Talking Vision 645 Week Beginning 3rd of October 2022

Published Oct 4, 2022, 11:12 PM

On this week's episode Dan Casey chats to father of two Darren Moyle in the last of our fortnightly vox pops with dads who are blind or have low vision.

Then later on in the show, Sam catches up with Adelaide programmer and Holman Prize winner Cassie Hames. Cassie is the developer of See Me, an app which helps people access their bus route safely and accessibly.

And finally this week, Helen joins the show to tell us all about the latest news in Vision Australia's newsletter For Your Information, or FYI for short.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

When I found out that I'd won. My first words were Holy moly. And then there was a lot of laughter and tears. It was just. I went into a bit of shock, I think. I mean, it was just it was such an emotional moment because, you know, it was a 15 year dream. It blew me away. I you know, I mean, I was happy just to have entered and to get people like at least thinking about the idea. And now to be a winner is just unbelievable.

Welcome to the program. That voice you just heard there was Adelaide based programmer and app developer Cassie Hames talking about her emotions after winning the human prize for her app Me, which aims to make bus trips more safe and accessible for people who are blind or have low vision. The home prize is the 25,000 US dollar prize awarded to three lucky winners who are blind or have low vision. And you can find out more about the prize and Cass's app later in the show. But first up this week, Dan Casey catches up with Darren Moyle in the last of our fortnightly interviews with dads who are blind or have low vision. Darren is father to two young kids and you'll hear from him very shortly. So makes us stick around. And finally, this week, Helen joins the show to tell us all about the latest issue of for your information, otherwise known as f y. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of Talking Vision. And now he's done Casey with Darren Moyle.

Hi everyone. It's Dan Casey here on Talking Vision. And as you know, we've been talking to a number of dads who are blind or have low vision about the wonderful world of parenting. Today we're with Darren Moyle. Hey, Darren, how are you?

Good. Dan, thanks.

Having me on. That's great. Not a problem at all. And Darren actually works at Vision Australia and Darren is one of our orientation and mobility specialists. Darren, how many kids have you got?

I have two kids, Stan and I have Lucky, who's 31, and I have a list that I he'll be turning up.

And so you've got young kids, which is kind of a different gig to having older children. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. I'd imagine you might sit in challenges and, you know, different types of things will pop up along the way from talking to my siblings and friends. So yeah, we've got the little things at the moment.

Okay, So can you talk us through in terms of having low vision, which I know you have, how do you go about some of the challenges of raising smaller kids? So let's think about babies. So how have you gone about some of the things like, you know, changing nappies, feeding those sorts of things? What what what goes on for you there?

Yeah, sure. I think firstly, like never one thing is just around sort of having teamwork, you know, with with my wife, you know, and sort of working at roles and and things that work well for both of us and for me in terms of those kind of things around nappy changes. I know that gym a lot, you know, in the early days that get told off for using too many. What's that? You know, that was just my way of, you know, maybe using the extra white to make sure that everything was a very that they were all really clean over over.

Not nothing nothing wrong with overcompensating, Darren.

That's right. Yeah. Got to go to make sure you get out and make sure that were very clean. So I have to be a bit systematic in how you do it. And then around feeding, you know, we did this process with our kids code baby in waiting where you kind of like, needs to just explore feed themselves so you know, you sort of assist a little bit. But essentially, you know, you put whatever you're eating, you give to your child and it's a really great sensory experience for them. And also it's a really messy experience to clean up. But, you know, in the early days and, you know, when you're assisting them to feed a few little things that I still do now. And, you know, there's what for us just having high contrast different types of balls and plates and cutlery is really high contrast. And so, you know, when I'm if I'm feeding, feeding the baby up to his mouth, I can sort of see the spoon and the food on the spoon, you know. So I'd be using, you know, a blue screen if I'm feeding him, using, you know, light coloured yogurt, for example. And then I do also contrast well to the flow because, you know, kids tuck their spoons and things around also just sitting at their level as well. So sort of sitting right at eye level with them. So I'm able to engage with them with facial expressions and our gestures together. And also so I can, you know, for that sort of spatial and sort of depth perception around feeding them, it works really well for me to sort of be sitting at level with them rather than them sitting higher or me sitting higher than them.

Yeah. And what about just as you mentioned before, when we were chatting about encouraging gestures, do you want to talk a little bit about that?

Yeah, sure. You know, my my little girl now, she's she's a real character and she's really out there and she's quite confident and she's become really interesting around sort of how she you know, she's wanting to express her emotions and, you know, as part of that, you know, a lot of what we're getting, what we have been getting is a bit of, you know, head shaking or nodding and these kind of gestures that sometimes I might miss. So if I do notice a head nod or whatever, I sort of encourage on model the behaviour and say, you know, yes, Daddy, I would like that, or No thank you, or I might even ask her to, you know, what do you, what does that head on? Main You know, because I might miss that in different situations. So I'm just encouraging my kids to use words and language to explain their emotions, just to make sure that I'm I'm aware of what they need.

And I think that that's that's good practice anyway. I mean, there's there's a significant cohort of people out there who still, as adults, don't have language around their emotions either. So I think that's a great strategy.

That's right. And, you know, and also that works really well, say, for at it playgrounds or parks and things and say if I lose track visually of her, yeah, I can call her name and I'm trying to I'm teaching her to when I'm daddy coach you know you need to respond and said dad I'm here or I'm on the bridge. And kind of early days I spent a lot of time teaching her to label different parts of, you know, we're in lockdown. You know, I'm walking around and yeah you know at the time through allowed on playgrounds, you know, I was encouraging her to label different things about a playground like, you know, the ladder and the bridge in the slide and what colour is the slide. And so now that's really helping to why she can say, Yeah, I'm on the blue slide.

Okay, Yeah. So there's a nice payback as well for you around that.

That's right. And even, you know, walking to the park, you know, mentioning all the different because I'm around my dad, you know, so were mentioning landmarks along the way. You know, we're talking about the yellow sign or the the big driveway or the the sliding garage door. So. Along the way. She's sort of talking. I'm I'm going to I'm going to next. So it's a way that I can kind of track what she's planning on doing next. So, yeah, all these things that I've been kind of considering and thinking about and, you know, I'm sure it'll be a lot of challenges and things that pop up that I hadn't thought of. And also around, you know, my communication with my kids and also their friends around my vision impairment as well.

Well, yeah, that's that's what I was going to ask you. Have you sort of thought about how you might explain or when or have have you done that already, particularly with your eldest daughter?

Yeah, Yeah. With my little girl, I've started to do that. We had a daddy daughter date and we went out to we caught the train into the aquarium, you know, And for me, you know, that was, you know, I'm pretty, pretty comfortable around traveling and things. But to be honest, I did feel a little bit anxious before that day, and I really had to consider exactly what I was going to do. And so I did have a chat to her while we were travelling on the train and I said, you know, so when we're at, you know, we're talking where we're going with the aquarium and what sort of things might we see. And I'm really big about prepping my kids, about what sort of environments and what things that.

Was going to say. You know, it's certainly come through a couple of times in your stories about the preparation part, which I think is fantastic. Yeah.

Yeah. And then, you know, and then I did sort of say to her, so at the aquarium, you know, might be really it might be a bit dark inside. And remember, Daddy can't see as well as you can see if I call your name, what would you say. And she said, I'll say I'm here Dad, you know. So yes, I'm just giving little bits of information at a time and just occasionally out parks, you know, and things. I'll say, Remember, Daddy might not be able to say that. You. Do you want to. Do you want me to come over? You call and say, Hey, Dad, come over, come over to me. I'm at the sit at the sandpit. So just again, charging that verbalization and I'll say, yeah, it's just the early days. She's only two and a half. So, you know, she probably doesn't have much of the concept yet, but I suppose, like anything, it's normalising it from an early time.

And probably the last thing I wanted to ask you was just around. You know, we've talked a lot about practical stuff around parenting, and I know your strategies are fantastic and you know, they're good strategies as a parent, full stop, let alone, you know, in terms of being able to manage some of the challenges of blindness in life vision. But what's your general approach if you had to kind of sum up your philosophy generally to parenting, what would that be?

Yeah, my wife Jim and I would really, really big mixture of sort of how we're working together. And I really think our parenting style is around, you know, really encouraging exploration and encouraging, you know, just encouraging fun, encouraging joy. You know, we're we really we're outdoors people and our kids are real outdoors kids, you know, And we we love to be doing these things outside. And we yeah, we just love to be together and, you know, yeah, I think, you know, like my I'm sort of really big around quality time and so is my wife Jim. And, you know, when I finish work, you know, when I get home, it's sort of 5:00 or wherever and have until maybe 8:00 and always think about that's the most important, you know, like work's really important that that for me is the most important hours of the day. Where I get is quality time with my kids. And so I think just just being there for them and, you know, encouraging, encouraging, you know, open communication and just encouraging kids to want to be together and, you know, just explore and have fun in the world.

And I'm glad you've mentioned fun and joy because I think sometimes say the words you can easily forget when you're parenting. And you're right, you know, it is about being together like our youngest is 20 and we hardly see him now. And there is that sort of time in your life where you think, Oh my God, they're never going to leave. But but they do. And I think those foundations that you talk about building early are really important for for later in life. All right. So thanks, Darren. Really appreciate your time. And you've been able to bike for us to to chat today about the wonderful world of parenting. And good luck with the future.

Thanks, Dan. I appreciate it.

No worries. Thanks, Darren. See you, mate.

I'm Sam Kiley, and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio. Associate Stations of Our Age and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed that interview with Dan Casey and Darren Moyle talking. Dad. Ted, Dad. That was the final episode of our Vox pop series for now. So if you liked the series and you'd love to hear more things like it, please feel free to let us know at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org that's talking vision Open word at Vision Australia dot org. And now please enjoy my interview with app developer and Holman Prize winner Cathy Hames. Every year the Holman Prize awards three people who are blind or have low vision from around the world. Up to $25,000 to carry out a dream project. And it's my great pleasure to welcome one of them today. Her name's Cathy Hames and she's a programmer from Adelaide who's developing the public transport app Samy, which communicates with bus drivers and notifies them of approaching bus stops, making independent travel on public transport safer and more accessible for people who are blind or have low vision. Cathy, welcome to the show and congratulations, first of all.

Well, thank you and thank you for having me.

Cathy, tell us a bit about yourself, if you could talk about your vision or how long you've been taking buses around Adelaide.

Yes, my vision began to deteriorate during high school and since then, a number of years later, I needed a cane and been navigating the public transport environment after that. And that's when it really became apparent that, you know, it's not easy to get a bus to pull over. And not only that, it's also, you know, when you're on the bus, how do you know when to get off? And the app is going to address that issue as well.

And understand as well. Cathy, you've been a programmer for quite some time, so how did that come about and how is that tied in with all your interests that you have had?

Yes, I got into programming thanks to my IT teacher in high school who offered me a position in his company that he was starting up, and so I got to really learn and develop from there. And then recently I joined Sage Automation as part of their Smart Cities and Future Mobility team, where I work as a programmer and accessibility advocate.

And tell us a bit more about the same app itself. Cassie How does it work?

Yeah, so the idea of the semi app is so when you're at the bus stop, you can see what buses are due to arrive at that bus stop coming up. And what you can do is you can click request or request assistance. And what will happen is as the bus driver is approaching the bus stop that you're at a light turns on on their console to say that someone is waiting at that bus stop. And if you've clicked request assistance, the bus should then pull in closer to the kerb. Make it easier for you to get onto the bus because, you know, obviously sometimes they can be like half a metre out. And, you know, I try to find that that point to get on can be a little bit dangerous at times and Yeah, yeah. And then when you're as well as, you know, just getting on the bus, you also have the option to select what bus stop you want to get off at. So, you know, obviously when we're on the bus, you know, we don't always know where we are, you know, how close we are to our next stop. So what the app would do would go it would notify you to say, Hey, you, you stopped coming up, get ready to get off. You don't have to try and find the button on the bus because it's already built in. So the bus driver knows that someone wants to get off at the next stop. You don't have to find the button. So it's making it a lot more enjoyable process, I guess, of catching a bus.

And you know, the bus network is quite extensive and quite varied and a lot of giant straits. So I think that's going to be hugely beneficial for, as I said, the safety for people to get from point A to point B.

Yeah, that's right. And what I also like about this app is that, you know, it's not just something that the people who are blind or vision impaired can use. It's something that everyone can use. You know, it doesn't matter like who you are. It's something that can potentially benefit everyone.

Understand the initial idea for, say, May came about way back 15 years ago. So was there a specific moment back then where you thought, Oh, something has to change here, this isn't good enough?

Yeah, if you know, it was from a number of times where standing at the bus, hailing the bus, it's just going past so much frustration. Throughout the years, I've had plenty of time to think about how this problem could be solved. And now it's. Becoming a reality.

And you've actually tried a few different ways of hailing the bus, getting the buses attention. Things just haven't quite worked. I understand you wear a high Viz jacket. You've got the bus stop number in front of you on your hands and trying all different things and sometimes that's just not working. How frustrating must that be for I know not only you, but a lot of other people out there who are blind or have very low vision, who have no doubt undergone the same sort of frustrations.

Yeah, that's right. You know, I first started out just like holding a sign that didn't seem to be enough. So then I started wearing, you know, the hives vest and and holding a sign. And even still, you know, the buses were going past. And so, you know, that's when I was thinking, okay, well, what what else do I need to do? Do I need a bigger sign? You know, like, do I need to have have lights or something? And then I thought, well, this isn't actually going to solve it for everyone. That would just solve it for me. You know, this is a problem that's faced by a lot of people when I catch up with my friends, you know, we're constantly talking about, oh, you know, like I was standing at the bus stop for 45 minutes but never pulled over. So, yeah.

Yeah, that is just such a devastating experience, especially when you want to get somewhere on time and the bus just drives past and sometimes it's two or three that drive past and thinking, Oh my God, my eyes are going to get where I need to get to. But as I mentioned earlier in the in the interview, this is this idea has been a long time coming, 15 years in the making. That's an incredible story. So, you know, what's the experience been like to have Europe go from this initial idea that you did have 15 years ago all the way up to now with your recent Hallman Prize win, which has enabled this same idea to really come to fruition?

Yeah, it's been very exciting. Just a lot of feedback that's come back from people has been like, I can't believe this isn't already solved. So, you know, I am really looking forward to the year ahead and can't wait to see not only like how it goes during the trial phase, but, you know, seeing it hopefully get rolled out across the bus networks after that.

Listeners may be keen to learn more about the timeline for when the app will roll out. So when are you hoping to kick off trials for the app?

Hopefully in August. Okay. So we're having discussions at the moment with different states around Australia, so it won't just be an Adelaide thing. We want to test it out across Australia and solve it not just for Adelaide but for everywhere.

Well, if it comes to Melbourne, I'm definitely very keen to try it out myself. As a public transport user with low vision. I think this sort of things, absolutely. The app market's crying out for something like this, so it's very exciting to see this get off the ground to help people like us who just want to get from point A to point B in A, in a more safe and accessible way for So now, if people would like to express interest in being involved with the chance or maybe they want to just follow the latest progress with Sameh, what's the best way for them to keep in the loop? Understand you've set up quite a few social media platforms slightly.

Yeah, that's right. So you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at See Me. Holman Yeah, and I've also created a Facebook page also called See Me Home Menu.

Now, Cathy, before we finish up, I want to just talk about the home price for a bit. And again, I think congratulations are in order. How does it feel to have your work recognised on an international stage like this?

Unbelievable. Really. It's really taken me by surprise. Just tell like well received. The idea has been.

Tell us a bit more about the whole story around the home and prize, like how you found out about it and how you got involved and all the process from start to finish there.

Yeah. So the home and prize is run by the lighthouse for the blind and visually impaired in San Francisco. And at the start of the year there's always like Facebook posts and, and that about you know, entering the Holman Prize and I've had my on it for the past few years but I was a bit hesitant because you know I wasn't quite ready to put myself out there because what you have to do to enter is submit a 92nd video which talks about what your big idea is. So I did that in February this year and then made it through to the semi-finals and from there I needed to create a proposal and budget of, you know, how I'd spend the following year, what my costs would be, because the home and prize is a grant of up to 25,000 us to help you achieve that idea. So you really got to, you know, map out what you need and that and then I made it into the top ten finalists. And that involved an interview where you just, you know, talked a little bit more about yourself and what you hoped. Your home in year would achieve. And then when I found out that I'd won, I my first words were, Holy moly. Yeah. And then there was a lot of laughter and tears. It was just I went into a bit of shock, I think.

Oh, that's understandable. For sure. Yeah.

Yeah. I mean, it was just it was such an emotional moment because, you know, it was a 15 year dream getting that that would step closer. And, yeah, you know, it just it blew me away. I, you know, I mean, I was happy just to have entered and to get people like, at least thinking about the idea. And now to be a winner is just unbelievable.

That's right. Because, you know, the realisation of that long time dream that you have had. And creating the snap, which is going to really change, I'm sure, not only your life in various ways, but also the lives of countless other people who this app will really help to get them where they need to go much more safely and accessible. So that's just going to be a fantastic project to follow. And yeah, so we'll keep in touch and keep tabs on how it's all going and have your back on the show in future to have a chat in a few months time.

Oh, I mean, you know, I would absolutely love to provide updates as the year goes along and if anyone does want to be involved in the trial, like feel free to reach out on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Now put your name down and keep you up to date.

I've been speaking today with Kasey Holmes, developer of the same app which communicates with bus drivers and notifies them of approaching bus stops, making independent travel on public transport safer and more accessible. It's time to talk about Vision Australia's newsletter for your information, otherwise known as Fall. And joining me today, I've got Helen with me. Helen, welcome to the show.

Hi, this am. How are.

You? I'm very well, thanks, Helen. And there's quite a few exciting things going on in file this month.

Welcome to October. Yeah.

Weather's getting warmer. Thanks.

It is. It is. We're starting off the newsletter with the NDIS board. You might have heard that two people out of the five blind or have low vision. So we've got Marianne Diamond and Graeme Innes. So Maryanne Diamond was the former Blind Citizens Australia CEO and Graeme Innes was the Disability Discrimination Commissioner. So it's pretty amazing that the NDIS has two people on the board that will be able to advocate for people who are blind to have lower vision. So that's pretty good. I'm sure, Sam, you'll probably have them on the radio somewhat soon.

That's very true. We'll have them on next week, in fact, in celebration of our white cane day and all that sort of has to offer.

Fantastic. Yeah, it'll be wonderful to see what they have planned. So we'll see. Also on the newsletter, we've got some privacy breach of the Optus privacy breach. We've got some helpful tips on how to keep your data safe, especially if you're blonde to have lower vision. So look out for that one. We also have some helpful tips. This is sort of a new section in why we try and kind of give you guys something that might help with either, you know, your daily life or even communicating with people who, you know, might not know what to do with people who want to have low vision. So this time around, we have some tips for serving customers who are blind or have low vision. If you go to a café and the waitress or the way to just have no idea what to do with you.

That's right. Yeah. Unfortunately, it's very common. It is. You go there and they sort of you ask, Can you tell me what's on the menu? And they're like, I just look up on the board and you're like, I can't do that. Sorry.

That's what I meant. So we've got like, you know, a couple of one pages that you can just literally print out or just send them the PDF and they can educate themselves so you don't have to do that for them. So, yes, tips for serving customers. And we've also got a wonderful one called Easy Ways to make a presentation inclusive. So, you know, simple steps like doing a roll call or explaining diagrams, that kind of thing. It does wonders, for one, making your presentation more inclusive, but also to just making it easier to understand. So some wonderful tips there. They're all in PDF. You can print them out, you can read them, or they're all accessible too. So wonderful little helpful tips there.

And understand, we've got a bit of tie in with the Vision Australia Library this month.

Yeah, it looks like Sam's on the money there. He he's already interviewed some people for the library. But we've also got the top ten reads for August. So seems like, you know, from your mystery to your non-fiction, heaps of popular books, if you want to see what people are reading, have a look on if why we've got the top ten rates for August and yeah, feel free to send in your top reads for October as well.

That's right. And mystery and crime are always a very popular genres in the business trial office so always a very productive avenue for all the new additions to the catalogue course. Thanks so much, Helen. That was Helen there, the editor of Foil Information, otherwise known as RFI, having a chat to me today about all the latest in the newsletter coming up this October. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Kitchen Talking Vision as to production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org that's talking vision or one word at Vision Australia dot org. But until next week it's bye for now.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org that's Vision Australia dot hall.

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