Vision Australia manager of commercial services Michael Linke joins the show this week to chat about the new Vision Store website, which recently launched with a new range of products and videos.
Sam also speaks with Vision 2020 policy and advocacy manager Carly Iles about the organisation's advocacy plans regarding the new federal government, and then finally Sam catches up with Helen Velissaris to chat about the latest issue of For Your Information, otherwise known as FYI.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
There's also obviously ongoing frustrations around the services and support that are available for people who are blind or have low vision. So there's some really simple and affordable way to ensure those with blindness and low vision remain independent and engaged in their communities.
Welcome to the program. That was Vision 2020 policy and advocacy manager Carly Iles there talking about the organization's focus when advocating to the new federal government on behalf of the blind and low vision community. I caught up with Carly recently to hear about Vision 2020s advocacy efforts in the first two months of the new Labor government. And you can hear from her later on in the show today. But before you hear from Carly, I also catch up with Vision Australia Manager of Commercial Services Mark Linky, to chat about the new Vision Store website, which has just recently launched. And then finally this week, Helensvale Cyrus joins me on the show to talk about the latest issue of, for your information, otherwise known as FII for short. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of Talking Vision. Vision Australia has launched a brand new set of websites, and one such website is of course the Vision Store. Joining me to have a chat about the new Vision Store website today, we have general manager of Commercial Services, Michael Linky. Michael, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time today.
My pleasure, Sam. Always a pleasure to talk to you. And on Talking Vision.
Now, firstly, Michael, why don't you just give us a bit of an overview of the new Vision Store website?
Sure. Love to. We've worked on this for about 12 months and I think it's really important that our listeners understand that when building a website, what we did was we went to our clients, we went to our customers and working with our technology services team and our third party partner on the website, we came up with a design imperative based on exactly what our customers wanted. So we surveyed our customers. We spoke to them about what the old website was like and what we could do to improve and make their experience more accessible, easier and lot more detail. So the new website has really encapsulated all the things that our customers and our clients said that they wanted. So firstly it's accessible, it meets Australian standards, it in fact exceeds Australian standards in terms of accessibility. And that's not only for low vision users, it's for blind users of people with touch to speak software using jaws or other screen reading type of technologies. The site's fully accessible, which is a fantastic outcome and I think it's vision Australia demonstrating how you can build an accessible website. The second thing for low vision users is a really clean design aesthetic across the site. So it's easy to find product, it's easy to get a description of a product, look at photos of a product, even play videos demonstrating products which I know a lot of our people wanted to see. Well, how do I use a cello kettle? How do I use an Explorer 12 magnifier? And we've got videos of those products online. I'm just about to release a whole suite of more videos in the coming weeks.
And that user friendliness and the accessibility side of things are, of course, a couple of motivations to change from the old to the new. But were there any other motivations in the background that prompted this change?
Well, we obviously wanted more products. I think the old site only had about 100 products listed. And I question why we only have 100 products, and it's because the product wasn't the best. So now that we've got a much better product, it's much easier to upload and have more products available. So we've got about 600 products available on the website now. So essentially all of our products are available on the website to look at, to find out what's in the box, to find out whether it needs batteries, whether you need to plug it in, whether you can use NDIS funding or DVA funding for it. All that information has been encapsulated with each product, so it's just easy to learn more about a specific product. So that was one of the motivating things. How do we make more information available to more of our customers in a more accessible and robust format, which is what we've done? And obviously, internally, the motivation is, is making sales easier for customers? The other design impact, I suppose, that we're going to have that was part of our design concept was that our service providers, when they're on the road doing the wonderful work they do, seeing our clients in their homes, they can open up the website on their mobile device and sit and talk to a client about a product and show them the product where previously they didn't have access to all products, they didn't have up to date pricing or up to date availability of a product. The new website provides that now so they can instantly look up our product and say to the client, Well, that product's $50 or that product's $99, it's in stock. We can order it now, if you like, and the client can order that product. They know they're on the spot, using their funding, using their own credit card, or the service provider can build it into a package of support combining services and products. So it's a really valuable tool for our service providers as well as our customers making a purchase decisions themselves.
From another side of things. How has the Vision Store informed the way that Vision's Shire has created their other websites, such as maybe the Vision Australia website in general, or seeing eye dogs or radio?
Yeah, well, we were, I suppose the guinea pig, you know, we worked with a new third party partner for the first time and they did a fantastic job. Enterprise Monkey is the private company in Melbourne that's been supporting us. With that, they really understood our accessibility needs and how do. I need really early in the picture. And they did a great job. And about halfway through three quarters of the way through the Webstore Design Technology Services went, well, maybe we could use this company to rebuild the Vision Australia website because they understood what we what we're doing. So I think the team went to school on our, on our, on the Vision Store website and said we've got a nice cleaning device, we've got some good back end procedures going into facilities. Let's create this design aesthetic across all these in Australia websites that that meets accessibility needs that is easy to use. And the new website, the Vision Australia website that launched this week. And it's it's a wonderful piece of technology that just provides a whole host of information about Vision Australia to our audience. And then it's got links to CEDA, it's got links to radio, and over time those websites will also be updated and have that similar look and feel. So I think we've really got it right now. Vision Australia in creating a site that is accessible and a design aesthetic that is modern, that is robust, you know, it's going to cater for pretty much any user on any platform. So whether using a phone or tablet, a desktop, P.C., a screen reader, the experience you're going to get is is similar across the board, which is what we want. It's about equity for everyone, which is, you know, part of vision Australia's mandate, I suppose, making sure that the world is accessible and people can live the life they choose and live independently and we're providing websites like this and using technology in the back end. We achieve that and we've been able to achieve that. So I'm really excited about the future, about what we've delivered, firstly with the Vision Store in June and secondly with the Vision Australia website just in in July this year. It's a fantastic combination of sites that really put our clients at the centre of everything we do.
And if you'd like to head to the new Vision Australia Store website and check out all the new exciting features that we have been chatting about today, such as the wide range of products, or find out about the webinars that are coming up as well as some life hats and new product releases. You can of course head to shop dot vision Australia dot org that shop dot vision Australia dot org. To find out more, I've been speaking today with General Manager of Commercial Services Michael Linky about the new Vision Store website, which has just recently launched. I'm Sam Kiley. And you're listening to Talking Vision on Visions, trailer radio, associated stations of Our Age and the Community Radio Network. If you're enjoying the show and you'd love to find out more like where to find local writer vacancies or a good spot to listen to past programs. You can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision Web page. Just search talking vision and it should come up as the first option. You can also find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now back to the show. I'm speaking today with Carly Eyles, policy and Advocacy Manager from Vision 2020 Australia. Carly is here with me today to take a look back at the first two months of the newly elected federal government and discuss Vision 2020 priorities when advocating for members of the blind low vision community. Carly, welcome to Talking Vision. Thank you so much for your time today.
Hi, Sam. I'm really excited to be here today, so thank you.
Now firstly, Carly, our Vision 2020 has had quite a list of priorities for the new government ahead of the election. So how have the first term months been in terms of progress on these issues?
Yeah, that's right. And so we had 11 health and care priorities in our pre-election platform and they were identified and agreed to by our 45 members. They ranged from priorities for greater investment in public access to treatment of cataract surgery and intra ritual injection to funding to close the gap in indigenous eye health, tackling, blindness, intending and also ensuring people who are blind or vision impaired have access to the right support and services to remain independent and engaged in the community. Now we've communicated with the new government and we'll be following up with parliamentarians regarding these in the coming months. And now we're letting the government settle into their portfolios and deal with the current health crisis that we find ourselves in. This is obviously a priority for them and it's also in the best interests of the Australian public. But I will say though that we have had some traction through our advocacy assistive technology for those who aren't on the NDIS in collaboration with the Assistive Technology for All campaign. There's still a lot of conversations to be had, but we're definitely making some positive progress in this area.
Some of the Vision 2020 priorities, for example, my aged care, but also Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health issues. These are issues that have been around for quite some time. So is there perhaps a sense of frustration that as a sector we're still fighting for change in those areas?
That's a good question, Sam. Yes, it's very frustrating. And particularly given that 90% of blindness and vision loss is preventable or treatable if detected early enough. So despite this figure, many Australians continue to experience avoidable vision loss due to conditions such as cataract and diabetic eye disease, which can both easily be prevented through early detection and cost effective treatment. But yet very frustrating in terms of closing the gap in our health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. There has been some significant progress over the last 10 to 15 years, but further investment is definitely required. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people still experience three times more blindness and vision impairment than other Australians and they're 12 times more likely to experience blinding cataract. We're the only developed nation with endemic chroma, which occurs almost exclusively among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children living in remote communities. So yes, there are frustrations. You know, we've tried to address these challenges in the past, particularly through the Vision 2020. Australia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee, who led the development of the Strong, Strong Communities Plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. I hope and vision that sets out a concrete plan of action. So 24 recommendations to close the gap in our health. And you know the government has invested in some of the recommendations from the plan, including rolling out the national spectacle supply scheme across Australia and also funding the National I have survey, but there's still a number of recommendations that require immediate government support if we're going to close the gap in vision. The Morrison Government did commit to ending avoidable blight in Indigenous communities by 2025. We would like to see the new Government support this commitment.
With the new Albanese government coming to power in May has been more or less of a challenge to lobby for change now that you're dealing with new ministers and staffers.
Yeah, it's a car because we're starting over in terms of building relationships with Parliament and here and I think in the different in the current environment, it's definitely difficult to get a foot in the door. But on a positive note, I think a new government provides opportunities to find new champions of I help and also to educate and increase knowledge around the prevention and treatment challenges facing the sector and also the sorts of issues people who are blind or have low vision face on a daily basis. We already have established relationships with many of the parliamentarians and we do plan to use these in the near future to push support for our priorities.
Carly, what has been the response from the Federal Labor government in the first two months of their administration? Understand, as we mentioned very early on, there has been a few issues with the pandemic and whatnot, but some how have Vision 2020 seen the progress there in terms of advocating for issues crucial to the blind and my vision community?
Yeah. So as I mentioned before, we do have some existing relationships with parliamentarians. So we've got champions of IKEA in the government throughout previous engagement, but also through our parliamentary friends group for eye health and Vision Care. So we're currently going through a process of re-establishing this group and appointing co-convenor of the group. And we've been really pleased actually to see the level of interest from those inside the government in joining the group and also championing eye health and vision care across the parliament. And we'll be following up with the parliamentarians in the near future. And we hope that the interest that they've shown will lead to positive outcomes for the sector and for those have been with one vision.
What else have you been pleased about? What sort of excited you or what sort of promising signs have you seen from the new government?
Oh, look, I think there's a few things, Sam. Firstly, I think wait to see the new government focusing on engagement in the Pacific and the importance of building good relations with neighbouring countries. So our closest neighbour and they have some of the highest rates of blindness in the world. We're very keen to work with the Australian and the PNG government to address this. We've also been really happy to see Minister Shorten addressing the issue in NDIS. That of course a number of people, including those who are blind or have low vision, will go to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to address NDIS decision and we hope that will lead to an improvement in the NDIS decision making process going forward and a less stressful process. But Participant will also be delighted to hear the Minister for Social Services by Minister Amanda Rishworth highlighting the issue of disability underemployment at the youth summit recently. So with only 24% of Australians with vision loss and full time employment in 2019, it was really good to see this issue being raised at the national level and I think finally part of coming into power, the Government introduced the early years strategy to ensure that all young children have the same opportunity, which we were very pleased by. We've had a few of our members report that depending on where you live in Australia, the kind of skills you have when you leave school might be vastly different. And so a good example is Braille literacy. So we wouldn't accept some people leaving school not able to read print, that we shouldn't accept that some students who are blind in secondary education without being able to read Braille. What we'd like to see the federal commitment to making sure that all children with vision loss, no matter where they live, have the same opportunities to learn the skills they can't always get from mainstream education. Now, this can be achieved through the national implementation of the expanded core curriculum for students who are blind or low vision. It's an internationally recognised and proven framework which outlines some of the additional or adaptive learning that's crucial for children who are blind or have low vision. And this can include things like orientation and mobility and using assistive technology. We think this would be a really good fit for the Government early years strategy. So we've written to the Prime Minister and the Education Minister about this and we'll be following up with them saying.
From the other side of things, what have been some challenges or frustrations from Vision 2020s perspective?
I think it's that it's the same frustrations that every sector is feeling at the moment them. And that's the frustration with with the COVID crisis that we currently find ourselves in. And what this has meant is that many other important issues such as health are not being addressed. And we know the COVID pandemic has affected people in. In a different way. But we also know that it's disproportionately impacted people who are blind or visually impaired because they are they're more susceptible to contracting the virus and experiencing barriers in accessing information, health services and support. And what this means is that, you know, there can be a long term impact, including widening inequalities and also increasing may worsen anxiety. It's also highlighted the need for significant mental health reform and investment. I think we can all agree with that. I think there's also obviously ongoing frustrations around the services and support that are available for people who are blind or have low vision. So there's some really simple and affordable way to ensure those with blindness and low vision remain independent and engaged in their communities. For example, these are a couple of priorities from our pre-election platform. One of them was introducing packages for children with vision loss entering the NDIS. So we ensure that they get the information necessary as long as possible. So what we're finding at the moment is that young children are often denied access to the scheme the first time that they apply, and even when they do get access, the plans are often quite inconsistent. This has been a problem for people with hearing loss in the past, but this has been corrected and they have a much simpler access criteria now and they have packages which actually explain the NDIS decision makers what support work in a child's birth plan. So we did actually meet with the previous NDIS minister who supported the idea and also encouraged us to refine the details of the proposal which we've done and we'll follow up with Minister Shorten's office soon.
I've been speaking today with Karly Iles, policy and advocacy manager from Vision 2020 Australia, about their progress when advocating to the New Labour Government in the first two months of its administration. It's that time of month again. It's for your information, otherwise known as F why I visit Australia's newsletter now to talk to me as always about Fly. I have with me Helen Lazarus. Thank you so much for your time today. Helen, welcome back to Talking Business.
Thank you.
So firstly, Helen, I understand there's quite a few exciting things coming up in this month's issue. So tell us a bit about the stories around accessible travel.
I don't know about you, Sam, but everyone in my my social media feeds seem to be somewhere sunny.
Just having the time of their lives. I unfortunately have not booked a holiday, but for those that have, I thought it would be important.
To possibly get some advice.
On, you know, people that have done it all the time, planes, trains in different countries, how they kind of do it, their tips and tricks. So I've collated a couple of little, little articles that might help. So we've got Toni Giles, who is a fantastic British completely blind traveller, who's been to more than 128 countries. Can you believe that?
Oh, my God. Wow, that's.
Incredible. He's got a wonderful YouTube channel. So I that Chris Edwards as well. He is completely blind as well and he travels regularly across Australia. He's giving us his ten best places to travel in Australia. And of course, just, you know, just simple travel tips. BCA has has their own travel tips on their website, so a wonderful place to start if you're considering booking a holiday and want to do it safely and without many hassles.
Absolutely. A lot of great little hints and tips there to look forward to. It's very exciting. Now, what's also exciting is there's some changes in leadership to tell people about.
The NDIA has lost both their CEO and their chairman. So there has been a bit of change in leadership in the National Disability Insurance Agency, and there has been a couple of calls for the agency to become to give leadership roles to people with lived experience. And there's some some wonderful articles and analysis done by the ABC that you'll be able to see in the newsletter. I urge you to just have a read, get yourself across to the issues. And if you are in a position that you think you might be able to help and might be able to influence the NDIA for the better, it might be something to consider.
Now also, Helen, understand there are some accessible beauty tips that we've got to share for people.
Yeah, I'm sure you remember.
Some we did some life hacks on. That's right. Makeup and just beauty in general. But sometimes it's quite hard when you hear these amazing tips, but you don't have the products. So Alua, which is a US based company, have done their top beauty products that are also accessible and might might have a tactile feature or something like that. So most of it you can find in Australia, which is really good. So I highly recommend if you're, you know, one that uses makeup often and you you have low vision or a blind eye to look at some of these cool products that that kind of go that extra step.
Thanks so much, Helen. I've been speaking today with Helen Vasari's, editor of for your information, otherwise known as RFI. And if you'd like to find out more about or sign up for PHI. Among the range of businesses newsletters, you can of course head to Vision Australia's website at Vision Shire dot org. That's Vision Australia. Oh one word dot org. Now for some exciting Commonwealth Games news. The low vision power triathlons recently happened over the weekend and there were some notable results from the Australian competitors. First up, Sam Harding came home with Silver, so Sam only ran his first paratriathlon at the start of this year after converting from middle distance at the Tokyo Paralympics in the bronze we had Jonno Garlock So Jonno took up triathlon ten years ago and he improves on his eighth place finish at the Tokyo Paralympics. And in fifth place we had Jared Goossens. So Jarod was a three time Paralympian, and he also announced his retirement after the race at the age of 52 and in the low vision women's paratriathlon there was one competitor from Australia, Erika Burley. So Erika made her debut as the only Australian women's para triathlete in this year's Commonwealth Games, finishing in sixth place only four months after her first triathlon. And this was only the second time that the sport has been on the Commonwealth Games programme and this was also the debut for Power Triathletes. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to a talking vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Shire dot org. That's Talking Vision or one word at Business Insider dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us any time during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia total.