Sam speaks with Victorian Disability Worker Commissioner Dan Stubbs about a new campaign the commission has launched to ensure the quality of support for people with disabilities. He gives an overview of the ways in which the commission is able to assist with complaints people may have, and the avenues people can pursue if they wish to raise a concern.
Then later in the program, Helen Velissaris joins the program with Sarah from the shop to chat about some gift ideas for Mother’s Day coming up this Sunday the 8th of May, and then finally this week Sam and Helen are back to provide the latest news from For Your Information or FYI for short.
From Vision Australia. This is talking vision. And now here's your host, Sam Collins.
Hello, everyone. It's great to be here with you. And for the next half hour, we talk matters of blindness and low vision.
I know myself as a blind person. I rely on people so often and it's incredibly hard to lodge a complaint or give feedback or notify someone. But that's something that is making me deeply uncomfortable. Upset, but it's also so important.
Welcome to the program. That voice you just heard was Victorian Disability Work Commissioner Dan Stubbs, talking about why advocating for our rights is so important and encouraging people with disabilities to speak up if something doesn't feel quite right. I spoke with Dan recently about a campaign the commission has launched to ensure the quality of support for people with disabilities. And that conversation is coming up shortly. Then after my chat with Dan, Helen Vella House joins the program with Sarah from the shop to chat about some gift ideas for Mother's Day coming up this Sunday, the 8th of May. And then finally on the show this week, Helen's back with me to give us the latest news from for your information, or FII for short. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of Talking Vision. The Victorian Disability Worker Commission has launched a new campaign encouraging people to make contact if there are concerns about a disability, worker's behaviour or quality of work. And to speak with me about the campaign and walk us through the process of raising a concern. It's my great pleasure to welcome Victoria Disability Worker Commissioner Dan Stubbs. Dan, thank you very much for your time today. Welcome to Talking Vision.
My pleasure, Sam. Really good to be here. Thanks for having me on.
Now, first, sit down for the benefit of our listeners. Could you tell us a bit about the role of the commission and perhaps go into a bit of detail about the campaign itself?
Sure. So the Victorian Disability Worker Commission is really the only one like it in Australia. We regulate all disability workers in Victoria no matter how they're funded or who they work for. And so the and they're the work of the commission and the role of the commission really came out of a parliamentary inquiry a few years ago where it was recognised that a number of people with disabilities were either being abused or neglected in receiving services in Victoria. So this commission has the power to receive complaints about disability workers and what they do, also to receive notifications from organisations and disability workers. We're really about wanting people to contact us if they have concerns about what a disability worker might be doing and we can then assist them and help form that into a complaint. Or if it doesn't necessarily sit well, properly with us or it doesn't meet the threshold of a complaint. We can usually assist people on where it should go, but most of the time this is something we can do with people. When, when, when people have a concern. So really, when what we're saying is, if you've got a concern about what a disability worker's doing, then tell us.
Then. I know you've touched on this already a little bit, but we could always reiterate what is so important from your and the commission's perspective that people make contact with you.
Of course. Yeah. So one of the things that's worth remembering is that really people with disabilities and their families and other workers are kind of our eyes and ears out there in the service sector. You know, there's not inspectors or anybody looking over the shoulder of anyone out there. When people are receiving services, we really need to know and we need to for people to tell us about when when things aren't right so we can help improve the quality of the services sector. Most. Most of your listeners will know that the vast majority of workers who provide all sorts of supports for people with disabilities are incredible and outstanding. But there there is a minority who do the wrong thing and don't provide the sort of support that they should for us. And we want to know about that because, one, we want to improve the quality of services right across the sector. But when when you complain about a worker, you're not just doing that for yourself. You're doing that for a whole lot of other people with disabilities who might rely on that worker or similar work.
What types of complaints can be made if people perhaps are listening to this and they're thinking, Ah, I'm not quite sure where my sort of grievance would fit and what sort of information could you give to them perhaps?
There's there's a wide range of things that will we hear from the disability community about, and that can range from things like if if you feel that the disability worker is not respecting you and that that might come in the form of someone, you know, yelling at you or physically treating you, you know, in a bad way or not, or maybe denying you choice in in certain aspects of your life and maybe not respecting what your choices are in the way you want to live. And that that can be a whole range of things too, that can be about maybe that you need assistance with accessing something as basic as food and you want to eat different food, but that's denial of choice. Or it might be a range of different things, like, you know, you need information provided in certain formats and workers are sort of saying that you you should be receiving in this format or maybe an orientation mobility instructor not assisting you to go around town in the sort of ways and directions that you feel that you should be allowed to go because they're exercising your judgement. You know, you, you want to know to go a certain way so you can drop into a pub or a cafe and maybe certain workers don't want to do that or that's denying your choice. We also receive complaints and notifications about much more serious matters to do with physical harm and and even sexual harm. And we we certainly always want to hear about that. And I know how hard that can be. And really, I know how hard it can be generally to tell someone when your your your support worker is not doing the right thing by you. But it's just so important to help us all to raise the standards in the sector. I know myself as a blind person. I rely on people so often and it's incredibly hard to lodge a complaint or give feedback or notify someone that that's that's something that is making me deeply uncomfortable, upset. But it's it's also so important.
Definitely super important. And following on from that and all that info that you have just provided that, then how would you approach the initial inquiry from someone who perhaps isn't quite sure whether they should make a complaint or not? What sort of information could you provide around that?
A starting point will often be around asking a whole lot of questions in in a really supportive way, because we've got some highly skilled people at the commission who really know how hard this is, and we will tailor our questions to where the person disability is. That will often be looking at the code of conduct which talks about the sort of things that I talk to. Before we have the code of conduct on our website, it refers to those elements of choice and respect and human rights and, you know, stopping, stopping the harm towards people with disabilities and things like that. So we'll often use that as some of the framework we go to when we're assessing whether something is. An issue we might see a complaint in. But really, the thing is, we want people to contact our intake staff and they will patiently ask questions and work through the matter with someone. And so the key thing I want people to remember is if they can just give us a call, the number is one 800 497132 and explain what happened. And we can we can work with people to to to assess what we know, where we take that.
You mentioned contacting the intake staff there. Now, Dan, when people do get in contact with you, they might be wondering if they need to perhaps provide their details or if they're able to make an anonymous compliance. So what's the details around that?
Sure. So it's it's perfectly okay for people to make an anonymous complaint that does restrict us sometimes in what we can do with it. But I think it's often helpful if people feel if they want to start the discussion on an anonymous basis. And then that discussion can, you know, the person contacting us can then gain an understanding of what the options are before they sort of give over their information or information about anyone else. And so people should feel confident that they can certainly make a complaint anonymously, but even more importantly, they can start the discussion on an anonymous basis to understand what steps can be taken. If they want to tell us about an instance of a complaint.
In regards to people getting in touch with you, Dan, you've already helpfully provided the phone number there, but what are some other ways that people can get in contact with you or the with the commission in general if they have a concern?
Sure. So our website has had all the information and people can make an online enquiry. We would usually follow that online inquiry with a phone call, but people can contact us through our website, which is v dwc dot dot gov dot EU and DWC stands for Victorian Disability Worker Commission. You can email us info at CDW saying Don't drink, don't go argue you or many of many Victorians who know my name. Dan Wood. Dan Stubbs And if you Google Commissioner Dan, you'll come to our website. So that might be the easiest way to find us.
Okay, wonderful. I've been speaking today with Victorian Disability Worker Commissioner Dan Stubbs, all about the new campaign and ways in which the Commission is working to improve the quality of disability workers in Victoria going forward. Dan, thank you so much for your time today. It was a pleasure having you on the program.
Great. Thanks, Sam and I really look forward to hearing from people in the blind and visually impaired community if there are issues of concern out there for them. Thanks again, everybody.
I'm Sam Cooley and you're listening to Talking Vision on Vision Australia Radio, associated stations of Up Age and the Community Radio Network. If you're enjoying the show and you'd love to find out more like where to find local radio frequencies or a good spot to listen to past programs. You can find all this info and more on the Talking Vision web page. Just search talking vision and it should come up as the first option. You can also find the program on the podcast app of your choice or through the Vision Australia Library. And now his hell and our stories with Sarah from the show.
Will be celebrating our mothers this Sunday. So happy Mother's Day to all our listeners out there that either have a wonderful mom that they celebrating or are moms themselves. I'm actually joined by one of our moms in the shop. Sure is. So, Sarah, hello. How are you?
I'm well, thank you, Helen. How are you?
Good, good. Sarah, tell us, what do you think would be a good gift for mom this Mother's Day?
Well, I think Mother's Day is one of the most important days of the year, along with Father's Day, obviously. But just to show our moms how special they are and how much they do for us. So this year, our recommendations for the Vision Store would be a few different items. One of them is the aftershocks that can move wireless Bluetooth headphones. And we love these mostly because it encourages clients to get up, have a dance, listen to things, audio, books, all the different kind of things that you might be interested in.
And these are the ones that don't actually go in your ear.
Yes. So they're the bone conducting headphones? Yeah. They sit on the front of the ear and you can go back your whole day wearing them. That's incredible.
So you still get that that awareness of what's going on around you, but you can still listen to music.
Or those kids will still be going in the background and you will still be able to hear them, unfortunately. You heard the other piece of technology would be a victory to stress, which is awesome in terms of it is the capability to play cities. Any music collection that you might have audio books, joking, you compare it to the headphones as well, but just a chance to, you know, listen to a bit of music or those audio books as well. Hmm.
That's quite interesting.
Yeah. The next thing that is all important is the non-slip mugs. And good thing about these is they those Melbourne mums of the coffees, they need those keeping them nice and warm. And if you were to knock it over, it's actually non spill. Therefore the contents isn't going to go everywhere.
And what I've just noticed, it's got like a handle as well, which I think all these cape cups and all that, they really don't, don't lock the handles anymore.
You are bang on. Yeah. So they, it's got a handle, it's insulated so it works perfectly for a nice warm drink. Obviously works well with a cold drink as well. Yeah. Then our other items would be a magnified interchangeable lens mirror. And this is really great as well. It's compact, it's foldable. So you could keep it in your purse, but it just helps with magnifying things for like your makeup or if you, you know, having a look at your face or barely anything you can just magnifies up to about ten times.
So that's great. And I loved sample size for that, so that's a good idea. Yeah.
We also have a bathroom version which is really popular with mums as well, but yet this one's nice because it's small, it's about $48 and yet you basically keep it in your purse and take it everywhere. That's great. Yeah.
And maybe a last one for for Mother's Day. What would be your pick?
Oh, I choose. I must say, if I was to have something, I would get the headphones most because I'm such a music lover. Yeah, I love music and I have AirPods at the moment, which are great. But if you, you know, want their capability to be able to listen as well as your family around you, I think these would be the best because you could still hear everything.
And I think the shop also has AirPods as well.
If you're like, Yeah, you can purchase AirPods as well.
Yeah. And Apple lovers, our favourite gadget that's that's probably one of them.
Yeah. I think they got some amazing gifts there and some good ideas for anyone thinking to get a gift for Mum this mother's day who might be might have low vision or just trade them?
Yeah. Something nice.
That's right. Thank you, Sarah.
Any time.
Happy shopping, everyone. You can find all these products that we've mentioned at Shop dot vision Australia dot org. That's Shop Dot Vision Australia dot org. And feel free to sign up to the newsletter as well. Means you get all the latest products and any reviews.
Yeah. Or just come in and see me. That's right here. Come and come and visit. Bring your mum.
Yeah. Heaps I think was at 28 shops around Australia or something like that.
Yeah. It would definitely be close. Yeah. We're in the 20 so. Yeah. Yeah.
You can also find all the locations on the website.
Yes. Correct.
Thanks very much to Helen and Sarah there. Now, Helen did make a brief mention of newsletters, and one such newsletter is, of course, for your information, otherwise known as RFI. Helen, great to have you with us today. Welcome again to Talking Vision.
Hi, Sam. How are you?
I'm not too bad. We are obviously talking about fire today. So what's in store for for our listeners who are coming up to my. Oh, my God, where's the time going?
I know. And there's a big thing happening in May. We've got a federal election. So I thought it would be quite prudent to kind of give some how to and some tips on how to vote. This is, you know, obviously, we're not talking about who to vote for. We're talking about how to vote. So there's three ways that people who are blind or have low vision can vote. They can vote in person, which is at your polling place. So it's the one that's closest to you. This is about, oh, there's thousands across Australia and you can go in person and you can either nominate someone to assist you with filling in your your preferences. This could be your friend or you know, or this could be even just someone from the polling place themselves that they've been trained in how to do this kind of thing where they have to fill in a vote for someone. So they they are quite trustworthy. Yes. So another way you can vote is through the post. So you can basically all you have to do is apply online. That's just a little application form that you have to fill in, which is, I think, screen reader friendly. And they will send you your postal vote in the mail. Of course, you can either use your it your assistive technology to help you fill that in, or you can get a friend or family member to help you fill that in. All you have to do, though, to make it legitimate is to sign sign somewhere on the envelope just to make sure that, you know, you you've agreed to what what is in there. And then the last way you can vote as well is through the telephone. And that's just a two step process. You have to register. And then either on the day of the election, you can you can call call up with your registered number or whatever they give you, and you'll be able to submit your vote over the phone. So there's those three options.
That's right. And that that telephone voting is becoming increasingly popular. And they're looking to hear from as many people out there as possible, very interested in getting their feedback. So if you do take up that phone voting option, Bay Shore, to get back to the AEC with any little bits and pieces that could improve your experience. And I'm sure that some that'll be very well received. Now, Helen, what of what other sort of articles have we got coming up on this month's issue of Flower that people can look forward to?
We've got some interesting ones, Sam. I think I'll I'll highlight one story that to me was particularly interesting. The ABC focused on a lady who has low vision, but she's managed to be able to drive a motorcycle. Wow. Yeah. So she uses the specialised goggles with the bit of weight. And that helps her, you know, with her peripheral vision and that kind of thing. And it means that she can actually, you know, ride a motorcycle. So it's a great little video if you want to see someone just, you know, achieving their best and not letting anything get in their way. So it's really, really interesting. I would also recommend we have a mother's Day feature if we I so we feature Amy who is a mom of Parker and Amy talks quite, quite, quite openly. And it's a quite a raw story about what it was like getting Parker's diagnosis at four months old. So it is it's it's it's real, but it is very, very rewarding at the end. So I would highly recommend listening to that. And obviously we've got a bit of life hacks. We've got John showing us how he navigates and how he commutes to work, which is really interesting. He gives us some really cool tips and of course, a last shout out to the calendar art competition. This is the Vision Australia calendar that seems to be a staple in ophthalmologists offices. So if you are quite artistic and you think, you know why not, I'm going to submit my artwork, please do the closing at the IT. The competition closes on May 13th, so get your artwork in.
And that's all the things you can look forward to in this month's issue of Fly and I'm sure quite a bit more. And if you'd like to find out more about photo information, you can head to Vision Australia's website at Vision Australia dot org. That's Vision Australia. Oh. One word dot org. Or of course you can give Vision Australia a wing on the one 300 47466. That number again one 300 847466 and they'll point you in the right direction. Helen, thank you so much for joining us. Today is always an absolute pleasure having you on the show.
Well, thank you, Sam. And I hope you get a snag on on polling day.
Fingers crossed.
Thanks, girls.
Now, before we go, we got just enough time for a little bit more on news and information. So Vision Australia is seeking expressions of interest from parent volunteers to support a parent community Facebook group to be eligible. There's a few points, but mostly just standard volunteer types of things. You must have a child who is blind or has low vision or experience in the field need to be friendly, approachable and comfortable communicating with parents through an online forum. Perhaps most importantly, though, all the points are pretty important as well. You must be comfortable with the Facebook platform and have a reliable device that supports the Facebook browser. And you must have a positive attitude and a willingness to uphold vision, Australia's views and values. And if you're wondering what sort of time commitment they're after, it's mostly flexible that they're looking for approximately 4 to 6 hours per month. So if you think that sounds perfect for you and you'd love to apply or you think, Oh, I know someone who'd be absolutely perfect for that, feel free to send through your expression of interest to the email at Parent dot community at Vision Australia dot org. That's Parent dot community at Vision Australia dot org. And that's all we have time for today. You've been listening to Talking Kitchen. Talking Vision is a production of Vision Australia Radio. Thanks to all involved with putting the program together. And remember, we love your feedback and comments. You can contact us at Talking Vision at Vision Australia dot org. That's Talking Vision or one word at vision Australia dot org. But until next week it's for now.
You can contact Vision Australia by phoning us any time during business hours on one 300 847466. That's one 300 847466 or by visiting Vision Australia dot org that's mission Australia dot or.