This week on Talking Vision you’ll hear from Brenda, a disability advocate, volunteer and keen lawn bowler who lost her vision late in life. Brenda catches up with Matthew Layton as part of the Let’s talk about vision loss series, which explores the lives and achievements of people who have experienced vision loss.
Policy and advocacy team leader Jane Britt from Blind Citizens Australia also joins the show to speak about her work advocating for people who are blind or have low vision.
It was this advocacy work which saw Jane win a Vision Australia youth award in 2020. She joins Stella to talk about the awards, which are now open for nominations until the 12th of August.
Then finally on the show this week, Sam catches up for a super quick chat with retinitis pigmentosa advocate and Big Brother superfan Bethany Cody. We get her thoughts and share in the exciting news about winner of Big Brother Reggie Sorensen who, like Bethany, has lived experience with RP.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
Fundamentally, like for people that are blind or have low vision, we have rights just like everyone else. And those human rights are really what is at the base of any advocacy work that anyone engages in.
Welcome to the program. That voice you just heard there was policy and advocacy team leader Jane Brett from Blind Citizens Australia, speaking about the importance of advocating for the human rights of people who are blind or have low vision. It was this advocacy work in the sector which saw Jane win a Vision Australia Youth Award in 2020 and she joined Stella Glory later on in the program today to talk about the awards which are now open for nominations until the 12th of August. Before we hear from Jane and Stella, though, you'll hear from Brenda, a disability advocate, volunteer and cane lawn bowler who lost her vision later in life. Brenda catches up with Matthew Leighton as part of the Let's Talk About Vision Loss series, which explores the lives and achievements of people who have experienced vision loss. Then finally, on the show this week, I catch up for a super quick chat with retinitis pigmentosa advocate and Big Brother super fan Bethany Cody. I get Bethany's thoughts and share in the exciting news about winner of Big Brother Reggie Science and her like Bethany, has lived experience with our pay. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. And now here's Matthew Leighton with Brenda. Matthew began the conversation with Brenda by asking her about the nature of her eye condition.
Yes, well, I lots of 60 year old had a vision of making it to Generation X related. And I was coping with that very well. We were up in Queensland when I had the sun set, which was due to retinopathy and some shades of grey behind the eyes.
And how did that affect you? How did it make you feel?
Well, we were actually paying the bills to tournament, and quite suddenly I couldn't see the other end of the. So we left consulted an optometrist who sent me to an ophthalmologist and he shook his head and said, I think you're in very grave trouble. It all happened so fast. It almost seemed surreal. It seemed unbelievable. I don't think I was unduly upset, was rather more stunned than anything else. It seemed to take a little while to sink in. And I had my husband with me and he, of course, was a tower of things and said, well, this I felt pretty lost at home because I couldn't do the things that I'd always done. And there was also a strange, almost denial, because subconsciously I knew I was thinking, Oh, when I can see him again, I'll do this, or when my SAT gets better, we can all do this. And of course I think it is just the mental defence. But anyway, I began to realize the life changed dramatically. I didn't quite know what to do and a local GP said, Well, there's a lady who acts as case manager and catering her and she came to the house and the first thing she did was put tactile watch on the stove and the washing machine and a few things like that. And that was almost like a door opening. And she said to me, Well, you know, you will never read again and you will probably not see television for much longer. And you need to think about what you're going to do with your life. So I. Did you think about it? And I thought, you only have one life to live, so I'm going to do it differently. But that's not to say I wasn't sad. One of the worst things for me was I couldn't read music. I'd always played the piano. Music is a huge part of my life and not being able to read music and not being able to play the piano. Classical piano is probably one of the worst things that happened.
And were you depressed at any point? Were there days you just didn't want to?
Not depressed. I was sad. I think I was sad about not being able to enjoy my dad. I've been very, very keen gardener and bird watcher and also said that. Losing my thing was I was still I think a little bit resilient isn't gonna make on life is what it is. And I learned at a pretty early age that some things can't be changed and I guess it's good all with me, except that which I cannot change.
What things have you enjoyed in a different way or possibly more than before?
Well, I still garden. Obviously, I need help with some things. I still play the piano, whether I dance, classical music plays all of the stuff, but I have a lot of fun working at it. The other thing I'll always be very involved in sport being a golfer and a skier, the area and I had heard that there was a brand builders association and we were able to track them. And I thought, I wonder if any other people nearby who like to play bowls. So I used the usual networks and of course there were. So I set up a group in Bendigo and we all had a wonderful time. So they were some of the things and I was introduced to the Vision Australia Library, which was bringing on the voracious reader or listening to books. And then I got a guide dog and that gave me my last bit. You can do anything when you go to jail. I go for holidays in Queens and they're allowed to go take me to airports on and off trains and buses and all those sorts of things.
So what other kind of government support did you receive?
Virgin Australia has been absolutely wonderful. My aged care is a government support fund which works just as the NDIS works for people with a disability that my aged care is for older Australians. You can apply for an assessment and this is done by professional people. That in turn becomes a financial package. And then once you've been assessed and approved and it's means tested, by the way, in which the case manager I get home care. I've got a lovely person who's known as a kangaroo. I also have a lady who takes me shopping because although you can do most things when you can't see, it's pretty hard to know what's on the supermarket shelves. There's a lot of amazing stuff out there. Well, the best thing is a liquid level visa is individual only cost a couple of dollars, but means you can fill a cup of tea or coffee or beer or wine or anything you like and you won't spoil it. That's a fantastic little gadget. I have a talking microwave. Wonderful. I also get a wonderful magnifier, which also reads stuff to me. That's amazing. There are so many things you're doing. Actually, we packages Poland for the individual.
And did you used to drive? What happened when you stopped driving and how do you get about now?
Well, this is always a problem in the country, particularly in education, because we have minimal public transport facilities, especially at a big. So maybe you should get a taxi card, which is enormously helpful. And I also like to be part of my leg package to have a sector used for transport.
And the dog probably drags you for a walk occasionally. I would think.
Every day is when you have a dog. They certainly keep you up to scratch.
Is it hard to find people to talk to in a rural area to get emotional support because you're all hard as nails out there?
Emotional support comes from your family, from your friends. Some drop off and can't give it to you, but most of them do. I think you just go on living your life to the fullest you can. It's not hard at first, but you have to always remember you only have one life to live. So you study every opportunity to get yourself into the ground. But you just keep saying, okay, I'm going to do it all differently, but I'm going to do it.
If your loved one are experiencing vision loss and you'd like to know more about the range of options available to you, please feel free to get in touch with Vision Australia on our website. Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia or one word dot org. Or give us a ring on one 300 847466. That number again one 300 847466. I'm Sam Kiley. And you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, associated stations of Our Age and the Community Radio Network. If you're enjoying the show and you'd love to find out more like where to find local writer vacancies or a good spot to listen to past programs. You can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision Web page. Just search talking vision and it should come up as the first option. You can also find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now his stellar glory with Jane Brett.
Thank you, Sam. Yes, I'm here with Jane Brett, who in 2020 received a Vision Australia Award for her work as an advocate for people who are blind or have low vision. Jane, do you remember that time in 2020?
Oh, it is certainly going back a little way into the early stages of the pandemic. But yes, I do I do recall that.
So at the moment you work for Blind Citizens Australia. What do you do there? I must say at the moment, because you've been there for a number of years now.
Yes, I have. So at part, I am a policy and advocacy team leader. So I have a team of people who are doing policy work at a national level, as well as a few different people that are working in advocacy in different areas like the NDIS, as well as other general advocacy for people who are blind or have low vision.
We use the word advocacy quite a bit on the program and at Vision Australia and places like Blind Citizens Australia. What is advocacy?
Yes. So in my mind, advocacy is someone being able to articulate their needs or articulate what matters to them. And what is important in terms of, say, someone's self advocating would be them standing up for whatever they particularly need in terms of the kind of advocacy support that we do in a professional basis about doing that on behalf of someone else. So I might be assisting them with getting the NDIS plan they need, whether it be helping them to say access their, you know, things in the classroom that they need to complete their education.
And why is it important?
I think that it's really important because it helps someone to be able to live the life they want to lead. It enables someone with self-advocacy skills or whether they are someone they're pushing from the sidelines as an advocate, as someone walking beside them. It helps them to be able to have that confidence to, I guess, step up and pursue whatever it is they want to do, whether it be going into employment, whether it be, you know, completing a university degree or whether it just might even be something more simple, like going to their local gym for the first time.
Would it be correct in saying that you have a passion for advocacy?
Yeah, that would be quite correct. I think, you know, my I feel like personally, my life purpose, it's very much along the lines of being a voice where not just for myself, but for anyone who may not be able to or perhaps doesn't want to be able to speak up for the rights that we all should have access to fundamentally. Like for people that are blind or have low vision, we have rights just like everyone else. And those human rights are really what is at the base of any advocacy work that anyone engages in.
You articulate it so beautifully and you talk about your life's purpose, but you didn't actually think that was your life purpose, or you sort of came upon and you didn't set out to work in advocacy?
No, I feel very much like it was a direction into which I was pushed by life circumstances. So where I had to learn to advocate for myself through education. And increasingly, as I found that skill for myself, I started to realize that there were other people that required that for them. Unlike informally, I was, I guess, in a way, doing it for a lot of people who ground me socially where we would connecting other people who were blind or had low vision, that we were talking about issues that affected us. And together we would start problem solving together to get to whatever the outcome was that myself or the other person needed. So I guess through my experiences in higher education and then, you know, forging that pathway into employment sort of came into focus. I guess I could say that through being formally pushed into a pathway of policy work that I'm doing now, where I'm advocating on a broad level, where I get to write submissions and and talk about these needs and these rights that people have in sort of a legislated. A framework and policy framework. I was able to find the why of of of what what my life. Why is my purpose for being wow.
And in the broader respect is that when the real changes happen?
I think so. I certainly like to believe that we are really on the edge of where human rights is going at this point. You know that we are on a massive tidal wave of social change at the moment and we've seen those, you know, play out on a global scale in the last couple of years. And in different areas where there's been, you know, protest has been people speaking up and speaking loudly about the things that are important to them and important to their communities. And so, you know, it's really exciting to be a part of that at this point in time. We certainly have made quite significant inroads over the last several decades, but there is still a way to go for that level of equity to be really achieved.
And then you well with the Fishing Australia Client Reference Group for three years representing people the ages of 18 and 35. Yes. How. That's right. I couldn't prove that client services or implement new services to suit the needs of younger demographics. What the younger people need.
Yes, that's the thing that younger people really need at this point in time, is that often it's the, you know, really formative period of life. You are often coming out of secondary education, trying to bridge that transition into maybe tertiary education, maybe into vocational training, maybe going straight to employment. And then if someone does go from those vocational training, all from, you know, tertiary education, they are going into employment. So really it's all about gaining that independence. At the same time, the people that are in that age group are really bridging that gap between maybe having lived at home or been at school and sort of been in a much more protected, so to speak, environment where maybe you're not having to go and buy your groceries, you're not having to cook your meals, you're not having to get yourself to lectures and get yourself home. And, you know, you have to look after your own household. So it's really all about independent skills gaining while also getting the formal qualifications, maybe through education, then also forging a pathway into employment. It's really about making that pathway into adulthood.
When you won the award in 2020, Vision Australia CEO Ron Hooton said Jane has made in her young life a very significant impact on the blindness and low vision community. She is a staunch advocate and fantastic role model for younger people. How do you feel when you hear that chime?
Yeah, it was quite humbling to hear and you know, for someone at a lack of probably a lot of young people, you know, there has been a point where I've really wanted to get the direction of where my life is heading, what I've been doing, whether it makes any difference. And I think that what it does is sort of give the feeling that the things you're doing, the things you're putting out there are actually making a difference. And that's all I guess I've wanted for my life. And I know for a lot of people that's really, really at the base of what drives them as well. At the end of the day, everyone wants to feel connected to community and connect to each other. And if you're hearing that, whether it be, you know, through the formal validation of something like this or more informally, when you are catching up as a group, you know, it really does make a difference to your overall wellbeing as well as giving you the impetus and the desire to keep putting your foot forward and actually really trying to strive to make that change.
Oh, Jane, you're so humble and that's fantastic to say that. And I'm glad that I've had meaning for you as well. Do you know who nominated you?
I do not. I never actually found that out. I was really quite surprised when when the email did come through from run that I had been selected for this award because I then spent the next little bit going, hey, watch it being the person, put me up for this. But in the end, what I did was contact several people that I suspected and all of them said, I don't know which one of you did this, but thank you very much for it. It's really quite gratifying to have received this.
And a great time to have it because it was just pre-COVID during Copa 2020. I can never keep up.
It was during COVID and actually the award ceremony was done by Zoom because I was unable to get into Melbourne and the borders were closed in any case. So even if it had been able to happen, I wouldn't have been able to go down. So it did take quite a while for the physical award to get to me. It's only just got to me in recent weeks.
Oh, really? Yes, that's right.
That's the law. So it's been on a three year journey of somewhere.
What an adventure. It's head. I suspect there's going to be a number of awards joining it in the years to come. Now, for our listeners out there, the Mission Australia Award nominations. Lows on August the 12th. So if you know someone who has made or continues to make a difference or people who are blind or have low vision, you can nominate them. And all we have to do is go to the Vision Australia website, that Vision Australia dot org and all the information will be there. Or you can give Vision Australia a call. And I have been speaking with Jane Brett, who is the policy and advocacy team laid out with Blind Citizens Australia, and she's also a former Vision Australia Award winner. It's always great speaking with you, Jane, and so much for your time tonight.
Thank you, Stella.
Our next guest is a voice you may have heard a few weeks ago interviewing Reggie Sorensen from Big Brother. Her name's Bethany Cody, and she joins me now to celebrate Reggie's recent win. Bethany, thank you so much for your time today. Welcome back to talking to.
Thank you for having me, Sam. It's great to be here again.
So firstly, Bethany, what does it mean to you to see Reggie win for the second time as somebody with a shared lived experience of retinitis pigmentosa?
It's been really amazing. I'm so excited and ecstatic for Reggie and her family. She's a fighter. You know, she's got that never give up spirit. When the going gets tough, we get tougher. Living with IP or retinitis pigmentosa is hard, I think, because we deal with constant loss and grief as our sight slowly, gradually continues to fade. So seeing Reggie win, it really reminds me to never give up. You know, she has nine degrees of vision left and she's gone through all of these challenges on Big Brother and in life as well. And she's still out there living her best life. I have somewhere between 15 and ten degrees of vision left, so seeing her win really gives me courage to keep going, you know, keep pursuing my dreams and goals.
Unfortunately, there is a minority of people who think Reggie won Big Brother because of sympathy votes. Now, that's something we really sort of need to nip in the bud quite quickly, because I just I can't imagine that would ever cross people's minds. But unfortunately, sometimes these things do happen.
Yeah, when I first heard that I was much the same. I couldn't believe it that that was even something that people would think. I remember she talked about it in a recent interview, I think it was on Yahoo! That, you know, she never asked for special treatment from Big Brother or, you know, to be given a hand up. She's always just been her own genuine self. And I think that's largely what the Australian public has seen and really loved.
And if people did catch the interview with her on Talking Vision a few weeks back, she was saying she told them all about what she was capable of doing. She said, I can do this, I can do this. Here's where I need help. It was, I'm capable of doing this. I'm independent. I can do these things. Let's work out a plan. And that's what I did. And Bethany, what does a win like this mean for representation in the media?
So this this really does give me great hope that there will continue to be representation of people with disabilities or who are blind in Australian broadcast media. Representation matters. You know, seeing ourselves in spaces that for the longest time didn't want to show us or acknowledge us is so important. We exist and we deserve to be heard and understood and to see ourselves in these spaces.
Now, Bethany, finally, what sort of positive messages does a win like this send to people with not only retinitis pigmentosa, but I suppose blindness and low vision more broadly.
As I see it? Pun intended. It really shows that people who are blind or live vision, we can be adventurous and outgoing and we can have fun. You know, we're funny, we're very unique and we're really capable of anything we put our minds to. We don't have to hide away or hide a disability if it might make some people feel uncomfortable and that we deserve to be treated with respect and equally and included.
Bethany, thank you so much. I've been speaking today with Bethany Cody, big brother, aficionado and op advocate. Here to celebrate Reggie's recent win on Big Brother. Bethany, thank you so much for your time today. It's been a pleasure having you back on the show.
Yeah. Thank you so much, Sam. It's been awesome.
We have some sad news to report on the program with the death of long serving blonde citizens, Australia leader Ivan Malloy. Ivan passed away on the 20th of July, aged 95, after a period of ill health. Ivan served on the Inner Space Council, the forerunner to the BCA board for several years. Ivan was acknowledged for his outstanding contribution to improving the lives of blind people. When he was presented with the Peace David Blight Award in 2005. Ivan dedicated his life to addressing the needs and aspirations of people who are blind or had low vision, both within Australia and internationally. All of us at Talking Vision extend our heartfelt condolences to Ivan's family and friends at this especially difficult time. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org. That's Talking Vision. Open word at vision Australia dot org. But until next week, it's bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us any time during business hours on one 300 84746. That's 13847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia dot or.