're very grateful to our local members for making these things possible.

So we'll move from saying our dogs to the topic of employment now and sight and attitudes around employment towards people with disability, and in particular those who experience blindness or low vision.

This was a rather large campaign and was really wide reaching in its aims. We'd had some research data provided to us that showed that although the feeling generally about employing people with particular disability was good in the Australian business community, that the actual numbers of people with disability didn't always live up to those goodwill expectations of employment. So really that was a very, what you might consider a prosperous outcome for our community because it really had those conversations going around, well, why aren't we doing more? And what more can be done by big employers to bring in particularly people of blind or low vision into their work communities?

And Ainslie This is probably a good time to segway into the work on education and awareness that vision Australia has been involved with over the past 12 months.

Some of the options that we've offered there include the Life Hacks video, where we have people with particular lived experience of skills and how those skills have been adapted into a blind or low vision situation and things such as cooking or the make up application. All of those sorts of day to day life skills that we can talk about and how they work for people who are blind or low vision. Another outreach we had this year was the white cane day that was latterly this year. And again, a slightly comical, certainly humorous and I think highly impactful video that was circulated widely throughout media about how to be an escort to someone who is blind or low vision. And the first point, of course, is to not to assume that someone who's using a cane or or walking with a seeing eye dog necessarily needs help, but that the offer is always welcome. Now, Brittney Watson, who is one of our key life hacks presenters, was the star of that video. And certainly she brought some real humor and insight to just the etiquette of living, working and walking alongside the blind and low vision community. So we thank her so much for her voluntary contributions this year. Looking ahead to 2023, we'll also be celebrating 40 years of Vision Australia Radio. So I think, Sam, you will definitely be seeing some cake in this year.

That's fantastic.

Very exciting and delicious. We've also got the 20 year anniversary of Felix, which is the special offering from our library for children with reading kits that are tactile as well as Braille based. So we're very excited for that in 2023.

Ainsley, thank you very much. That was Ainsley Sheridan there. Aficionado at Vincennes, Australia, giving us a highlight package of all the great things going on in 2022 and a crystal ball towards the future in 2023. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments, so do feel free to get in touch. You can email us on Talking Vision Vision Australia dot org. That's talking vision all one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us any time during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org that's Vision Australia dot org.

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