Sam catches up with Nicole Willing from Blind Citizens Australia to speak about the upcoming Entrepreneurial Mindset webinar series, to help business owners who are blind or low vision to get the most out of their business.
One of the presenters, Janelle Colquhoun, also joins Sam on the show to speak about her own experiences. Janelle is the director of Salubrious Productions, a Brisbane-based performing arts company which she has been running since 1999.
Then finally on the show this week, Helen catches up with 2016 Further Education Bursary recipient Sadam, to hear about how the bursary helped him at a crucial time in his life.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's.
Your host, Sam Collins.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
It's always good sharing my experience and what I've learned along the way with other people and then hearing also what they've learned because it's such a minefield running your own business. And, you know, this is a big a minefield when you're blind or low vision because you've got extra issues. And if I can share my experiences with other people and how I've worked around the issues and I can share their issues, then obviously we're all better off.
Welcome to the program. That was Janelle Cahoon there talking about her experiences as a business owner who is blind. Janelle is the director of Salubrious Productions, a performing arts company based in Brisbane, which she's been director of for the last 24 years. I caught up with Janelle to discuss her upcoming participation in The Entrepreneurial Mindset, a series of webinars and podcasts aimed at business owners who are blind or have low vision. Running in partnership between Blind Citizens Australia and Vision Australia. I also catch up briefly with Nicole Willing from Blind Citizens Australia to get all the crucial details about the program itself. Then later on in the show, Helen catches up with Adam, a past Vision Australia further education bursary recipient who funnily enough, is also a business owner these days. However, as far as we're aware, is not taking part in the Entrepreneurial Mindset project. Applications for this year's further education bursary are closing soon on September 30. So make sure to stick around to find out more. I hope you'll enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. I'm here today with Nicole willing from Blind Citizens Australia to talk all about the entrepreneurial mindset. A project for business owners who are blind or have low vision. Run in conjunction between Blind Citizens Australia and Vision Australia. Now firstly, Nicole, why don't we start with a bit of an overview of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Project. What is the project all about?
Yeah, sure, Sam. The Entrepreneurial Mindset Project is an initiative between Blind Citizens Australia and Vision Australia with the aim to provide resources and information that will build awareness of entrepreneurship as a pathway to employment and also financial independence for people who are blind or vision impaired. Research that was conducted in 2008 by Vision Australia showed that people who are blind or vision impaired were less likely to be employed full time. With Australia having the lowest full time employment rate of only 24% when compared to Canada, which was 28% and New Zealand 32%. So most people who are blind or visually impaired find it extremely difficult to find work that is meaningful and able to provide financial security. So BCA recently asked business owners who are blind or visually impaired about what motivated them to leap into private business ownership. And some emphasized a determination not to be a statistic. Others found that being a person who is blind or vision impaired often closed doors to the careers that they'd once aspired to. So with additional research, we've identified some key issues for aspiring business owners who are blind or vision impaired. And our project has a focus on specific elements that successful entrepreneurs who are blind or vision impaired have emphasized for their success. The project is aimed at aspiring entrepreneurs who are blind or visually impaired. However, the webinar series will be useful to any aspiring business owners with disability.
In terms of the details for content that people can expect. For example, those webinars that you did mentioned, what else can people look forward to if they do sign up for the entrepreneurial mindset?
So firstly, just going back to the webinar series, so the Entrepreneurial Mindset Webinar series will focus on different topics to assist budding entrepreneurs who have one vision impaired to gain valuable insights from subject matter experts, including successful business owners who are gwanda vision impaired. Interested participants can sign up for one or more of the webinars, though we recommend that signing up for the whole series for a greater understanding of what's needed to succeed in business. And the webinars are free and they'll run on Monday from September to December this year for all one hour from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., including a 45 minute panel discussion followed by 15 minutes of Question Time at the end. The dates and the topics that will be included for the webinar series webinar one will take place on Monday, the 26th of September, and it's titled An Introduction to the Entrepreneurial Mindset, and this will be hosted by BCA project officer Connor Smith. I'm gonna kick start the series with a special guest, Bill Glenn, who's the director of Small Business Australia, and, you know, Cocoon, owner of Salubrious Productions, who I believe you've spoken to as well.
That's right. So we've covered the webinars there. But I also understand there's going to be a podcast series which Von Bennison will be involved with. So tell us a bit more about that.
Yeah, that's right, Sam. So Vaughn Bennison, who's the current host of New Horizons, has been contracted to produce and offer a business podcast series which will be released alongside the Entrepreneurial Mindset Webinar Series, and these will be broadcasted widely across Vision Australia as our broadcast partners. And we have an exciting line up the interviews with successful business owners who are blind or visually impaired, including Janelle of course, as well as Craig Shanahan, owner of the Blind Chef Café in Penrith in New South Wales, and also Dr. Joanne Morris and a learning disability specialist who's worked extensively in the South Pacific, setting up accredited teaching programs for children who are blind and visually impaired. And we'll also hear from others in the entertainment industry and the arts, health services, assistive technology and much more. So yeah, that's going to be a fantastic series. I'm looking forward to that.
It does sound very exciting. And quite importantly, Nicole, how can people sign up to take part in the entrepreneurial mindset?
Absolutely. That can sign up for the webinar series as Humanity X by searching the Entrepreneurial Mindset Webinar series, or they can email us at BCA and the email address is BCA at BCA dot org, dot AEW.
And also where can listeners go to find? Find out more.
Absolutely through the BCA website. There are links that will take someone to the entrepreneurial mindset website landing page, and there's plenty of information on there. But anyone interested in a bit more information can contact Christina at BCA and the number is one 800 03660.
That's one 800 033660. I've been speaking today with Nicole Willing from Blind Citizens Australia all about the Entrepreneurial Mindset Project, which is running in conjunction with Vision Australia from September to December this year. As Nicole just mentioned, no. Director of Salubrious Productions will be taking part in the Entrepreneurial Mindset Project, and it's my great pleasure to welcome her now. Janelle, welcome to Talking Vision. Thank you so much for your time today.
Oh, thanks for inviting me.
Now, firstly, Janelle, you've got a quite an interesting story yourself. So tell us a bit about yourself before we get into the business and the entrepreneurial mindset.
I studied to be an opera singer, which was my absolute passion and dream, and then went on to travel to I sang with the Australian Opera and then travelled on to Germany where I ended up singing with the Frankfurt Opera for seven years before I went blind. And then I came back to Australia, which is when I realised that I wasn't getting any work and that there was other professional artists with disability who were also getting no work. So I decided to start up my business Syllabus Productions, which is an entertainment and production agency.
And that was almost 25 years ago now. So I guess time flies in some respects. That's probably unbelievable. So you've been director for that time. Tell us a bit more about some your business salubrious productions.
In the beginning, I was looking at getting myself my work as well because I just wasn't able to get work. So I guess people looked at me and went somehow I couldn't stand up there and sing anymore. So I thought that if I start up an agency not just to help myself, but also to help other people, as I said, that I would get myself more work. But in the end, it it was more a case of obviously when I'm proposing different people to perform at some sort of function, if I mentioned myself as well, I guess people saw it as I was a wannabe who was in an admin job and that obviously I couldn't be as good as the rest of the people. So in fact, I hardly got any work as a singer again. But you know, I got other work in other areas so that that, you know, evened out eventually. But I started to get lots of different artists around Brisbane work and particularly musicians who are blind or low vision because there were lots of them and there's lots of musicians who are blind or visually impaired. So I started getting them lots of work at functions, events, disability events, concerts, and then I realised that some of what people were asking for were completely ridiculous ideas, like someone wanting a a clown to entertain kids for 5 hours. So Mom and Dad go and have a few drinks of wine and it was a bunch of kids and I realised that I should be producing shows. And then with disability events coming up regularly and there was funding to put on disability events, so then I started to put on hold concerts or shows with featuring all of us with disability. And so I started producing and then that led me on to being asked, onto a number of committees and boards. And then I got asked to put in a contract for the City Council to produce the Lifetime concert series in the City Hall, which I applied for and was successful with and, and held for 15 years and then went on to also produce the press Asia. So, you know, focusing on Asian performers. And because obviously I became very well network with a lot of performers in Brisbane because I was the person to know. So you get a really good concert gig and I also put produce shows in the library, so the solo music shows. Then I got asked to also do the children's program. So it meant I got networks and, and was representing most of the children's entertainers in Brisbane. No, I was giving about 100 shows a year in the Brisbane City Council libraries. So that's kind of how I became a producer who's produced now over 1400 events.
Oh wow. With the work that you have been doing over the past almost 25 years, it must be really exciting to see those barriers being broken down for not only yourself, but other creatives who are blind or have low vision and being able to enable that and make that happen and overcome a few of the obstacles and the misconceptions perhaps in the community about what it is that people who are blind or low vision can achieve. You know how important and you know, how exciting has that been for you personally to sort of be involved with that side of things?
It's been brilliant because first of all, yes, I did face lots of prejudice and preconceptions. It was more preconceptions, like someone thinking that because one of my jazz pianists is blind, that he somehow couldn't do the job as well as someone who saw it. And when, of course, all I need to organise is can someone meet the taxi when he arrives? Can someone just lead him to the piano? Once he's a piano, he's absolutely fine for the rest of the night, but maybe sometime during the night you might need to get him a drink or, you know, walking to the bathroom. But other than that, he is absolutely, you know, just as good, if not better than, you know, some other pianist. So I've had to write down lots of those. And even when I was putting on lots of events for the Disability Services Queensland, the Government Department for Disabilities, I put on one artist one year and they'd say, That person's brilliant, so I will have them again the next day. I'm saying, But I've got another 20 or 30 fantastic professional level artist with disability that I can. Why do you just want the same one? You're treating it like there is only one professional level odysseys disability in Brisbane who's any good, so therefore I'd have to force them to take someone else next to you. So I'd put on other people next year and I go, Wow, those people are brilliant. We'll have them the next year. And it's just like, No, I still got more. It was always trying to convince them that it's not like we just have one person who's who's got a disability and is fantastic. We've got tons of them.
And that's, I guess, an ongoing battle. And there are, as I said, quite a few frustrations. But it's great to hear there is some progress in other spots and other exciting progress that has been made. Also the recently having a chat with you today. Oh, one of the reasons is about your taking part in the Entrepreneurial Mindset program, which is being jointly run between Vision Australia and Blind Citizens Australia, which is kicking off later this month. So what aspects of the program are you looking forward to being involved with?
It's always good sharing my experience and what I've learned along the way with other people and then hearing also what they've learnt because it's such a minefield running your own business and you know, this is a big a minefield when you're blind or low vision because you've got extra issues that like, for instance, networking. I find that networking is an absolutely brilliant tool to further my business and my own career, but that's an issue for most people who are blind, the low vision. And so I've had to work out ways to get around that issue and and do well in that area. And obviously the other people taking part in this. Also, I've had to work out issues and ways around them and how to do it better. And if I can share my experiences with other people and how I've worked around the issues and I can share their issues, then obviously we're all better off now.
That's a wonderful message to end on. So thank you so much, Janelle. I've been speaking today with Janelle Ahern, director of Silver Breast Productions based in Brisbane, who's taking part in the entrepreneurial mindset run in partnership between Vision Australia and Blind Citizens Australia, which is kicking off in late September. Janelle, thank you so much for your time today. It was a pleasure having a chat with you.
Well, thank you so much for having me and I'm really looking forward to taking part in the whole webinar series.
On Sam Kiley and Joe listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, Associated Stations of IPH and the Community Radio Network. I hope you enjoyed those interviews with Janelle Cahoon and Nicole Welling, chatting to me all about the upcoming entrepreneurial mindset, the webinar component of which is taking place over the next three months from September to December. Plans are still in place to finalise the schedule for the podcasts featuring Von Bennison. However, watch this space for further details as they come to hand. And now please enjoy this interview with Helen Vella, Saris and Vision Australia further education bursary recipient. Saddam Hussein began by asking Saddam to tell us a little bit more about himself.
Hi, I'm Saddam. I'm 30 years old. I completed my studies in international trade and logistics in 2006. I currently live at home and I have my own business training clients working with technology. And I love technology. It's a big passion of mine.
What got you into technology.
At the university? Actually using it at the university, but also from a very young age. Just love. It keeps you connected and happy and what have you, sir. And listening to podcasts is also a bit of fun and audiobooks to write.
And so you're one of the recipients of our bursary. What did the bursary help you do?
Yeah, the bus was very helpful, actually. It allowed me to get technology because before that it was in a prior to the the NDIS being introduced. So it really helped me to get technology into the into my hands and helped me to get technology but also compete on a level playing field with my peers and allow me to get my asset fall.
Definitely. And so what kind of technology did you get?
I think from memory was a scanner. So I bought a scanner in conjunction with Jaws, which is a thriller that I use in conjunction with that. So I could use that to scan my books that put that from hard copy into. And I tried to copy as a pair of headphones. I believe there was an iPhone as well and some iTunes gift cards.
Oh, very good. And so you said you mentioned a little bit like you're on your level playing field with your peers. Do you think if you didn't have that tech, it would have been quite difficult for you to start uni? Well.
Yeah, I think it would have been was actually a difficult time in my life because I was I was also going to a bit of an illness and what have you. So it really helped take the pressure off. We didn't have to worry about buying stuff and what have you. So and also with my health issues at the time. So it really helped me to get focused. But also by having that scan up, by having the iPhone and the headphones, I think, yeah, it really definitely set me up for success.
But definitely to get about your business.
I actually started it after I finished university, so because I did international trade, logistics, I started there and that was part of a part of it was starting your own business was was part of the one of the courses of being an entrepreneur. So I thought that I'd stop by own business in mainly helping clients. I've worked with people like Reach Out Australia, which is a very good organisation that help people with mental health issues and what have you. So I designed the website. I've also worked with Mabel, which is the online platform for people that now have support workers. I've worked with them to make sure that their website is accessible. Microsoft came along as well, so I've had two big clients, so we just help people, both organisations, to have a good digital, become good digital citizens, to make it, to make the product first of all, and also train clients on the NDIS as well.
Yeah, well, what was it like first starting out like as an entrepreneur? It was it was really difficult.
You know, I had to create the website, but I have a strong background in website building and that kind of thing. So it was difficult to sort of get things going, but it was yeah, tough in the beginning. But now that I have a good digital footprint and I have a good website and you have business cards, and again, I think it's it's become easier.
Yeah, yeah. Have you come across some pretty bad inaccessible websites or companies that you think could use your help?
Yeah, I think we had job hunting. I think it was I was job hunting in a seek dotcom that I use. It's a pretty tough website to to to navigate, but normally you set a good email off to them does help people with, you know, sort of alert them and say look I'm blind I use a screen to most of them are quite helpful I think. Yeah, I think sake is the worst and I think Telstra is the best.
Very good. Oh, I like that. I think Telstra is one of our customers too.
Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
That's awesome. Sawyer Tell me a little bit about your vision and and how it sort of affected your your day to day show.
I fell blind through an illness when I was very, very young and I actually had Vision Australia Intervention Services for a very young age. So I did kindergarten and did primary school when they did some sort of test and things. When I came to Australia in 1996 to see what they could do, but eventually they said, Knock it out, we can't really do much for your sight at this stage. So I had to learn Braille and I had a very good visiting teacher called Odette at the time who taught me Braille. And I actually had completed my primary school here in Carlton Primary School here, and then I went off to Collingwood College to do my high school there and did very well there and then went off to the university. But yeah, I definitely played a big part. I actually went to school a long time ago when I was younger. Very nice place.
Oh, wonderful. Glad to hear. And so going through school technology is such a vital piece of how you study. Yes, but it must be quite even more so if you've got vision condition. So can you kind of explain what how important technology is in learning and getting getting the job?
Oh, it's very vital because being blind, I'm also slightly dyslexic as well. But, you know, so I have actually two disabilities. But I think, yeah, you know, both of them are pretty disabilities. And so, you know, when you have a disability, a screen reader is the main thing that I use and people, you know, not sure about that. It's just basically a synthesized voice that reads out things on your screen. So I have it on my phone, I have it on my, my Mac and I have it on my PC as well. On the Mac. It's built in by the PC. We use a program called Jaws and essentially it reads out things that allows you to, you know, conduct my course materials at the university, but also to job hunt. And of course, whether you have your own business like I do or whether, you know, whether you work for an employer, it allows you then to be able to, you know, do the job. So for someone who has a print disability, you know, screenwriters and, you know, I'm Braille devices are very vital in helping you to not have good accommodation. They are quite vital for you to work and, you know, to be employed, but also to have to study as well. They're very important.
Yeah, it's almost like a Swiss Army knife.
Yeah, I completely agree. So what's what's your business corp?
My business called Accessible Technology Solutions, or it's for short and those that we we help people and our clients on the NDIS. But also I've been a bit clients like Telstra as well to look at their, their application, the, my Telstra app which is very, very good and also people like Mabel which the online online platform I work with them and yeah, so we help people train as well. But also, you know to say, look, you know, this is how a website should work if someone's using on an iPhone or a mobile device or on a PC.
I mean thing. I just wanted to get the name in there so you can we can plug it for you. And so finally, we just wanted to say, you know, would you recommend people, you know, apply for the bursary? Is it is it worthwhile?
Oh, absolutely. I think it's it's a very good initiative. You know, I think since 96,000 Australians give out about 300 bursaries. So it's always been I actually know some of them I went through to school with and some of them, you know, I still keep in touch with. So it's definitely a very useful program. And I said, you know, I was going through a bit of a dark time when I got the bursary. So was it actually very, very helpful in it allowed me to complete my my cert four and it allowed me then to to search my own business and get my own business started. And yeah, it was really a catalyst to, you know, a lot of good things. I definitely recommend the bursary, you know, it's a very good program.
That was 2016 bursary recipient Saddam speaking with Helen there and Vision Australia's further education bursary is still open for applications until September 30. So for more information, please contact Joy King at Joy talking at Vision Australia dot org. That's Joe wide. Okay. Iron J at Vision Australia dot org. You can also send an email to bursary at Vision Australia dot org. That's bursary at Vision Australia. Talk or phone 0383781 double to zero. That's 033781220. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Kitchen Talking Vision as to production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision Vision Australia dot org. That's Talking Vision or one word vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us anytime during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org that's vision Australia dot or.