Talking Vision 647 Week Beginning 17th of October 2022

Published Oct 18, 2022, 11:30 PM

Sam catches up with Ainsleigh from Vision Australia for a wrap up of the latest news and campaigns Vision Australia is involved with around the country, including Seeing Eye Dogs, Amazon and more.

Then later on this week Sam is joined by another Holman Prize winner, Zimbabwean DJ and radio presenter Tafadzwa Nyamuzihwa, who is excited to fulfill his dream of opening up studios in Zimbabwe and Uganda to train and employ members of the blind and low vision community.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

The same journey they refuse to get to of. I do not want someone else to visit. Some challenge. Doesn't head this way. I get to see. Let us have a little station that will be broadcast online. But we'll use the studio to train the raw talent, equip physical disabilities, and give them a platform to voice and to also empower them to be able to walk on their own two feet.

Welcome to the program. That voice you just heard, there was two Fadwa, a deejay and radio presenter originally from Zimbabwe, talking about his idea, which saw him take out the Holman Prize in 2022, among two other winners for his work within the Blind and Low vision community in Africa. You'll hear from two fats while later on in the program today. And he's also got something special in store for us this week. So make sure you stay tuned to find out more. But before a catch up with Fats Waller, you'll also hear from Ainsley Sheridan from the Vision Australia Communications Team, who has a chat with me all about the latest news and events that Vision Australia has been involved with all around Australia. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. Joining me today and making her toking Vincent debut. It's my great pleasure to welcome ainsley shepherd and Ainsley welcome to the show. Thank you so much for being here.

Well, thank you for the invitation and opportunity. I really appreciate it because we'll be covering off on some pretty big programmes underway, some campaign.

Let's get into one of those right now. The seeing eye dog graduation at Queensland Parliament just recently kicked off in Brisbane. So tell us a bit more about that and how those sort of ceremonies support our awareness raising activities.

Hmm. Well, this one was for all of the dogs that have successfully graduated our intensive two year development and training program and been matched with residents of Queensland. So eight Puppies had that distinction this year. Seven were able to attend the graduation at the Queensland Parliament. So we had people coming in around from Greater Brisbane with their seeing eye dogs and then a bit of a Party of Vision Australia representatives, couple of dog trainers and also from the governance and advocacy team and of course our CEO, Ron Hooten, all in attendance. We do like to celebrate the success of the pairing of dogs and their handlers, but it is also an opportunity, while on the parliamentary premises, to talk about some of the issues that are important to us and to our community. So there were some MPs who managed to make it into the event and we're very grateful for that. That includes the Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. She dropped by and had a cuddle with a puppy, a very popular dog that day.

And that follows on quite nicely from a couple of other seeing eye dog events that have been taking place with the puppies in Parliament in Canberra and also the recent visit by the Federal NDIS Minister Bill Shorten to our Kensington Office.

That's right. This is the third political engagement opportunity we've had in about, oh, six weeks now. So that's pretty good innings. The first was with Minister Shorten. The NDIS minister came to the Kensington Kennel and met our trainers and a couple of handlers and of course the usual delegation of our leadership team. Following on from that walk around of the facility, we also caught up with Minister Shorten again in Canberra and another photo op. Again, everyone loves a puppy, Sam. We had the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese cuddling one of the puppies on that day. I believe that was a bit of a front page story around Australia, even made it into one of the UK mainstream publications. So excellent exposure there again of the work we're doing with seeing eye dogs and many politicians, too many to least this time came to that event with their staffers. And again, just a great opportunity to really talk about the work of Vision Australia and particularly saying I dogs in supporting our blind and low vision community. It's really great to have that outreach because it does help, particularly in our work of governments and advocacy in policy formation and policy advice to some of these large agencies. But also there are sometimes unintended but very positive consequences. For instance, the wonderful catering manager at the Queensland Parliament event came over to me just at the end as we were tidying up and said, You know, I am so inspired by this event today, I would actually really like to buy one of the plush toys that we have of seeing eye dogs and donate that to my child's school for their end of year raffle, which is a fundraiser in itself. So there's really sort of two bites of the cherry there where we get the benefit of that retail support for our products. But then also we get a little bit more exposure into that school community and then that school community further benefits from the raffling of that dog at the end of the year. So it's wonderful to see the way that the broader Australian community really engages with us and the things that matter.

And on that fundraising topic, Ainslie on the stand, Specsavers is currently running a fundraising campaign that Vision Australia is involved with.

So Specsavers has come on board in a mutually beneficial partnership with Vision Australia. It's been a three week fundraising campaign in the lead up to World Sight Day, which is October 13, and that of course being an annual event designed to shine a light on the importance of eye care for our community. So really we had some key messaging for this campaign about particularly our clients who are 60 plus or potential clients 60 plus and also specsavers shoppers. And just really finding that synergy between specsavers and the work of. In Australia so that not all lie. Conditions are resolved just by a diagnosis for glasses or other optical tools, but may need some further investigation and support. And that's where Vision Australia can step on board for those Specsavers clients. This particular campaign is a fundraiser. It's expected to bring about $15,000 into our organisation and we also had a face for the campaign of Tony Brown. Now Tony is a client of course of Vision Australia and does a lot of work in our quality living groups. He is a well known chef with a high social media following and he was bringing some of his cooking skills to the wake as well for World Sight Day with a cooking demonstration that was certainly in the plans.

And you've mentioned that Tom is tied in with World Sight Day, but we also recently celebrated White Cane Day and understand there's a couple of initiatives that Vision Australia did kickoff in conjunction with the day.

Yep. So for a white cane day, we as the comms team prepared a guiding video. So this was a really light hearted and relatable how to video as sort of an extension of our life hack series of videos, just giving advice for how people who are sighted can be a help and an ally to people who are blind or low vision. Often people do want to make an approach, but they might go about it in a way that's a little bit unhelpful, or they might not make that approach at all because they're just not confident what's appropriate to say or do in that situation. So Brittany Watson, who is again one of our clients and a keen volunteer in the quality living groups, was the face of that campaign, of that video. And she has been speaking with media around White Cane Day and just what it means when you see someone in the street who is navigating with a cane and what it means for their independence and their safety, their mobility in general, what you can say and what's helpful to do in that situation as well. And then, of course, World Sight Day on October 13 was all about the Amazon Alexa skill. Another campaign, a co-development there between Amazon and Vision Australia. And a skill is simply when you talk to these devices and you say, Hey, in this case, Alexa, tell me about Vision Australia. And that's the skill is that Alexa can now tell you about the products and services that Vision Australia can provide. And there were a couple of case studies there of people who have been using that particular skill in a in a test in the lead up to World Science Day. And it's everything from the usual, you know, what's the weather and what's the news today and you know how to plan and how to navigate your time in your day as a person who has blind or low vision. So again, really impactful outreach. They're demonstrating that these technologies are super supportive of our community, but actually have that much broader benefit for the sighted community as well.

I've been speaking today with Ainsley Sheridan, sharing all the latest news and events going on around Vision Australia and in the wider community. On some coffee and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, associated stations of our age and the community radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that conversation with Ainsley Sheridan with an overview of some recent events and initiatives Vision Australia has been involved with around the country. And now please enjoy my conversation with DG Radio presenter and 2022 Holman Prize winner to Fatso Anamosa, Iowa. I'm here today with two facts one M.S., one of the Holman Prize winners, a 25,000 US dollar prize awarded to three lucky winners every year for their contributions and ideas, which are set to benefit the blind and low vision community. Two funds for. Thank you so much for joining us today and congratulations.

Oh, hi, Sam. Thank you so much for hosting me. And yeah, thank you very much.

You're the founder and the director of Shine on Africa, which has been in action for ten years now. So could you tell our listeners all about Shine on Africa and the work they do?

Okay, so so when I became blind in Zimbabwe, you know, I had a lot of questions for myself but had no answers. So this is what gave me the hope of telling lies in Africa. But I set it up to train blind people in order to allow them to access technology, because the world has become a global vision. And I see everything that's gone on the Internet and the world is based now on more technology. So what is the trend of blind people to be able to access technology? And then we also looked at the issue of advocating for equal opportunities for prison disabilities, like the rights issue of of the health, you know, issues like sports is like HIV AIDS, you know, that involves with an entity. Disabilities are also they also affected animals then. So this is what actually gave me the dream to shine on Africa, you know. But yeah, to be able to to make an impact, you know, in a small little way that I could. Yeah.

Yeah. And you know it is this impact and the work that you have done within the disability community which has seen you become one of the three winners of the yearly Holman Prize. So congratulations again. Can you describe what it was like to be one of the winners when you found out?

Okay. Offers just one thing. The Holman Prize were from the Lighthouse in San Francisco in America for coming up with such a competition. It is so inspiring it gives someone else was blind hope and a vision. I'll tell you this so I was so over the moon. I had to dance. I had to go back to sing. It was just like, Wow, because I'm so honored. When I actually saw what I read about the place, I looked at it. I said, What? What exactly are you looking for? I didn't compete with what I had in my mind, a dream that I had. And I said, okay, I'm going to go for this. And I said to myself, I want to win this competition, but I believe that I am a winner. You know, when I get into the competition, I go with the spirit of the winner in the soul. Yeah, the whole journey and the person's all exciting, you know, just challenging. Exciting. But you need to keep pushing. You need to keep going.

And I guess to understand the vision and the idea that you do have and that you now are able to get that one step closer to fulfilling understand your passion for radio and for being a deejay goes back quite some way. So could you tell us about how that all started?

So when I got blind in 2009, I first asked myself a question that now that I'm blind to what I do, what is it I can do? What is it I'm passionate about? So then I said, I've always wanted to do radio. I've always wanted to be a deejay and have been given this this talent and ability in me for a while. So I just didn't move from one side of the world to the other side. And that's when I started trying to figure out, okay, if you're blind, how did you become a deejay and you become a radio presenter and you become a regional host? I went for some auditions in Zimbabwe, also never made it. I had an analyst following me and said to me, Not in a good audition, but what you felt. What you felt. What happened was just too went discrimination. That I was in the auditions until finally I went to one registration in Zimbabwe and I said to them, Just give me the opportunity. Let me check out. Initially it goes when they give me the opportunity, boom, I just went. So the journey has been exciting, interesting, challenging. And then you actually figured out that there are groups that have been said that are only meant for for the blind. Like, for example, I'm going to be using Zimbabwe as an example. What will it unexpected if you're blind? Either be a teacher or be a telephone operator like you work at the call centre or at the reception. Let's say No, no, no, no. I think two disabilities also for their own abilities that they want to do. So I think the similarity that I face to get to radio, I do not want someone else to visit some challenge. I want them to be it to have an easily to mention regional lesson heads. So I get to see. Let us have a little station that'll be broadcast online, but we'll use the studio to train the raw talent and able to equip physical disabilities and give them a platform to voice and to also empower them to be able to walk on their own two feet.

And it's really fantastic to hear about you bringing your lived experience with the challenges and the obstacles that you have faced when pursuing a dream of becoming a radio presenter and a deejay. What sort of things have you found have been of benefit to you? People may be wondering out there, how does somebody become a radio presenter or a deejay when they are blind? Maybe there's some people out there who are in the same situation who are thinking it's too hard for me, or people have said no. A lot of times how do I sort of overcome this barrier?

Okay. So one of the biggest challenges we have in the world is our attitude.


Okay. So I often say it is a lot of people don't think for me, but ask me how we can do it. I'm the one who's got the solution. Or if you talk to me and I talk to you, we can negotiate. We come up with a solution. So the thing is, oh, that is the interesting thing. There's a lot of technologies. Are there there's more technologies coming to enable you to actually become an independent broadcaster. I use softwares and I just is a letter that everybody else uses. And I'm able to do everything that I can do and will do on a radio station. INNOCENT And I've been doing the research to think, how does one person actually do online radio? So it's an every other day and figuring out new software, new systems. I've consulted other people in the field to really figure out and find out what can be done and each and every other day. I think I do things. So it is never too late to do anything. If you just believe in it. Just do one research, find out who's doing it. Who's that person who can give me more information? Definitely be able to what? To make it to ensure this one I actually say. Get all the information. So they do research and you get the exact things to the can looking for. As much as I am also saying to software developers, you know that as soon as you make your software's work with it, with the blind in mind know, think of a soft, which is just universal, but it can be used by the blind and by the sighted. So that would leave anybody behind. And people don't feel that. No, I kind of software people, people are limited. I believe in an inclusive society. We we want in this world forever.

It's so exciting to hear stories like this, especially as a host and a producer myself with low vision. And, you know, hearing these stories is just fantastic. Every time I have the opportunity to speak with somebody who is pursuing their dream like you are right now. And it's really amazing to hear all the messages out there that you've been able to share with people and you know, the ways that you've overcome misconceptions that do, unfortunately still pervade in society about people with disabilities. So it's, you know, such important work you are doing. And, you know, in regards to that work that you are doing, the Hulman Prize, as we mentioned, does bring you closer to your dream of opening recording studios in Zimbabwe and Uganda that will employ and train blind and low vision people to become radio presenters. So, you know, what does it mean for you to see this becoming a reality after so many years and now sort of you have that extra impetus because of that? Some funding from the Holman Prize.

Was Mr. Tempest with disabilities. We've got we've got visions for dreams, but we fail to realize this dream was of lack of or funding or lack of experience and everything. You know, I always look back to myself and I think I've come far away. And this is so amazing to be able to see me realise one of my dreams and my vision and just leaving that footprint on this earth, you know, whereby you inspire the next generation, that it can be done and it should be done and should be done by you and by me. So I know that the whole implementation of this whole project is going to be exciting. It's going to be challenges. You discover certain things. Also, things will change. But the whole idea today is I'm looking at the bigger picture. What is it that you want to do? How is it that we can get people, nutrition, people being able to to live their own lives and live their dreams? Because I believe you can use radio either as a hobby, as a career if given the opportunity, it's good. But if you don't, given that, which if you never discover the ability or that you would believe that one has. So for me, I'm quite interested about this and yeah, I am taking up the challenge and I want to see what's going to be happening because yeah, very soon will be, will be shining like stars.

I love that and it's fantastic. And you know, how can people follow your journey and follow the projects over the next year or so.

Since they got to 360 degrees with names, that's on Facebook and on YouTube. So now Spot is in Y, a Z at gyms where they can just go and look for a Facebook page, Galaxy Original Ink and see all they should watch out for for the reader that's going to be up and running. Right now. We're up and running, but we just got some music in the background. So the go to Galaxy region dot net. So w w w dot collection radio net, they'll be filling the whole project, the whole dream and the whole vision is mission impact. What's in it? Because last year we changed the world and we, we were able to leave a footprint.

That's a wonderful note to end on to fans. So thank you so much. I've been speaking today with two facts one enamels. They were one of the three Holman Prize winners for his work within the disabled community in Zimbabwe and all around Africa. And now, as promised, we've got a special treat and store fair this week as to Fatso has been generous enough to share one of his radio programs with us, an excerpt of which we're going to play today. Please enjoy it. Finance As heard on Radio Flora broadcast out of Boston. In Germany, you'll hear from De Gens himself by play, and then he'll be playing a Zimbabwean gospel piece to round out the show this week. So without further ado, I give you two folks one mimosa, as did Jane Yams.

It's a very good offer. The welcome director Flora the genial he's looking for Wednesday afternoon is old school way of teaching arms nice and easier. Well, to tell you that it is a big station like this is like this is a like that. Let's let's have fun. Live Oak always has this beautiful woods there. It's a great, great, beautiful, great afternoon. I hope your great environment. Fantastic.


Hosanna. With could. Oh, there's me. Oh, my, my. I need to go up.

I need.

The is. But. The. Oh, Nancy. You guys soon go one day.

He'll be got more.

Told your team. I know. Dee.

Dee dee.

I mean, what? Five years. Michele Bachmann. He. What? Oh, yes, he was.

No longer. That can be. We need to pass on the shiny line. You've got to be my young one.

And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is the production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision Vision Australia dot org. That's talking vision or one word vision Australia dot org. But until next week it's bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org that's Vision Australia dot hall.

Talking Vision by Vision Australia Radio

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