Talking Vision 634 Week Beginning 18th of July 2022

Published Jul 20, 2022, 1:25 AM

Sam catches up with Graham Pearce, a Wikipedia administrator from Busselton in Western Australia. Graham has been working as an administrator for the past 17 years, and he speaks to me all about the highlights of this time as well as the connections and friendships he’s made in the Wikipedia community along the way.

Then later in the show we’re very excited to welcome Blind Australian of the Year finalist and PhD candidate Arkan Yousef to Talking Vision. Arkan joined Sam recently to speak about his life teaching in Iraq, moving to Australia after experiencing vision loss later in life, and his volunteer work in Western Sydney over the past 16 years.

From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins.

Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.

I want to change that idea about that ability, especially about about black people. They can do a lot of things more than they expected.

Welcome to the program. That was blind Australian of the Year finalist and poached a candidate. I can use up there talking about the motivation behind starting his pay day as somebody who is totally blind with English as his third language and joined me recently to speak about his life teaching in Iraq. Moving to Australia after experiencing vision loss later in life and his volunteer work in western Sydney over the past 16 years. That conversation's coming up later in the program. But first, I catch up with Graham Pearce, a Wikipedia administrator from Busselton in Western Australia. Graham has been working as an administrator for the past 17 years and he speaks to me all about the highlights of his time, as well as the connections and friendships he's made in the Wikipedia community along the way. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of Talking Vision. My next guest is someone you may have heard of if you were recently watching the feed on CBS or are a subscriber to the Vision Australia newsletter for your information, otherwise known as FOIA. His name is Graham Pierce and he joins me now. Glenn, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time today.

My pleasure.

Tell us a bit about yourself, Graham. I understand you're in Busselton at the moment, so that's some quite remote and also living there with being totally blind as well.

Yeah, I was born in Perth, Western Australia, but I moved down the path Alton four years ago with my mum and I've actually written on Wikipedia about Busselton.

Oh wow.

Yeah, really? There wasn't much there was some coverage about it before, but it wasn't very good and I fixed it all up. But yeah, my independent fee wasn't very good anyway. So it's like I'll be dependent on my mum wherever I was. And that's just, that's just how it is for me and I get on. So yeah.



And that's also another big reason I suppose, behind being involved with the Wikipedia community and that really will give you a place to really call home. And that's a really fantastic pursuit and a fantastic way to spend your time. And has that impacted positively on on you?

Oh, yeah, it has. And, um, yeah, like I can talk about all sorts of things on Wikipedia. Um, yeah. And I found a few of one friends and I've, I've interviewed about ten years.

Ago now you're a Wikipedia administrator on the stand. And so for the benefit of our listeners, what does being a Wikipedia administrator involves?

It means I have the power to block people who vandalize Wikipedia, to delete pages and to protect pages in my mind. POWERS That's not me.

What prompted you to initially get into Wikipedia admin?

Well, I began editing in 2005 and I, I joined the community after a few months and I read all about shape and I thought it might be a good idea one day, but I was too. I wasn't brave enough to nominate myself. And I somebody asked if I could nominate me one day and I what? Yeah. Why not go? And that's how I got in.

Were there any of a sort of motivations that. SPURGEON Once you did get bitten by that admin bug.

I know I doing what do I call Wikipedia archaeology. That is, every edit from every page is usually usually recorded, but sometimes edits go missing. And I try to find it sometimes. And I actually fell into edit three articles about Queensland. Canberra. Oh wow. And yeah. Andrew Wong.

Right now. Cool. Okay, so those are some geographical pages there. But um, do you have sort of usual subjects that you work on? What sort of Wikipedia page is your main kind of domain, so to speak?

Well, I have a thing called a watch list, which is that list about because I keep an eye on and a lot of them are on there because people have been watching the articles and I've stayed vandalised for a long time and a lot of them have ended up being on you with all sorts of things.

What sort of things are you passionate about? Does that sort of have an impact on some of the things you do?

Edit I'm really interested in music, school music and fiction. 17th Music.


But there are a lot of other areas that, you know, there are more, even more knowledgeable than I am. So I don't usually add content about that, but I do keep an eye on pages from on in that subject area.

Do you remember your first page that you worked on or were doing admin work on?

Well, the first page listed on Wikipedia with what was then a list of interesting or unusual place names. As a 17 year old kid, I found that kind of malaria.

Yeah. Plus probably can't pay enough of them on. I'm on radio, unfortunately, but yes, I imagine that based some sort of colourful entries in there. So what's the biggest error that you've encountered? Graham and I have been talking about vandalism before. You've been talking about some things coming up and things not quite being correct.

Yeah. With the venue on Wikipedia called Boy Band Band or who's added like for free tennis to a boy band category and yeah, not a boy band.

No, no, not in any no, not in any sense at all.

Yes. And of honour and regret.

And so is there a Wikipedia community of people that perhaps keep in touch online and share ideas or share? Perience as or something and you sort of bounce off each other like that.

Yeah. With like certain pages we're very congregate and talk about various issues is one for technical discussions with one. So I can several admin notice boards, all sorts of things.

And there's sort of one common forum that's like website wide or is it more, as you said, quite segregated away and very specific and very maniacally detailed?

Yeah, it used to be common forum, but at first sight grew. It became a lot more segregated.

Yeah, that's understandable. Over the time that you have been an administrator, are you the only blind Wikipedia administrator that you're aware of?

There's one more on the English Wikipedia across the US and I think is one in India. And the Hindi Wikipedia I think is the word admin and other one is like I've I've gotten my friends on to everything and I've got one of one of my friends to write her major haiku essay about.

Oh, wow.


Oh, that's really cool. And do you sort of all congregate together and correspond about what you've found perhaps challenging about being an administrator or an editor who is blind or has very low vision?

Yeah, we do talk sometimes, but we have such different interests.

Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So is the site itself user friendly? You use, for example, a screen reader with the work that you do. Has Wikipedia have a Thorin any sort of accessibility spanners your way?

Yeah, it does every now and then. But I, I usually like if I ask people to help me, I should be very helpful. And so any three challenges I have, I usually pretty quickly.

What sort of challenges have there been? For example.

Sometimes I found like instead of say, a list of ten items, Wikipedia would, would have ten with the one I.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. And there was a big campaign a few years ago to try to fix that.

I've been speaking today with Graham Pearce, a Wikipedia administrator from Busselton, all about everything to do with Wikipedia and all the adventures he's had online over the past 17 years. I'm Sam Kiley. And you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia right here, associated stations of our page and the Community Radio Network. If you're enjoying the show and you'd love to find out more like where to find local radio frequencies or a good spot to hear past programs, you can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just search talking vision and should come up as the first option. You can also find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now back to the program. I'm here today with our can use of one of the finalists for Blind Australian of the Year for 2022. Akon, welcome to Talking Vision. Thank you so much for your time today. Thank you. Now firstly Akon, you've had quite the life and quite the story. So before you started losing your sight, understand you had a life as a teacher in Iraq for about 19 years.

My journey in Iraq. I finished there in 1975 and finished a bachelor's degree in 1982. I complete master degree in 1986, all that in Iraq. I started teaching in 1982 until 1999, during three stage in high school. And that gave and they always my maybe my personality I want to give because I get along a lot. I think I give a short summary about the past in Iraq.

What made you decide to move to Australia? And I guess what you think Australia would be the place to come to?

So I ran away from Iraq because I have a problem in my job with the government from the time of Saddam regime that led me to fly and ran away from Iraq in 2000. Arrived Guinea is about 2001. Stayed in that country about five year 2006 in Monday morning or of March 2006. And I knew maybe a lot of people, maybe a surprise when I saw it I assessed to come to Australia encouraged. I find a lot of opportunity to go to a lot of countries in Europe. I have a lot of light in America. My aunt in Canada, I have also a relation people, but I assist. I don't know why. Maybe it's my destiny. A lot of reason what our our language I hear a lot about that people here and I really I find that they are very kind. I always I say about Somalia is not give opportunity to all without recognized by God I'm glad I did discrimination I give hope to continue in this life.

Well, sir, a difference, perhaps, between the services that were available in Iraq and Australia. And did that have an impact on your decision when you did lose your vision?

In Iraq, I didn't lost my vision would be a little by little. I had a big, normal visit in Iraq until 1999. That's when I ran away. I have a little vision during between 2000 that one year, not more than I lost my vision. If you tell me one of the difference between Iraq and here, the people, you know, in all the country there is good and bad people.


In Australia, in Iraq, in all, all. But I find my view of my victory here. Here I am human. Yeah. I am free to choose here. I don't free to talk in Iraq. Just there is order and you should do it. You have choice to discuss toward any decision or any discussion.

And that being an immigrant who is totally blind must have been difficult for you. When you did arrive in Australia, did you find that?

My last class in English, I haven't had it in 1970 part. So imagine 1975 and 2006. I speak Arabic. And calls the language a language profiler.


How much information I have I will have in my brain during 31 years of normal practice and back when first arriving by Phillip. What they are talking or that I have. Basic English. I thought with myself. You know I haven't signed blank. I don't want it to be blank in a community. I decided to learn this language. I think whether if I've done a very substantive one, how do I never thought. Finish certainly for an English not called DiBiase because I missed out a lot the only that in 2000 dead. After that I find another burial. I not a massive problem. Apparently there is no. There's a burial in the life. You should plan how to solve it if you've got a hole. Yes, my information computer. First I typed in backlit keyboard. Here, in this scenario, some people are surprised. You are 19 years teaching mathematics and they only. And you know more than any keyboard or computer. And now they're attaching the keyboard here. I learned from what I read product and vision of some of you also as kind of barrier in front of me, because you're not able to think as concretely. Now I talk to my computer, I talk with that communication when I wanted to share a during the only or that I, I need computer one cup of drink. We do it now banking shopping. We do it by computer. So I face all that problem. I challenge it. And I hope I hope I pass the baton.

So you've been living in Western Sydney for the past 15 years. How did you become part of the community? What sort of the things that you really got excited about when you did arrive here?

I was mentioned I live in a small suburb, belong to VeriFone. I tried to work here and felt I connect a lot. A lot of people think they didn't give me that opportunity because I was telling this and general opinion. You are obliged to sit at home. You cannot do it. How your teacher might be right. You're out of line. So I connect with Liverpool around me. They give me that opportunity first to start in 2011. Once a week. Teaching Mathematics in Migrant Resource Center. This homework program help the student how to understand different subject.

Might be different. Yeah.

Yeah. There's just. There's English. There is this study. But my job was to teach mathematics. Also my Labor Day. So here I feel myself. I am one. No. I live in a Labour Court because before attending uni nearly every week I am in Labour. I get from them a lot because here I knew English language and also translate all my information in mathematics from Arabic to English. So I don't want to help. I get from there, I think is less than the information I am in myself about the English and I can make it.

As a result of your dedication to community service, are can you were recently a finalist for Blind Australian of the Year or did mention in the introduction. So how did it feel to have that recognition?

Since 2011 until 2020, before current time, every day I meet about 4 to 5 people, speak with them about my journey, speak with them about just two or three more, how to challenge, how to inspire, and how to be trust in yourself. I have a lot of people know me. A lot of people mentioned what I am doing. They nominate me and they like it or that and they report to be a finalist in the Blind 2022 this year.

What was that like to be up there against well-known and highly regarded people like Nurse Campanella and Paul Harper and all those sort of figures?

If I told you I'm very proud in my style.


I am. Between do not too boring a year. They are English better than me when I read between them. That's when I did something abnormal. So I'd be proud about what I am doing and always I manage it all. What I am doing is I get to my beautiful country and it's very, very little. I be outside of Iraq and Australia, except me. I never thought I would get this or how much I will give to this country. It's very, very little.

You mentioned previously that you had completed two masters, I believe it was. And now you've recently started your Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of Technology in Sydney. So that's a tremendous achievement. What made you decide to go back and do a patch day?

Since I tried since 2000 to continue my education. Why? Because I specialize in mathematics that people. They don't like it. I don't know why. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe there is a boat, maybe a teacher, maybe a violin family. Maybe they're going from maybe better education. For that reason, I decided to challenge that. Added to that, I tried to find because a two hour or three hour volunteer job during the week is not enough. I put a lot of formal application. There are small, blind and deaf student in Parramatta. Just when they hear I am totally blind, all white. I met a lot of people to find another other volunteer job for the All Blacks for that reason. I want to change that idea about that ability, especially about about black people. They can do a lot of things more than they expected, maybe. So a lot of people ask me why all this? One of the benefit. From all this journey until now. Mathematica does not use a subject I during 2002 thousand before Carlo retired deep. When I walk in the street and out of people, they wanted to give me out. I asked him what you are doing student or maybe anything beyond search student or work. I thought that actually I would apply to him. I am a student. Maybe they are surprised because some of my hair why I'm they I'd be amazed that for me they ask me what what you study I applied to her subject you don't like it what the subject you don't like 95% their answer to me mathematics. So yeah I don't know why in mathematics problem for a lot of people some I always said to the people I don't teach mathematics, I teach how to understand the mathematics. For that reason there is no benefit, my benefit of the student and all the people around me in the study. What first taught my I get I walk from my home to the past about 20 minutes get the pass from Smith prepare for about 2530 minutes back when I walk to the train station, get caught trying to tell on a walk from central to my university. I know without any help. Sometime when I want to ask me about the does to talk with them, don't aspire and go to the gym. I think this is a challenge for black people. A lot of people have said to them, I study Sydney on how you go how you are told to back easy is it would be easy. The second part of challenge look sitting between the young student their English better than me, better information than what I have. They are normally better than from my memory. I think this kind of talent of the best student you can do it. Challenging that not just the only. Also outside when I go through that people challenge any barrier planet. You can do it the second what is aspire what I wanted people to aspire to me I don't inspire another people inspire me. I inspire myself and also as punishment for their point. This class is very, very important. If you trust in yourself, you can do it. You will do it. When people or a student said to me, I don't know where you apply, you can do it. Just believe in yourself. Nothing is bigger than you. You can do it by maybe here, all of the people I don't like. I say that, my God, there is one person behind me. One thing, one power behind me is God. Give me a spirit to give me help. Give me wishing to give a good thing or not.

Perfect note to end on. And before we do say goodbye, blonde Australian of the Year awards nominations are now open so you can head to Blind Australian of the year dot com a year that's blind Australian of the year a one word dotcom dot a year. I've been speaking today with our can use of teacher volunteer and contribute her to a community in western Sydney over the past 16 years and now just recently started your pitch stay as well so all the best with that Archon. Thank you so much for your time today. It's been an absolute pleasure to have you on the program. Thank you so much again.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank for you and all the people that are listening.

Only just a piece of news and information before we head off. Nominations are open for the 2022 Vision Australia Awards. Nominations can be made by Vision Australia members, employees, volunteers and members of the Client Reference Group. So if you know a person or company who's made a significant or exceptional contribution to the blind and low vision community and who's deserving of recognition, please nominate them today. Nominations close at 5 p.m. on Friday, the 12th of August 2022. For more details about the 2022 Vision Australia Awards, please contact Daniel Frost at Danielle Frost at Vision Australia. Dot org. That's Danielle Frost at Vision Australia. Dot org. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting that program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Business Shire dot org. That's Talking Vision or one word at vision australia dot org. But until next week, it's our final.

You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us any time during business hours on one 300 84746. That's 13847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Mission Australia dot or.

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