Kicking off the show this week Sam is joined by Vision Australia Queensland youth services manager Courtney McKee to chat all about the annual Careers Sampler taking place on the 4th of June in locations all around Australia as well as online.
Then after Sam’s conversation with Courtney, Stella catches up for a chat with mother of three Ranmali this week as part of our celebrations for Mother’s Day, Ranmali has low vision and she chats with Stella about some of the challenges she’s faced as a mum but also the strategies and ways she’s adapted.
And finally this week keeping on the mother’s day theme Sam speaks with Leeanne from the Library about their upcoming event on the 8th of June called We’ve Got This: In Conversation with Leah and Ben van Poppel where they discuss life as parents who are blind or have low vision.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
Given that I've got usable vision, too, I sort of stayed in pretty close proximity and sort of explained to them the boundaries. You know, he's your safe place where I can see you, and if you need anything, you need to either call out to me or or come and see me. Don't just wave to me from far away because mum's not going to be able to say that.
Welcome to the program. That voice you just heard was mother of three when Marley talking about being out at the shops with her kids. As a mum who has low vision. Stella Gloria catches up for a chat with Grandma earlier this week as part of our celebrations for Mother's Day. Due to the election special, we've had to push things back awake, but that interview is coming up later on in the show, so be sure to stay tuned. And then keeping on the Mother's Day theme, I speak with Lianne from the library about their upcoming event on the 8th of June called We've Got This In Conversation with Leah and Ben van Poppel, where they discuss life as parents who are blind or have low vision. But first this week, we've got another event to let you know about. It's the annual career sampler taking place on the 4th of June. I'm joined by a Vision Australia Queensland Youth Services Manager Courtney Mackay to chat all about it. And that conversation's coming up right now. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of Talking Vision. I'm here today with Courtney Mackay, manager of Children and Young People Services for Vision Australia in Queensland. And we're talking all about the Careers Sampler coming up on the 4th of June. Courtney, welcome to Talking Vision. Thanks so much for your time today.
Thanks for having me back, Sam.
Now, firstly, Courtney, could you give our listeners a bit of an insight into the career sampler and what it's all about?
Yes, a career sampler is a national event that we hold on a yearly basis, and we've been running it now for about four years. And it's where we get together for an afternoon with children, young people, their families and educators, and talk about what the possibilities are for work and to facilitate that conversation. We have a whole bunch of mentors in the room, so people who themselves are blind or who have low vision, who've gone through their studies and gone out into the workplace to do the job that they were meant to do. And we get to hear from those mentors in a variety of different ways. So it's kind of a three part afternoon. We have a keynote speaker called Damien McMorrow this year, and then we go into a panel discussion with a variety of panelists who are based all over Australia. So we're really ramping up the, the technical challenges associated with the diet to kind of show off as well. Our topic which is about technology and how that facilitates our participation in the workplace as people who are blotto, who have a location. And then after we've had the panel discussion, we move into a segment of the day with our mentors where young people and their families and their teachers can move among the mentors and have, you know, discussions with them in person. So. What we're hoping to do in each of the different locations that we're running at. The face to face event is have a variety of different mentors there for people to speak to. So people with lots of different backgrounds, different eye conditions and different professional pathways that they've taken everything from traits people through to a range of different professionals and academics.
Okay. And now Courtney will go back to the various activities that she did mention there. So the the mentor sessions, the panel discussion, and, of course, Damian's keynote speech. What can people expect, topic wise, from the technology side of things if they sign up to the event?
I guess what we're keen to enable people to do is growing awareness of all of the different technology that's out there and to explore all the possibilities that might suit them as a little person or a person who's emerging into the workforce and all of the support people, the support team as well. So for example, Demo Damian McMaster is a lead at Vision Australia in the field of assistive technology, but he's had many different facets to his career, including being in mainstream IT and leading a team of helpdesk gurus. There's not a piece of technology out there that this man doesn't know how to use and apply to his own ends. And he's done that in not just in pure sort of technology fields, but also he's been a baker, for example. He's a an amateur mechanic. He loves cooking, and he has all sorts of wild and wonderful cooking gadgets. But basically, these are all interests that DeMar has pursued in his life from hobbies all the way through to his career that have been enabled through his take up of these different kinds of technology. And so we want to hear from him about that. We want to hear about the tools. We want to hear about the strategies. And we want to provide those options through listening to his story, to all of the people who attend.
Okay. Now, Courtney will go back to the places where people can take part in the sampler on June 4th. So understand there's a variety of ways people can interact with the event both online and in-person. So what sort of places can people take part in the event face to face?
Yes, we're running it at five physical locations this year. So we have a location in Melbourne, one in Sydney, another in Brisbane, and then we're also including Canberra and Cairns this year. And then there's also the option to participate online if you're not able to get to one of our physical locations.
Okay, perfect. Lots of options. If people are interested in perhaps finding out more, perhaps if they'd like to register, where could they go to do that?
Yes. So we've got a link on our website home page. So if you go to WW dot Vision Australia dot org, you'll find a link straight through to the information about career sampler there. You can also call Vision Australia if you'd like to be talked through how to register and that number is one 300 847466. And you can also email vision Australia on info at Vision Australia dot org. And the team will shoot you through a direct link so that you can register.
And in terms of timing for the event, they're looking for a 1230 arrival for a 1 p.m. start that runs until 4:30 p.m.. So in total that's 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the Career Sampler on June the fourth. I've been speaking today with Vision Australia, manager of Children and Young People Services in Queensland, Courtney Mackay. All about the upcoming career sampler on the 4th of June. Courtney, thank you so much for your time today. It's been an absolute pleasure having you back.
Thank you, Sam.
I'm Sam Collie and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia radio associated stations over page and the Community Radio Network. If you're enjoying the show and you'd love to find out more like where to find local radio frequencies or a good spot to listen to past programs. You can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just search talking vision and it should come up as the first option. You can also find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now his Stella Glory with Red Molly.
Yes, thanks, Sam. With me now is Ryan Motley, who is the mother of three boys aged six, nine and 11. Ryan Marley also just happens to have low vision, and I'm going to be putting her through the mill with questions from sighted mothers who are curious to know how mothers who are blind or have low vision deal with some of the everyday dramas, spot fires or occurrences of day to day motherhood. How do you know? Or probably now in your case, did you know whether your child's bottom was clean or if they had nappy rash?
Oh, good question. So I think because I've got some good, usable vision, I was able to say that. But you know, you use strategies so, you know, a few extra wipes and giving the boys, you know, an extra want after changing their nappies, I suppose helped know that they were clean and also just regular nappy rash creams using that to make sure that, you know, if I didn't see any rash there, that it was covered anyway because I was using that as part of a regular routine.
What's the worst thing you've ever done as a mother because of your blindness slash low vision?
Or as long as you're not going to report me to DHS, still are all. And to this Christmas, I can probably give you lots of examples, but I think everyone, you know, goes through challenges or difficult times. But I recall once when my oldest son Dylan was probably one and he just started walking and for some reason he was obsessed with carrying around these little wooden chairs that we had a little table for him, and he knocked his face on the chair as he was moving it around. And he came crying and I noticed it was a bit of blood. And so I found that the blood was coming from his mouth. So I gave him an iced apple. And, you know, 5 minutes later the bleeding had stopped and he was happy and he just went straight back to playing. So I didn't really check any, you know, check into it any further. But probably about an hour after that, my dad came to visit and he was playing with Dylan and he said to me, Oh, Dylan's mouth looks a bit funny. And I said, Today it all probably does. It's probably a bit swollen because he knocked it, you know, put ice on it or good and had said, Oh, looks like he's missing a tooth. And I thought, oh, my God, missing a terrorist. So anyway, we found the tooth on the floor. Exactly where he knocked it, rushed him to a pediatric dentist. And the dentist said, well, look, he did a great job. He fully extracted it. There's no, you know, fragments remaining, so you don't need to worry about it. You'll be all fine. And he shouldn't be in any pain. So there you go. That's probably the worst experience I've had.
But at the time, like, you're you sort of got a chuckle in your voice when you talk about it now. But at the time it must have been, especially with your first child, like if it was your third, you might have, you know, take it in in stride.
But. Right, yeah, I was freaking out because there was a lot of blood and you know, just to try to figure out where it was coming from when he's crying and and so on. But, you know, I think racehorse wise, you know, if you've got support networks around you and also for, you know, especially first time parents to know that that maternal health line is really useful because I did ring them to say, hey, do I need to take it to a dentist or whatever? You know, there are lots of resources around and I suppose my messages to use them. I don't think you can do everything yourself because you don't have to, even if you can.
Now you got some great piece of advice just before about the helpline, but in terms of for you, what has been the most unhelpful piece of advice? Well, something someone did. Now I'm speaking specifically. Well well, it could just be about motherhood in general or as a mother with low vision.
Um, look, I don't know about unhelpful, but I suppose the most helpful piece of advice I can give is around, you know, having some really good support network. So I had my family. So I've got, you know, hands on grandparents from both sides of the family, the mothers group. I strongly and highly recommend a mothers group. I have a fantastic group of nine mums that we still catch up on a monthly basis and we go out for dinner and we've now stayed together for 11 years because that's how old our oldest children are and that that group of mums have been great to bounce ideas and you know, you go through the same experiences. So it's just the support systems I think that you have around you will help the most I think and and then knowing what other supports are also there in your community.
And with your mother's group, are there any of the mums there who have low vision or any other type of disability?
No. So they are all fully supportive and yeah, no other disabilities are. Amazing. And even when we go out to dinner, you know, they're always offering me lifts and things. So I think, you know, that friendship, although our kids are all older and none of our kids actually know each other because they all ended up going to different schools, although, you know, we live in the same suburb. But I think that friendship and even now when we catch up, what we talk about is, you know, what we're learning about our kids and what we can learn from each other.
Aren't women fantastic? Honestly, there at spring.
We said, Yeah.
Yeah. Now here is another one from a mother who said that every time she took her son to the park and kind of thrown a supermarket there, he just ran away from her all the time. So you had to to keep your errant children from running amok in the supermarket, all the park?
Yeah. Look, I've always done Coles online and I hate going to the supermarket, but I love shopping easily. Take my boys to a shopping centre. They love going shopping because I brought them with a milkshake, so sort of keeps them contained. But I used a pram when I went to the supermarket or the shops and you know, I sort of had them close by. Maybe I was fortunate and I didn't have any of my kids that were what we call run is that run away from you. But I think just sort of being given that I've got usable vision too, I sort of stayed in pretty close proximity and sort of explained to them the boundaries. You know, he's your safe place where I can see you, and if you need anything, you need to either call out to me or or come and see me. Don't just wave to me from far away because mom's not going to be able to say that. And I think kids learn from quite a young age, you know, what's right and wrong. And if you're constantly explaining to them about, you know, this is what you need to do, some mum can help you. I think that facilitates that and and helps your child understand as well the boundaries around what's safe and unsafe.
And how old were your kids when you started talking to them about your low vision? So of obviously the the, you know, the the youngest one would already know about that. You just always talk and maybe their brothers you talk to, they talk to them as well. How old were your children when you started talking to them?
Yeah, I started from a very young age, probably from what I was reading to them, or using a magnifier and explaining that, you know, I like mum can do everything that Dad can do, just using some different strategies and so, you know, sort of explaining it to them in that way that, you know, I can read a book to you, but I might need to use my magnifier, whereas dad doesn't. So yeah, I think there is no age. I think the younger you start it becomes part, it becomes normal to them and that's just becomes acceptable and just I suppose explaining that this is what I'm going to use because this helps me. It doesn't mean that's what you go to use and just give in giving them that whole picture.
Now, when I was at primary school, I had a teacher that you say I've got kids when they were writing on the blackboard and she would say, I've got eyes in the back of my head to have anything you say to your kids about who, if they try and do something out of your sight that you're going to know. Do you have a favourite saying?
Yeah, it's funny because my kids actually haven't clued in yet, but I try to keep them quiet. Yes. Even though I keep explaining to them, you know, just why, you know, you need to do this. They have including that they can get away with things that I won't be able to see. And I always say to them, Just remember, Mum can know everything you do. So they haven't actually questioned that yet, thank goodness. But I didn't have teenagers yet.
So now last one. What would you say to a young woman or a young man who is blind or has low vision, who might be nervous about the prospect of having a baby?
Yeah, I think that's normal. I was nervous, too, because I think one of the things for me was I wanted to find out whether my kids would have my vision condition and what that could mean. So I think, you know, there's two aspects to this. It's you can be nervous about being a parent and then you could possibly be nervous about passing on your genes if it's genetic to to your child. So, you know, do your research if you're nervous about that. I went and met with my ophthalmologist with her husband. And we talked through that, the options and the likelihood of my kids having my vision condition and then, as you know, being nervous about. Being a parent, I think everyone's nervous about being a parent. And, you know, there are no manuals that teach you how to raise a child. Everyone, regardless of whether you're visually impaired or not, are going to make mistakes. Whether they're the same or different, it doesn't really matter. But as I said before, having good support networks, knowing what's available in your community, tapping into things like your mother's group and making sure that you're not isolated is probably a key and having a good social network around you. And yeah, like I said, it's totally fine to be nervous. I was. But you know, after you have one, you think, oh yeah, you could easily have two and then you could easily have three. So yeah, I hope it, um, I hope it helps.
And question I do have to ask is, how will you be celebrating Mother's Day?
I'm going to be celebrating it in ISO this this Mother's Day because I've got COVID at the moment. But usually the way we celebrate Mother's Day is by seeing the two grand mums as mothers as well from both sides of the family and just celebrating it all together, which is really nice.
I am so sorry to hear that you've got COVID and you're in isolation.
What a rotten way to spend your in isolation with your six year old.
Yes. So it's not too bad. Yeah.
Wren, Marley, thank you so much for your time today.
Thanks, Stella.
And back to you, Sam.
Thanks very much, Stella. And finally on the show this week, the Vision Australia Library is holding its second in conversation event for 2022 on the 8th of June at 7 p.m.. Featuring the new anthology, we've got this with editor Eliza Hull and disability advocates and proud parents Ben and Liv and Poppel. And to have a chat with me about the event, it's my great pleasure to welcome Liane from the library. Leon, welcome back to Talking Vision.
Thanks, Sam. Good to be back.
Now, firstly, Lyn, why don't we start with a bit of an overview. Could you tell us about the In Conversation event? We've got this.
Sure. So this is our second in conversation for 2022, and we're really proud to be hosting Eliza Hull along with Ben and Lives and People I'm hopeful contributed to a really incredible anthology called We've Got This Stories of Disabled Parents. We have this in the Vision Australia Library, and I invite your listeners to to check it out. It's a collection of 25 stories from parents who identify as deaf, disabled or chronically ill discussing their experiences of parenting with a disability. And it's the first time that a collection of stories like this has been put together. Eliza, who's the editor of The Pace, discovered when she was pregnant and expecting her first child that she couldn't really find stories of other people who had a disability sharing their experiences of parenting. And she sourced the stories of these individuals all across Australia. So Eliza was really keen to find stories from other parents who'd experienced parenting with a disability. And she found these stories all across Australia. It was initially a podcast produced with the ABC called We've Got This. And that has become now this wonderful anthology.
And Liane, tell us a bit more about Liam Ben themselves.
Sure. So we're also really glad to be having Ben and live and joining us on June 8th, along with Eliza. Ben and Leila, disability advocates, and they are both part of the blind community. So they have a child, a young child, Max, and they share their story in We've Got This as well, which provides a really interesting insight into their experience of discerning having a child, navigating through a medical system which perhaps didn't really always understand or support them in the in their experience of being pregnant and having their child. And also just the the creativity in navigating some of the challenges of looking after a child when you are blind. I really enjoyed learning about how they dealt with some of the practical challenges of looking after a new baby. And they're really innovative and creative ways that they came up with to look after their their little one.
Understand this will be an online event. Lianne So how can people access the event?
So, so we're hosting it via Zoom webinar. It's taking place on the eighth gene at 7 p.m., Australian Eastern Standard Time so people can join from all across the country. And you do need to pre-register for the event, which you can do through the Vision Australia Library web page. Go to Vision Australia dot org. Oh, it's services forward slash library. You'll find the details for the registration in there. It's also listed on the events page of the Vision Australia website.
And Lynn, finally, where can people go to find out more about the event or perhaps some upcoming events going on in the library? Or even just find out more about the library itself, if they're interested.
So they always keep an eye out on our website. Vision Australia dot org forward slash services, forward slash library. We keep all of our latest events and happenings on there, but you can also contact our library team so you can contact us on one 300 654656 or email library at Vision Australia dot org.
Perfect. Okay. Thanks so much, Liane. And that was Lianne from the library there talking all about the upcoming event. We've got this in conversation with Leah and Ben Van Poppel as well as a law as a whole coming up on June the eighth at 7 p.m.. Liane, thank you so much for your time today. It's always a pleasure having you on.
No worries. Thanks then.
And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Vision. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org. That's talking vision or one word vision as shire. Dot org. But until next week it's bye for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us any time during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia total.